Élisabeth Le - University of Alberta


Élisabeth Le - University of Alberta
Élisabeth Le
Text Linguistics
Discourse Studies
Media discourse / Political discourse / Intercultural discourse
Refereed Monographs
2010; Editorials and the Power of Media - Interweaving of Socio-Cultural Identities; series
Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Culture; Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John
Benjamins; 239 p.
2006; The Spiral of "Anti-Other Rhetoric" - Discourses of Identity and the International Media
Echo; series Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Culture; Amsterdam &
Philadelphia: John Benjamins; 280 p.
Edited Journal Issue
2015; with Sathya Rao and Chris Reyns-Chikuma; Media in minority contexts; Journal of
Applied Journalism & Media Studies. 4(1).
Refereed Journals
Forthcoming; "Language use in Le Monde’s print and online ‘news at a glance’: A potential
shift in news media role”; Journal of Applied Journalism & Media Studies.
2015; "Media in minority contexts: Towards a research framework"; Journal of Applied
Journalism & Media Studies. 4(1): 3-24.
2012; "Gateways to the news: Headlines on Le Monde's home page and front page"; Discourse,
Context & Media. 1(1): 32-44.
2009; "Interpreters' identities: An exploratory study of Vietnamese interpreters in Vietnam".
Transcultural - A Journal in Translation and Cultural Studies; 1(2): 93-116. With
Nguyen Van Nhan and Nathan Ménard.
2009; "Editorials' genre and media roles: Le Monde's editorials from 1999 to 2001"; Journal of
Pragmatics. 41(9): 1727-1748.
2007; "The power of the French 'ON' in editorials". RAEL (Revista electrónica de lingüística
aplicada); Volumen Monográfico 1 : Different Approaches to Newspaper Opinion
Discourse, 32-48;
2006; "Collective memories and representation of national identities in editorials: Obstacles to
a renegotiation of intercultural relations"; Journalism Studies; 7(5): 708-728
Elisabeth Le
2004; "The role of paragraphs in the construction of coherence - Applied linguistics and
translation studies"; International Review of Applied Linguistics; 42(3): 478-510
2004; "Active participation within written argumentation: Metadiscourse and editorialist's
authority"; Journal of Pragmatics; 36(4): 687-714
2003; "Information sources as a persuasive strategy in editorials - Le Monde and The New York
Times"; Written Communication; 20(4): 478-510
2002; "The concept of Europe in Le Monde's editorials: Tensions in the construction of a
European identity"; Journal of Language and Politics; 1(2): 279-325
2002; "Human rights discourse and international relations: Le Monde's editorials on Russia";
Discourse & Society, 13(3): 373-408
2001; "Лингвический aнализ политического дискурса : язык статей о чеченской войне в
американской прессе"; Polis, 2001 (2): 93-112
(Linguistic analysis of political discourse: the language of articles on the Chechen war in
the American press; Russian translation of "Pour une analyse critique du discours dans
l'étude des relations internationales" in Études internationales, 2000)
2000; "Pour une analyse critique du discours dans l'étude des relations internationales Exemple d'application à des éditoriaux américains sur la guerre en Tchétchénie"; Études
internationales; XXXI(3): 489-515
1999; "The use of paragraphs in French and English academic writing"; Text, 19(3): 307-343.
Refereed Book Chapters
2011; “Identities, ethics, and international communication in the French context”. In
Alexander Nikolaev (Ed.), Ethical Issues in International Communication. Brunel
Road, Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. 103-119.
2009; "Why investigate textual information hierarchy?". In Jan Renkema (Ed.), Discourse, Of
Course. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins; 111-124.
2007; "Elites Dailies and Projections of Cultural Identities: A Comparison of Le Monde and
The New York Times". In Bernardo Paniagua, J.M., Lopez Garcia, G., Sancho
Cremades, P., Serra Alegre, E. (Eds.), Critical Discourse Analysis of Media Texts.
Universitat de Valencia; 195-208
2007; "Construction or imposition of national identities in foreign policy editorials? ". In
Manguero, M. (Ed.), Identity and Second Language Learning: Culture, Inquiry, and
Dialogic Activity in Educational Contexts. Charlotte (NC): Information Age Publishing;
2002; "Themes and Hierarchical Structure of Written Texts". In Max Louwerse & Will van
Peer (Eds.), Thematics: Interdisciplinary Studies. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John
Benjamins; 171-187.
2002; Dmitriev, M.V., "L'Union de Brest (1595-1596), les Catholiques, les Orthodoxes: un
malentendu?"; in M. Dygo, S. Gawlasa, H. Grali (eds), Stosunki miedzywyznaniowe w
Europie Srodkowej i Wschodniej w XIV - XVII wieku; Warsawa: Wydawnicto DiG; 3960.
