
Cuisine and Pastry Demonstrations
September – November 2007 Program
Le Cordon Bleu
Ottawa Culinary Arts Institute
453 Laurier Avenue East, Ottawa, Ontario
1.613.236.2433 – www.cordonbleu.edu
Worldwide Leader in Culinary Education
For more than a hundred years, people around the world have
looked to LE CORDON BLEU for “la crème de la crème” in
professional training in the culinary arts. Graduates of LE
CORDON BLEU become part of a great culinary tradition of
excellence, with credentials that set them apart from the
competition in a demanding ever-changing professional
Ottawa is home to critically acclaimed LE CORDON BLEU
Signatures Restaurant which offers the finest in classic French
cuisine from professional service and kitchen brigades.
In 2006, LE CORDON BLEU Signatures Restaurant received
the coveted AAA/CAA Five Diamond Award and becomes the
only school to operate a Five Diamond Restaurant. It also
becomes the only Five Diamond Restaurant in Ottawa and one
of only 11 in Canada.
Students benefit from have a gastronomic restaurant on-site in
several ways. Although they do not participate in the operation
of the restaurant itself, they do take over the kitchen every
Thursday and Friday at lunch when they serve local members
of the Club des Amis du Cordon Bleu. Members enjoy a threecourse lunch prepared by the Superior students under the
supervision of one of the Master Chefs.
LE CORDON BLEU Ottawa Culinary Arts Institute
emphasizes the rich heritage of French cuisine while also
encouraging our students to develop their own palate, style
and culinary knowledge in our unique, multicultural learning
Demonstrations 2007
Cuisine Demonstrations:
Basic Cuisine
Intermediate Cuisine
Superior Cuisine
Pastry Demonstrations
Basic Pastry
Intermediate Pastry
Superior Pastry
Our demonstrations are daily and are followed by a tasting.
Please call us in advance for the reservation of your choice.
Le Cordon Bleu
Ottawa Culinary Arts Institute
453 Laurier Avenue East, Ottawa, Ontario
1.613.236.2433 – www.cordonbleu.edu
Monday September 10 to Saturday September 15
Monday September 10
Tuesday September 11
Intermediate Cuisine #1
8:15 – 11:15am
Intermediate Cuisine #3
8:15 – 11:15am
Homard à l’armoricaine,
bouquetière de legumes, Filet
mignon de porc en croûte
bretonne, Far Breton aux
raisins et aux pruneaux /
Lobster with Armoricaine sauce,
Pork tenderloin in crust with
apples, Flan filled with prunes and
Basic Cuisine #003
8:15 – 11:15am
Laitues braises, Tomates
concassées, Potugaise,
Duxelle sêche de
champignons, Bouquetière,
Blanc de cuisson, Grandmère, Jardinière et macédoine
de legumes, Pommes de terre
pour frire / Braised lettuce,
Crushed tomatoes, Tomatoes,
crushed and cooked, Mushroom,
chopped and cooked with shallots,
Vegetables served in a bunch,
Cooking liquid, Garnish of bacon,
onions, mushrooms and potatoes,
Vegetables cut into sticks and
cubes, Different cuts for deep-fried
Superior Cuisine #002
12:00 – 3:00pm
Please contact the institute
for more information.
