Pressebildliste - Nadine Dinter PR


Pressebildliste - Nadine Dinter PR
Bildlegenden zur Ausstellung / Press images – terms and conditions
5 Years – Six Artists
Bitte beachten Sie das Copyright! Die Verwendung der Bilder im Zusammenhang mit der
Berichterstattung über die Ausstellung „5 Years – Six Artists“ (16.1. - 20.03.2016) in
der Hardhitta Gallery ist frei. Dieses Bildmaterial darf nur einmalig und nur im
Rahmen der Berichterstattung zur o.g. Ausstellung verwendet werden. Die Abbildungen
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Please respect the copyright! Press images may be reproduced free of charge and for
the sole purpose of creating or supporting reports directly related to the exhibition
“5 Years – Six Artists” (16 January - 20 March 2016) at the Hardhitta Gallery is
free. They must be used in their entirety and may not be cut, cropped, detailed,
overprinted, or altered. In all cases, reproduction of each image must be accompanied
by the relevant copyright information as provided below. Images may not be stored in a
retrieval system. Please send us any links to online articles and/or two copies of your
print article to the following address:
Nadine Dinter PR
Fasanenstraße 70, 10719 Berlin, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0)30/398 87 411 // Mobil: +49 (0)151 123 70 951
E-Mail: [email protected] //
Arlene Gottfried
El Cotorito, 1980
Cibachrome print
© + courtesy the artist
Jamel Shabazz
The Righteous Brothers
New York, 1981
Archival inkjet print
© + courtesy the artist
Gregory Borjoquez
Street Football, 2002
Archival pigment print
© + courtesy the artist
Joseph Rodriguez
Los Angeles, 1992
Silver gelatin print
© + courtesy the artist
Miron Zownir
New York, 1982
Silver gelatin print
© + courtesy the artist
Oliver Blum
Nobodys Dream, 2015
Acrylic on canvas
150 x 150 cm
© + courtesy the artist