Monte Alban, Oaxaca, Mexico 800-1000 AD Zapotec "urn" Zapotec
Monte Alban, Oaxaca, Mexico 800-1000 AD Zapotec "urn" Zapotec
Monte Alban, Oaxaca, Mexico 800-1000 AD Zapotec "urn" Zapotec vase-effigy in clearly clay, representing a seated goddess with hands on knees, wearing a tunic and a quechquemitl Mexican and wearing wide circular cap with long tassels hanging on the sides. Serene face, of enigmatic expression in eyelids falling again slowly on eyes, lips slightly half-opened fashionably beautiful feminine representations of this culture in the plastic art so original. Such urns were almost always funded empty, associated with the body in the graves; it isn't necessarily funeral urns, sometimes, they have been associated with the temples foundations; these objects are closely related to political developments in the Zapotec civilization, although their function is also highly religious. High cylinder urn intact on the back, traces of red pigment on the face and the cap, excellent condition. H: 21 cm L: 18 cm Provenance: Fort Knox Gallery, Santa Fe, NM, and collection of M.R. Ryat, Toulouse. SOCIETE COMMERCIALE D’ANTIQUITES « A LA REINE MARGOT » 509 R.C.S. PARIS B 305 909 7, quai de Conti - 75006 - Paris - Tél. : + - Fax : + Numéro intracommunautaire : FR 93305909509 IBAN : FR76 3006 6101 2100 0104 2750 152 E-mail : [email protected] - SITE INTERNET : Literature: Mongne, Pascal, 1987a – « Les Zapotèques » in : Archéologia. Dijon (Mars, n° 222), p 16-29. Mongne, Pascal, 1987d – « Les urnes funéraires zapotèques : collectionnisme et contrefaçon » in : Journal de la Société des Américanistes. Paris (Vol.73), p 7-50. Marcus, Joyce and Flannery, Kent V., Zapotec Civilization: How Urban Society Evolved in Mexico's Oaxaca Valley, New York, Thames & Hudson, 1996 SOCIETE COMMERCIALE D’ANTIQUITES « A LA REINE MARGOT » 509 R.C.S. PARIS B 305 909 7, quai de Conti - 75006 - Paris - Tél. : + - Fax : + Numéro intracommunautaire : FR 93305909509 IBAN : FR76 3006 6101 2100 0104 2750 152 E-mail : [email protected] - SITE INTERNET :
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