Mathias Stiller
Mathias Stiller
Curriculum Vitae Mathias Stiller Dr. rer. nat. Department of Phylogeography Senckenberg Museum of Zoology Königsbrücker Landstrasse 159 D - 01109 Dresden Email: [email protected] Phone: +49 1578 0210580 Current position 2013 - present DAAD funded postdoctoral researcher at the Senckenberg Museum of Zoology, Königsbrücker Landstrasse 159, D - 01109 Dresden, and Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Deutscher Platz 6, D - 04103 Leipzig Project: “Coevolution of beavers (Castor spec.) and beaver beetles (Platypsyllus castoris).” Education / qualifications 2010 - 2013 Postdoctoral research fellow at the Department of Biology, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, USA and since April 2012 at the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of California Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA 95064. NSF project: “Understanding the role of environmental change on the long-term population dynamics of one surviving and two extinct arctic mammals.” PI: Dr. Beth Shapiro 2005 - 2009 Ph.D. student at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany. Thesis: “Employing next generation high-throughput sequencing technology to improve the genetic analysis of extinct Carnivores.” Supervisors: Prof. Michael Hofreiter and Prof. Svante Pääbo Grade: 1.2 (magna cum laude) 1999 – 2005 Diploma in Biology (German equivalent to MSc) with specialisation on Ecology, Zoology, Genetics and Molecular Medicin (Virology). University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany. Grade: 1.6 Thesis: “Analysis of chemical modifications, as revealed by substitution patterns in ancient DNA sequences of subfossil wolves. Supervisors: Prof. Martin Schlegel and Prof. Svante Pääbo Grade: 1.2 1998 – 1999 Civil service at the „Median Clinic” in Bad Lausick, Germany 1993 – 1998 High school and Abitur at the Friedrich-Schiller Gymnasium in Bad Lausick, Germany Grade: 1.7 1986 – 1993 Primary school in Prießnitz, Germany Grants and scholarships 2013 DAAD Rückkehrstipendium and travel grant 2005 – 2009 Max Planck Society PhD student scholarship 2001 DAAD travel grant for fieldwork in the Mata Atlântica, Brasil List of publications Non-peer-reviewed publications: 4 Knapp M., Finstermeier K., Horn S., Stiller M. and Hofreiter M. (2010) „Neue PCRTechnologien für alte DNA.“ BIOspektrum 05/10, 531-535. 3 Münzel S.C., Hofreiter M., Stiller M., Conard N.J., Bocherens H. (2009) „Neue Ergebnisse zur Paläobiologie der Höhlenbären auf der Schwäbischen Alb (Chronologie, Isotopie und Paläogenetik).“ Stalactite. Proccedings of the 14th International Cave Bear Conference. 2 Stiller M., Horn S., Wolf R. and Selter D. (2005) „Über Kleinsäuger aus dem Altkreis Torgau – erste Ergebnisse aus Gewölluntersuchungen.“ Veröffentlichungen des Naturkundemuseums Leipzig 2005, 107-112. 1 Horn S., Stiller M. and Wolf R. (2004) „Weitere Analysen zum “simplex” – Muster des M3 bei Feldmäusen (Microtus arvalis PALLAS) in Nordwest-Sachsen.“ Mitteilungen für sächsische Säugetierfreunde 1/2004, 23-25. Monographs / book chapter: 6 Stiller M. and Hofreiter M. (2013) „An ancient DNA perspective on the cave bears from Peştera cu Oase, Romania.“ book chapter in “Life and Death at the Peştera cu Oase : a setting for modern human emergence” eds. Erik Trinkaus, Silviu Constantin and João Zilhão, Human Evolution Series of Oxford University Press (OUP):159-167. 5 Stiller M. (2012) „Case Study: Targeted high-throughput sequencing of mitochondrial genomes from extinct cave bears via direct multiplex PCR sequencing (DMPS).” book chapter in: Methods in Molecular Biology 2012(840):171-6. 4 Knapp M., Stiller M. and Meyer M. (2012) „Barcoding for multiplex high-throughput sequencing of ancient DNA.” book chapter in: Methods in Molecular Biology 2012(840):155-70. 3 Stiller M. and Fulton T.L. (2012) „Multiplex PCR amplification of ancient DNA.” book chapter in: Methods in Molecular Biology 2012(840):133-41. 2 Fulton T.L. and Stiller M. (2012) „PCR Amplification, Cloning, and Sequencing of Ancient DNA.” book chapter in: Methods in Molecular Biology 2012(840):111-9. 