Newsletter Fall 2011 - the Canadian Academy of Sport and Exercise
Newsletter Fall 2011 - the Canadian Academy of Sport and Exercise
CASEM Newsletter Nouvelles ACMSE CANADIAN ACADEMY OF SPORT AND EXERCISE MEDICINE ACADÉMIE CANADIENNE DE MÉDECINE DU SPORT ET DE L‟EXERCICE President’s Note Hello, I hope you all had a great summer and are enjoying a fruitful Fall season. To those of you just returning from a major games congrats on a job well done, and to those just going, good luck! A lot has been happening at CASEM. We had a small, but very fun and successful annual symposium in St. John‟s. Special thanks to Ean Parsons our host and local “flavour” as well as the organizing Dr. Bruce Davidson CASEM President 2011-2012 committee and national office for all their efforts. We saw several new faces give fantastic lectures and I heard several people mention that they don‟t remember when they had so much fun. One member, who shall remain nameless, was heard to say “I have not been hung-over for 20 or 30 years but…..” The National office has been very busy with the very successfully run exam recently in Ottawa, thanks to the credentials committee, external examiners and simulated patients, the Canadian military for the use of the Montfort Hospital facility, and Darrell Menard for all the hard work put in. The exam appeared to run very smoothly and we wish all the candidates well. It is a very interesting experience to be an examiner, and a great opportunity to learn and be exposed to new CASEM members. We truly are a diverse group. CASEM has been approached to have a presence at a meeting to develop a revamped Canadian Sport Policy, which is the first time we have had any recognition or input when formulating a National policy. Interestingly the policy is going to be developed after ~18 months of “town hall type meetings” held across the country polling local, municipal, provincial and National sport and exercise organizations on their thoughts on the role of sport and exercise in Canadian society. All surveys rated “health or health related benefits” in their top 3 reasons to participate. We will attempt to capitalize on this in the policy development, getting sport and exercise medicine mentioned as frequently as is appropriate, as the policy may well have ramifications in terms of funding in the future. We are also working hard on a Concussion Online CME module with the CMA, and will be hosting a “think tank” meeting in early December in Ottawa with several interest groups on next steps in concussion education. Invited groups include CPS, CAEP, CPA, Concussion consensus group, Think First Canada among others. Fall / Automne Edition/edition # 59 President‟s Note 1-2 Le mot du president 3-4 Congratulations! 9-10 Félicitations! Kid‟s Korner 12 Coin des enfants Call to the Masses 11 Opportunities in CASEM 17 Notes and Notables...19 Employment and Career 22 Conferences 24 CASEM-ACSME 180 ELGIN STREET SUITE 1400 OTTAWA ON K2P 2K3 T. 613-748-5851 F. 613-231-3739 Executive Director: Dawn Haworth, [email protected] Admin Assistant Barbara Falardeau [email protected] Editor-in-Chief Dr. Andrew Marshall, Chair Communications and Membership Committee Page 2 CASEM Newsletter/Nouvelles ACMSE President’s Note continued… The Symposium committee is working hard on the upcoming meetings including Whistler in 2013, the world congress in Quebec City in 2014 and possibly a Pan-Am congress type meeting in 2015 in or around Toronto. The specialty status group has some great news coming our way shortly, congrats to Merrilee Zetaruk and Lisa Fischer for all of their hard efforts on this important process. All of these things suggest to me that we are beginning to be recognized as the “Sport and Exercise medicine” expert group, which I believe strongly we are. While all of these things are great in terms of outside recognition, I want to focus on inside recognition,-a sort of regrouping if you will, as we have roughly doubled in numbers in the last 5 years. Doug Dittmer would always mention the importance of “member benefits” when discussing new initiatives and I think this is essential. I want to ensure that we remain the strong collegial group that we all know and love as we are expanding to ensure the true character of CASEM remains intact. I want to ask what can we, as members, offer our other members and how can we get to know and utilize better the resources we already have. For some of us CASEM is simply a place to get the Diploma, and then apply for games. This is only a very small part of what we can and should be doing for each other. I never fail to learn something when interacting with CASEM members of all types, and I am looking for ways for more member interactions. Do not be alarmed if you get an email from me asking about yourself, and any input you might have. You will also see some new goofy sections in the Newsletter and we will try some new ideas at the annual symposia that involve wine, and getting to meet various committee members. Lastly I would also strongly suggest you pencil in June 20-23 for the annual scientific symposium in Kelowna. We are just finalizing the scientific and social programs but