Article Reviews
2006; Information Design Journal, 14(1): 86-87
Elisabeth Le
2005; Information Design Journal + Document design, 13(2): 167, 170
2005; Information Design Journal + Document design, 13(1): 82-83
2004; "Institutional discourse and power", Information Design Journal + Document design,
12(2): 152-154
2004; "Cross-cultural communication", Information Design Journal + Document design,
12(1): 76-78
2003; "Negotiation of identities in academic discourse", Document Design, 4(3): 275-279
2003; "Neutrality and disagreement in institutional talk", Document Design, 4(2): 185-188
2003; "Rapport management", Document Design, 4(1): 85-88
2002-03; "The complexity of context", Information Design Journal + Document Design,
11(2/3): 266-268
2002; "Facets of advertising discourse", Document Design, 3(3): 266-269
2002; "Medical Talk", Document Design, 3(2): 177-180
2002; "The role of context", Document Design, 3(1): 89-92
2001; "Institutional Politeness, Talk Shows and Advertising ", Document Design, 2(3): 304307
2000; "Institutional Discourses and Voice Combination"; Document Design, 2(2): 195-209
2000; "Institutional Discourses", Document Design, 2(1): 91-94
1999; "Misunderstanding and disagreement", Document Design, 1(3): 213-217
1999; "Language and cross-cultural business", Document Design, 1(2): 131-133
1999; "The notion of context in context studies", Document Design, 1(1): 55-57
Critical Book Reviews
2014; of Macgilchrist, Felicitas (2011). Journalism and the Political - Discursive tensions in
news coverage of Russia. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 248 p. In
Discourse & Communication, 28(2): 229-231.
2013; of Berlin, Lawrence N. & Fetzer, Anita (Eds.) (2012). Dialogue in Politics. Amsterdam,
Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 313 p. In Journal of Language & Politics, 12(4): 655-656
2008; of Myers, Greg (2004). Matters of Opinion - Talking about public issues. Cambridge
University Press. 258 p. In Critical Inquiry in Language Studies: An International
Journal, 5(1): 77-80.
2004; of: LeVine, Philip & Ron Scollon (Eds.) (2004). Discourse & Technology: Multimodal
Discourse Analysis. 240 p. Georgetown: Georgetown University Press. In Linguist List,
22 June 2004, 4 pp.
2004; of: Dedaic, Mirjana N. & Daniel N. Nelson (Eds.) (2003). At War with Words. Berlin
and New York: Mouton de Gruyter. 479 p. In Linguist List, 26 January 2004, 4 pp.
2003; of: Goddard, Angela (2002). The Language of Advertising. London and New York:
Routledge. 131 p. In Linguist List, 4 June 2003, 3 pp.
2003; of: Ensink, Titus & Christoph Sauer (Eds.) (2003). Framing and Perspectivising in
Discourse. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 222 p. In Linguist List, 11
October 2003, 3 pp.
2003; of: Chilton, Paul A. & Schäffner, Christina (2002). Politics as Text and Talk - Analytic
approaches to political discourse. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 245 p. In
Linguist List, 21 April 2003, 4 pp.
2002; of: Rahman, Tariq (2002). Language, Ideology and Power. Language-learning among
the Muslims of Pakistan and North India. Karachi: Oxford University Press. 689 p. In
Elisabeth Le
Linguist List, 18 November 2002, 4 pp.
2002; of: Cook, Guy (2001). The Discourse of Advertising. London: Routledge. 256 p. In
Linguist List. 11 January 2002, 4 pp.
2001; of: Brumfit, Christopher (2001). Individual Freedom and Language Teaching: Helping
Learners to Develop a Dialect of their Own. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 207 p. In
Linguist List, 16 October 2001, 4 pp.
2001; of: Scalone, Janis (1999). Distant Thunder - An Integrated Skills Approach to Learning
Language Through Literature. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press. 141p. In
Canadian Modern Language Review. 57(4): 649-651
2001; of: Dominguez, Francisco, Ed. (2000). Identity and Discursive Practices: Spain and
Latin America. Bern: Peter Lang. 328p. In Études Internationales. XXXII (2): 399
2000; of: Chouliaraki, Lilie & Fairclough, Norman (1999). Discourse in Late Modernity Rethinking Critical Discourse Analysis. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 168 p.
In Linguist List. 25 June 2000, 4 pp.
1999; of: Lagerwerf, Luuk (1998). Causal Connectives Have Presuppositions, The Hague:
Holland Academic graphics; 252 p. In Linguist List; 25 June 1999, 3 pp.