1 Stiller M. (2011) “Chronological and Systematic Position of Cave Bear Fauna from Ajdovska jama near Krško (Slovenia)” book chapter in monograph ed. Rabeder G. & Pacher M. Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (20):79-86. Peer-reviewed publications: 23 Stiller M.*, Molak M.*, Prost S., Rabeder G., Baryshnikov G., Rosendahl W., Münzel S., Bocherens H., Grandal-d'Anglade A., Hilpert B., Germonpré M., Stasyk O., Pinhasi R., Rohland N., Mohandesan E., Ho S.Y.W., Hofreiter M. and Knapp M. (2013) „Mitochondrial DNA diversity and evolution of the Pleistocene cave bear complex.” submitted to Quaternary International. 22 Orlando L.*, Ginolhac A.*, Zhang G.*, Froese D., Albrechtsen A., Stiller M., Schubert M., Cappellini E., Petersen B., Moltke I., Johnson P.L., Fumagalli M., Vilstrup J.T., Raghavan M., Korneliussen T., Malaspinas A.S., Vogt J., Szklarczyk D., Kelstrup C.D., Vinther J., Dolocan A., Stenderup J., Velazquez A.M., Cahill J., Rasmussen M., Wang X., Min J., Zazula G.D., Seguin-Orlando A., Mortensen C., Magnussen K., Thompson J.F., Weinstock J., Gregersen K., Røed K.H., Eisenmann V., Rubin C.J., Miller D.C., Antczak D.F., Bertelsen M.F., Brunak S., Al-Rasheid K.A., Ryder O., Andersson L., Mundy J., Krogh A., Gilbert M.T., Kjær K., Sicheritz-Ponten T., Jensen L.J., Olsen J.V., Hofreiter M., Nielsen R., Shapiro B., Wang J., Willerslev E. (2013) „Horse molecular evolution as revealed by a 700,000 year old genome.” Nature 499(7456):74-8. 21 Bocherens H., Bridault A., Drucker D.G., Hofreiter M., Münzel S.C., Stiller M., and van der Plicht J. (2013) „The last of its kind? Radiocarbon, ancient DNA and stable isotope evidence from a late cave bear (Ursus spelaeus ROSENMÜLLER, 1794) from Rochedane (France).” accepted to Quaternary International. 20 Prost S., Klietmann J., Stiller M., Nagel D., Rabeder G. and Hofreiter M. (2013) „Size matters – morphological and phylogenetical analysis of late glacial shrews (Sorex araneus and S. tundrensis).” Global Change Biology doi: 10.1111/gcb.12153. 19 Cahill J.A., Green R.E., Fulton T.L., Stiller M., Jay F., Ovsyanikov N., Salamzade R., St. John J., Stirling I., Slatkin M. and Shapiro B. (2013) „Genomic evidence for island population conversion resolves conflicting theories of polar bear evolution.” PLoS Genetics 9(3): e1003345. 18 Vilstrup J.T., Seguin-Orlando A., Stiller M., Ginolhac A., Raghavan M., Nielsen S.C.A., Weinstock J., Froese D., Vasiliev S.K., Ovodov N.D., Clary J., Helgen K.M., Fleischer R.C., Cooper A., Shapiro B. and Orlando L. (2013) „Mitochondrial phylogenomics of modern and ancient equids.” PLoS ONE 8(2): e55950. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0055950. 17 Germonpré M., Sablin M.V., Després V., Hofreiter M., Lázničková-Galetováe M., Stevens R.E. and Stiller M. (2013) „Palaeolithic dogs and the early domestication of the wolf: a reply to the comments of Crockford and Kuzmin (2013).” Journal of Archeological Sciences 40:786-792. 16 Ginolhac A., Vilstrup J., Stenderup J., Rasmussen M., Stiller M., Shapiro B., Zazula G., Froese D., Steinmann K.E., Thompson J.F., AL-Rasheid K.A.S., Gilbert T., Willerslev E. and Orlando L. (2012) „Improving the performance of true-Single Molecule Sequencing for ancient DNA.” BMC Genomics 13(1):177. 15 Letts B., Fulton T.L., Stiller M., Andrews T., MacKay G., Popko R. and Beth Shapiro (2012) „Ancient DNA Reveals Genetic Continuity in Mountain Woodland Caribou of the Mackenzie and Selwyn Mountains, Northwest Territories, Canada.” Arctic 65:8094. 14 Döppes D., Rabeder G. and Stiller M. (2011) „The Middle Wurmian Warm Period in the High Alps.” Quaternary International 245(2):193-200. 13 Münzel S.C., Stiller M., Hofreiter M., Mittnik A., Conard N.J. and Bocherens H. (2011) „Pleistocene bears in the Swabian Jura (Germany): genetic replacement, ecological displacement, extinctions and survival.” Quaternary International 245(2):225-237. 12 Bocherens H., Stiller M., Hobson K.A., Pacher M., Rabeder G., Burns J.A., Tütken T. and Hofreiter M. (2011) „Niche partitioning between two sympatric genetically distinct cave bears (Ursus spelaeus and Ursus ingressus) and brown bear (Ursus arctos) from Austria: isotopic evidence from fossil bones.” Quaternary International 245(2):238-248. 