Pro-Aging Europe Pro-Aging Europe
Pro-Aging Europe Pro-Aging Europe
Speakers - Orateurs Pro-Aging Europe Prof. Russel Reiter - Professor of Neuroendocrinology at the University of Texas, author of over the 1000 publications on melatonin. Sunday, March 23, 2014 Professeur de Neuroendocrinologie à l’Université du Texas, auteur de plus de 1000 publications sur la mélatonine. The pro-aging medicine congress (Simultaneous translation English - French) Prof. Miroslav Radman - Professor of cell biology at the Descartes University; forefront research in DNA repair and replication. in the center of Brussels at The Hotel Professeur de biologie cellulaire à l’université Descartes; chercheur de pointe dans la réparation et la replication de l’ADN. Leading international authorities Prof. Stan Pavel - Associate Professor at Leiden University. Leading researcher in photodermatology, published 7.15 - 8.15: Nutritional and Natural Therapies Nutritional supplements that safely increase hormone levels Natural adjuvant treatments for thyroid disease Thierry Hertoghe Rudy Proesmans 8.15 - 10.15: Aging Women Essential oils to improve skin and neurological diseases Dominque Baudoux Oral supplements for prevention of premature skin aging Stan Pavel by UV Aging body, aging skin: Hormone treatments The birth-control pill: Its untold dangers and natural alternatives Johannes Huber Henry Joyeux 10.45 - 12.30: Aging Men Grumpy old men may be testosterone deficient Claude Schulman over the 250 papers. Professeur associé à l’Université de Leiden. Eminent chercheur en photodermatologie, auteur de plus de 250 articles. Prof. Johannes Huber - Professor at the University of Vienna. cancer prevention, Professor at the University of Montpellier. Cancérologue de renommée internationale, spécialisé dans les traitements préventifs contre le cancer. Professeur à l’Université de Montpellier. Prof. Claude Schulman - Professor in Urology at the University of Brussels, expert in prostate cancer and testosterone therapy. Professeur en urologie à l’Université de Bruxelles, expert en cancer de la prostate et en traitement à base de testostérone. Prof. Karel Everaert - Professor of neurourology at the Ghent University, co-author of 7 books & researcher in nocturnal polyuria. Professeur de neuro-urologie à l’université de Gand, co-auteur de 7 livres et chercheur sur la polyurie nocturne. Erectile functions: How to avoid all the pitfalls Chirurgien cardio-vasculaire, pionnier de renommée dans le traitement de l’impuissance masculine. Auteur de nombreux ouvrages sur la dysfonction sexuelle. mitigating their effects with melatonin Reviving dead cells: Therapy to end or delay aging? impotence therapy. Author of many books on sexual dysfunction. Dr. Rudy Proesmans - Experienced physician in cardiovascular Miroslav Radman How far can we extend lifespan? Laurent Alexandre Epigenetic and molecular mechanisms of vitality increase Vladimir Khavinson 17.00 - 18.00: Aging Women Breast cancer: Natural supplements To be confirmed Hormone therapies for female sexuality Thierry Hertoghe Board Certification Anti-Aging /Nutritional Medicine Review: March 19, 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm and from 7:45 to 10:00 pm Exam: March 20, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm (Fee: 1950€ with materials) E-mail: [email protected] Tel: +352 - 621 20 42 89 7.15 - 8.15: Les thérapies naturelles et nutritionnelles Les suppléments nutritionnels pour augmenter en toute sécurité les taux hormonaux 8.15 - 10.15: Aging Women Prof. Henri Joyeux - Internationally renown cancer surgeon, expert in Ronald Virag Russel Reiter dans le centre de Bruxelles à The Hotel Experts de renommée internationale Les traitements adjuvants naturels des maladies Dr. Ronald Virag - Cardiovascular surgeon, renown pioneer in male Low level ionizing radiation and non-ionizing radiation: Le congrès en médecine pro-âge (en français ou anglais avec traduction simultanée) Professeur à l’université de Vienne. Gynécologue et chercheur renommé en médecine anti-âge. Karel Everaert 14.00 - 16.20: Living Longer Dimanche 23 mars 2014 Renowed gynecologist and researcher in anti-aging medicine. Vasopressin/Desmopressin in the treatment of Nocturia 12.30 - 14.00: LUNCH Pro-Aging Europe thyroïdiennes Les huiles essentielles pour traiter les maladies cutanées et neurologiques Les suppléments nutritionnels oraux de prévention du vieillissement prématuré de la peau par les rayons UV Le vieillissement du corps et de la peau: les traitements hormonaux La pilule contraceptive: ses dangers méconnus et alternatives naturelles Les hommes âgés grincheux peuvent être carencés en testostérone La vasopressine/desmopressine pour traiter la nycturie Dysfonctions érectiles: comment surmonter les pièges du traitement ? 12.30 - 14.00: LUNCH Médecin expérimenté dans les maladies cardiovasculaires et la prévention du cancer, la fatigue chronique et le syndrome de chélation. 