Basic Pastry #2
12:00 – 3:00pm
Les Biscuits
Génoise, Biscuits à la cuillère,
Biscuit roulé, Dacquoise /
Genoese sponge cake, Lady fingers,
Rolled biscuits, Nut cake
Rillettes de porc, Matelote de
doré au vin rouge, pommes
de terre persillées, Cremet de
Touraine / Pork rillettes, Fish
stew with red wine and potatoes
with parsley, Touraine cream
cheese dessert
Le Cordon Bleu
Ottawa Culinary Arts Institute
453 Laurier Avenue East, Ottawa, Ontario
1.613.236.2433 – www.cordonbleu.edu
Wednesday September12
Intermediate Pastry #3
8:15 – 11:15am
Basic Cuisine #005
8:15 – 11:15am
Ambassadeur exotique
Les Pâtes Levées
Basic yeast doughs
Pissaladière/Onion and anchovy
pastry, Saucisson en
brioche/Sausage wrapped in
brioche, Tarte au sucre/Sugar
Basic Pastry #3
Chipirons farcis, Piperade,
Poulet basquaise / Stuffed
squid, Tomato and pepper scramle
eggs, Sauteed chicken served with
peppers and tomatoes
Les crèmes de patisserie –
Creams and Fillings
Crème chantilly, Crème
patissiere, Crème anglaise,
Crème bavaroise, Crème
d’amande, Crème au beurre,
Ganache, Meringue
Whipped cream, pastry cream,
Bavarian cream, almond cream,
buttercream, ganache and meringue
Superior Cuisine #3
12:00 – 3:00pm
Intermediate Cuisine #4
3 :30 - 6 :30
Crème de petit pois/Creamy
pea soup, Pot au feu de lotte
dans un boillon au beurre de
cerfeuil, gnocchis
safranés/Angler pot au feu in a
chevril butter bouillon, saffron
gnocchis, Magret de canard au
vinaigre de framboises/Duck
fillets wiht sapberry vinegar
Désossage d’une cuisse de
veau / Boning of a veal leg
Escalope de veau Viennoise,
jus de veau au beurre
noisette/Breaded veal scallops,
simple veal gravy with browned
Intermediate Cuisine #2
8:15 – 11:15am
Intermediate Pastry #2
12:00 – 3:00pm
Petits four
Choux pastry
Basic Cuisine #004
3 :30 - 6 :30
Les Pâtes de Cuisine
Basic doughs
Quiche Lorraine, Flammiche
/ Leek and cheese tart, Pâté
Pantin/ Pate wrapped in pastry,
Tarte aux pommes/Apple tart
Thursday September 13
Friday September 14
Basic Pastry #4
8:15 – 11:15am
Les Tartes – Tarts
Tarte au citron, Tarte aux
fraises, Tarte aux pommes
Lemon tart, Strawberry tart,
Apple tart
Superior Cuisine #4
12:00 – 3:00pm
Cold Appetizers
Parfait de foie de volailles
aux raisins, salade
d’herbes/Poultry liver parfait
with grapes, herb salad, Salade
de homard au gingembre
confit/Lobster salad with
candied ginger
Intermediate Pastry #4
3:30 – 7:00pm
Le Fraisier
Sponge filled with pastry cream
and strawberries
Saturday September 15
Monday September 17 to Saturday September 22
Monday September 17
Intermediate Cuisine #5
8:15 – 11:15am
Paupiettes de veau à la
crème, dariole d’épinards,
sauce au crème/Braised veal in
cream sauce with spinach flan,
Chartreuse de ris de veau/
Molded veal sweetbread.
Basic Cuisine #006
8:15 – 11:15am
Les Pâtes de Cuisine
Basic doughs
Allumettes de fromage
/Cheese straws Gnocchi à la
Parisienne/Gnocchi in béchamel
sauce, Crepes au sucre / Sugar
crepes, Fettucini
Alfredo/Fettucini in Alfredo
Superior Cuisine #3
12:00 – 3:00pm
Crème de petit pois/Creamy
pea soup, Pot au feu de lotte
dans un boillon au beurre de
cerfeuil, gnocchis
safranés/Angler pot au feu in a
chevril butter bouillon, saffron
gnocchis, Magret de canard au
vinaigre de framboises/Duck
fillets wiht sapberry vinegar
Superior Pastry #103
8:15 – 11:15am
Tarte aux abricots et crème
brulée / Apricot crème brulee
tart, Entremet
Vanessa/Chocolate and vanilla
cream cake
Tuesday September 18
Le Cordon Bleu
Ottawa Culinary Arts Institute
453 Laurier Avenue East, Ottawa, Ontario
1.613.236.2433 – www.cordonbleu.edu
Wednesday September 19
Thursday September 20
Superior Cuisine #5
8:15 – 11:15am
Intermediate Cuisine #6
8:15 – 11:15am
Warm Dishes
Roulade de dinde aux
aubergines, petits
légumes/Turkey roulade with
eggplants, small vegetables, Petit
bar en croûte façon coulibiac,
aubergines Bayaldi/Sea-bass
in a crust Coulibiac style,
Bayaldi eggplants.
