Bibliographie selective


Bibliographie selective
Interviews, declarations et ecrits
Blinderman, Barry. " M o d e r n ' M y t h s ' :
An Interview with A n d y Warhol. " Arts
Magazine 56 (octobre 1981) : 144-47.
Canaday, John. Interview, in. New York
Times, 9 mai 1971, sec. 2, p. 23.
Castle, Frederick. " Occurrences : Cab
Ride with A n d y Warhol. " Artnews 66
(fevrier 1968) : 46-47, 52. Interview.
Glaser, Bruce. " Oldenburg, Lichtenstein, Warhol : A Discussion. " Artforum 4 (fevrier 1966) : 20-24. Interview.
Goldberger, Clenn ; Romer, Joanna ;
and Lavasseur, Jan. " We Talk to Warhol. " Mademoiselle 65 (aoüt 1967) :
Kent, Leticia. " A n d y Warhol : M o v i e man ' It's H a r d to Be Y o u r O w n
Script.' " Vogue 155 (mars 1970) : 167,
204. Interview.
L y o n , Ninette. " Robert Indiana, A n d y
Warhol. A Second Fame : G o o d F o o d . "
Vogue 145 ( 1 mars 1965) : 184-86.
Malanga, Gerard. " A Conversation
with A n d y W a r h o l . "Print Collectors
Newsletter 1 (janvier-fevrier 1971) : 12527.
Tuchman, Phylis. " Pop ! Interviews
with George Segal, A n d y Warhol, R o y
Lichtenstein, James Rosenquist, and
R o b e r t I n d i a n a . "Artnews 73 (mai
1974) : 24-29.
Warhol, A n d y . " C r a z y Golden Slippers. "Life 42 (21 janvier 1957) : 12-13.
. " My Favorite Superstar : Notes
on My Epic ' Chelsea G i r l s . ' " Arts
Magazine 41 (fevrier 1967) : 26. Entretien avec Gerard Malanga.
. Andy Warhol's Index Book.
N e w Y o r k : R a n d o m H o u s e , 1967.
, and Malanga, Gerard. Screentests : A Diary. N e w Y o r k : Kulchur
Press, 1967.
. Intransit: The Andy WarholGerard Malanga Monster Issue. N e w
Y o r k , Eugene, O r e . : T o a d Press,
. A : A Novel. N e w Y o r k : Grove
Press, 1969.
. " D i r t y H a l f Dozen... An
A l b u m . "£s<7MzVe62(mail969) : 144-47.
. The Philosophy of Andy Warhol
(Trom A to B and Back Again). N e w
Y o r k : Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich,
. Andy Warhol's Exposures. N e w
York : A n d y Warhol Books/Grosset &
Dunlap, 1979.
Pomeroy, Ralph. " An Interview with
A n d y Warhol, June 1970. "Afterimage,
Automne 1970, pp. 34-39.
, and H a c k e n , Pat. POPism : The
Warhol Sixties. N e w Y o r k : Harcourt,
Brace, Jovanovich, 1980.
Swenson, G . R . " What Is Pop A r t ? "
Artnews 62 (novembre 1963) : 24-27,
60-63. Interview. Publie in. Pop Art
Redefined de John Rüssel et Suzi Gablik.
N e w Y o r k : Frederick A. Praeger, 1969.
. " An A n d y Warhol Interview
with A l e x Kayser. " In. Artists' Portraits
hy Alex Kayser. N e w Y o r k : H a r r y N.
Abrams, 1981, n.p.
Extraits in. Readings in American Art.
Barbara Rose, ed. 1900-1975. N e w
Y o r k : Praeger, 1975, pp. 155-56.
. Declarations. In. Stein, Jean,
with Plimpton, George. Edie : An American Biography. N e w Y o r k : Alfred
A . Knopf, 1982.
Weinraub, Bernard. " A n d y Warhol's
Mother. " Esquire 66 (novembre 1966) :
99, 101, 158. Interview.
Livres illustres
Warhol, A n d y ; M c C a r r o l l , Fred ; et
Suzuki, M a r y . Amy Vanderbilt's Complete Book of Etiquette. Garden C i t y ,
N . J . : Doubleday & Company, 1952.
, and Ward, Ralph. A 1s an Alphabet. De Corkie et A n d y . [New Y o r k ,
, and Ward, Ralph. Love Is a Pink
Cake. De C o r k i e et A n d y . [New Y o r k ,
. Twenty-Five Cats Name [sie]
Sam and One Blue Pussy. [New Y o r k :
ed. Seymour Berlin, c. 1954].
. A la Recherche du Shoe Perdu.
[ N e w Y o r k , c. 1955].
. In the Bottom of My Garden.
[ N e w Y o r k , c. 1956].
The Gold Book. [New Y o r k ,
, and Frankfurt, Suzie. WildRaspberries. [ N e w Y o r k , 1959].
Monographies et catalogues
d'exposition personnelles
Andy Warhol, cat. Philadelphie : Institute of Contemporary A r t , University of
Pennsylvania, 1965.