I can tell you we have a very interesting academic program and a lot of fun planned in an effort to continue where St John‟s left off. We will be deep in the heart of wine country in the Delta Grand hotel right on the lakeshore in Kelowna (a non- stop flight from Toronto for all you Easterners), a very short distance from several wineries, great golf, and lots of great family activities. The hotel is magnificent, elaborate and large, but the meeting facilities will allow us to have an intimate feel as we will be the only group in the conference center at that time. We hope to see you and your families all there. Yours Sincerely, Page 3 CASEM Newsletter/Nouvelles ACMSE Le mot du président Bonjour tout le monde, Dr Bruce Davidson, président ACMSE 2011-2012 J'espère que vous avez tous passé un bel été et vous vous réjouissez du bon temps de l’automne. Pour ceux et celles qui sont de retour des jeux majeurs - félicitations pour un travail bien fait, et pour ceux et celles qui viennent d’y partir, bonne chance! Beaucoup s’est passé à l’ACMSE ces derniers mois. Nous avons eu une petite, mais quand même une conférence annuelle amplement réussie à St. John’s TN. Un gros merci spécial à notre hôte Dr Ean Parsons, notre spécialiste local, ainsi que le comité organisateur et le bureau national pour tous leurs efforts. Nous avons vu plusieurs nouveaux visages animer des lectures fantastiques et j'ai entendu plusieurs personnes dire qu’ils ne se souviennent plus la dernière fois qu’ils ont eu autant de plaisir. J’ai entendu dire, d’une membre qui demeure anonyme »Je n’ai pas viré une brosse comme celle-là depuis 20 ou 30 ans...» Le bureau national a été très occupé avec l’examen du diplôme de médecine du sport et de l’exercice qui a eu lieu récemment à Ottawa. L’examen était une réussite grâce aux efforts collaborés du comité d’accréditation, les examinateurs qui se sont impliqués, les patients simulés et le militaire qui nous a permis l’utilisation des installations de l'hôpital Montfort. Nous remercions spécialement Dr Darrell Menard pour tout le travail accompli. L'examen semblait dérouler de façon très efficace et nous souhaitons à tous les candidats une bonne réussite. Être un examinateur est une expérience très intéressante et une grande opportunité d'apprendre et d'être exposé aux membres de l’ACMSE. Nous sommes vraiment un groupe diversifié. L’ACMSE a été approché pour sa présence à une réunion sur l’élaboration sur l’adaptions de la politique canadienne du sport. C’est la première fois que l’ACMSE a reçu une invitation à la table pour une politique nationale. La nouvelle politique va être développée après environs 18 mois de «réunions de ville en ville» à travers le pays, des sondages locaux, municipaux et provinciaux d'organisations nationales de sport de leurs réflexions sur le rôle du sport et de l'exercice dans la société canadienne. Nous travaillons également sur un module EMC en ligne sur la commotion cérébrale avec l'AMC. Nous planifierons une réunion avec différentes groupes intéressés dans la prévention des commotions cérébrales au début du mois de décembre à Ottawa. Le comité du congrès annuel travaille vigoureusement sur les réunions à venir, y compris Whistler en 2013, le congrès mondial à Québec en 2014 et, vraisemblablement, un congrès Pan AM en 2015 dans les alentours de Toronto. Page 4 CASEM Newsletter/Nouvelles ACMSE Le mot du president - suite Le comité de statut de spécialité nous annoncera de bonnes nouvelles prochainement! Félicitations à Merrilee Zetaruk et Lisa Fischer pour tous leurs efforts sur cet important développement. Toutes ces choses me font penser que l'on commence à être reconnu comme le group d’experts dans le «sport et la médecine d'exercice» qui, je crois fermement, nous sommes. Je veux m'assurer que nous restons un groupe collégial d’abord et je veux vous demander ce que vous pensez que nous pouvons offrir à nos membres, et comment nous pouvons apprendre à mieux utiliser les ressources dont nous disposons déjà. Pour certains d'entre nous ACMSE est tout simplement un endroit pour obtenir le diplôme de médecin du sport et pour appliquer pour des jeux. Ce n'est qu'une petite partie de ce que nous pouvons faire. Ne soyez pas surpris si vous recevez un courriel de moi avec des questions sur vous-même. Nous avons aussi des nouvelles idées pour les Nouvelles de l’ACMSE et pour la réception de la conférence à Kelowna. Enfin je voudrais également vous suggérer fortement de noter la date du 20-23 juin 2012. C’est la date de la conférence annuelle de Kelowna CB. Nous sommes en train de finaliser le programme scientifique et social. Je peux vous dire que nous avons un programme académique très intéressant et beaucoup de divertissement prévu dans un effort de continuer là où nous sommes restés après St. John’s. Nous serons en plein cœur du pays du vin et notre conférence sera dans l’hôtel Delta Grand Okanagan Kelowna au bord du lac (un vol direct de Toronto), une courte distance de plusieurs caveaux à vin, du golf, et beaucoup d’activités pour toute la famille. L'hôtel est large et magnifique mais nous permettra quand même d'avoir une ambiance intime. Nous espérons de