P s chhh ?? ? A Co m m unicat io n / m a r k e t i n g con s u lt i n g ag en c y 360° Pschhh believes in a communication approach centred on generous brand content promoting relationships, between brands and their audiences. The agency combines its strategic vision with its creative energy. S t r at egy a nd ac t i vat i o n co n s u lt i n g “ 360° ” a nd p ur e d i g i ta l p ro d u c t i o n I n- ho us e c reat iv e s t u d i o k e y facts & f igur e s f oundin g date 12 November 2007 intern al team 2 man agin g directors intern al creative s tudio 25 idea unbottlers 12 people : ADs, designers ,planners, CW Jules Guillemet Sébas tien Brocandel Managing Director Managing Director CEO Creative Director accumul ated experien ce 483 years 360° d i v is ion IDEA UNBOTTLERS SINCE 2007 Gislain Delaire 360° Artistic Director Margaux Eschalier 360° Project Manager Audrey Bilinski 360° Project Assistant Bertrand Fouillet pschhh Laure Darcel 360° Department Manager 360° Artistic Director Damien Bordier Copywriter Pierre Auguste Henry Senior Project Manager Daniel Quintero 3D Designer Solène Michel Florent Bouguern Director of Strategic Planning Copywriter Cyril de Couët Director of Copywriter Jennifer Bryden 360° Project Manager JC Mauguit Photo / Video di gi tal div is ion IDEA UNBOTTLERS SINCE 2007 Julien Vieira Digital Artistic Director Emeline Dewitte Digital Department Manager Frédéric Plau pschhh Digital Project Manager Baptiste Delouis Digital Designer Usman Siddiq Audrey Lecart Digital Designer Digital Project Manager Jérémy Benmoussa Digital Project Manager Nicolas Waterkeyn Alexandre Tarquini 2D Motion designers Jeoffrey Garcin Digital Project Manager Rawad Korkomaz Account Manager Assistant Psch hh c onv ic ti ons brand eVOLUTION p r e web 2.0 po s t we b 2 . 0 i co n ic b r and brand ec osy st em ve rT ica l d iscou rs E b r a nd u nive r se The b rand impo ses its vision to co n su mers horizon tal rel at io n s hip b ra nd i d e nt i t y rel at ions hip co ns ume r i d e nt i t y co nsu m e r pu rc h a se A co n su mer wh o se bo n d is made by a pu rchase s hared valu es The bra nd c om m unic a te s with c ons um e r s ove r c om m on va lue s bran d l if e and id e nti ty wo THE BRA ND EVOLVES WITHIN A N ECOSYSTEM br The bra n d is alive s inc e it evol ves alo n g wi t h t he wo rld . dn PHYSIC AL IN C A RN ATION Pe rs o n a l i t y To n e Image an a rl d d ASPIRATION AL DEVELOPMENT Mission Vi s i o n Ambition Va l u e s PS C HHH ACCOMPANIES THE BR AND IN I T S E VO L U T I O N S T O C R E A T E A LASTING RELATIONSHIP CREATING THE RELATIONSHI P To su rvive an d g row, bra nds ne e d t o c r e a t e a r e l a t i o n s h i p w i t h t h e i r consu m er s. Th e y now wis h to ma i n t a i n a r e l a t i o n s h i p w i t h c o n s u m e r s th at i s l iv in g, tran s pa re nt a nd pe rma n e n t . A m u l t i - m o d a l and m u lti-ch anne l re la tions hip. To sp eak, it ne e ds to have s ome t h i n g t o s ay. BRAND CONTENT AT THE HE A RT OF THE REL ATIONSHIP a living relationship COMMON VALUES SH A RED UNIVERSE M A NY CONVERSATIONS BRAND CONTENT THE BRA ND MOVES ITS FOC US AWAY FROM ITSELF THE CONSUMER ENTERS INTO A TWO-WAY DIALOGUE THE BR AND MOVES ITS FOC US AWAY FROM ITSELF IN ORDER TO HAVE A PERSONIFIED CONVERSATION WITH ITS AUDIEN C ES. Th e b ran d conte nt is roote d in t h e b ra n d D NA , b u t wh a t i t t a l k s a b o u t is th e wo r ld . Th e b ran d conte nt is c re a te d at t h e p e r i p h e r y o f t h e p r o d u c t o f f e r : I t is a ter r ito r y o f exp r essio n th at positio n s th e bra nd a nd c re a te s i d e n t i f i c a t i o n w i t h t h e c o n s u m e r ( s ) . I t is a co m m una l c e me nt tha t w i l l e n a b l e b o n d i n g a r o u n d s h a r e d va lu es. bran d content l i f e MULTI-MODAL & TARGET -CENTRIC speak MULTI-C HANNEL & FREQUENT