stick on city


stick on city
on city
team Markus Bader, Benjamin
Foerster-Baldenius, Andrea Hofmann,
Jan Liesegang, Matthias Rick,
Francesco Apuzzo
typ Ausstellung
zusammenarbeit repro ringel
Werkstätten für Farbvision und
Kommunikation GmbH
zeit 2008
fotos raumlaborberlin
© raumlaborberlin, 2007, XXX_webA4.pdf
Am Flutgraben 3
12435 Berlin
telefon +49 30 27580882
fax +49 30 2476319
© raumlaborberlin, 2007, XXX_webA4.pdf
One day this summer, one of the
godfathers of visionary architecture
payed a visit to our studio in Berlin.
Dennis Crompton - member and
archivist of the group archigram.
Amazing, fanciful, quixotic.
Undoubtfully they are among our
architect-heroes. Dennis talked with
us about the scrapyard of visions, the
city as responsive system, interactive
buildings, good intentions, imaginary
cities and the art of architecture that
cannot fail. Stick on city is a responsive
drawing, made to be permanently
renewed. It is a 12mx2,5m training
ground for utopians. Built and unbuilt
iconic architectural designs assembled
in an imaginary landscape. Visitors can
take a tour, then add their own vision
by drawing in and simply sticking it into
the city!
© raumlaborberlin, 2007, XXX_webA4.pdf
© raumlaborberlin, 2007, XXX_webA4.pdf