Rilletes de saumon, fougasse
aux légumes/Salmon rillettes
with vegetable bread, Saumon au
vert, riz pilaf/Salmon with herb
sauce and rice pilaf, Petit
Koulibiac de saumon frais et
fumé/ Fresh and smoked salmon
in a puff pastry crust
Basic Cuisine #8
8:15 – 11:15am
Les Entremets Glacés
Frozen desserts
Basic Pastry #5
8:15 – 11:15am
Pâte Levée I - Yeast Doughs I
Croissants, Brioche, Savarin
aux fruits, Pâte feuilletée/Puff
Intermediate Pastry #5
12:00 – 3:00pm
Le Chocolat
Tempering and the making
of a candy box
Basic Cuisine #7
12:00 – 3:00pm
Les Entremets - Basic Desserts
Charlotte aux pommes,
/Apple charlotte, Crème
renversée au caramel
/Caramel custard, Les fruits
pochés /Poached fruit,
Sabayon aux fruits /Fruit
Basic Pastry #6
8:15 – 11:15am
Pâte Levée II - Yeast Doughs II
Danoises, Pain aux raisins,
Pains au chocolat, Pain au lait
Danish, Raisin rolls, Chocolate
croissants, Milk bread
Intermediate Pastry #6
3 :30 - 6 :30
Le Chocolat
Boules de neige, Muscadines,
Pate d’amande, Tuiles
Soufflé glacé à l’orange
/Frozen orange souffle, Crème
glacée vanille et
café/Vanilla and coffee icecreams, Granité au Calvados
/Calvados granita, Sorbet au
citron vert/Lime sorbet
Intermediate Cuisine #7
12:00 – 3:00pm
Carbonnade flamande /
Flank steak cooked in dark beer
with onions, Ballottine de
faisan gourmande /Stuffed
pheasant with vegetables
Superior Pastry #104
3:30 – 7:00pm
Nid d’abeille, Shanghai
Friday September 21
Intermediate Pastry #7
8:15 – 11:15am
Petits fours (genoise)
Saturday September 22
Gourmet Session :
Cuisine Bourgeoise (en
12 :00 to 3 :00 (demo only,
12 :00 to 6 :00 (demo and
practical class)
Monday September 24 to Saturday September 29
Monday September 24
Basic Cuisine #9
8:15 – 11:15am
Les Salades – Salads
Salade niçoise/Nice-style tuna
salad, Salade de nonnes/Rice
and chicken salad, Salade
Francillon /Potato and mussel
salad, Frisée aux lardons
/Chicory and bacon salad
Tuesday September 25
Wednesday September 26
Thursday September 27
Friday September 28
Intermediate Cuisine #8
8:15 – 11:15am
Intermediate Cuisine #9
8:15 – 11:15am
Intermediate Pastry #8
8:15 – 11:15am
Intermediate Cuisine #10
8:15 – 11:15am
Coquilles St Jacques à la
Nantaise/Scallops with mussels,
mushroom and truffles, Soupe
aux huîtres /Oyster soup, Petite
marmite vendéenne /Lightly
curried shellfish soup, Huîtres
gratinées au
champagne/Gratinéed oysters
with champagne
Désossage d’un agneau –
Boning of a whole lamb
Cotelettes d’agneau
Maintenon/Lamb chop
Maintenon, Pommes
boulangère/Potatoes with
onions, Gratin de chouxfleurs/Cauliflower gratin,
Carottes Vichy/Cooked carrots
Millefeuille Praliné
Basic Cuisine #11
8:15 – 11:15am
Les Sauces et Liaisons
Mother sauces and liaisons
Truite Bellevue / Jellied trout,
Gigot d’agneau rôti aux
herbes, pommes Anna et
tomates provençales/Roast leg
of lamb with herbs, potatoes Anna
and provencal tomatoes, Aspic de
légumes /Vegetables in aspic
Superior Pastry #105
8:15 – 11:15am
Poulet poché sauce suprême
/ Poached chicken with Supreme
Superior Cuisine #6
12:00 – 3:00pm
Forgotten Produce
Crème de potiron/Creamy
pumpking soup, Feuilleté de ris
de veau aux vieilles raciness,
jus de macis/Veal sweetbreads
in puff pastry with old roots, mace
juice, Tournedos de saumon
aux lentilles du Puy, sauce
légèrement fumée/Salmon
tournedos with lentils from Puy,
lightly smoked sauce.