video discuss print events 36 0 explain ads / media inform tell press relation play pur digital amuse tablets laugh mobile internet touch terminals multitouch tables t he rel atio ns hip gu ar ant e e s th e r o i A L I V IN G— AND T H U S L AS TIN G—REL ATIONSHIP IS SYNONYMOUS WITH ROI SPEAKING ATTRAC TS = WINS CONVERSATION UNITES = LOYA LT Y THE CRE ATION OF THIS REL ATIONSHIP MEETS THIS DOUBLE business o bj ective p r ocess 1 - c o n c e p t & str ate g y 2 - Br a nd ing & d es ign 3 - fe a s i bi li t y & P ro duct i o n r e sp onsiv eness and f l ex ibilit y watc h wo rd s o f th e agen c y, th es e a re g uaran t eed t han ks to s tro n g i n s o u rc i n g o f s kill s c a se st u di e s GAMME X- PREMIUM goals Pos i t io n t h e x -P r e m i u m ra n g e and a ssig n it a distinctive and commercially advantageous territory Diagnostic HIGH RATE OF SPONTANEOUS AWAR E NE SS, his torica l at tac hmen t, s t ron g emot ion al BUT... Wi nd ove r a nd r a lly a community a rou nd th e F u j i f i l m b r and U nfamiliarity wit h t he X - Premiu m d igital ran ge, Gai n mar k et share in th e face of v intag e com pac ts ( L ei ca , Pan a so nic ) a nd r e fl ex es by the m a r k e t le a d e r s W id es p read view t hat t he bran d d ied wit h t he disap p earan ce of t he s ilver film Dusty image, GAMME X- PREMIUM WI TH P schhh : L I F E S T Y L E A P P ROAC H B E FO RE P schhh : C O N SU MER I nsight : T E C HNOLOGIC AL A P PROAC H « T H E P RO D U C T S I BU Y RE F L E C T M E A N D P O S I T I O N M E A M O N G S T M Y P E E RS » Le complice La qualité d’un reflex Pro dans un compact Hybride Doté du capteur 16Mp (APS-C) t r a n s - exclusif FUJIFILM - le X-M1 vous offre la qualité d’image d’un reflex numérique pro dans un appareil compact, design et léger… 40% plus mince et 60 % plus petit que le plus petit reflex du marché*, le X-M1 vous accompagnera partout en toute discrétion. Avec son écran inclinable 3’’ et sa connectivité Wifi, le X-M1 deviendra votre meilleur complice pour capter et partager instantanément Strategic biases tous les instants de vie. Appareil photo à objectifs interchangeables, il bénéficie de la large gamme d’objectifs XF et XC FUJINON pour une créativité sans limite. (*) Données réelles arrondies : 43,8% plus mince et 58,7% plus petit, sur la base des dimensions et du volume cubique hors tout à l’exclusion des saillies, des produits du marché à date (Août 2013). Découvrez la série P R E M I U M sur Vivez plus fort la photographie. -- Move Fujifilm away from its platform centred on technology to orient it towards a «lifestyle» territory, centred on the human and placing consumers in the picture. -- Work on an affinity approach (segmentation of targets and media for a better relational effectiveness) GAMME X- PREMIUM N ew ta g l ine f or the r ang e Experience photography more intensely X-M1 ET X-A1 launch pr o du cts 4 0 %* plus mince m 7 plus petit the platform: «complicity» 5 5 m m que le plus pet it ref lex du marché 11 * 60% Communication strategy around m que le plus pet it ref lex du marché 100% discret avec son grand écran inclinable Lifestyle and vintage newspaper ad targeting the professional press 200% 3 9 Le complice m design «X» look du X20 m Le complice Segmentation of media planning (selection of affinity media in press/ web) La qualité d’un reflex Pro dans un compact Hybride Doté du capteur 16Mp (APS-C) trans - exclusif FUJIFILM - le X-M1 vous offre la qualité d’image d’un reflex numérique pro dans un appareil compact, design et léger… 40% plus mince et 60 % plus petit que le plus petit reflex du marché*, le X-M1 vous accompagnera partout en toute discrétion. Avec son écran inclinable 3’’ et sa connectivité Wifi, le X-M1 deviendra votre meilleur complice pour capter et partager instantanément tous les instants de vie. Appareil photo à objectifs interchangeables, il