Dorset July 2015.pages - Dorset Elementary School


Dorset July 2015.pages - Dorset Elementary School
École Dorset School: Summertime and Vacation is E-A-S-Y!
Where did that year go? It started with a first day of nervous questions and shy smiles and ended with a feeling of
belonging to the Dorset School year 2014-2015! Many students have the amazing yearbook to prove it!
This month our senior students ran, jumped, threw and raced their way through the annual LBPSB Track and Field
Meet. The weather was cool and dried out in time, and so the events came off without a hitch. Speaking of
Athletics…Dorset is so proud that one of our own has followed her dreams in the international world of soccer!
Rhian Wilkinson has team Dorset behind her as she plays for Canada in the FIFA Women’s World Cup! She was an
inspirational speaker to our own students on two occasions and makes her school and community proud!
Our last Scolastic Book Fair netted profits and books for our library and
the kids had a great time shopping till dropping! Our Environment Club
had an awesome year planting and caring about our planet. The end of
year flurry of activities has passed. Kindergarten visited the critters at the
Biodome and also spent a day romping in a hayloft, feeding animals and
roasting marshmallows in the deep dark woods at Camp Pioneer in Ste.
Justine de Newton. They also visited and sang to the seniors at the local
Maxwell Residence and then they entertained their own parents for an
end of year Kindergarten Finale! The Peace Pals munched their way
through their annual end of year BBQ . Our own M.Lajeunesse (retired
carteaker) came back to grill the hotdogs.
Our own Sparkes of Hope group of student,
staff and parent volunteers held a successful
fundraiser. Many people dropped by, bounced, snacked and drove a Ford raising
$10,000 in order to help purchase a van (with gas and insurance) so this special school
can share the opportunity for an education with children from remote areas. Thanks to
the generosity of all our sponsors and participants, many impoverished and deserving
Haitian children will have a summer camp experience of a lifetime.
Les élèves de la cinquième année ont bien aimé leur journée sur l’eau au Club de
Canoë Pointe Claire. Ils ont eu l’opportunité d’apprendre à ramer des kayaks, des
canots et des bateaux dragons. S’ils avaient trop chaud, ils pouvaient sauter dans l’eau.
Maintenant ils peuvent pratiquer ces activitiés estivales eux-mêmes. Aussi, tous les
élèves ont joui d’une visite à la piscine de Baie d’Urfé, plus une gatterie de crème glacée apportée par Pickerell!
Our grade 6 students have graduated and been wished well on their way to
high school by parents and staff. Mrs. Tanya Peris, a former Dorset parent,
Home and School member, computer instructor and all round “Jill” of all
trades spoke to the grads on behalf of the adults and friends in their lives.
As always, Mrs. Peris worked with these students to put together a
memorable video montage of their elementary lives and we wish her and
these students great memories of Dorset.
Thank you for helping us make our Dorset year so special!
Have a great summer, till we see you again! Bon été à tous et à la
Sumitted for Dorset by A. Tellier