Le Cordon Bleu
Ottawa Culinary Arts Institute
453 Laurier Avenue East, Ottawa, Ontario
1.613.236.2433 – www.cordonbleu.edu
Basic Pastry #7
8:15 – 11:15am
Finition des feuilletages
Finishing of puff pastry
Chaussons aux pommes,
Pithiviers, Palmiers,
Millefeuille, Galettes des rois
Apple turnovers, Almond filled
cake, Palm leaves, Napoleons,
Kings’ cake
Basic Cuisine #010
8:15 – 11:15am
Les Fonds Blanc et Brun
Brown and White Stocks
Filets de sole dieppoise / Sole
fillets with shrimp and mussels
Moulage de chocolat
Molded chocolates
Superior Cuisine #7
12:00 – 3:00pm
Raviolis d’herbes au saumon
et saumon fumé/Salmon and
smoked salmon herb ravioles,
Gelée safrannée de poissons
et coquillages/Fish and shellfish jelly with saffron, pavé de
cabillard rôti, gaspacho au
basilic, brochettes de légumes
au chorizo/Fresh cod, basil
gaspacho, vegetables brochettes
with chorizo
Basic Pastry #8
12:00 – 3:00pm
Les Génoises – Genoese sponge
Gâteau Forêt Noire, Moka,
Mexicain, Décor en chocolat
Black Forest cake, Coffee
buttercream cake, Chocolate layer
cake, Chocolate decorations
Basic Cuisine #12
8:15 – 11:15am
Les emulsions
Emulsion sauces
Saumon grillé, sauce
béarnaise / Grilled salmon with
béarnaise sauce
Saturday September 29
Le Cordon Bleu
Ottawa Culinary Arts Institute
453 Laurier Avenue East, Ottawa, Ontario
1.613.236.2433 – www.cordonbleu.edu
Monday October 1 to Saturday October 6
Monday October 1
Tuesday October 2
Intermediate Pastry #9
8:15 – 11:15am
Intermediate Cuisine #11
8:15 – 11:15am
Chaud-froid au chocolat,
Crème glacée au caramel,
Dacquoise aux pistaches,
granité aux griottes, jus de
fraises des bois
Soupe au pistou/ Vegetable
soup with pesto, Carré de porc
braisé aux olives/Rack of
pork braised with olives,
Risotto crémeux/Creamy
risotto, Ratatouille Niçoise
/Vegetable stew
Basic Cuisine #13
8:15 – 11:15am
Les Soupes I – Soups I
Potage Julienne d’Arblay
/Puréed vegetable soup, Potage
Conti / Lentil soup, Velouté
Agnes Sorel / Cream of
chicken soup, Crème de
moules au safran / Cream of
mussel soup
Superior Cuisine #8
Fricassée d’écrevisses aux
tomates confites, jus au
gingembre/Crayfish fricassée
with candied tomatoes, ginger
juice, Tatin d’endives au
Superior Pastry #106
8:15 – 11:15am
Bonbons au chocolat
Superior Cuisine #9
12:00 – 3:00pm
Warm/Cold Dishes
Marinade de noix pétoncles
à l’huile de coriandre, duo
de poireaux-pommes de
terre de deux façons/Scallops
marinated in coriander oil, leek
and potato duet in two different
styles, Petits filets de
vivanneau marinés à l’huile
d’olives, Méridionale de
légumes et coulis à
cru/Small snapper fillets
marinated in olive oil. Vegetable
Méridionale and raw coulis
Basic Pastry #9
12:00 – 3:00pm
La Pâte à Choux I
Eclairs au chocolat et au
café, Religieuses au café,
Cygnes, Salammbo
Chocolate and coffee éclairs,
Coffee religieuses, Swans,
Caramel-coated choux buns
Wednesday October 3
Intermediate Pastry #10
8:15 – 11:15am
Mousse chocolat blanc et
orange sanquine / White
Chocolate and Blood Orange
Basic Cuisine #14
8:15 – 11:15am
Les Soupes II
Consommé, Bisque de
homard /Lobster bisque,
Soupe à l’oignon gratinée /
Traditional onion soup, Potage
Bortsch polonaise / Polish
beet and cabbage soup
Thursday October 4
Friday October 5
Intermediate Cuisine #12
8:15 – 11:15am
Intermediate Cuisine #13
Saumon cru mariné au thym
et safran/Raw salmon
marinated in thyme and saffron,
Roulade de dinde à la
coriander/Rolled turkey with
cilantro, Couscous aux épices
et aux fruits secs/Spiced
couscous with dried fruits, Soupe
de fraise aux agrumes et aux
épices douces/Strawberry and
citrus soup with sweet spices
Quenelles de brochet, sauce
Nantua/Pike mousse with
crayfish sauce, Filets de truites
farci aux
Basic Pastry #10
8:15 – 11:15am
Petits Fours
Bâtons de Maréchaux,
Cigarettes/tulipes, Palet des
dames, Tuiles aux amandes
Basic Cuisine #15
Les beurres composé, beurre
emulsifiée, les marinades /
Compound butters, emulsified
butters and marinades
Saumon au beurre
blanc/Salmon with emulsified
butter and shallot sauce, Salade
de poissons marinés
/Marinated fish salad
Saturday October 6
Monday October 8 to Saturday October 13
Monday October 8
Tuesday October 9
Intermediate Cuisine #14
8:15 – 11:15am
Charcuterie I
Boudin blanc aux
pommes/Veal sausages with
apples, Langues
ecarlates/Scarlet beef tongue,
Pâté en croûte/Paté in pastry,
Terrine de
campagne/Country-style pate.
