Le Bulletin - Alliance Française Silicon Valley
Le Bulletin - Alliance Française Silicon Valley
Le Bulletin Alliance Française Silicon Valley Language School and Cultural Center A non-profit 501 C (3) established in 1970 , member of the Paris based Fondation Alliance Française. afscv.org Volume 44, Issue 1 Winter Session 2014 The Destination to All Things French Mot du President SAVE THE DATE FOR THE ASSOCIATION’S 2013 GENERAL ASSEMBLY Dear Friends, dear Members of the Alliance Française of Silicon Valley, dear Students, Welcome to our new Bulletin designed by our Digital Media specialist Upi Struzak. We hope you like it. Here we are, it is this time of the year when we like to send each other best wishes and Happy Holidays! Allow me to add my voice on behalf of the Alliance Française, my colleagues on our Executive Committee and our Board of Directors. It was a pleasure to see so many of you at our Christmas Party. Thank you for coming. 2013 was a big year for the AFSCV! We have more than doubled the number of Members from 110 to 221 and that is enough to make us all proud of our work. But there are more reasons to make this a big year and I am excited to offer you new events and programs in 2014. Join us at our General Assembly and learn about our plan for the coming year. Volunteering is an important and welcomed activity. Please let us know if you or a member of your family is willing and able to volunteer. Email me directly to discuss if you have areas of interest you feel could help. Thank you and again, our very best wishes for a happy and wonderful New Year 2014! Max Bouchard President January 11th from 1 to 2 pm (Doors open at 12:45pm) Location: 1243 San Tomas Aquino Rd, San Jose 95117 All Members in good standing are welcome. There will be no vote but a presentation and a Q&A. Please join us (bring your Membership card) which will give us an opportunity to exchange views and hear your wishes and expectations. Please register by sending an email to: [email protected] before January 8th Thank you Le French Film Club will present a movie on January 17th. The film title will be announced January 1st. Please check the website for further information Don’t forget to sign up for your newsletter online at afscv.org to get the latest updates and information! Please visit our website for last-minute news and updates! N’oubliez pas de consulter notre site web pour les informations de dernière minute! FREE EVENT New! Our annual Galette des Rois + Film will be held on: Friday, January 24th, 2014, at 7 :00pm West Valley Branch Library 1243 San Tomas Aquino Road, San Jose “Marius” A 2013 film from the book by Marcel Pagnol and directed by Daniel Auteuil. In French with French subtitles Entrée gratuite - Dons appreciés! Free entrance - Donations welcome! Replongez avec plaisir dans l’univers ensoleillé de Marcel Pagnol que Daniel Auteuil a adapté avec justesse. Dans les années 30, le jeune Marius travaille dans le bar de son père, César, sur le Vieux-Port de Marseille. Il rêve de partir à l’aventure sur les océans, mais l’amour qu’il porte à son père et à la jolie Fanny le retient. Revisit the sunny world of Marcel Pagnol, adapted by Daniel Auteuil with gusto. In the 30’s, young Marius works in his father’s bar on the old port of Marseille. He dreams of leaving for ocean adventures, but the love he feels for both his father and his pretty girlfriend, Fanny, holds him back from following his dreams. PAGE 2 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2014 PRESIDENT, Max Bouchard SECRETARY, Upi Struzak TREASURER, Pending PUBLIC AFFAIRS & DEVELOPMENT, Patrick Consorti HUMANITIES, Anaïs Saint-Jude PEDAGOGICAL STRATEGIES, Danielle Trudeau CULTURAL ATTACHE, Hélène Laroche CULTURAL AFFAIRS, Bernadette Theisen Ex-Officio HEAD OF SCHOOL, Marie-Claude Cauvin-Garrity LE B U L LE T I N V O LU M E 4 4 , I S S U E 1 Le mot culturel : appellation d’origine protégée Malgré les bouleversements dans les habitudes alimentaires en France ces dernières années, la grande majorité des Français demeurent de fins gastronomes et sont restés très attachés aux produits d'excellence, aux produits de terroir. Un grand nombre d'entre eux se sont donc réjouis fin Novembre quand on annonça que l'agneau de pré-salé venait d'obtenir le label appellation d'origine protégée. Ce label très exigeant est la reconnaissance pour les éleveurs