Bruehoefener CV - University of Texas Rio Grande Valley


Bruehoefener CV - University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Assistant Professor
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Department of History
Ph.D. in European History, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, May 2014. Dissertation:
Defining the West German Soldier - Military, Society, and Masculinity in West Germany, 19451989. Supervised by Prof. Dr. Karen Hagemann.
Graduate Certificate in Languages Across the Curriculum (LAC) Instruction, University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill, May 2012.
MA in History, Bielefeld University (Germany), September 2007. Master‘s Thesis: “‘Angst vor dem
Atom’ – Emotionalität und Gesellschaft im Spiegel bundesdeutscher Zeitungen zwischen 1976
und 1986ˮ (“‘Afraid of the Atom” – Emotionality and Society in West German Journalistic
Discourses between 1976 and 1986). Supervised by Prof. Dr. Martina Kessel.
Exchange Student at Johns Hopkins University, Department of History, 2005/2006.
Research paper: “‘The Finest Body of Men Goes to War’: The Construction of a Soldierly
Masculinity in the USA during the Second World War.” Supervised by Dr. Paul Kramer.
BA in History and German Language and Literature, Bielefeld University, July 2005. BA thesis:
“‘Für das Deutschtum tief beschämend’: Der Rassenmischehendiskurs in Die Gartenlaube und
in der Frankfurter Zeitungˮ (“‘Highly Embarrassing for the German Volk’: Debates about
Racially Mixed Marriages in Die Gartenlaube and the Frankfurter Zeitungˮ). Supervised by
Prof. Dr. Martina Kessel.
Participant in the Extra-Curricular Program “Europe Intensive”, Bielefeld University,
Academic Positions
Assistant Professor, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (formerly UT, Pan American and UT,
Brownsville), August 2015 to present.
Assistant Professor, University of Texas, Pan American, August 2014-August 2015.
Awards, Grants, and Fellowships
MSI Travel Grant, University of Texas at Austin, Center for European Studies, 2016.
Monograph – In Progress
Forging Armies and Men: Military Masculinity, Politics and Society in East and West Germany,
Edited Books – In Progress
Gendering Post-1945 German History: Entanglements, edited by Friederike Bruehofener, Karen
Hagemann and Donna Harsch (Oxford and New York: Berghahn Books, 2016/17).
Articles and Book Chapters – In Progress
“Soldaten mit Makel: ‘Schwierige, junge‘ Männer im Militär-Politischen Diskurs während der
Aufbauphase der Bundeswehr,“ in Männer mit Makel: Geschlechtsidentitäten und
Gesellschaftsordnung in Deutschland und Europa nach 1945, ed. Bernhard Gotto and Elke
Seefried (in progress).
Articles and Book Chapters - Published
“Sex and the Soldier: The Discourse about the Moral Conduct of Bundeswehr Soldiers and Officers
during the Adenauer Era,” Central European History, Vol 48, No. 4 (December 2015), 523540.
“Politics of Emotions: Journalistic Reflections on the Emotionality of the West German Peace
Movement, 1979-1984,” German Politics and Society, Vol 33, No. 4 (Winter 2015).
“Sending Young Men to the Barracks: West Germany’s Struggle over the Establishment of New
Armed Forces in the 1950s”, in Gender and the Long Postwar: Reconsiderations of the United
States and the Two Germanys, 1945-1989, ed. Karen Hagemann and Sonya Michel (Baltimore
and Washington, DC: Johns Hopkins University Press/Wilson Centre Press, 2014), 145-164.
“‘Angst vor dem Atom’ – Emotionalität und Politik im Spiegel bundesdeutscher Zeitungen (19791984)”, in Den Kalten Krieg denken: Beiträge zur sozialen Ideengeschichte seit 1945, ed.
Patrick Bernhard, Holger Nehring and Benjamin Ziemann (Essen: Klartext, 2014), 285-306.
Review of: Latzel, Klaus et. al., eds., Soldatinnen: Gewalt und Geschlecht im Krieg vom Mittelalter
bis heute, Paderborn 2011. In: Vierteljahresschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte 99/2
(2012): 245-246.