vous voir tous à Kelowna. Cordialement, Page 5 CASEM Newsletter/Nouvelles ACMSE Strong Sport Medicine Presence at Family Medicine Forum in Montreal November 4-5, 2011 Dr. Andrew Pipe gave a keynote address entitled "The Heart of the Matter: Preventing Cardiovascular Disease in 2011 and Beyond". Sport Medicine had 2 half-day sessions in the program. Concussion in Sport proved to be very popular, so much so that a new room was found half way through the sessions to accommodate the demand as there was no more seats or floor space for the delegates interested. The next morning there were sessions on Anti-Doping, Paralympics, Ankle Injuries and Non-Surgical Management of OA. Once again, extremely popular, delegates were turned away for the musculoskeletal topics. There were two additional sessions in French as well. CASEM members speaking at these FMF sessions were Drs L.isa Fischer, Pierre Fremont, Janice Harvey, Renata Frankovich, Susan Labrecque, Alan Vernec, and André Roy. Renata Frankovich Dr. Renata Frankovich (OMA Sport Medicine Chair 20052007, CASEM President-Elect), Dr. Lisa Fischer (OMA Sport Medicine Chair 2001-2003, CASEM President 2006-2007), and Dr. Janice Harvey (OMA Sport Medicine Chair 20032005, CASEM President 2010-2011) Dr. L. Fischer speaking on concussion Page 6 CASEM Newsletter/Nouvelles ACMSE 20 Lessons from the Pan Am Games in Guadalajara, Mexico 2011: 1. Walking into a large stadium in Canadian colors is very, very cool 2. There is nothing easy about a 3 ribbon-2 hoop routine 3. CAMP-ing requires good internet 4. Working out next to Olympic level athletes is slightly intimidating 5. Living outside the village can be both good and bad 6. Leaky roofs and cardboard furniture = bad idea 7. How to bargain for a taxi in Spanish 8. K-taping techniques 9. With teamwork you can pack a suitcase in 5 minutes 10. Our Canadian athletes work very hard and often without a lot of funding 11. Horses get hosed down, and receive IV‟s and ice boots after cross country races 12. There is such a thing as good Tequila 13. The 5th set in volleyball only goes to 15 14. Mexicans really like Canadians…especially if we are beating the USA 15. Honoring the dead on “Dia De Muertos ” involves sugar skull heads 16. Pan Am‟s are extra fun because there are tons of medals to celebrate 17. Always have extra pins… they get you ice, x-rays, even chips and a chocolate bar! 18. United and Continental Airlines have only merged in theory 19. October is cold & flu season no matter where you are 20. I have a fantastic group of colleagues and hope to keep learning from them at future games! Greetings, Marie-Josée Klett Page 7 CASEM Newsletter/Nouvelles ACMSE Maureen Grace, Laura Lundquist, Marie-Josée Klett, Dinah Hampson from left to right at the flag raising ceremony Marie-José Klett, Riding the back of the golf cart to get around Laura Lundquist,, Andrew Marshall, Taryn Taylor and MJ Klett (left to right) Dory Boyer and the giant soccer ball Page 8 CASEM Newsletter/Nouvelles ACMSE 20 leçons des Jeux Pan Am à Guadalajara, Mexique 2011 : 1. Entrer dans un stade en portant fièrement ses couleurs canadiennes est une expérience inoubliable 2. Il n‟y a rien de facile dans une routine 3 rubans-2 cerceaux 3. Il faut une bonne connexion internet pour faire du bon CAMP-ing 4. S‟entrainer à coté d‟athlètes de calibre olympique est légèrement intimidant 5. Habiter à l‟extérieur du village a ses avantages et désavantages 6. 7. Des toits qui coulent et des meubles en carton sont une mauvaise combinaison Comment négocier le prix d‟un taxi en espagnol 8. Techniques de k-taping 9. Avec de l‟aide on peut paqueter une valise en 5 minutes 10. Nos athlètes canadiens travaillent très fort et souvent sans beaucoup de subventions 11. Après une course cross-country les chevaux ont droit à une douche, une intraveineuse et des bottes de glace 12. Il existe de la bonne tequila 13. Au volleyball le 5e set termine à 15 points 14. Les mexicains aiment bien les canadiens…surtout quand on gagne contre les États-Unis 15. Pour la journée des morts on utilise des têtes de squelettes faites de sucre pour honorer les décédés 16. Les jeux Pan-Ams sont encore plus excitants car il y a plus de médailles à célébrer 17. Il est important de toujours avoirs des épinglettes d‟extra…elles sont utiles pour obtenir de la glace, des radiographies et même des croustilles et barres de chocolat 18. United et Continental sont seulement la même compagnie en théorie 19. Le mois d‟Octobre est la saison des rhumes peu importe où nous sommes 20. J‟ai un groupe de collègues fantastique et j‟espère pouvoir continuer à apprendre avec eux aux prochains jeux! Amicalement, Marie-Josée Klett Page 9 CASEM Newsletter/Nouvelles ACMSE CONGRATULATIONS ! 