qui laissent paitre leurs troupeaux devant le Mont-Saint-Michel, sur une lande couverte de cristaux de sel. Ces étendues d'herbe rase, les prés sales, s'étendent sur des kilomètres à la ronde, et sont souvent battues par des vents du nord/ouest. Les brebis y paissent tout au long de l'année et se nourrissent d'une végétation unique, riche en oligo-éléments. Afin de garder le label Appellation d'Origine Protégée, le berger doit impérativement suivre à la lettre certaines conditions. Les agneaux, après leur sevrage, ne doivent connaitre que les marées. L'AOP est un gage de qualité pour le consommateur. C'est un label reconnu dans toute l'Europe. L'agneau de pré-salé est un savoir-faire connu depuis le 10e siècle. Il s'agit pour la France de mettre en avant ses atouts : production limitée, finesse de la chair, viande exceptionnelle, à la saveur particulière, que les chefs des grandes tables s'arrachent. Alors, je vous souhaite de vous régaler en ces fêtes de fin d'année. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE BULLETIN EDITOR, Sylvie Legon BOOK & CINÉMA CLUB, Bernadette Theisen CAFÉ CONVERSATION, Sylvie Charmot Bernadette Theisen Cercle de lecture / Book Club Nous nous réunirons le jeudi 23 janvier a 16 heures, au Boulanger de Los Gatos pour discuter le roman de Claude Gallay : Seule Venise (2009) DIGITAL MEDIA, Upi Struzak Le jeudi 27 fevrier pour discuter :Kampuchea de Patrick Deville -2011- Pour tout renseignement, prière de contacter [email protected] FRENCH FILM CLUB, Max Bouchard Petit jeu / Quizz Déjeuners / Luncheons Voici la réponse au petit jeu paru dans le bulletin précèdent : Pour participer, écrivez à [email protected] LUNCHEONS, Stella Tan MEMBERSHIP, Marie-Annick Bonmarin SCHOLARSHIP, Jacqueline Walker UNIVERSITY OUTREACH, Nina Tanti Come to meet us January 11th at the AGM l'édifice ou l'on voit encore des traces de boulets datant de la Révolution française, c'est l'église Saint -Roch. Sur ses marches, Napoléon Bonaparte fit mitrailler les insurges royalistes, le 13 vendémiaire, an IV. Et maintenant la question pour le mois de janvier 2014 : D'ou vient le nom de la rue de l'Arbre-Sec? Veuillez envoyer vos réponses a [email protected] Each month, the AFSCV organizes a lunch at the home of one of our members. Next 2 luncheons will be on Jan 15th and Feb 26th. If you would like to participate, please contact Stella Tan at: [email protected] at least one week before. Stella Tan Expo Camus / Visit by Appointment The exhibit of the work of Albert Camus continues into 2014 with our 7 multimedia panels being shown at various private places such as Reed Smith Law Firn, Google HQ and others. You can visit the exhibit at our Campbell Office by appointment only. Please call or email Max Bouchard (408-761-8158 [email protected]) or call your teacher and see if she is available to show you the panels. Do bring a smartphone with you to enjoy the full benefit of the show and prepare your visit by downloading the IFCAMUS application either from the Google Playstore or the Apple iStore. Albert Camus was a French-Algeria-born French Nobel Prize winning author, journalist, and philosopher. His views contributed to the rise of the philosophy known as absurdism. Camus was awarded the 1957 Nobel Prize for Literature "for his important literary production, which with clear-sighted earnestness illuminates the problems of the human conscience in our times.” V O LU M E 4 4 , I S S U E 1 Cours de l’Alliance Française French as a Second Language. Evening classes are held at : 591 W. Hamilton Ave, Campbell– CA 95008 Main Lobby Entrance-Suite 101 Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced levels for adults and teenagers. Winter 2014 session: January 13th to March 27th (11 weeks) Four Sessions per Year: Winter: Jan/Feb/Mar Spring: Apr/May/June Summer: July/August/ Sept Fall: Oct / Nov / Dec LE B U L LE T I N Beginner I (Absolute Beginner) 100 Wednesday 7:15-8:45 p.m. Connexions 1 unit 1 01/15 – 03/26 11 weeks 102 Thursday 7:15-8:45 p.m. 11 weeks Beginner II Connexions 1 units 2-3 Full details on the website: afscv.org Beginner IV Connexions 1 units 5-6 Beginner V A1 Connexions 1 unit 8 Un grand merci à elle pour son sérieux et son dévouement sans faille ! Marie- Hélène Room # 10 104 Monday 7:15-8:45 p.m. 11 weeks $247 Marie-Claude Room # 5 105 Thursday 7:15-8:45 p.m. 11 weeks $247 Sylvie Room # 5 