Ici l`Alliance, November 2006


Ici l`Alliance, November 2006


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Ici L`Alliance - Alliance Française de Santa Rosa

Ici L`Alliance - Alliance Française de Santa Rosa Language School and Cultural Center a non-profit corporation, member of the Fédération of Alliances Françaises USA, Inc.

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Ici L`Alliance - Alliance Française de Santa Rosa

Ici L`Alliance - Alliance Française de Santa Rosa H ONORARY M EMBERS Rosemary McElmurry Ned Small H ONORARY P RESIDENT Najine Shariat P RESIDENT Upi Struzak V ICE -P RESIDENT Hervé Boblet T REASURER Paula Koneazny S ECRETARY OF C OMMUNICATIONS Nin...

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Ici L`Alliance - Alliance Française de Santa Rosa

Ici L`Alliance - Alliance Française de Santa Rosa 2005 was a very positive year for our Alliance. Thanks to the great work of our Board of Directors and to the endless devotion of our President, Upi, the Alliance has known many successes throughou...

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Ici L`Alliance - Alliance Française de Santa Rosa

Ici L`Alliance - Alliance Française de Santa Rosa Board of Directors – Alliance Française de Santa Rosa Our general election, ‘l’Assemblée générale’, will take place June 2005. For this election we need candidates for Board of Members and Officers...

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Ici L`Alliance - Alliance Française de Santa Rosa

Ici L`Alliance - Alliance Française de Santa Rosa the Alliance, 613 Fourth Street, in downtown Santa Email [email protected] for more information Rosa. Alliance members attend free. There is a $2 Causeries in Sebastopol fee for non-members. Tu...

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