Andy Warhol, cat. Zürich : Kunsthaus,
Andy Warhol Mick Jagger 1975, cat.
N e w Y o r k : Multiples and Castelli G r a phics, 1975.
Andy Warhol Myths, cat. N e w Y o r k :
Ronald Feldman Fine Arts, 1981.
Aprä, Adriano. // Cinema di Andy Warhol. Rome : Arcana [1972].
B r o w n , Andreas, Andy Warhol: His
Early World 1947-1959, cat. N e w Y o r k :
Gotham Book Mart Gallery, 1971.
Coplans, John ; Mekas, Jonas ; et T o m kins, Calvin. Andy Warhol, Greenwich,
C o n n . : N e w Y o r k cat. Graphic Society
for the Pasadena A r t Museum, 1970.
C r o n e , Rainer. Andy Warhol. N e w
Y o r k : Praeger, 1970 ; Londres : Thames
and H u d s o n ; Francfort B ü c h e r g i l d e
Gutenberg. Catalogue raisonne.
. Andy Warhol: Das zeichnerische Werk, 1942-1975, cat. Stuttgart :
W ü r t t e m b e r g i s c h e r Kunstverein, 1976.
K o c h , Stephen. Stargazer: Andy Warhol's World and His Films. N e w Y o r k :
Praeger, 1973 ; Paris : ed. du Chene,
K r o h g , M o r t e n . Andy Warhol,
O s l o : Kunstneres H u s , 1968.
Lebel, Jean-Jacques. Warhol, cat. Paris :
Ileana Sonnabend, 1964.
Licht, Ira. Andy Warhol: Ten Portraits
of Jews of the Twentieth Century, cat.
Coral Gables, Fla. : Lowe A r t Museum,
University of M i a m i , 1980.
Morphet, Richard. Warhol, cat. L o n dres : Täte Gallery, 1971.
, Wiegand, Winifred. Die revolutionäre Ästhetik Andy Warhols. Darmstadt : Melzer Verlag, 1972.
Pacquement, Alfred, and Brownstone,
Gilbert. Andy Warhol, cat. Paris : Musce
d ' A r t moderne de la V i l l e de Paris,
Dolezal, Georg J. Andy Warhol: Schweizer Portraits, cat. T h u n : Kunst
Sammlung der Stadt Thun, 1982.
Patalas, Enno. Andy Warhol und seine
Filme : Eine Dokumentation. Münich,
Gablik, Suzi. Andy Warhol: Portrait
Screenprints 1965-80, cat. Londres : Arts
C o u n c i l of Great Britain, 1981.
Ronte, Dieter, Stuckey, Charles F. Warhol'80: Serie reversal, cat. Vienne :
Museum Moderner Kunst, Museum
des 20. Jahrhunderts, 1981.
G i d a l , Peter. Andy Warhol, Films and
Paintings. N e w Y o r k : E . P . Dutton and
L o n d o n : Studio Vista, 1971.
Green, Samuel Adams. Andy Warhol.
N e w Y o r k : Wittenborn, 1966. Publie
in. Gregory Battcock. The New Art.
N e w Y o r k : E . P . Dutton, 1966, pp. 22934.
Rosenblum, Robert, Whitney, David,
ed. Andy Warhol: Portraits of the 70s,
cat. N e w Y o r k : Random House for
Whitney Museum of American A r t ,
Salzano, G i a n c a r l o .
Rome : Magna, 1976.
Haenlein, C a r l . Andy Warhol: Bilder
1961 bis 1981, cat. Hanovre : Kestner
Gesellschaft, 1981.
Salzmann, Siegfried. Kultstar Warhol
Starkult. Duisburg : Museumsverein,
Haftmann, Werner ; Roters, E. Foreword. Andy Warhol, cat. Berlin : N a t i o nalgalerie und Deutsche Gesellschaft für
Bildende Kunst, 1969.
Solomon, A l a n . Andy Warhol, cat. Boston : Institute of Contemporary A r t ,
H a h n , O t t o . Warhol. Paris, ed. Hazan,
Vijande, Rodrigo, and Nadaff, Alfred.
Andy Warhol: Guns, Knives, Crosses,
cat. Madrid : Galerie Fernando Vijande,
Janus. Andy Warhol: Ladies and Gentlemen. M i l a n : Gabriele M a z z o t t a ,
Warhol, A n d y ; König, Kaspar ; Pontus
Hulten ; Granath, O l l e , Andy Warhol,
3 ed. Boston : Boston Book and A r t
Publisher, 1970. Catalogue de l'exposition au Moderna Museet, Stockholm,
Wilcock, John. The Autobiography and
Sex Life of Andy Warhol. N e w Y o r k :
Other Scenes, 1971.
W ü n s c h e , Hermann. Andy Warhol: Das
Graphische Werk 1962-1980. Cologne :
Bonner Universität Buchdrukerei, 1980
[?]. ed. Castelli Graphics. Catalogue
raisonne de l'ceuvre graphique.