01/16 – 03/27 Beginner VII A1 Connexions 1 unit 9 107 Wednesday 7:15-8:45 p.m. 11 weeks $247 Karima Room # 4 01/15 – 03/26 A1 Connexions 1 unit 12 109 Wednesday 7:15-8:45 p.m. 11 weeks $247 Marie-Hélène Room # 10 01/15 – 03/26 A2 Connexions 2 unité 3 203 Tuesday 7:15-8:45 p.m. 11 weeks Marie-Claude $247 Room # 8 01/14 – 03/25 Intermediate A Cet automne, la directrice des classes de français , Marie-Claude Cauvin-Garrity, a fêté ses 20 ans d'enseignement et d'organisation ! $247 Room # 7 01/13 – 03/24 Beginner Intermediate Célébration $247 Marie-Claude 01/16 – 03/27 Beginner IX This Winter sessions starts Jan 13th PAGE 3 A2 Connexions 2 unité 6-7 207 Tuesday 7:15-8:45 p.m. 11 weeks $247 Marie-Hélène Room # 10 01/14 – 03/25 Advanced Intermediate A2 Latitudes 2 unité 7 227 Wednesday 7:15-8:45 p.m. 11 weeks $247 Sylvie Room # 5 01/15 – 03/26 Advanced A B1 Forum 3 unité 8 327 Tuesday 7:15-8:45 p.m. 11 weeks $247 Loubna Room # 4 01/14 – 03/25 Advanced B B2 Edito unité 5 337 Tuesday 7:15-8:45 p.m. 11 weeks $247 Sylvie Room # 5 01/14 – 03/25 NOTA Le French Film Club and Cinema Club—Clarification Le Bulletin is published bi-monthly by Alliance Française Silicon Valley, printed and distributed to members without emails and on request. An electronic version is available on the Website: afscv.org and sent with promotional emails for which registration is available on our website. The AFSCV offers two cinema events: Send all correspondence regarding this bulletin, advertisement and the website to: AFSCV, PO Box 111267, Campbell-95011-1267 or email us at [email protected] . Or to reach an executive, use : [email protected] Le French Film Club (a.k.a FFCPA) is integrated in our regular Monthly events. These MovieNights offer a French Film with English Subtitles, French Food and Wine and French Conversation to brush up your French. Reservation is not mandatory but recommended online at: lefrenchfilmclub.org Open to all AFSCV members at a 30% discounted ticket price of $10 all included, film and buffet. The Cinema Club is a school activity which is offered once a quarter , on the last week. The film will be in French with French Sub-titles and it will be showed at the San Jose West Library (Or at the school if the library is not available. It will be free, included in the cost of a session ( No price increase!) Reserved in priority to students and family members, reservation at [email protected] is preferred. Thanks! We look forward to your participation. Thank you! ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE SILICON VALLEY Alliance Française Silicon Valley P.O. Box 111296 Campbell, CA 95011-1296 Phone: 408.445.2095 Fax: 408.253.4659 E-mail: [email protected] Please visit our website for last-minute news and updates! afscv.org N’oubliez pas de consulter notre site web pour les informations de dernière minute! We are on Facebook! Facebook.com/alliancefrancaise.siliconvalley BECOME A MEMBER (MBS) Please Circle One: Name Address City Phone o New member (MBS) (12 month period) o Renewal - Card # Date State Email How did you find about the Alliance? o Relative o Friend o School MemBerShip Fees Regular .................................... $40 Seniors .................................... $30 Zip Students ................................. $20 o Web o Facebook o Yelp Family of 3 or 4 ........................ $60 For each additional member….$10 Each member will receive an Individual membership card. Other I would like to volunteer: o Yes o No (Free MBS if you Volunteer at least for 3 events) Benefactor ............................. $100 Areas of interest o Conversation Group o Literary Group o Classes o Music o Museum Supporter ............................... $250 Chosen MBS level: Circle your preferred level in the box on the right. Patron………………………….$500 Please fill in one from per Family Member. (You can do one check for all ) You can pay online at www.afscv.org/Registration or write a check. All three include a free MBS Amount of enclosed check:__________________________________ Specify your Donations: Signature:__________________________________Date:__________ Mail to: Alliance Française Silicon Valley / MBS, P.O. BOX 11 12 96 , Campbell, CA 95011-1296 School Program $ ______ Cultural Program $ ______ Merci! Code BUL-010114 Gifts and Donations are tax deductible
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