2012 London Olympics Health Service Team Dr. Julia Alleyne , Toronto, ON, CMO Dr. Andrew Marshall, Ottawa ON, ACMO Dr. Bruce Davidson, Kamloops, BC Dr. Susan Leclerc, Montreal, QC Dr. Navin Prasad, Vancouver, BC Dr. Ross Outerbridge, Kamloops , BC 2012 London Olympics Canadian Paralympic Committee Health Service Team Dr. Richard Goudie, Barrie ON, CMO Dr. Marie-Josée Klett, Ottawa, ON Dr. Ean Parsons, St. John‟s, NL TORONTO 2015 PAN / PARAPAN AMERICAN GAMES | TO2015 The Organizing Committee of the Toronto 2015 Pan Am Games appoint sport medicine physician Dr. Julia Alleyne as Chief Medical Officer. Julia is among the first women to hold the CMO position for major international multi-sport games. Congratulations! Dr. Julia Alleyne Page 10 CASEM Newsletter/Nouvelles ACMSE CASEM MEMBERSHIP UPDATE FOR 2012 NEW CASEM Membership FEES for 2012! For the first time in 17 years CASEM members will see a small increase in the cost of their annual membership subscription. As the President has outlined in his own report to you, CASEM has grown exponentially over the past 10 years almost doubling its membership – with that growth has come challenges and new opportunities for CASEM and its members. Whilst the challenge remains of working within a finite budget, CASEM has worked hard to capitalize on new opportunities. New CME Opportunities CASEM continues to provide high quality CME and outside of its growing annual scientific program, CASEM has developed several new courses and workshops including the CASEM/ FIMS Team Physician Development Course, the Advanced Sport Medicine, the Timely Topic series on Osteoarthritis and Anti-Doping Course as well as the FIMS Instructor Course. New courses and workshops continue to be developed and 2012 will see the launch of a Running Injuries‟ Timely Topic, a one-day pre-conference workshop on Sideline Emergencies and a one-day workshop on Endurance Sport Medicine. Formal Recognition of Sport & Exercise Medicine Sport & Exercise Medicine (SEM) is now recognized formally by both Colleges. Strong lobbying efforts over the past 10 years have paid off. By 2012, SEM will be recognized by the RCPSC through their new Diploma program and the CFPC earlier this year recognized SEM as an area of focussed practice - this month CASEM funds supported SEM speaker costs at the Family Medicine Forum in Montreal. CASEM will continue to work with both specialty and family medicine as we move into 2012 and beyond. 13 SEM Fellowship/PGY 3 programs are now offered in 8 medical schools across Canada. Page 11 CASEM Newsletter/Nouvelles ACMSE Diploma in Sport and Exercise Medicine CASEM continues to administer the Diploma in Sport Medicine (Dip. Sport Med) and Canada now has over 500 credentialed physicians across the country. A new CASEM HQ The Head Office has moved and now joins the Sport and Information Resource Centre (SIRC) in downtown Ottawa. This exposes CASEM further to sport related organizations - more recently, CASEM was invited to participate in the federal 2012 Canadian National Sport Policy consultations, and we continue to work side by side with both our sport partners and medical organizations to ensure sport & exercise medicine is truly represented. CASEM is hiring – 2012 will see the hiring of part-time communication/marketing staff to work with the new website and coordinate CASEM‟s evolving social media programs. The new membership fees as per January 1, 2012 will be: Active Member $350 Post Grad/Resident/Fellow $225 Retired Members $225 Our medical student member fee will remain at $25.00 Our promise to you is that we will continue to work hard and provide accountability for every membership dollar we spend. Thank you for understanding - this increase means that we can continue to maintain the superior standard of CASEM and its services for the coming years. Dawn Haworth, Executive Director, CASEM Page Page 12 12 CASEM Newsletter/Nouvelles ACMSE CASEM RESEARCH AWARD WINNERS 2011 CONGRATULATIONS TO THE RESEARCH AWARD WINNERS 2011 The recipients of the CASEM Research Grants are: 1. 2. Dr. Pierre Fremont (Comparison of two types of running shoes for preventing injuries in recreational runners: a pilot study) Brad Monteleone / Dr. Kurt Jason Smith (Cerebral Autoregulatory Response to Exercise following Concussion) The recipient of the CASEM NIG is: 1. Dr. Chris Johnston (A multi-centre, randomized, blinded comparison of the efficacy of a viscosupplement, steroid, and placebo in patients with ankle osteoarthritis) R. Tait MacKenzie and Kinemedics Award 2011 The Reliability of Isokinetic Dynamometry for the Assessment of Thigh Muscle Strength Diaconescu B.Sc.a,b, Davide D. Bardana M.D.a,b,c, Sivan Almosnino M.Sc.d,b, Joan M. Stevenson Ph.D.b,d Affiliations a Queen‟s University, Department of Medicine. Kingston, Ontario, Canada b Human Mobility Research Centre, Syl & Molly Apps Medical Research Centre, Kingston General Hospital. Kingston, Ontario, Canada c Kingston General Hospital, Department of Surgery, Division of Orthopaedic Surgery. Kingston, Ontario, Canada d Biomechanics and Ergonomics Laboratory, School of Kinesiology and Health Studies. Queen‟s University, Kingston, ON, Canada Page 13 CASEM Newsletter/Nouvelles ACMSE CASEM Newsletter/Nouvelles ACMSE A Call to the Masses! As chairman of the Team Physician committee I have been searching for a way to engage all “team physicians” who may or may not attend TPC meetings or even a CASEM conference. I feel the “raison d‟être‟ of our committee is to supply a forum for discussion of issues that effect our group, as well as a source of mentorship to new team