Published Conference Proceedings (*: refereed)
2002; "Le Monde's concept of Europe: Degrees of European belonging?"; 8th International
Conference of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas; Aberystwyth,
*2000; "Profils de marquage: étude comparée de Richelet (1680) et du Furetière (1690)"; with
Louise Dagenais; Actes du XXIIe Congrès International de Linguistique et de Philologie
Romanes; 1998; vol. IV, pp.163-170; Max Niemeyer Verlag.
*1997; "Sur le rôle des paragraphes dans la structure discursive d'un texte argumentatif";
Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of Linguists. Oxford: Pergamon. Paper
0344. 14 pp.
2012; Palmer, Michael: “Editorials and the Power of Media: interweaving of socio-cultural
identities”; Journalism Studies, 13(3): 474-475.
2011; Palmer, Michael: “Elisabeth Le, Editorials and the Power of Media: Interweaving of
Socio-Cultural Identities” ; Le Temps des médias, 1(16): 240-241.
2011; Sky Marsen : “Elisabeth Le, Editorials and the Power of Media: Interweaving of SocioCultural Identities” ; Pragmatics and Society, 2(1): 149-151.
2010; Georgalou, Mariza: “Discourse, of Course; 2009; Jan Renkema (Ed.)”; Linguist List
21.1516; http://linguistlist.org/issues/21/21-1516.html
2010; Hallett, Richard W.: “Review of The Spiral of ‘anti-other rhetoric’”. URL:
elanguage.net/blogs/booknotices/?p=569; poster June 16, 2010.
2008; Entman, Robert: "The Spiral of 'Anti-Other Rhetoric’: Discourses of Identity and the
International Media Echo, by Elisabeth Le”. Political Communication, 25(3): 339-341
2008; Pâquet, Martin: "The Spiral of 'Anti-Other Rhetoric’: Discourses of Identity and the
international Media Echo – Le, Elisabeth. Amsterdam, Philadelphia, John Benjamins”.
Études Internationales, 39(1): 146-148
2007; Čarapič, Aleksandar: "Elisabeth Le, The Spiral of 'Anti-Other Rhetoric’: Discourses of
Identity and the International Media Echo”. Language in Society, 37(1): 155
Elisabeth Le
2007; Book note on "The Spiral of 'Anti-Other Rhetoric’: Discourses of Identity and the
International Media Echo”. European Journal of Communication, 22(2): 259-260
2005; Section 5.2, “Metadiscourse and genre”; in Ken Hyland, Metadiscourse – Exploring
Interaction in Writing; London, New York: Continuum; p.89; on Le (2004): "Active
participation within written argumentation: Metadiscourse and editorialist's authority";
Journal of Pragmatics.
*2014; “‘Proper distance’ and identity construction of media foreign correspondents”; 2nd
Conference of the American Pragmatics Association, UCLA.
*2013; “Language use in headlines and media roles in democracy”; 5th International
Language in the Media Conference; Queen Mary, University of London.
*2011; “A methodological interdisciplinary framework for the international comparison of
print and online news media”; AILA: 16th World Congress of Applied Linguistics;
*2011; “Macro-framing on news media homepages: lemonde.fr and nytimes.com”. 12th
International Pragmatics Conference; Manchester.
*2010; “A methodological framework for the comparison of American, French and German
online news media”; ECREA (European Communication Association) pre-conference:
Doing Global Media Studies; Bremen
*2010; “Citizenship construction in American, French and German online news media”;
International Communication Section; Annual Conference of the International
Association for Media and Communication Research; Braga (Portugal).
*2010; “Interpreters' Identities: An exploratory study”; Critical Link 6 Conference; Aston
University (Birmingham).
*2010; “Interweaving of Media Socio-cultural Identities and Power”; Political
Communication Division; Annual Conference of the International Communication
Association; Singapore.
*2009; “Diversity of interactions within editorials and media identities. Le Monde from 1999
to 2001”. 11th International Pragmatics Conference; Melbourne.
*2008; “Interpreters’ Identity(ies) as ‘Human Cultural Bridges’: A theoretical framework”;
International Professional Communicators Conference; Concordia University, Montreal.
With Nathan Ménard.
*2007; “A methodological framework for the study of editorials’ complex argumentation”;
10th International Pragmatics Conference; Göteborg.
*2006; “An interdisciplinary methodological framework for the study of media identities”;
Conference “Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis across Disciplines”; University
of East Anglia.
*2006; “The spiral of ‘anti-other rhetoric’: Russia and the West from 1999 to 2001”; Top
paper award of the Intergroup Communication Special Interest Group; Annual
Conference of the International Communication Association; Dresden.
*2005; “The language of media diplomacy”; 14th World Congress of Applied Linguistics;
Madison (Wisconsin).