Basic Cuisine #16
8:15 – 11:15am
Les Braisages – Braising
Navarin d’agneau printanier
/ Lamb stew with spring
vegetables, Carré de porc
braisé nivernaise/Braised
rack of pork with turned
vegetables and braised lettuce,
Boeuf à la mode/Pot roast of
Superior Cuisine #10
12:00 – 3:00pm
Farm Produce
Œufs meurette/Meurette eggs,
Consommé de poulet en
surprise parfumé au
céleri/Surprise chicken
consommé perfumed with celery
Intermediate Pastry #11
3:30 – 6:30pm
Délice Caramel
Le Cordon Bleu
Ottawa Culinary Arts Institute
453 Laurier Avenue East, Ottawa, Ontario
1.613.236.2433 – www.cordonbleu.edu
Wednesday October 10
Intermediate Cuisine #15
8:15 – 11:15am
Saucisse de Toulouse aux
lentilles/Pork sausages with
Mise en place pour le
Preparation for the cassoulet
Basic Pastry #11
8:15 – 11:15am
Les Dacquoises
Gâteau Russe, Progrés,
Coffee and almond cake,
Hazelnut cake, Chocolate and
almond cake
Superior Cuisine #11
12:00 – 3:00pm
Longe de cerf en croûte de
sel, légumes de
saison/Boileau deer in a salt
crust, seasonal vegetables,
Roulade de printade aux
champignons sauvages,
gäteau de foie blond/Ginea
fowl with wild mushrooms, liver
Basic Cuisine #17
12:00 – 3:00pm
Sauter et Frire
Sauteing and Deep-frying
Merlan frit Colbert /Breaded
and fried whiting, Sole
meunière /Sole with lemon and
parsley butter, Beignets de
gambas / Batter fried shrimp,
Steak au poivre/Steak in
peppercorn sauce
Thursday October 11
Intermediate Cuisine #16
8:15 – 11:15am
Cassoulet Toulousain,
Traditional white bean stew,
Confit de Canard/Preserved
duck, pommes à la
Sarladaise/Sauteed potatoes
with truffle, Pot-au-feu de
canard/Duck cooked in broth
Basic Cuisine #18
12:00 – 3:00pm
Les Grillades et les gratins
Grilling and browning
Côte de boeuf grillé, beurre
de marchande de vin / Beef
prime rib with red wine butter,
Gratin dauphinois / Gratin
of potatoes, Oeufs mollets
Florentine/Medium boiled eggs
on spinach with Mornay sauce,
Rouget grillé, beurre
d’anchois / Grilled red snapper
with anchovy butter
Intermediate Pastry #12
3:30 – 7:00pm
Marquise au chocolat
Friday October 12
Intermediate Cuisine #17
12:00 – 3:00pm
Filets de sole à la
Normande/Sole filets in a
cream sauce, Jardinière de
légumes/Mixed glazed
vegetables, Lapin au
cidre/Rabbit cooked in cider,
Gnocchis à la
crème/Gnocchis in cream
Saturday October 13
Demonstration Session :
Halloween Carving
(Pumpkins and Gourds)
12 :00 to 3 :00
Please contact the institute for more
Monday October 15 to Saturday October 20
Monday October 15
Intermediate Pastry #13
8:15 – 11:15am
Sucre tiré / Nougatine
Pulled sugar / Nougatine
Basic Cuisine #19
8:15 – 11:15am
Pocher – Poaching
Petite marmite Henri
IV/Stewed chicken, Blanquette
de veau a l’ancienne, riz
creole/ Traditional veal stew
with boiled rice, Truite pochée
au court bouillon, beurre
fondu/Poached trout with
melted butter
Tuesday October 16
Intermediate Cuisine #18
8:15 – 11:15am
Cailles farcies et rôties sur
canapé, carottes et navets
glacés/ Stuffed and roasted
quail on toast, glazed carrots and
turnips, Choux farci/Stuffed
Preparation pour la