14.00 - 16.20: Vivre Longtemps Famous Pharmacist in essential oil therapies. Founder of Pranarôm, leading firm in essential oils. Célèbre pharmacien spécialisé dans les thérapies à base d’huiles essentielles. Fondateur de Pranarôm, leader en aromathérapie. Dr. Laurent Alexandre - Urologist, leader in medical Internet. Opinion leader with edifying views on medical therapies of the futur. Urologue, précurseur de l’Internet médical et leader d’opinion incontestable avec des vues édifiantes sur les futures traitements médicaux. Prof. Vladimir Khavinson - President of European Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics, leader in life-extending peptides. Président de l’Association Européenne de gérontologie et de gériatrie, leader dans les peptides pour vivre plus longtemps. Dr. Thierry Hertoghe - International Hormone Society President. Author of the bestsellers Hormone Handbook & Textbook of Anti-Aging Medicine. Président de l’International Hormone Society. Auteur des bestsellers Hormone Handbook & Textbook of Anti-Aging Medicine Accreditation Points Requested for Sunday, March 23 Accréditation demandée pour le dimanche 23 Mars Rudy Proesmans Dominque Baudoux Stan Pavel Johannes Huber Henry Joyeux 10.45 - 12.30: Aging Men disease, and cancer prevention, chronic fatigue, syndrome chelation. Ph. Dominique Baudoux - Thierry Hertoghe Comment atténuer les effets néfastes des rayonnements ionisants grâce à la mélatonine Faire revivre les cellules mortes: thérapie pour retarder ou mettre fin au vieillissement ? Espérance de vie: jusqu’où peut-on l’étendre ? Les mécanismes moléculaires et épigénétiques pour accroître la vitalité Claude Schulman Karel Everaert Ronald Virag Russel Reiter Miroslav Radman Laurent Alexandre Vladimir Khavinson 17.00 - 18.00: Aging Women Le cancer du sein: les suppléments nutritionnels La sexualité féminine: les meilleures thérapies hormonales À confirmer Thierry Hertoghe Day address: The Hotel, Boulevard de Waterloo 38. B-1000 Brussels, Belgium For more details and to register online: Contact Claude Mahaux E-mail: [email protected] - Phone: +352 - 621 20 42 89 PRE-CONGRESS PROGRAM 3-Day Workshops, March 20-22 REGISTRATION Pro-Aging Congress - March 20-23, 2014 By Dr T. Hertoghe & other international speakers (English only) More details and register online: contact Claude Mahaux Email: [email protected] - Phone: +352 - 621 20 42 89 Fax to/à: +352-30 59 67 Write your details in CAPITAL LETTERS Merci d’indiquer vos coordonnées en LETTRES CAPITALES Thursday, March 20 Male & Female Hormone Problem-Solving Workshop Title/Titre I___I___I First name / Prénom I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I Solving all the typical male and female problems: From sexual to emotional and physical disorders Last Name / Nom Andrology: Hormone therapy solutions for male problems Hormone therapy solutions to restore or improve male and Address / Adresse What type of mood disorder does each hormone deficiency PRO-AGING EUROPE Congress - Congrès International 4-day medical and scientific program Brussels / Bruxelles Tel I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I Mobile I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I March 20 - 23, 2014 Email I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I 20 - 23 mars 2014 Company / Société VAT / TVA I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I PAYMENT / PAIEMENT ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Congress Pro-Aging Europe - Sunday, March 23 Pre-Cong. Workshop - Male/Female - Thursday, March 20 Pre-Cong. Workshop - Psychology - Friday, March 21 Pre-Cong. Workshop - Obesity - Saturday, March 22 4-day Pass - March 20-23 3-day Pass - March 20-22 2-day Pass - March 22-23 Board Certification Anti-Aging M or Nutritional M. Achieving weight loss with hormone therapies better than ever become slim Diet management & weight loss programs that work How not to regain the weight lost Hormone deficiencies & excesses that produce excessive appetite Hormones to reduce obesity based on the physical examination Obesity - Practical case studies based on laboratory test & on-stage consultations I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I Country / Pays I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I Safe hormone therapies for psychic disorders: From minor mood changes to chronic psychosis Short overview of the endocrine system How-To's - Scientific evidence and practical applications to I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I Postcode / Code Postale I___I___I___I___I City / Ville I___I___I___I___I___I Friday, March 21 Psychological & Psychiatric Disorders Workshop Saturday, March 22 Obesity Management Workshop I___I___I___I___I___I___ I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I Speciality / Spécialité female sexual performances Gynecology: Hormone therapy solutions for female problems Treating breast cancer women with female hormones facilitate or cause? Precursors to neurotransmitters and micronutrients Hormone therapies that may do better than traditional psychotropics to treat disorders as nervousness, stress, anxiety, burnout syndrome, headaches, depression… When hormone therapies do not work: Why and what to do? Clinical cases: Practical on stage recognition of psychic uneasiness and disorders based on physical signs of hormone deficiencies P AE 130 € 395 € 395 € 395 € 1315 € 1185 € 525 € 1950 € REVERSE AGING CHECKOUT - TOTAL - € ……………… CREDIT CARD / CARTE DE CREDIT Visa MasterCard American Express Nr I___I___I___I___I I___I___I___I___I I___I___I___I___I I___I___I___I___I Expiry date I___I___I/I___I____I Security code I___I___I___I___I Name card holder I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I Or/Ou BANK TRANSFER / VIREMENT BANCAIRE Order payable to ARCHIMEDIAL S.A., 4 Route d’Arlon, L-8399 Windhof, Luxemburg BNP PARIBAS FORTIS BANK Bank account: 001 3681625 66 IBAN BE07 0013 6816 2566 and BIC: GEBABEBB The event of the year in medical therapies which can reduce, slow down or even reverse aging. L’événement de l’année en matière de thérapies médicales qui peuvent réduire, ralentir ou même inverser le vieillisement.