physicians as they develop their experience and skill set. To that end I am asking all CASEM members to send me their sources (books, courses, and resource people) of information that have been helpful in their development. Examples would be: tips on travel, equipment, and pearls to handle difficult situations away from home. Do not worry if you think it is general knowledge, send me the info and I will screen the results and pass the information to other committees (Team Physician Education Committee) and may include them in other articles in the CASEM Newsletter. I know that I learn new things every time I come in contact the CASEM group, let‟s pass these gems on! Dr. N Paul Watson, Chairman Team Physician Committee Email: [email protected] Page 14 CASEM Newsletter/ Nouvelles ACMSE KIDS CORNER - LE Coin des enfants Dr. Erika Persson, MD, Dip. Sport Med. Letter from A Future Colleague The Canadian Pediatric Society has an annual bursary provided to trainees wanting to pursue an elective in pediatric sport medicine. This year‟s recipient was Eric Koelink, a Toronto Pediatric Emergency Fellow and he completed time with Drs Purcell and Peterson at McMaster University. Below is a letter describing Eric‟s elective time and I feel that it is a nice example of how the field of Pediatric Sport medicine is growing here in Canada. “I would like to thank the Canadian Paediatric Society‟s Sports and Exercise Medicine Section for providing me with the opportunity to pursue an elective in the field of paediatric sports medicine. Over my four weeks working at the David Braley Athletic Centre at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, I was able to see a wide spectrum of both paediatric and adult sports medicine patients. The D.B.A.C. also had on-site physiotherapy and access to x-rays and MRI through McMaster University Medical Centre, making it a convenient service for facilitating the assessment and management of sports injuries. My time was spent in the outpatient setting, working with two inspirational physicians with different training backgrounds. Page 15 CASEM Newsletter/ Nouvelles ACMSE Dr. Laura Purcell is a paediatric emergency medicine physician and diplomat of the Canadian Academy of Sport and Exercise Medicine (CASEM). She is also the current president of the Paediatric Sports Medicine and Exercise Section for the CPS. Working with her was a thoroughly rewarding and invaluable experience, and I hope to emulate not only her academic qualifications but also her professionalism, compassion and expertise. Over the span of four weeks an eclectic patient population presented to her clinic, with ankle sprains, Sever‟s apophysitis, ACL tears, concussions and stress fractures incurred in a variety of recreational and competitive athletic settings. With each case Dr. Purcell demonstrated appropriate assessment techniques and talked through the salient points impacting her approach to diagnosis. As a learner, I appreciated the time taken to explain the rationale behind certain clinical decisions, and will use this model for future practice. The majority of patients were managed with various braces and physiotherapy. However, for those more complicated cases, we were fortunate to have a surgeon available for referrals in the same clinic. Dr. Devin Peterson is an orthopedic surgeon who also works out of the David Braley Athletic Centre, seeing both paediatric and adult sports medicine patients. In his busy clinics we saw a (naturally) more surgery-oriented clientele, with cases of ACL tears, SLAP lesions, rotator cuff tears and dislocated shoulders with Bankart or Hill-Sachs lesions. Radiologic findings on x-ray, ultrasound and MRI were reviewed and relevant anatomy discussed in detail to better distinguish pathology from normal appearance. Dr. Peterson‟s proficiency and attention to detail set a high standard which I sought to uphold in my clinical encounters. I truly appreciated the time and effort Dr. Peterson put into reviewing each case and discussing its management going forward. Page 16 CASEM Newsletter/Nouvelles ACMSE With the help of two superb teachers and the CPS Sports and Exercise Medicine Section, my confidence in assessing and managing sports-related injuries in both the paediatric and adult populations has improved tremendously. I plan to put this new-found knowledge to good use as I pursue my fellowship training in paediatric emergency medicine at the Hospital for Sick Children. I also plan on completing a fellowship in sports medicine through CASEM, allowing me to continue practice in this growing field and to work with such highly qualified colleagues as Drs. Purcell and Peterson.” Submitted by: Eric Koelink, MD, Fellow, Paediatric Emergency Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario Erika Persson Erika Persson MD FRCPC Dip Sport Med Co-Chair Pediatric Sport and Exercise Medicine Committee CASEM Page 17 CASEM Newsletter/Nouvelles ACMSE OPPORTUNITIES... LOOKING FOR A PUBLICATION COMMITTEE CHAIR The Publications Committee is looking for new members and a new Committee Chair. Are you interested in following? Reviewing of Pronouncements/ Publications Research