choucroute/Preparation for
the choucroute
Intermediate Pastry #12
8:15 – 11:15am
Marquise au chocolat
Intermediate Pastry #14
12:00 – 3:00pm
Superior Cuisine #12
12:00 – 3:00pm
Mahi-Mahi aux épices, sauce
vanille/Spicy Mahi-Mahi,
vanilla sauce, Paupiettes de
sole/ Pike mousse, champagne
Superior Cuisine #13
12:00 – 3:00pm
Individual Warm Dishes
Risotto de fruits de
mer/Seafood risotto, Filet de
porc, sauce périgueux,
tomates farcies au fromage
de chèvre/Pork tenderloin,
rérigueux sauce, tomatoes stuffed
with goat cheese
Basic Cuisine #20
12:00 – 3:00pm
Rotir et Poêler
Caneton aux navets /Roasted
duckling with turnips, Poulet
cocotte Grandmère/Chicken casserole with
potatoes, mushrooms and bacon,
Contrefilet rôti, pommes
château/Roasted sirloin with
butter roasted potatoes
Le Cordon Bleu
Ottawa Culinary Arts Institute
453 Laurier Avenue East, Ottawa, Ontario
1.613.236.2433 – www.cordonbleu.edu
Wednesday October 17
Thursday October 18
Intermediate Cuisine #19
8:15 – 11:15am
Fois gras aux pommes et
raisins/Foie gras with apples
and grapes, Choucroûte
alsacienne/Sauerkraut with
pork, Canard à l’orange et
aux épices douces/Duck
breast with orange and sweet
spices, Fois gras au
torchon/Foie gras cooked in a
Basic Cuisine #21
12:00 – 3:00pm
Les Poissons – Fish
Filet de rouget à l’anis / Red
snapper with fennel , Filet de
fletan à la Dugléré / Halibut
fillet with tomato garnish,
Escalope de saumon en
papillotte / Salmon baked in
paper, Lotte au poivre
vert/Monkfish with green
Basic Pastry #13
Les Miroirs – Jelly-glazed cakes
Miroir au cassis, Miroir
Black currant mousse cake,
Lemon mousse cake
Friday October 19
Saturday October 20
Monday October 22 to Saturday October 27
Monday October 22
Intermediate Pastry #15
8 :15-11 :00
Le Pacific
Strawberry and lemon mousse
Basic Cuisine #22
8:15 – 11:15am
Les Volailles – Poultry
Pintade au chou/Guinea fowl
with cabbage, Poulet sauté
chasseur/Chicken with
mushrooms, Perdrix pochée à
l’estragon /Partridge poached
in tarragon sauce, Magret de
canard aux champignons
sauvages /Duck breast with
wild mushrooms
Superior Cuisine #14
12:00 – 3:00pm
Crème de champignon à l’ail
des bois/Creamy mushroom
soup with wild garlic,
Déclinaison de cailles et ris
d’agneau aux shiitakes/Quai
land lamb sweetbreads with
shiitake mushrooms
Tuesday October 23
Basic Pastry #14
8:15 – 11:15am
Les Soufflés Chauds
Hot Soufflés
Soufflé chaud Rothschild,
Tarte soufflé, Gratin de
Kirsch soufflé with candied fruit,
Soufflé tart, Gratin of seasonal
Superior Cuisine #15
12:00 – 3:00pm
Faisan en salmis, sauce
bigarade/Pheasan salmi,
Bigarade sauce, Filet de bœuf
à la ficelle, sauce au foie
gras/Ficelle beef fillet, foie gras
Superior Pastry #109
3:30 – 7:00pm
Gâteau de marriage
Wedding cake
Le Cordon Bleu
Ottawa Culinary Arts Institute
453 Laurier Avenue East, Ottawa, Ontario
1.613.236.2433 – www.cordonbleu.edu
Wednesday October 24
Thursday October 25
Basic Cuisine #23
8:15 – 11:15am
Les coquillages, escargots et
cuisses de grenouilles - Shellfish,
snails and frog’s legs
Intermediate Pastry #16
8:15 – 11:15am
