Recap by MP
Recap by MP
Topic recap sheet n°7 : the UK & Europe : “I love you !” “me neither …” Content / Documents : Pictures : Major Cam cartoon / Newspapers front pages (Brexit) Video : a tour of the ESA / Will we be toasting with English champagne ? Texts : Brexit would hurt science / Champagne Taittinger settles in the UK / Translation (in Brussels) Graphs : the UK and the EU Civilisation / Culture : Project Fear (scare tactics to influence voters) / Is it safe ? people’s worst fears a small country in a globalised world ( place of English in the world, diversity of cultures) Picture(s) (description & meaning) “I told you” : Cameron threatens to open the „door „ / leave the EU / but he doesn‟t act : just hot air ( paroles en l’air…) “Major Cam” : He looks anxious because he‟s uncertain of the referendum‟s results. Cameron is on a spaceship far from Earth, far from the EU, he‟s drifting away… “Revenant” : He‟s faced with a dilemma, either he leaves the EU : England => , EU => Or he stays : England => , EU => Graphs (description & meaning) “Rise of UKip” : Euro-sceptic growth (UK Independence Party) . On the contrary, proEuropean Lib Dems have declined. “They need each other” : ½ of goods produced in the UK are exported to the EU. The leave and remain sides are on a par (50/50) : there are almost as many people who want to leave as people who want to stay Vocabulary : English An exodus To recruit sparkling wine Global warming Climate change Home grown To debate To enforce The single market To veto The economic and monetary union French Un exode recruter Vin pétillant Le réchauffement Le changement clim. Du pays, local Débattre Faire appliquer Marché unique S’opposer L’union monétaire et économique English To point out A contributor A vineyard To threaten French Amount Un montant Membres fondateurs Zone de libre échange Sans frontières Le droit de douane Le conseil de l’Europe The founding members A free trade area Borderless Customs duty The council of Europe Montrer du doigt Un donateur Un vignoble Menacer A disaster Une catastrophe the damage The European parliament EU membership Le parlement européen To pull out les dommages, les dégâts Se retirer de L’adhésion à l’UE To thwart someone’s efforts Contre carrer les efforts de… A dilemma Un dilemme An endeavor Un effort Recent events, historical & cultural references mentioned in the documents: - For /Against the EU : For : UK entered the EU in 1973, if the UK left the EU, it would be a disaster for the English industry. Against : less immigration, they will be free (will no longer depend on Brussels) (will be able to make their own laws and regulation) Conservatives are divided over that issue: the Prime Minister is campaigning for the UK to remain in the EU. Recently Ian Duncan Smith (a conservative) resigned from the government because he doesn‟t agree with Cameron about Brexit. The justice minister is also campaigning for the Leave side. - Use of “fear” = scaremongering in each camp. - President Roosevelt tried to warn politicians and citizens about the danger of giving in to fear (March 4, 1933, FDR‟s inaugural address, in the midst of the Great Depression) “So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is...fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance. This great nation will endure, as it has endured. We will thrive, and will prosper.” Key expressions (grammar, syntax, translation...) - “Together we stand, divided we fall”, Pink Floyd -Explanation of the expression “united we stand” :,_divided_we_fall “L‟Europe est un état composé de plusieurs provinces“, Montesquieu, XVII “Europe is a state composed of several provinces” “Britain itself is a floating island which, according to the inflections of its policy moves towards or away from Europe.”, Alfred Fabre-Luce, 20th century Document prepared with great care by : Rémi Molaro-Maqua, Victor Pépin & Thibaut Desfachelles
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Recap by BV2
Topic recap sheet n°7 : the UK & Europe : “I love you !” “me neither …”
Content / Documents :
Pictures : Major Cam cartoon / Newspapers front pages (Brexit)
Video : a tour of the ESA / Will we be t...