expertise to assist pronouncements in progress Contributing scientific articles for the CASEM newsletter Reviewing scientific articles for the CASEM newsletter Compiling the selected readings for CASEM exam candidates This is an episodic job which requires a semi-annual report to the board. When the committee comes up with an idea it is submitted to the Chair for approval. Later when the paper is submitted for review the chair needs to coordinate reviewers and distribute the paper for both reviewers and committee members. It is pretty much like the approval of a journal article in that papers are peer reviewed. The chair coordinates this peer review until the committee is satisfied that the board should approve the pronouncement. If you are interested need more information on this position please contact Dawn Haworth, Executive Director [email protected] Page 18 CASEM Newsletter/Nouvelles ACMSE WADA Releases Educational Tool Kit For Sport Physicians WADA has produced a new tool kit to help sports physicians develop anti-doping education programs which can be adapted and customized to suit local cultures, conditions and resources. The „Sport Physician‟s Tool Kit‟ is available via the WADA website and will serve as an important aid for doctors across the world in their efforts to enhance knowledge of the risks involved in doping in sport. It was produced in collaboration with a number of specialists in sport and medicine, whose expertise ranges from gene doping to medical ethics. “Physicians have an ever-increasing role to play in sport across the world and they now have a comprehensive manual to understand the anti-doping process,” said WADA Medical Director Alan Vernec. “Education is a crucial element in WADA‟s fight against doping in sport, and we are confident the Tool Kit will assist physicians in their efforts to ensure that athletes and their entourage make the right decisions. “ The Sport Physician‟s Tool Kit includes sections on ethics in medicine, the health consequences of doping and the doping control process. There is also a chapter dedicated to the Prohibited List and Therapeutic Use Exemptions. The remaining sections focus on the Athlete Biological Passport, gene doping, and a series of practical issues and case studies to stimulate dialogue between experts using the Tool Kit for training professionals. Page 19 CASEM Newsletter/Nouvelles ACMSE COMMUNITY SPORT MEDICINE PHYSICIAN AWARD 2011 Dr. N. Paul Watson, Duncan BC Dr. Bruce Davidson, President and the entire CASEM Board of Directors is delighted to inform the CASEM membership that Dr. Paul Watson was awarded the CASEM Community Physician of the Year award 2011. Dr. Watson‟s commitment to sport medicine at all levels is exceptional and exemplifies why this award was created by CASEM five years ago – his leadership in sport medicine both at the community level on Vancouver Island and within Dr. Paul Watson, Duncan BC CASEM speaks for itself. He has been an educator, a mentor, a team physician and leader and hence the Board felt Dr. Watson is a much deserved recipient of this award. Dr. Watson will be recognized by the Board at the Annual General Meeting of CASEM in Kelowna next June 2012. Dr. Watson joins Drs. Mike Nicholls , Louise Walker, Renata Frankovich, Bill Mackie and David Levy as former recipients of this award. Congratulations! All what you wanted to know about Paul Watson but were always afraid to ask… Bruce interviewed the Award Winner Paul Watson using the Proust Questionnaire WHAT IS YOUR GREATEST FEAR? Being on the rugby pitch attending to an injured player and looking up to see the All Black pack descending on me! WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE OCCUPATION? (WAY OF SPENDING TIME) Sitting somewhere spectacular (in nature) and taking in the view with a coffee (or a glass of Syrah) WHAT HISTORICAL FIGURE DO YOU MOST IDENTIFY WITH? Martin Luther King WHICH LIVING PERSON DO YOU MOST ADMIRE? The Dalai Lama WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE FICTIONAL HERO? Sherlock Holmes WHO ARE YOUR REAL-LIFE HEROES? Volunteers of all kinds who go above and beyond WHAT IS YOUR MOST TREASURED POSSESSION? My Family WHEN AND WHERE WERE YOU HAPPIEST? A CASEM conference anywhere Page 20 CASEM Newsletter/Nouvelles ACMSE WHAT IS YOUR MOST OBVIOUS CHARACTERISTIC? Rugged Good Looks WHAT IS THE TRAIT YOU MOST DEPLORE (HATE) IN YOURSELF? Indecision WHAT IS THE TRAIT YOU MOST DEPLORE IN OTHERS? Decisiveness-sometimes wrong but never in doubt WHAT IS YOUR GREATEST EXTRAVAGANCE? My Wife Patty WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE JOURNEY? To some place new WHAT DO YOU CONSIDER THE MOST OVER-RATED VIRTUE? Virginity ON WHAT OCCASION DO YOU LIE? When a loving mother looks up at me and says Isn't this the most beautiful child in the world? And their darling looks like Quasimodo IF YOU COULD CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOURSELF, WHAT WOULD IT BE? Increased spontaneity and creativity WHAT DO YOU CONSIDER YOUR GREATEST ACHIEVEMENT? Making it to 60 years alive WHERE WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE? 6 months on Vancouver Island and 6 months in New Zealand WHAT IS THE QUALITY YOU MOST ADMIRE IN A MAN? The ability to be masculine without having to always be a MAN. WHAT IS THE QUALITY YOU MOST ADMIRE IN A WOMAN? The ability to multitask and ask for directions WHAT IS IT YOU MOST DISLIKE? 