Le Russe / L’Opera
Blanquette de cuisses de
grenouilles / White stew of
frogs’ legs, Coquilles St
Jacques provençales
/Scallops with tomato and garlic,
Feuilleté d’escargots aux
champignons des bois /Puff
pastry filled with snails and wild
mushrooms, Moules
marinières /Mussels cooked in
white wine, Praires farcies
/Stuffed clams
Basic Cuisine #24
12:00 – 3:00pm
Aubergines Imam Bayildi /
Eggplant stuffed with tomatoes
and onions, Osso-bucco
piemontaise/Braised veal
shank, Gratin de fraises au
Sabayon /Sabayon of
Friday October 26
Intermediate Cuisine #20
8:15 – 11:15am
Steak tartare / Beef tartar,
Chateaubriand Wellington,
sauce Perigourdine /Beef
Wellington with truffle sauce,
Stroganov de boeuf, riz
pilaf/Beef stroganoff and rice
Basic Pastry #15
8:15 – 11:15am
Les Gateaux, Travail de la pâte
Cakes and almond paste figures
Gateau basque, Cake au
citron/Almond cream filled
cake, Lemon pound cake
Saturday October 27
Workshop Session :
World of Cheese and Wine
12 :00 to 5 :30
Please contact the institute for more
Monday October 29 to Saturday November 3
Monday October 29
Intermediate Pastry #17
8:15 – 11:15am
Bavarois aux trois
Three chocolate Bavarian cake
Basic Cuisine #25
8:15 – 11:15am
Salade tiede de foies de
volaille / Salad with warm
chicken liver, Côtes de porc
charcutière, pommes
purée /Pork chops with a
cornichon sauce, puréed
potatoes, Savarin aux
fruits/Savarin cake with fruit
Superior Cuisine #16
Tuesday October 30
Intermediate Cuisine #21
Soupe de poisson/Fish soup,
Brandade de morue aux
poireaux, crème d’ail / Salt cod
puree with leeks and garlic cream,
Gratin d’aubergines / Eggplant
Basic Pastry #16
Entremets de cuisine
Common desserts
Soufflé glacé Montmorency,
Crème glacée vanille, Sorbet
au framboise, Crème
renversée au caramel, Crème
Frozen cherry soufflé, Vanilla icecream, Raspberry sorbet, Caramel
custard, Crème brûlée
Superior Cuisine #17
Individual creative dishes
Déclinaison sur le foie gras/
Variations on foie gras, Terrine
de foie gras, quenelles de
figues/Foie gras terrine, fig
quenelles/ Foie gras chaud et
pommes caramélisées/Warm
foie gras and caramelized apples
Le Cordon Bleu
Ottawa Culinary Arts Institute
453 Laurier Avenue East, Ottawa, Ontario
1.613.236.2433 – www.cordonbleu.edu
Wednesday October 31
Basic Cuisine #26
8 :15-11 :00
Civet de lapin à la
française/Rabbit stew with
bacon, mushrooms and pearl
onions, Soufflé au fromage /
Cheese soufflé, Bavarois
rubané, Tri-colored Bavarian
Intermediate Cuisine #22
12:00 – 3:00pm
Petit gateaux de foies blonds
/Warm chicken liver cakes,
Poussins farcies à la
française, sauce crémeuse à
l’estragon/Vegetable stuffed
young chickens in creamy
tarragon sauce
Superior Pastry #111
3:30 – 7:00pm
Sculpture II
Thursday November 1
Friday November 2
Intermediate Pastry #18
8:15 – 11:15am
Intermediate Cuisine #23
12 :00-3 :00
Douceur Chocolat, Tresor
vanilla-fraises des bois
Escargots à la vigneronne
/Snails in red wine, Mignon
de porc au sirop d’erable/
Pork tenderloin in maple syrup,
Jambonettes de grenouilles
au citron/ Frog’s legs in lemon,
