6 Fun French idioms with fruits!
6 Fun French idioms with fruits!
6 Fun French idioms with fruits! 1-Une fraise – a strawberry French Expression: Ramener sa fraise (to bring back one’s strawberry) Meaning: When you bring back your strawberry it means you are giving your opinion even though is really not wanted or welcome! Example: « Personne ne t’a demandé ton opinion alors ne ramène pas ta fraise s’il te plait ! » Listen: Audio file Translation: Nobody asked for your opinion so keep it to yourself please! 2-Une pastèque – a watermelon French Expression: Avoir la tête comme une pastèque (to have the head like a watermelon) Meaning: If your head is like a watermelon it means that you have a bad headache! Example: « Arrêtez cette musique s’il vous plait j’ai la tête comme une pastèque ! » Listen: Audio file Translation: Will you please stop this music, I have a terrible headache! 3-Une pêche – a peach French Expression: Avoir la pêche (to have the peach) Meaning: If you have the peach it means you are feeling great! Full of energy, vitality and optimism! Example: « Oh la la elle a la pêche ce matin ! Quelle énergie ! » Listen: Audio file Translation: Wow she is in top form this morning! Such energy! 4-Une poire – a pear French Expression: Couper la poire en deux (to cut the pear in two) Meaning: When you cut the pear in two, you are making a compromise. Example: « Bon, tu veux aller au théâtre, mais moi j’ai pas d’argent. Coupons la poire en deux et allons au cinéma ! » Listen: Audio file Translation: Ok, you want to go to the theater but I have no money so let’s compromise and go to the movies ! 5-Une pomme – an apple French Expression: Tomber dans les pommes (to fall in the apples) Meaning: This man is falling in the apples… He is fainting! Example: « Hier il faisait tellement chaud qu’elle est tombée dans les pommes ! » Listen: Audio file Translation: It was so hot yesterday that she fainted! 6-Une cerise – a cherry French Expression: C’est la cerise sur le gâteau! (It is the cherry on the cake) Meaning: Even though the cherry on the cake represents the final touch, it is often used with an ironic twist! A way to show that you are definitely not impressed! Example: « Il est en retard, mal habillé, pas préparé et en plus il est mal poli ! C’est la cerise sur le gâteau ! » Listen: Audio file Translation: He is late, badly dressed, not prepared and on top of it all he is rude! That’s the cherry on the cake!
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