2-faced "friends" WHICH WORDS OR PHRASES DO YOU MOST OVER-USE? The F-Bomb IF YOU WERE TO DIE AND COME BACK AS A PERSON OR AN ANIMAL, WHAT DO YOU THINK IT WOULD BE? An owl quiet, wise and can "get busy " if someone messes with you! IF YOU COULD CHOOSE AN OBJECT TO COME BACK AS, WHAT WOULD YOU CHOOSE? Catherine Zeta-Jones' Satin PJs WHAT IS YOUR MOTTO (WORDS YOU LIVE BY OR THAT MEAN A LOT TO YOU)? Nil Bastardo Carborundum (Don't Let The Bastards Grind you Down!!) WHO HAS BEEN THE GREATEST INFLUENCE ON YOU? Family, friends, and colleagues esp. CASEM friends Page 21 CASEM Newsletter/Nouvelles ACMSE In Memory of Dr. Kenneth Robin Arthur May 28, 1954 - April 7, 2011 It is with great sadness that we announce the death of one of our members, Dr. Kenneth Robin Arthur on April 7, 2011. Dr. Arthur lived in Vancouver BC. CASEM passes its sincere condolences on to Dr. Arthur‟s family. In the red t-shirt on the left is insang Noh, Ryan Seungho, Bang (middle), in the yellow shirt is Sumin Lee and Barbara Falardeau from CASEM on the far right This Summer CASEM received a visit from three medical students from the Korean National Sport University Seoul, South Korea. The happy students had a great visit in Canada among others at the University of Ottawa and Carleton U sport medicine clinics. They went home with lots of impressions of Canada and a great CASEM Running Shirt. The very techno savvy students created a video presentation from their trip in Canada and the visits to the various medical institutions - have a look Barbara Falardeau Page Page 22 22 CASEM Newsletter/Nouvelles ACMSE EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES The Urban Athlete Injury and Performance Specialists 505 Eglinton Ave West Suite 302 Toronto Ontario M5N 1B1 Part Time Sport Medicine Physician Required The Urban Athlete, a 4500 square foot progressive treatment, rehabilitation and performance enhancement studio with 19 multidisciplinary practitioners is looking to add a Physician with and interest in Sports Medicine to complement its existing team of therapist and services. The positions would be for an individual looking to work within a group of vibrant and active individuals as the lead medical physician. X-ray and ultrasound facilities are located next door to our office. For further information, please visit our website at Interested applicants please contact Clinic Director Ryan Hindmarsh at 416-481-8880 or email [email protected] Join our Team - The Glen Sather Sports Medicine Clinic is a multidisciplinary clinic incorporating physical therapists, physicians, orthopedic surgeons, massage therapists and orthotists to provide truly integrated Sports Medicine Care. We treat individuals from all walks of life, young and old alike, from the elite athlete to the weekend warrior. We have recently started to offer 3D Gait Analysis with state of the art technology to enhance our current services. In addition the GSSMC, The Glen Sather Sports Medicine Clinic is currently located in the Van Vliet Centre on the University of Alberta Campus and is excited to be moving to a brand new, expanded space in the Edmonton Clinic in the summer of 2012. Opportunity: Full time. Hours: 1:00-6:45perience: Applicants with 2 years of experience with postgraduate orthopedic manual therapy training and sports medicine experience are preferred, but new Grads are welcome to apply. Compensation will be based on experience. Required: Registration in good standing, with Physiotherapy Alberta – College and Association, professional malpractice insurance. Contact: For more information or to submit a resume. Heather Bredy Phone: 780-492-2298 E-05 Van Vliet Centre, University of Alberta Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2H9 Fax: 780-492-1637 Email: [email protected] Page Page 23 23 CASEM Newsletter/Nouvelles ACMSE Administrative Assistant Full-time – Bridgeland Location OrionHealth clinics are an interdisciplinary team of health care professionals (psychology, medicine, pharmacy, occupational therapy, physiotherapy and kinesiology) offering programs in chronic pain management and return to work rehabilitation. Our organization has a commitment to quality, innovation and providing services based on best practices. Our employees enjoy a fun and dynamic work environment. Along with a competitive salary, we offer great benefits and generous vacation time (5 weeks). Reporting to the Operations Manager (Calgary Clinic), this position is responsible for administrative support for the Clinic operations including front desk reception, customer service to clients and referral sources, booking appointments and schedule management, billing, data management, facility maintenance and other administrative duties. The ideal candidate will be friendly and flexible to changing priorities and tasks. Key responsibilities include: Reception: Great clients Answer & screen telephone phone calls Incoming/Outgoing