Elisabeth Le
*2005; "Construction or imposition of national identity in foreign policy editorials?";
International Society for Language Studies Conference; Montreal
*2004; "Elite Dailies and Projection of Cultural Identities: A Comparison of Le Monde and
The New York Times"; First International Conference on Critical Discourse Analysis,
*2004; "Type of Persuasive Force as a Typology Criterion for Editorials: A Model of
Analysis"; Conference "Contrasting Text Types in the Press", University of Helsinki
*2003; "Typographie et structure hiérarchique formelle"; Journée d'étude de l'Association
pour le traitement automatique des langues, Université de Paris 4
*2003; "Technology Edge for Language and Culture Learners"; with Terry Butler and Tracy
Chao; WorldCALL Conference; Banff (AB)
*2003; "Collective Memories: Russia in French and American Editorials"; American
Association of Applied Linguistics Conference; Arlington (VA)
*2002; "Le Monde's concept of Europe: Degrees of European belonging?"; ISSEI Conference,
University of Wales - Aberystwyth
*2002; "L'Europe du Monde: Le Monde's concept of Europe and the enlargement process";
Second International EU Symposium, "Re-imagining the European Union: Dynamics of
Enlargement in the 21st century"; University of Alberta
*2001; "The disclosure of information sources by newspaper editorialists"; Conference on
Language, the Media and International Communication; University of Oxford
*1998; "Profils de marquage: étude comparée de Richelet (1680) et du Furetière (1690)"; with
Louise Dagenais; XXIIe Congrès International de Linguistique et de Philologie
Romanes; Bruxelles.
*1997; "An Integrative Model of Discourse Analysis"; 7th Annual Meeting of the Society for
Text and Discourse; Utrecht
*1997; "Sur le rôle des paragraphes dans la structure discursive d'un texte argumentatif"; 16th
International Congress of Linguists; Paris.
*2015; “Engaging with arts and anthropology”; panel on “Revisiting the Role of
Anthropologist as the Starting Point for Anthropological Investigation / Réexamen du
rôle de l’anthropologue en tant que point de départ des recherches anthropologiques”;
CASCA Conference; Université Laval
*2013; "Evolution of journalists' conception of news media: Impact of web technology on
language use"; CASCA Conference; University of Victoria
*2009; "Le Monde's editorials and the newspaper's construction of its legitimacy"; Canadian
Communication Association, Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Carleton
*2000; "Coherence and semantic chains"; Canadian Association for Translation Studies;
Edmonton (Alberta)
*2000; "Coherence and the boundaries of sentences and paragraphs"; Canadian Association
for Translation Studies; Edmonton (Alberta)
*1999; "Language Teaching and the Integration of Linguistics, Literature, Culture and
Translation Studies"; organization of a symposium for the Canadian Association of
Applied Linguistics; Sherbrooke (Québec)
*1999; "Towards an harmonious co-ordination of a multi-sectioned language course"; CAAL;
Sherbrooke (Québec)
Elisabeth Le
*1997; "La prise en compte de la structure typographique dans l'informatisation du traitement
de la documentation juridique"; Colloquium: Aspects linguistique et informatique du
traitement des documents juridiques; ACFAS Congress; Trois-Rivières.
*1997; "La pertinence du paragraphe en linguistique du texte"; ACFAS Congress; TroisRivières.
2013; "Language use, news media, technology"; MLCS Lecture Series; University of Alberta.
2010; "The importance of visual design for an international comparison of online
newspapers"; MLCS Lecture Series; University of Alberta.
2008; "Interpreters' identities: An exploratory study of Vietnamese interpreters in Vietnam";
International Translation Day; University of Alberta; with Nguyen Van Nhan and
Nathan Ménard
2008; "The power of indefiniteness"; Highway Two Conference, University of Alberta
2007; "Intercultural Competence in the Voluntary Sector: Personal and community identities";
So What? Series for Linking Research and Practice in the Voluntary Sector; Grant
MacEwan College, Edmonton.
2007; "Cultural identities: interactions and power relations"; Highway Two Conference,
University of Calgary.
2005; "A Franco-American 'love story' ", Highway Two Conference, University of Alberta
2003; "Building bridges, putting up walls: Le Monde's editorials on Russia"; invited keynote
speaker; Second Graduate Conference, MLCS, University of Alberta
2002; "Memories and the Other: Past, Present and Future in Editorials"; Highway Two
Conference, University of Calgary
2001; "The expansion of the French cultural space in Russia: Are Le Monde's editorials a
modern form of Napoleonic campaign?"; Highway Two Conference; University of
2000; "Analyse critique du discours d'éditoriaux: méthodologie"; Université de Montréal
1998; "Parameters of text description: A methodology in progress for the study of reading";
Alberta Linguistic Association; Banff; with Ann Penningroth