route 5 - Paris Inconnu


route 5 - Paris Inconnu
Departure : Lamarck Caulaincourt.
Go upstairs to the Cimetière St Vincent (grave of Utrillo and Marcel Aymé). Turn right in
the Rue Lamarck. Go upstairs in the Rue de l'Abbé Patureau. Turn left in the Rue Paul Féval ,
display for Berlioz at the corner. Turn right in the Rue du Mont Cenis. Enter on left in the
Parc de la Turlure. Turn on right in the Rue du Chevalier de la Barre behind the Basilique du
Sacré Cœur (Butte Montmartre called before " Mont des martyrs ").
On left, St Pierre de Montmartre, on right, Couvent du Sacré Coeur and Cité du Sacré
Coeur. Continue in the Rue du Chevalier de la Barre and turn right in the Rue du Mont Cenis
: Sightseeing on Paris and the Stade de France. At the crossroad , old "château d'eau" and
Tartempion. Turn left in the Rue Cortot , at number 12 , Musée de Montmartre (Built in the
oldest house of Montmartre dating of 1680 , museum from 1960). Make a roundtrip to see a
sundial and a beautiful house in the Rue de l'Abreuvoir.
Turn right in the Rue des Saules. Walk along the vines of Montmartre (Created not to build
an HLM building in 1929). At the crossroad , Lapin Agile (Old " cabaret des Assassins " , A
lot of painters came here between 1900 and 1914) and Pink house painted by Utrillo. Turn
left in the Rue St Vincent. Turn left and go upstairs in the Rue Girardon. It arrives on the
Place Dalida (Bust dedicaced to her).
Turn right in the Allée des Brouillards , walk along the Château des Brouillards (build in
1764 to replace a ruined old house), then turn left to enter in the square Suzanne Buisson
(Statue of St Denis holding his head). Turn right in the Avenue Junot. At number 25 , Villa
Léandre. At number 23 , take a passage (stone in the center of the passage).
On left , Maquis de Montmartre. Turn left in the Rue Lepic. On left, Hameau des Artistes,
Moulin de la Galette then Moulin Radet. Turn right in the Rue d'Orchamp. We arrive at
Place E. Goudeau where was the bateau lavoir which burned in 1970 (Replaced by an artists
house). Turn left in the Rue de la Mire (Mire du Nord , Mire du Sud at Montsouris)). Walk
along an old fountain.
On right , Display for J.B. Clément and for Montmartre. Turn right in the Rue Norvins
(Typical Street). On right, Impasse du Tertre. Restaurant "A la bonne franquette" at the
corner. We arrive at the Place du Tertre (at number 3 , old townhall of Montmartre). Display
at the corner. On left , église St Pierre de Montmartre (Built in 1147 at the place of an old
temple of the 5th century).
Walk along the Basilique du Sacré Cœur (build between 1873 and 1917). On right , small
amphitheatre. Go downstairs in the Rue Foyatier which is along the funicular. At the bottom
of th stairs , Halle St Pierre (bronze display from the 18th century , Musée de l'Art Naïf).
Turn right in the Rue Card Dubois then on left in the Rue Chappe.
Go downstairs until the Rue A. Barsacq. Take it on the right and go downstairs in the Rue
Drevet. Continue in the Rue Vieuville (On right , Square Jehan Rictus). It arrives on the
Place des Abbesses (Edicule Guimard from the hotel de Ville) , on left , Eglise St Jean
l'Evangéliste (dating of 1904). Continue in the Rue St Antoine (Stairs) , beautiful display on
right , then on right in the Rue Véron (Statue at number 26). At number 18 , Hôtel de
© Walks in the unknown Paris - 2004
Turn left in the Rue Lepic. Tun right in the Rue Constance. In front of it , Impasse Marie
Blanche (Old pink house dating of 1835). Come back in the Rue Cauchois which turn left to
come back in the Rue Lepic. Make a rountrip on right to the Moulin Rouge. On right , Cité
Véron (Where lived Jacques Prévert).
Cross the place Blanche (Station style Guimard) and turn on right in the Rue Blanche. Turn
left in the Rue Chaptal. On left , Cité Chaptal (Théâtre 347) then the Musée de la Vie
Romantique (1820 , Jardins de Tivoli , Became a museum in 1987 in hommage to George
Sand). On the small place , at number 66 of Rue de Rochefoucault , Backyard where lived
Victor Hugo.