mail Courier Updating phone system Kitchen set-up Waiting area Clinic Support: Clinic Orientation Booking Interpreters Orders all kitchen supplies Updates phone directory, voicemail for new employees Building supervisor liaison Updates phone listing and directory Housekeeping liaison Maintains equipment in file room Orders office supplies Security system Responsible for chart breakdown Chart Copies Discharge paperwork Medical Coordination: Coordinate Diagnostics as per MSE/BME Client Preparations: Set up electronic client chart Prepare templates Prepare orientation package consents and binders, Attendance records, scoring Prepare client paper work for day one Daily Filing Maintain client satisfaction surveys (internal & external) Maintain client attendance records Schedule acute services Coordinator interpreters as necessary Re-schedules cancellations Binder preparation TPI Scoring OH Data base entry OH 3 month follow-up questionnaire process Qualifications: A minimum of two years of office experience: Proficient in all aspects of administration work including basic accounting processes; Self-motivated with proven ability to take initiative and work independently and collaboratively; Effective interpersonal and communication skills Proven customer service skills Strong organizational skills Demonstrated ability to work effectively with a diverse group of individuals while demonstrating tact, diplomacy and professionalism; Detail oriented with proven ability to maintain accuracy and confidentiality; Working knowledge and proficient in Microsoft word, excel and data base software Self directed learner Familiarity with medical terminology would be an asset If you are interested in applying for this position, please email [email protected] indicating position and location on the subject line. To learn more about us please visit our website at Thank you for your interest in this position. Only short listed applicants will be contacted. Page Page 24 24 CASEM Newsletter/Nouvelles ACMSE EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Looking for Sport Medicine Physician Phoenix Active Therapy Wellness and Performance Centre is looking for a physician with a diploma in Sport Medicine or experience in the assessment of musculo-skeletal injuries to join our continually growing multidisciplinary clinic. Phoenix Active Therapy currently offers Athletic Therapy, Physiotherapy, and Massage Therapy along with practitioners that utilize soft tissue release, osteopathic and advanced manipulative therapy techniques. Bracing and custom orthotics are done by our therapy staff and our full-time Certified Pedorthist. Our therapists‟ provide both clinical and on-field medical coverage to athletic organizations in the surrounding area. Our patient base consists of athletes and a predominantly active population within the Dundas, Ancaster and West Hamilton area. The physician joining our practice will have full medical administrative services available throughout their clinical hours with no overhead initially. Our latest therapeutic modalities include laser and gameready. Our 4000 square-foot facility includes an open-concept treatment area with curtained off areas, two private treatment rooms and an open training area with direct access to exercise equipment. Those applicants interested in this position please contact the clinical director: Jennifer Somerville at 289-682-7282 or email [email protected] Phoenix Active Therapy 1685 Main St. W - Suite 5 Hamilton, ON L8S 1G5 Page 25 CASEM Newsletter/Nouvelles ACMSE CASEM SPORT MEDICINE CONFERENCE Canadian Academy of Sport and Exercise Medicine Académie canadienne de médecine du sport et de l’exercice CASEM SPORT AND EXERCISE MEDICINE CONFERENCE 2012 Delta Grand Okanagan Resort and Conference Centre, Kelowna June 20-23, 2012 A GREAT SPORT MEDICINE CONFERENCE IN A BEAUTIFUL SETTING ON THE OKANAGAN LAKE Page Page 26 26 CASEM Newsletter/Nouvelles ACMSE TRAVEL PROMOTION FOR CASEM MEMBERS WITH PORTER AIRLINES Porter Airlines is pleased to have CANADIAN ACADEMY OF SPORTS MEDICINE as a preferred client. On behalf of all Porter employees, we thank you for your promotional efforts of our services. We continually strive to serve you better, and as such have issued a new seasonal promo code for usage by CANADIAN ACADEMY OF SPORTS MEDICINE travelers to access corporate negotiated rates. This change has occurred to protect the integrity of the discount. As always, the promo code must be appended to ALL bookings as this will automatically price the corporate negotiated fare. Porter will be unable to discount reservations that are missing the promo code. Effective 1 November, 2011, the revised promo code is as indicated below. This promo code will be valid until 30 April, 2012. Client Seasonal Winter Promo Code CANADIAN ACADEMY OF SPORTS MEDICINE ASMW12 You can use the attached instructional document to facilitate the use of the Porter Airlines agreement. If you have any question or require further information, please don‟t hesitate to contact us. Thank you for your continued support, Porter Airlines Sales & Distribution Team
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