11 Prost S., Knapp M., Stiller M., Flemmig J. and Hofreiter M. (2010) „A phantom extinction? Ancient DNA suggests that the extinct Don hare was an ecomorph of the extant mountain hare.” Journal of Evolutionary Biology 23(9):2022-9. 10 Prost S., Smirnov N., Fedorov V., Sommer R., Stiller M., Nagel D., Knapp M. and Hofreiter M. (2010) “Influence of climate warming on arctic mammals? New insights from ancient DNA studies of the Collared Lemming Dicrostonyx torquatus.” PLoS ONE 5(5):e10447. 9 Stiller M., Baryshnikov G., Bocherens H., Grandal d'Anglade A., Hilpert B., Münzel S.C., Pinhasi R., Rabeder G., Rosendahl W., Trinkaus E., Hofreiter M. and Knapp M. (2010) “Withering away – 25,000 years of genetic decline preceded cave bear extinction.” Molecular Biology and Evolution 27(5):975-8. 8 Stiller M., Knapp M., Stenzel U., Hofreiter M. and Meyer M. (2009) „Direct multiplex sequencing (DMPS) – a novel method for targeted high-throughput sequencing of ancient and highly degraded DNA.” Genome Research 19(10), 1843-8. 7 Germonpré M., Sablin M.V., Stevens R.E., Hedges R.E.M., Hofreiter M., Stiller M. and Jaenicke-Despres V. (2009) “The Belgian, Ukrainian and Russian fossil large canids in comparison with recent dogs (Canis familiaris) and wolves (Canis lupus) and Pleistocene dogs: osteometry, stable isotopes and ancient DNA.” Journal of Archaeological Science 36, 473–490. (among the ten most cited papers in JAS from 2007-2010) 6 Richards M.P., Pacher M., Stiller M., Quilès J., Hofreiter M., Constantin S., Zilhão J. and Trinkaus E. (2008) “Isotopic evidence for omnivory among European cave bears: Late Pleistocene Ursus spelaeus from the Peştera cu Oase, Romania.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 105(2), 600-604. 5 Krause J., Unger T., Noçon A., Malaspinas A-S., Orestis Kolokotronis S., Stiller M., Spriggs H., Dear P-H., Briggs A-W., Bray S., O’Brien S., Rabeder G., Matheus P., Cooper A., Slatkin M., Pääbo S. and Hofreiter M. (2008) “Mitochondrial genomes reveal an explosive radiation of extinct and extant bears near the Miocene-Pliocene boundary.” BMC Evolutionary Biology 2008, 8:220. 4 Valdiosera C.E., Garcia N., Anderung C., Dalén L., Crégut-Bonnoure E., Kahlke RD., Stiller M., Brandström M., Thomas M.G., Arsuaga J.L., Götherström A. and Barnes I. (2007) “Staying out in the cold: glacial refugia and mitochondrial DNA phylogeography in ancient European brown bears. Molecular Ecology 16(24), 5140– 5148.” 3 Bradley B. J., Stiller M., Doran-Sheehy D. M., Harris T., Chapman C. A. Vigilant L. and Poinar H. (2007) “Plant DNA sequences from feces: potential means for assessing diets of wild primates.” American Journal of Primatology 69(6), 699-705. 2 Römpler H., Dear P. H., Krause J., Meyer M., Rohland N., Schöneberg T., Spriggs H., Stiller M. and Hofreiter M. (2006) “Multiplex amplification of ancient DNA.” Nature Protocols 1(2), 720-728. 1 Stiller M., Green R. E., Ronan M., Simons J. F., Du L., He W., Egholm M., Rothberg J. M., Keates S. G., Ovodov N. D., Antipina E. E., Baryshnikov G. F., Kuzmin Y. V., Vasilevski A. A., Wuenschell G. E., Termini J., Hofreiter M., Jaenicke-Després V. and Pääbo S. (2006) “Patterns of nucleotide misincorporations during enzymatic amplification and direct large-scale sequencing of ancient DNA.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 103(37), 13578-84. Conference / seminar contributions Oral presentations: 6 Hofreiter M., Stiller M., Baryshnikov G. and Rabeder G. (2012) “Mitochondrial DNA diversity and evolution of the late Pleistocene cave bear complex.” 18th International Cave Bear Symposium, Baile Herculane, Romania, September 20th-22nd, 2012. 5 Stiller M. (2010) “Employing next generation high-throughput sequencing technologies to improve the genetic analysis of extinct animals.” Invited talk in the seminar series of the Institute of Molecular Evolutionary Genetics, Department of Biology, Pennsylvania State University, USA, October 13th, 2010. 4 Pacher M., Stuart A.J., Baryshnikov G., Stiller M., Kosintsev P. and Vorobiev A. (2009) “Cave bears of the Ural Mountains – a survey based on direct radiocarbon dates, aDNA and morphometrical analysis.” 