bénéficie La qualité d’un reflex Pro dans un compact Hybride Doté du capteur 16Mp (APS-C) t r a n s - exclusif FUJIFILM - le X-M1 vous offre la qualité d’image d’un reflex numérique pro dans un appareil compact, design et léger… 40% plus mince et 60 % plus petit que le plus petit reflex du marché*, le X-M1 vous accompagnera partout en toute discrétion. Avec son écran inclinable 3’’ et sa connectivité Wifi, le X-M1 deviendra votre meilleur complice pour capter et partager instantanément tous les instants de vie. Appareil photo à objectifs interchangeables, il bénéficie de la large gamme d’objectifs XF et XC FUJINON pour une créativité sans limite. de la large gamme d’objectifs XF et XC FUJINON pour une créativité sans limite. (*) Données réelles arrondies : 43,8% plus mince et 58,7% plus petit, sur la base des dimensions et du volume cubique hors tout à l’exclusion des saillies, des produits du marché à date (Août 2013). (*) Données réelles arrondies : 43,8% plus mince et 58,7% plus petit, sur la base des dimensions et du volume cubique hors tout à l’exclusion des saillies, des produits du marché à date (Août 2013). Découvrez la série Vivez plus fort la photographie. Découvrez la série P R E M I U M sur Public press annoucement Professional press annoucement Vivez plus fort la photographie. - P R E M I U M sur GAMME X- PREMIUM Contest «Accomplices» Press conference Media Relations extended to the lifestyle press (traditionally only pro press) Association with street artists Jana & JS via the creation of an 8m-long fresco during the press conference - «Accomplices» contest via a dedicated website and a Facebook application + media partnership with Identifying and prioritizing of 2 media sponsor accomplices (1 photographer and 1 author) Exhibitions sponsored as part of the contest Éric Bouvet and Judith Perrignon, media sponsors results mo re t ha n 9 0 j ourn a li s ts at t e nd e d t he pre s s co nf e re n c e a nd mo re t ha n 1, 0 0 0 pa rt i c i pa nts i n t he co mpe t i t i on . Link t o t he vid eo : ht t p : //w w w. yo ut ub e.c o m/wa t c h?v=S_q 9lQYc0fU COMMUNITY MANAGEMENT goals Rejuv e n at e t h e ta rg et b ra n d Fi ght aga ins t t h e im ag e of the b r a nd t h at is so m eti m es con sid e r e d ne r dy Cr eat e a lon g - t e r m rel ati o n s h i p wi th consu m e r s Diagnostic Goo d spontaneous reco gn it io n A high s u cces s rat e f or t he commu n icat io n A bran d s ign at u re rerouted on to s o cial n et works initiate a conve r sati o n to cr eate a affinity cr eat e attractiveness a ro u n d an o ft - r id ic u le d a nd m ali g ne d prod u c t A hard ly as p irat io n al bran d COMMUNITY MANAGEMENT BEFORE P schhh : BRAND DN A Product approach fu n , festive, f o od - savvy, fr ien d ly, lib eral, tran sgr essive, ch eeky, u n ifyin g WITH P schhh : CONSUMERS easygo in g, a b u n ch o f ir l an d fb fr ien d s, o ld er teen s, b ig u ser s o f T V an d d igital strategic biases VIR AL AP P ROAC H -- Change the “no alcohol» aspect by transforming into a positive concept (break away from the guilt factor in order to add value to that of choice) Consumer insight: -- « I li k e brea k ing the rules by playing fun and offbeat pran ks that I post on fb. » Use the codes of love brands such as Red Bull or Coca-Cola to modernise the brand image and to develop its identity potential -- Create a brand platform making it possible to develop rich and powerful brand content on Facebook COMMUNITY MANAGEMENT A new b r a nd sig natur e Zero alcohol, zero limits. br and platef o r m and CO MMUNITY MANAGEM ENT SEPT 13 - end 2014 The brand platform “Zero alcohol, zero limits” was launched on Facebook in September 2013 during a thematic contest “The Bold-ometer”. «covers» Facebook visuals The concept of the platform: : in a country where drinking alcohol is the norm, not consuming it falls