Films de A n d y Warhol
Tarzan and Jane Regained... Sort of.
2 heures, n / b , sonore.
Kiss. 50 minutes, n / b , muet.
Sleep. 6 heures, n / b , muet.
Andy Warhol Films Jack Smith Filming
"Normal Love". 3 minutes, c o u l . ,
Dance Movie (also k n o w n as Roller
Skates). 45 minutes, n / b , muet.
Haircut. 33 minutes, n / b , muet.
Eat. 45 minutes, n / b , muet.
Salome and Delilah. 30 minutes, n / b ,
Batman Dracula. 2 heures, n / b , muet.
Empire. 8 heures, muet.
Henry Geldzahler. 100 minutes, n / b ,
Couch. 40 minutes, n / b , muet.
Shoulder. 4 minutes, n / b , muet.
Mario Banana. 4 minutes, n / b , muet.
Harlot. 70 minutes, n / b , sonore.
The Thirteen Most Beautiful Women.
40 minutes, n / b , muet.
Soap Opera aussi connu sous le titre :
The Lester Persky Story). 70 minutes,
n / b , muet.
Taylor Mead's Ass. 70 minutes, n / b ,
The Thirteen Most Beautiful Boys.
40 minutes, n / b , muet.
Fifty Fantastics and Fifty Personalities.
Duree inconnue, n / b , muet.
Ivy John. 35 minutes, n / b , sonore.
Suicide. 70 minutes, coul., sonore.
Screen Test # 1.70 minutes, n / b ,
Screen Test # 2.70 minutes, n / b ,
The life of Juanita Castro. 70 minutes,
n / b , sonore.
Drunk. 70 minutes, n / b , sonore.
Horse. 105 minutes, n / b , sonore.
Poor Little Rieh Girl. 70 minutes, n / b ,
Vinyl. 70 minutes, n / b , sonore.
Bitch. 70 minutes, n / b , sonore.
Restaurant. 35 minutes, n / b , sonore.
Kitchen. 70 minutes, n / b , sonore.
Prison. 70 minutes, n / b , sonore.
Face. 70 minutes, n / b , sonore.
Afternoon. 105 minutes, n / b , sonore.
Beauty # 2.70 minutes, n / b , sonore.
Space. 70 minutes, n / b , sonore.
Outerand Inner Space. 70 minutes, n / b ,
Afy Hustler. 70 minutes, n / b , sonore.
Camp. 70 minutes, sonore.
/ W / Swan. 70 minutes, coul., sonore.
Hedy (aussi connu sous le titre : The
Most Beautiful Woman in the World,
The Shoplifter, or The Fourteen Year
Old Girl). 70 minutes, n / b , sonore.
More Milk Yvette (aussi connu sous le
titre : Lana Turner). 70 minutes, n / b ,
Lupe. 70 minutes, sonore.
The Velvet Underground and Nico.
70 minutes, n / b , sonore.
Bufferin (aussi connu sous le titre :
Gerard Malanga Reads Poetry). 35 m i nutes, n / b , sonore.
Eating Too Fast (aussi connu sous le
titre : Blow-Job # 2). 70 minutes, n / b ,
The Chelsea Girls. 3 heures, 15 minutes,
coul. et n / b , sonore.
(aussi connu sous le titre : Four
Stars). 25 heures, coul., sonore. C o m prend plus de trente bobines de films aux
titres differents dont : Group One, Sunset Beach on Long Island, High Ashbury,
Tiger Morse, International Velvet, Alan
and Dickin Imitation of Christ, Courtroom, Gerard Has His Hair Removed
with Nah, Katrina Dead, Sausalito, Alan
and Apple.
The Loves of Ondines. 86 minutes, coul.,
/, a Man. 100 minutes, n / b , sonore.
Bike Boy. 96 minutes, coul., sonore.
Nude Restaurant. Duree inconnue,
coul., sonore.
Lonesome Cowboys. 110 minutes, coul.,
A partir de 1968 tous les films de Warhol
ont ete realises par Paul Morrissey.
Blue Movie. 90 minutes, coul., sonore.
Flesh. 105 minutes, coul., sonore.
Trash. 103 minutes, coul., sonore.
Women in Revolt. 97 minutes, coul.,
Heat. 100 minutes, coul., sonore.
L'Amour. 90 minutes, coul., sonore.
Andy Warhol's Dracula. 90 minutes,
coul., sonore.
Andy Warhol's Frankenstein. 95 minutes, coul., sonore, 3-D.
Films sur A n d y Warhol
Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein. Realise
et produit par Lane Slate. National E d u cational Television and Radio Center,
1966. 16 m m .
Super-Artist. Bruce Torbet Films, 1967.
16 mm.
Ces notes documentaires sont extraites
de l'ouvrage de Carter Ratcliff, Warhol,
Abbeville Modern Masters, N e w Y o r k ,