15th International Cave Bear Symposium, Spisska Nova Ves, Slovakia, September 17th-20th, 2009. 3 Stiller M. (2009) “Targeted high-throughput sequencing of ancient mitochondrial genomes.” Joint workshop of the EBD-CSIC & MPI-EVA in Sevilla, Spain, January 7th-8th, 2009. 2 Stiller M. (2008) “Progress in Cave Bear Genetics.” 14th International Cave Bear Symposium, Appenzell, Switzerland, September 18th-22nd, 2008. 1 Stiller M. (2006) “Ancient DNA and stable isotopes from the cave bears of Peştera cu Oase, Romania.” 12th International Cave Bear Symposium, Aridea, Greece, November 2nd-5th, 2006. Poster presentations: 10 Cahill J.A., Green R.E., Fulton T.L., Stiller M., Jay F., Ovsyanikov N., Salamzade R., St. John J., Stirling I., Slatkin M. and Shapiro B. – presented by Cahill J.A. – „Genomic evidence for island population conversion resolves conflicting theories of polar bear evolution.” Cold Spring Harbor, Biology of Genomes meeting, New York, USA, May 7th-11th, 2013. 9 Stiller M., Cahill A.J., Froese D., St. John J., Wooller M., Wayne R.K., Zazula G. and Shapiro B. „Targeted high-throughput sequencing of ancient DNA on a population level scale.” Annual meeting of the Society of Molecular Biology and Evolution (SMBE), Dublin, Ireland, June 23rd-26th, 2012. 8 Orlando L., Ginolhac A., Raghavan M., Vilstrup J., Rasmussen M., Stiller M., Zazula G., Froese D., Thompson J.F., Steinmann K., Kapranov P., AL-Rasheid K.A.S., Kui W., Yuen K., Luo Y., Qian Z., Schubert M., Johnson P., Moltke I., Lindgreen S., Vogt J.K., Petersen B., Hofreiter M., Gilbert T., Sicheritz-Ponten T., Krogh A., Zhang G., Shapiro B., Wang J. and Willerslev E. – presented by Orlando L. – „Ancient horse genomes In the next-next generation sequencing era.” International Plant and Animal Genome (PAG XX) Conference, San Diego, USA, January 14th-18th, 2012. 7 Döppes D., Rabeder G. and Stiller M. – presented by D. Döppes – „War es im Mittelwürm in den Alpen wärmer als heute?” 12. Österreichischer Klimatag “AustroClim”, Vienna, Austria, September 21st-22nd, 2011. 6 Döppes D., Rabeder G. and Stiller M. – presented by D. Döppes – „The Middle Wurmian Warm Period in the High Alps.” OIS 3 Stage Conference, Brno, Czech Republic, March 15th-17th, 2010. 5 Münzel S.C., Stiller M., Pacher M. and Athen K. – presented by S.C. Münzel – „Genetic results versus morphological and biometrical analysis – the case of Ursus spelaeus (sensu lato).” Conference of the International Council for Archaeozoology (ICAZ), Paris, France, August 23rd-28th, 2010. 4 Stiller M., Döppes D., Sher A., Sotnikova M., Baryshnikov G., Abramov A., Kosintsev P.A., Willerslev E., Germonpré M., Ivanoff D., Nussbaumer M., Sommer R.S., Constantin S. and Hofreiter M. “Wolverine (Gulo gulo) population dynamics through space and time.” Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution meeting, Barcelona, Spain, June 5th-8th, 2008. 3 Stiller M., Stenzel U., Hofreiter M. and Meyer M. – presented by M. Meyer – „Highthroughput targeted sequencing of ancient and forensic DNA.” CSHL meeting: The Biology of Genomes, New York, USA, May 6th-10th, 2008. 2 Stiller M., Knapp M., Hofreiter M. and Meyer M. “Resolving the phylogenetic relationships among cave bears by using whole mitochondrial genome sequences.” 13th International Cave Bear Symposium, Brno, Czech Republic, September 20th24th, 2007. 1 Stiller M., Hofreiter M., Zilhão J., Constantin S., Quilès J., Richards M. and Trinkaus E. “Ancient DNA and stable isotopes from the cave bears of Peştera cu Oase, Romania.” IV International Mammoth Conference, Yakutsk, Russia, June 18th-22nd, 2007. Scientific service Former member of the Climate and Diversity Committee in the Biology Department of the Pennsylvania State University (2010-2012) Reviewing of scientific manuscripts on behalf of: Proceedings of the Royal Society London Series B, Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences USA, Molecular Biology and Evolution, Journal of Archeological Sciences, PLoS ONE and Naturwissenschaften. Scientific evaluation of research grant proposals for the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.