within the “extraordinary” and requires a good dose of boldness! Mister Cocktail becomes the brand of those who dare all, those who have no limit and who extol total freedom! A funny editorial line COMMUNITY MANAGEMENT br and platf o r m and CO MMUNITY MANAGEM ENT SEPT 13 - end 2014 Contest « The Bold- ometer» Diffusion of distorted images with high viral potential Viral content Creation of a contest to measure its degree of boldness : «The boldometer» 3 weekly posts (monday / wednesday / friday) results Community Management in the year fully managed by Pschhh M o r e t h a n 3 , 5 0 0 fa n s i n 3 we e ks . Link t o Facebook Pag e : https: //www. f acebook . com/mist ercoc kt ail. fr 360 promot ion goals Develop t h e “beer refle x ” apart fro m ba r s a nd pa rti es ( a s part of a m e a l, e tc . ) , p os i ti on b eer a s a premium product (“ premiumise”) CREATE A DYN AMI C GROUP BY ACTIVATING SEVER AL BR A NDSEN by activating several brands Gain mark et sh a r e agai n s t wine Diagnostic Divers it y of bran d s in ric h an d affin it y u n ivers es , loyal an d acqu ired communities , you n g ambas sador targets Brand territory of t he bran ds very d ifferen t fro m eac h ot her, image not “premium” en o u gh, t he “ Lo i Evin ” [The French law against smoking and alcoholism banning direct or indirect television advertising of alcoholic beverages] 360 promot ion group dna Social, unifying, f e s t ive , t h a t h e l p s yo u l e t g o , a c c e s s i b l e , easygoing, f o r e ve r y occasion Consumers I n search o f a s i m p l e an d evid en t c o nv iv iality, rath er m ascu lin e, a b u n ch o f m ates is a s t a nd ar d - b ear in g g r o u p an d alco h o l i s a l ways sh ar ed a n d exp er ien ced c o llectively communication C onsumer insight : “that friendly atmosphere being together with my mates, that’s my everyday life. I LOVE THE SIMPLICITY OF THESE MOMEN T S! » P schhh approach: brand promotion group approach away from pubs, hotels or restaurants Strategic biases -- Use the category “beer” as a unifying thread to have a unified message despite the multiple brands -- Reconstruct a warm, lively ambiance associated with drinking beer (within the framework of the «Loi Evin») -- Bring a narrative and fun experience to life for consumers > position as premium away from pubs, hotels or restaurants 360 promot ion 3 6 0 ° P LATFOR M CONCEP T “Brasseurs des Champs“ 36 0 sto rytelling ( IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER) [Brewers of the Champs-Elysées] feb 10 - OCT 10 Creation of a website dedicated to the beer category : Events section of the website: communication about the operation, registration in the workshops at the Atelier des Champs Short-term location l’Atelier des Champs on the Champs-Elysées Themed workshop linked to the DNA of the brands > 1 workshop = 1 brand The Atelier des Champs Beer and food pairing workshop with Pelforth and Flora Mikula Customisation workshop with Desperados 360 promot ion sto rytelling 3 6 0 ( in chr o no lo g ical ord er) feb 10 - OCT 10 Advergame « Houblon » Essential step: putting your hops plant into the vat Putting a hops plant into a vat at the Atelier des Champs Advergame to virtually grow hops Emailings multiple choices questionnaires, answers to be found in blog of the 2 ambassadors The hop terrace of the Atelier The contest winners will harvest hops over a weekend in the North R esult S Creation and launch of the « Bière des Champs » created by and for web users (CRM product) • 250,000 p eo p le • reac h ed digitally and at events • lots o f m edia coverage digital operat ion goals Rejuv e n at e t h e b r a n d i m age whi le c e l e b r at in g its 30th anniversary boost a nd support sales f ro m the s ta rt of spr in g ti l l th e en d of su m m e r Show t h e diversity of th e s hop offe r (aq ua r iu m , p et p rodu