Turn left in the Rue J.B. Pigalle. Turn right in the Rue Victor Massé. On left , Avenue
Frochot (Became a dead end because of the creation of the Place Pigalle , Victor Massé lived
here). Turn right in the Rue Henri Monnier. Arrive on the Place St Georges (dating of 1824) ,
Hôtel Païva (Library Dosne-Thiers which is owned by the Institut de France) (Fountain made
for horses). Sundial on it. On right , Square Alex Biscarre.
Walk along the Théâtre St Georges and turn left in the Rue Notre Dame de Lorette. Make a
roundtrip in the Rue du Faubourg Montmartre to see the old Bains de Chateaudun.Turn left
in the Rue des Martyrs , then on right in the Rue Hippolyte , then on left in the Rue Milton ,
then on right the Rue Choron.
Enter in the thin Impasse Briare, then turn right in the Rue Rochechouart. At the crossroad ,
underground Style Guimard. Continue in the Rue Cadet. At number 16 , Musée de la Franc
Maçonnerie. At the corner of the street , Bakery dating of 1761. Turn left and enter on right
in the Passage Verdeau (Camera shop and "Au bonheur des dames") then in the Passage
Jouffroy , see on left the Musée Grévin, Hotel Chopin and Canes shop.
Cross the Bd Montmartre and enter in the Passage des Panoramas (Build in 1800). At
number 7 , Théâtre des Variétés dating of 1807. At number 47 , the boutique Stern has
always its typical display. Get out on the left side by the Rue Notre Dame des Victoires. Turn
left in the Rue des Jeuneurs.
Turn right in the Rue de Mulhouse on right and on right in the Rue des Petits Carreaux then
on left in the Rue d'Aboukir. It arrives on the Place du Caire (Spoof egyptian display with
hieroglyphes dating from Bonaparte Campaign). Turn left in the Rue Damiette then the Rue
du Nil. Turn left in the Rue des Petits Carreaux and continue in the Rue Montorgueil
(Famous street for the "mareyeurs" of the 13th century). Display on left.
At number 78 , Restaurant Le Rocher de Cancale (Oysters tied to a stone , dating from 1820 ,
wood display style Louis the 16th). At number 50 , Old Café "Brin de Zinc". At number 55 ,
Bakery with a display showing a harvester. At number 51 , Bakery Stohrer dating from 1730
and at number 44 , Old display of a flowers shop.
Turn right in the Rue Tiquetonne then cross the Rue Etienne Marcel to continue in the Rue
Montmartre on left. At number 34 , Maison du Foie Gras. At number 15 , Restaurant
"Cochon à l'Oreille" (Halles display dating from 1913). At number 12 , beautiful display
above a door. On right , Eglise Ste Eustache (Gothic search dating from 1532) (Sundial) At
bottom of the Church , Fish eating his tail.
© Walks in the unknown Paris - 2004
Turn left in the Rue Montorgueil. At number 9 , Moon orientated in the direction of the sky.
At number 38, Escargot de Montorgueil (1832 , One of the oldest displays of Paris). Turn
right in the Rue Mauconseil. Turn left in the Rue Francaise. Make a roundtrip on right to the
Tour Jean Sans Peur (Feodal tower of 1407 built after Jean Sans Peur has killed Louis
Turn right in the Rue Tiquetonne (Bar du Grapillon) then on left in the Rue Dussoubs then
on right in the Passage du Grand Cerf (Built in 1835 , Departure place of post office cars in
1825) then the Passage du Bourg l'Abbé. Walk along the Rue de Turbigo on left. See on right
the Passage de l'Ancre. Turn right in the Rue St Martin. Make a roundtrip on left at number 51
Rue de Montmorency (Oldest house of Paris (Nicolas Flamel , 1644) and not at number 3
Rue Volta.
Turn right in the Rue des Ours then on left in the Rue Quincampoix. On left , Passage
Molière. At number 78 , Bicycle on a window , at 83 , Beautiful display of an hotel with a lot
of flower. Turn left in the Rue de Venise (Thinest street of Paris). Walk on left side of the
Centre Georges Pompidou. Continue on right in the Rue Geoffroy Langevin then on right in
the Rue du Temple. At number 41 , Café de la Gare (Poutres dating from Louis the 13th).