Dos de cabillaud avec
endives, huile de noix
condimentée / Fresh cod with
endives, walnut oil dressing
Basic Cuisine #27
12:00 – 3:00pm
Crème Dubarry / Cream of
cauliflower soup, Mignons de
porc arlonnaise/Pork
tenderloin with sweet and sour
beer sauce, Profiteroles
glacees, sauce chocolat
/Profiteroles with chocolate sauce
Basic Pastry #17
3:30 – 7:00pm
Entremets de Patisserie I
Pavé du Roy, Entremet Casino
Chocolate almond cake, Pear and
raspberry mousse cake
Saturday November 3
Monday November 5 to Saturday November 10
Monday November 5
Basic Cuisine #28
8:15 – 11:15am
Gaspacho /Gazpacho,
Pintadeau rôti sur canapé,
pommes paille /Roasted
guinea fowl on toast, straw
potatoes, Gâteau de Savoie/
Savoy cake
Superior Cuisine #18
12:00 – 3:00pm
Basic Senses
Terrine de homard
Océane/Lobster terrine
Océane, Moelleux de
saumon frais au blé
concassé, sauce à la
bière/Fresh salmon with
crushed wheat, beer sauce,
Croustillant d’agneau
provençale/Crispy lamb
Basic Pastry #18
3:30 – 7:00pm
Les Entremets de Pâtisserie II
Mousse Cakes II
Entremets aux poires,
Charlotte aux poires,
coulis de framboises
Pear mousse cake, Pear
charlotte with raspberry coulis
Tuesday November 6
Superior Cuisine #19
12:00 – 3:00pm
Intermediate Cuisine #24
3:30 – 7:00pm
Crème de tomates au
basilic/Tomato cream soup wth
basil, Poisson en croûte de sel
marin/Fish cooked in a sea salt
crust, Râble de lièvre navarrais
/ Hare stew with mushrooms
Le Cordon Bleu
Ottawa Culinary Arts Institute
453 Laurier Avenue East, Ottawa, Ontario
1.613.236.2433 – www.cordonbleu.edu
Wednesday November 7
Thursday November 8
Friday November 9
Saturday November 10
Basic Cuisine #29
8 :15-11 :00
Intermediate Cuisine #25
8:15 – 11:15am
Intermediate Cuisine #23
8:15 – 11:15am
Demonstration Session :
Canapés (Savory)
Fritots de ris de veau sauce
tartare/Sweetbread fritters and
tartar sauce, Côtes de veau à
la crème, petits pois à la
/Veal chops in cream sauce,
green peas with bacon, Pets de
none/Choux pastry fritters
Galette feuilletée en
pissaladière et thon mariné,
sauce vierge / Flaky
pissaladiere with marinated tuna,
Pintadeau à l’Americaine /
Guinea hen with white wine
Escargots à la vigneronne
/Snails in red wine, Mignon
de porc au sirop d’erable/
Pork tenderloin in maple syrup,
Jambonettes de grenouilles
au citron/ Frog’s legs in lemon,
Dos de cabillaud avec
endives, huile de noix
condimentée / Fresh cod with
endives, walnut oil dressing
12 :00 to 2 :30
Please contact the institute for
more information.
Basic Pastry #19
12:00 – 3:00pm
La Pâte à Choux II
Paris-Brest, Saint-Honoré
Choux ring filled with praline
cream, Crown of caramel-coated
choux filled with chibouste cream
Superior Pastry #110
12:00 – 3:00pm
Petits Fours I
Basic Cuisine #30
12:00 – 3:00pm
Filet d’agneau en croûte au
sel / Lamb fillet baked in a salt
crust, Beignets aux pommes
/Apple beignets
Basic Pastry #20
8:15 – 11:15am
Le Cordon Bleu
Ottawa Culinary Arts Institute
453 Laurier Avenue East, Ottawa, Ontario
1.613.236.2433 – www.cordonbleu.edu
OC Transpo bus route #5 – St. Laurent serves LE CORDON BLEU.