c ts e tc ) Diagnostic Bran d b eloved by t he Fren c h Perceived as friendly an d family bran d Dated image, Difficulty in reju ven at in g t he clien t bas e divers it y of Jard il an d offers unclear digital operation brand dna open, generous, l i f e l o n g p a r t n e r, there for all the m a j o r s t a g e s o f l i f e , c l o s e , l oya l communication ageing image and tone Consumer identity N e e d car efu l e x p l a n a tio n s to tr u st, l o o k i n g f or tran sp ar en cy, e m p h a s i se th e fact o f b e i n g h e ar d an d h avin g s u p p o r t t h at’s p er so n al a n d fast Consumer insight : “I DON’T WANT A brand BUT a partner I c an trus t AND WHO HAS ME IN MIND.» Viral approach strategic biases - Break the traditional codes of the brand to lose its outdatedness -- Communicate digitally to win new younger targets -- Optimise the duration and frequency of exposure digital operation concep t of t h e dig ital ev ent platfo r m dig ital o per atio n 30th anniversary Jardiland MARch 12 - OCT 12 30-week operation around a strong promise : 30 weeks of presents Website dedicated to the contest with 10 themes Collect opt-ins and qualify them (CRM) Dedicated website Themes / emphasises of aisles digital operation dig ital o per atio n MARch 12 - OCT 12 Viral webserie A recurrent character : Jardiland saler Viral webserie of 10 episodes : heroes from the 80’s show up to also celebrate their birthdays at Jardiland. 1 episode = 1 shop aisle/area Digital campaign (banners and Facebook Ads) results Bridging in community management 3 0 0 , 0 0 0 uni que v i s i tors re ac he d t hro ugH o ut t he In-store bridging campa i gn a nd mo re t ha n 10 0 , 0 0 0 o pt - i ns colle c t e d . To see t he webser ie : http: //www. youtube. com/t heag encepsc hhh event b rand content goals Consol idat e t h e co m m u n i cati o n arou nd t h e b r a nd p l atf orm « The d olc e vita se rvi c es s p i ri t », enh a n c e t h e fe e l i n g o f th e close ne ss wit h con s u m er, get ou t t h e m e ssag e of th e dual ga s/e l e c t r ic it y o f f er offer e d by t h e b r a n d Diagnostic A bran d wit h s t ro n g sy mpat hy equ it y A s ign ifican t s p on tan eou s reco gn it io n bu t... l ac k of kn owledge of t he bran d’ s p erimet er act io n A maj or co n fu s ion wit h EDF A rel at io n s hip d eficit (exp erien ced on ly t hrou gh in vo ices /sales offers ) event brand content brand DN A consumer identity ope n , g e n e r o u s , l i fe l o n g pa r tn e r , t h e r e f o r a l l t h e ma j o r s t a g e s o f l i f e , c l o s e , l oya l n e e d c a r e f u l exp lan atio n s to t r u s t , l o o k i n g fo r tran sp ar en cy, , e m p h a s i s e th e fact o f b ein g h e a r d a n d h avin g su p p o r t t h a t ’s p e rso n al an d fast platform : spirit of service Insight consommateur : « I don’t want a brand but a partner i c an trus t and who has me in mind. » Brand content strategic biases -- Capitalize on the brand platform « The Dolce Vita Services spirit » -- Humanise the voice by incarnating it streghten the feeling of closeness -- Create a relational platform based on exchange and highlighting the consumer in order to event brand content concep t of t h e r elatio nal platf o r m Make the show with the Gazélec co ncept o f the r elatio nal platform april 13 - 2014 Creation of an ambassador couple : Roger and Chantal Gazélec On and off-line talk about the brand through theses 2 characters Using humorous photos of the couple on all media (Facebook, signage etc.) Facebook speaking Themed signage event brand cont ent r elatio nal platfo r m Entertainment at the Foire de Paris 2013 april 13 - 2014 Themed supports Entertainment at the Foire de Paris 2013 : Animated talk-show filmed by the Gazélecs in person Possibility for consumers to talk about the brand live (consistency with « The