Curriculum Vitae (Englisch, brief)


Curriculum Vitae (Englisch, brief)
Curriculum Vitae
Current Position(s):
Prof. Dr.
Professor of Political Science, University of Basel, Switzerland
Director, Swiss Peace Foundation (swisspeace), Berne, Switzerland
Date / Place of Birth:
Marital Status:
Swiss, French
3 April 1965 / Berne, Switzerland
[email protected], [email protected]
Professional Experience
2000 – present:
Professor of Political Science, University of Basel, Switzerland
Director, Swiss Peace Foundation (swisspeace), Berne, Switzerland
2013 – present:
Head, Master in Advanced Studies (MAS) in Peace and Conflict
Transformation, University of Basel
2010 – 2013:
Head, Doctoral Programme North-South (DONOS), Faculty of Humanities,
University of Basel, Switzerland
2009 – 2011:
Head, Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, University of
Basel, Switzerland
2003 – 2004:
Personal collaborator, Swiss Foreign Minister Micheline Calmy-Rey
1997 – 2003:
Lecturer, Institute of Political Science, University of Berne, Switzerland
1992 – 1995:
Teaching assistant and lecturer, Graduate Institute of Public
Administration (Idheap), University of Lausanne, Switzerland
1990 – 1992:
Research assistant, Graduate Institute of International Studies (IUHEI),
University of Geneva, Switzerland
1989 – 1991:
Journalist, Swiss service of the Associated Press (AP), Berne,
Senior Fellow, European Institute of Peace, Brussels (6 months)
Visiting Scholar, Center for International Conflict Resolution, School of
International and Public Affairs, Columbia University, New York, NY (1 month)
1995 – 1996:
Visiting Scholar, Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard
University, Cambridge, MA (9 months)
PhD in International Relations, University of Geneva, Switzerland
1985 – 1991:
BA and MA in International Relations, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Research Grants
2012 – 2015:
SNSF Division I grant, “'Resisting' Transitional Justice? Alternative Visions of
Peace and Justice”, main applicant (with Dr. Briony Jones)
2001 – 2013:
SNSF National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) North-South grant:
“Research partnerships for mitigating syndromes of global change”, Head of
Institutional Partner (swisspeace)
2008 – 2012:
SNSF ProDoc grant, “Making peace, constructing states: peace agreements
and the dynamics of statehood in postconflict Africa”, Head of Research Module
1997 – 2000:
SNSF grant, National Research Program “Foundations and possibilities of
Swiss foreign policy” (NFP 42), Head of Program
1996 – 1999:
SNFS grant, “The implications of the CFSP on Switzerland” (NFP 42), Head of
Further professional activities (selection)
2015 -
Member, Advisory Board of the European Institute of Peace (Brussels)
2014 -
Member, Program Committee „Security & Rule of Law” (SRoL)
WOTRO Science for Global Development, Netherlands Organisation for
Scientific Research
2012 -
President, Swiss Commission for Research Partnerships with
Developing Countries (KFPE)
2010 -
Member, Board of International Graduate School North-South (IGS
French and German (mother tongues), English (fluent), Spanish and Italian (knowledge)
Swiss Commission for Research Partnerships with Development Countries (president); European
Community Studies Association, Switzerland (board); Swiss Political Science Association (board);
European Institute of Peace (advisory board); American Political Science Assocation (member);
International Studies Association (member)
Publishers & Reviews:
Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Contemporary Security Policy,
Cooperation and Conflict, Etudes internationales, European Journal of Political
Research, Geopolitics, Governance, International Studies Review, Journal of
Common Market Studies, Journal of European Integration, Review of
International Studies, Routledge, Sage, Swiss Political Science Review,
Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Soziologie, Zeitschrift für Aussen- und
Sicherheitspolitik, Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen
Funding institutions:
European Commission, Estonian Research Council, European Science
Foundation, Flemish Science Foundation, German Foundation for Peace
Research, Leibniz Association, Swiss Academy for Social Sciences and
Humanities, Swiss National Science Foundation
List of Publications
Peer-reviewed Articles
Goetschel, L. (2013). Bound to be peaceful? The changing approach of Western European small states
to peace, Swiss Political Science Review, 19 (3), 259-278. doi:10.1111/spsr.12047
Goetschel, L. (2011). Neutrals as brokers of peacebuilding ideas? Cooperation and Conflict, 46 (3), 312333. doi: 10.1177/0010836711416957
Goetschel, L. & Hagmann, T. (2009). Civilian peacebuilding: peace by bureaucratic means?
Conflict, Security and Development, 9 (1), 55-73. doi: 10.1080/14678800802704911
Goetschel, L. & Hagmann, T. (2014) Civilian Peacebuilding: Peace by Bureaucratic Means?, in: R.
MacGinty (ed), Peacebuilding. Vol. 2. London: Sage, Incorporated, 2014, vol.2, chap.38, 397414 (SAGE Library in International Relations)
Goetschel, L. (2014). Aussenpolitik, in: P. Knoepfel, Y. Papadopoulos, P. Sciarini, A. Vatter, and S.
Häusermann (Eds.), Handbuch der Schweizr Politik. Manuel de la politique suisse. (5th, revised
and extended ed.). Zurich: NZZ Publishing, 623-644.
Goetschel, L. (2011): Neutrality, in: International Encyclopedia of Political Science. Edited by Bertrand
Badie, Dirk Berg-Schlosser, and Leonardo Morlino. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1697-700
Goetschel, L. (2009). Conflict Transformation. In V. Chetail (Ed.), Post-Conflict Peacebuilding. A Lexicon,
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 92-104.
Goetschel, L. Challenges of Peace Research. Working Paper 7/2014, Berne, Swiss Peace Foundation,
2014, 69 S. (Hrsg.) (mit Sandra Pfluger)
Goetschel, L. (ed). (2013). Natural born peacemakers? Ideas and identities in foreign policies of small
states in Western Europe. Special Issue of the Swiss Political Science Review 19(3) (guest
Goetschel, L. (ed) (2011). The Politics of Peace: From Ideology to Pragmatism? Münster: LIT Verlag.
Book Contributions
Goetschel, L. (2012). Soziale Ungleichheit in der Europäischen Union: Zwischen Markt und Solidarität, in:
U. Mäder, L. Goetschel und Simon Mugier (eds): Soziale Ungleichheit – zwischen Markt und
Solidarität. Basel, Edition Gesowip , 169-188
Goetschel, L. & Hagmann T. (2011). Rethinking Peace, Peace Research and Peacebuilding, in: L.
Goetschel (ed): The Politics of Peace: From Ideology to Pragmatism? Münster, LIT Verlag, 4560
Goetschel, L. (2011). The transformation of political ideas: a challenge for development research. In U.
Wiesmann & H. Hurni (Eds.), Research for Sustainable Development: Foundations,
Experiences, and Perspectives. Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in
Research (NCCR) North-South, Vol. 6. Bern: Geographica Bernensia; 103-117
Goetschel, L. and Didier Péclard (2011). The Missing Link. Environmental Change, Institutions and
Violent Conflicts”, in: U. Wiesmann and H. Hurni (eds): Research for Development:
Foundations, Experiences, and Perspectives. Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of
Competence in Research (NCCR) North-South. University of Bern, Vol. 6. Bern: Geographica
Bernensia, 451-466
Goetschel, L. (2010). Europäische Afrikahilfe: Von den Kolonien zur Partnerschaft?, in: Georg Kreis (ed):
Europa und Afrika. Betrachtungen zu einem komplexen Verhältnis. Basel: Schwabe, 79-91
March 2015 (last five years)