Turn right in the Rue Ste Merri. On right , Impasse du Boeuf. Turn right in the Rue Pierre au
Lard (Théatre Essaion and engraved name). Turn left on the Place Stravinsky. Turn right in
the Rue du Cloitre Ste Merri and walk along the Eglise Ste Merri. Turn right in the Rue St
Martin then on left in the Rue de la Reynie.
Turn left in the Rue Quincampoix. At number 22 , "Bureau des marchandes lingères" , At
numbers 10,12,13,14, Old houses with displays and balcony with ironworks. Turn right in the
Rue des Lombards. Turn right in the Rue St Denis. See on right , Display "Dragées au chat
noir". Turn left in the Rue de la Ferronnerie.
At number 11 , Indication on the ground with a lys flower at the exact place where was killed
Henri the 4th (1610 by Ravaillac). Turn left in the Rue Ste Opportune (Place Ste Opportune).
Turn right in the Rue St Germain l'Auxerrois and in the Rue de l'Arbre Sec on right , then in
the Rue des Prêtres St Germain on left. .
Walk along the Eglise St Germain l'Auxerrois (Roman tower from the 12th century and
porch from the 15th century , the church rang August the 24th 1572 for the St Barthelemy
night (Protestants versus catholics). Cross the Rue de l'Amiral Coligny. Enter in the Cour
Carrée du Louvre then walk along the Louvre (Old residence of the Kings of France , build in
1190 by Philippe Auguste and became a museum in 1793).
Walk under the Arc de Triomphe du Caroussel (Name given to the Arch by Louis the 4th in
1662). Enter in the Jardin des Tuileries (Build by Lenotre in 1666 , orangery , Maison du Jeu
de Paume and several statues around the octogonal bassin) and get out by the Obelisc.
On the place de la Concorde (Old Place de la Révolution where was beheaded Louis the 16th
and others), Chevaux de Marly. Turn right in the Rue Royale. At number 1st , Display about
the mobilisation for the 1st world war. Enter on left , in the Galerie Royale. Turn left in the
Rue du Boissy d'Anglas and enter on right in the park which is along the Avenue des
Champs-Elysées (Built by Lenôtre in 1667). Walk in front of the Palais de l'Elysée.
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On left of the Palais , Théatre Marigny. Cross the Champs Elysées and walk along the Palais
de la Découverte. Continue in the Rue Jean Goujon. On left , Arménian Church then Eglise
N.D. de la consolation (At the place of an old burned house , 125 died people in 1897).
Statue near the Pont de l'Alma. Turn right in the Avenue du Président Wilson. Palais Galliera
(Museum of fashion and clothes dating of 1878).
Turn right in the Rue Freycinet until the Place des Etats Unis. Turn left in the Rue Galilée.
Cross the Avenue Kleber and turn right in the Rue Leo Delibes. Turn left in the Rue
Lauriston. Turn right in the Rue de Longchamp then on left in the Rue des Sablons. Old
Bakery on left. Turn left in the Avenue Georges Mandel (Beautiful Building). Statue on
Enter in the Jardins du Trocadéro (1878 , at the place of a couvent from the 13th century).
Turn right in the Bd Delassaert. On right , Avenue Camoens. Turn left in the Rue Raynouard.
Walk in front of the Musée du Vin (Old place of the caves of the brood of Chaillot). Turn left
in the Passage des Eaux (treatment place at the 18th century).
Turn right in the Rue Charles Dickens then in the Avenue Marcel Proust. On right , Avenue
du Parc de Passy. Continue in the paved Rue Berton to pass in front of the Maison de Balzac
(Old hotel , He lived in this house between 1840 and 1847). Stone indicating limit between
Passy and Auteuil (1830). Go upstairs on right.
Turn right in the Rue Raynouard (Old way between Passy and Paris) , Display for
Paratonnerre on right. Turn left in the Rue de l'Annonciation. Turn left in the Rue Bois le
Vent then on left in the Rue Talna. On right Boulainvilliers Station (House lived during 50
years during the period of the closed station). Turn right in the Rue des Vignes then in the Rue
Make a roundtrip to the villa Beauséjour (Russian isbas dating of 1867). Walk in the Jardin
du Ranelagh (Departure of the Balloon of Pilatre de Rozier). Walk along the Bd Suchet until
the Place de Colombie. Continue in the Avenue de St Cloud. Turn right and walk along the
Pelouse de la Muette until the lac Inferieur.
© Walks in the unknown Paris - 2004