Dolce Vita Services spirit ») Turning consumers into stars and personalised CRM (sending the DVD of the show through the post) results sucess of con cep t prod uc t i on o f a we b Internal feedback using the videos s e ri e s «T he ga z é le c s » b e i n g s t ud i e d by GDF SUEZ mo r e r e fe r e n c e s annual suppor t launch of the product tagada purple (2013) 1 04/09/13 14:46 TAGADA PURPLE ® COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE PARIS, SEPTEMBRE 2013 Une tagada® au goût Une 13 BRE 20 it SEPTEMille s’agrand m a f la C M J à TAGADA® A LE BONHEUR DE VOUS FAIRE PART DE L’ARRIVÉE DE LA TAGADA® PURPLE® : 4 GRAMMES DE BONHEUR POUR UN MOMENT DE PLAISIR DÉLICIEUSEMENT INTENSE ET ENVOÛTANT ! CJ CMJ N Après la TAGADA® L’Originale® (la rouge) créée en 1969, puis la TAGADA® Pink® qui pik en 2010, la marque iconique de bonbons nous fait vivre une nouvelle expérience intense et envoûtante, qui réjouira des millions de fans ! Une nouvelle référence arrive : la TAGADA® Purple®.. Petite dernière oui, mais au caractère bien trempé. Un arôme intense, une texture à nous faire fondre de plaisir et une couleur raffinée,, qui saura séduire aussi bien les grands que les petits. Avec la TAGADA® Purple®, HARIBO offre à ses consommateurs de nouveaux moments de purs plaisirs pour retrouver un peu de légèreté et d’innocence. Comme le prône TAGADA®, «on grandira plus tard» ! TAGADA®, DÉCLENCHEUR DE BONNE HUMEUR ! La TAGADA® Purple® dévoile son caractère si intense et si envoûtant, qui saura déclencher de la bonne humeur à chaque moment de la journée, pour permettre aux grands et aux petits de lâcher prise, le temps d’une mini pause gustative ! = 30% des ventes INFORMATIONS CONSOMMATEURS : WWW.HARIBO.COM valeur de TAGADA l’Orig inale®* 19 novembre = d1d0itio0nn% 13 déc 2013 el** d’a au 25 novemb13re 30 déc 20 au INNOVATION : sticker sachet 100% refermable pour garantir la texture optimale de vos TAGADA® préférées ! Fabriquée en France, dans l’usine d’Uzès, la TAGADA® Purple® sera commercialisée dans les réseaux habituels courant septembre 2013, au prix de 1,68 euros T.T.C. (Prix de vente conseillé)* sous un format sachet 250 grammes. *prix à titre indicatif, seul le distributeur est maître de ses prix Un lancement soutenu tV NOUVEAU GOÛT, NOUVELLE COULEUR Le « Purple » (litt. violet ou pourpre) selon TAGADA® est une couleur unique, qui a nécessité de nombreux mois d’élaboration et de tests, à partir d’un concentré naturel de fruits et de plantes. Cette teinte résolument gourmande, entre le violet et le fuchsia, sublime le goût de cette nouvelle TAGADA®, plus envoûtante que jamais… Un délicieux arôme qui vient compléter les deux références existantes : la TAGADA® L’Originale® et a TAGADA® Pink®. 70 %** Pink Purple® L’originale® MJ intense et envoutant forte intention d’achat ® CM haute en couleurs Vos remarques : TAGADA PURPLE 250gr carton de 30 UC - *Estimation Valeur - **Test concept Ipsos mars 2013 CP_TAGADA_FINAL.pdf la famille TAGADA® s’agrandit avec webserie btob toc 6 episodes ipad apps ididas & adibox annual suppor t website development, digital strategy and brand platform (2013 - 2016) 360 campaign my online business 360 campaign FRAICH ’BAR tou r + FRAICH’ATTITUDE week (2 0 1 2 ) e ve ryd ay, th e y p l ac e t he i r t r u st i n u s. . . Address 11, cité de l’Ameublement 75011 PARIS FRANCE Tél : (+33) 1 83 64 42 43 Fax : (+33) 1 76 70 13 81 Pschhh sparkles on the web your CONTAC TS: Jules Guillemet Managing Director CEO Email : [email protected] Tel : +(33) 1 83 64 45 01 Laure Darcel Head of Division 360 Email : [email protected] Tel : +(33) 1 83 64 42 46 Emeline Dewitte Head of Digital Division Email : [email protected] Tel : +(33) 1 83 64 42 45 Nicolas Montagnier Director of Creative Development Email : [email protected] Tel : +(33) 1 84 16 05 73
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