Review of: Macleod, Jenny, ed., Defeat and Memory: Cultural Histories of Military Defeat in the
Modern Era. In: H-German, H-Net Reviews, March, 2010.
Review of: Ziemann, Benjamin, ed.: Peace Movements in Western Europe, Japan and the USA
during the Cold War. Essen 2007. In: H-Soz-u-Kult, June 2008. Conference and Workshop
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Selected Papers and Presentations
“The Debate about Homosexuality in the West-German Bundeswehr,” to be presented at the German
Studies Association (GSA) – Thirty-Ninth Annual Conference, October 1-4, 2015.
“Soldaten mit Makel: ‘Schwierige, junge‘ Männer im Militär-Politischen Diskurs während der
Aufbauphase der Bundeswehr (“Flawed Soldiers: The Political-Military Discoure on ‘Difficult,
Young’ Men during the Establishment of the Bundeswehr“), presented at the workshop Männer
mit Makel: Geschlechtsidentitäten und Gesellschaftsordnung in Deutschland und Europa nach
1945 (Flawed Men: Gender Identities and Social Order in Germany and Europe after 1945),
Institute for Contemporary History, Munich (Germany), June 25-26, 2015.
“The Duty of the Pater Familias—Defining Compulsory Military Service in West Germany, 19491956” presented at the 2015 Society for Military History Annual Conference, April 9-12, 2015.
“Marriage and the Military: West German Debates about Soldiers’ Right to Marry, 1952-1958,”
presented at the German Studies Association (GSA) – Thirty-Eight Annual Conference,
September 18-21, 2014.
“Negotiating Gay Rights, Youth Protection and Combat Readiness: The West German Bundeswehr
and the Reform of the § 175 in the Criminal Code,” presented at the Gender, War, and Culture,
Seminar Series, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Department of History, March 2,
“Cold War Sexuality: The Wörner-Kießling Affair in 1983/84,” presented at the German Studies
Association – Thirty-Seventh Annual Conference, October 3-6, 2013.
“New Social Movements and the Politics of Emotions - West German Peace Protests against Nuclear
Weapons, 1980–1984,” presented at the North Carolina German Studies Seminar and
Workshop Series, Workshop “Creating Participatory Democracy: Green Politics in Germany
since 1983,” February 28 - March 1, 2013.
“‘More Formative than any Civic Education’: Debates about Soldiers' Sexual Behavior in West
Germany 1955-1965,” presented at the German Studies Discipline at the University of
Minnesota, Morris, October 18, 2012.
“Love and the Soldier: Debates about Soldiers’ Sexual Behavior in West Germany, 1955-1965,”
presented at the German Studies Association – Thirty-Sixth Annual Conference, October 4-7,
“Den Soldaten erziehen? Militärische Männlichkeit und Sexualität in der Bundesrepublik
Deutschland, 1955-1965” (“Educating the Soldier? Military Masculinity and Sexuality in West
Germany, 1955-1965), presented at the conference Soldatenbilder: Deutungen und Zumutungen
zwischen Kontinuität und Diskontinuität (Soldierly Images: Interpretations and Impositions
between Continuity and Discontinuity), Helmut Schmidt University, Hamburg (Germany),
March 28-30, 2011.
“Angst vor dem Atom - Debating Cold War Anxieties in West Germany during the 1980s,” presented
at the conference Unthinking the Imaginary War: Intellectual Reflections of the Nuclear Age,
1945-1990, German Historical Institute (London), November 4-6, 2010.
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Teaching Experience
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
“Women in History”; “History of the Third Reich and the Holocaust”, and “World History II.”
University of Texas, Pan American
“The History of the Holocaust in Europe;” “Contemporary Europe, 1919 to present;”
“Civilization through the Century II.”
Professional Experience
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Co-founder and organizer of the Departmental Research Colloquium, September 2015 to
Advisory board member of the Gender and Women’s Study Program.
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Advisory board member of the Gender and Women’s Study Program.
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