Spartanburg, South Carolina —Converse College Twitchell Auditorium
Spartanburg, South Carolina — Converse College Twitchell Auditorium Three manuals and pedals, 37 stops, 52 ranks Attached drawknob keydesk, compass 61/32 Mechanical key action, electric stop action Opus 3686, 1990 Photographs: Stanley Scheer Converse College, which is well known for its music program, is an institution offering undergraduate programs for women in liberal arts and music, as well as selected coeducational graduate programs. The school opened in 1890 and is named for one of its early patrons, Dexter Edgar Converse, a native of Vermont who was a successful pioneer in the cotton mill industry. By the turn of the twentieth-century Converse had matured into one of the leading colleges for women in the South. Around the same time the School of Music became a charter member of National Association of Schools of Music, which is recognized by the United States Department of Education as the principal accreditation organization for all music curricula. Every year the Petrie School of Music offers approximately one hundred fifty performances in all areas of instrumental and vocal music including guest performances by leading artists such as Yo Yo Ma and Marilyn Horne. The three manual mechanical action organ is installed in Twitchell Auditorium, a fifteen hundred seat hall built in 1899 and known for its acoustics. The organ sits on a raised platform at the back of the stage and is used for solo performances and concerts with choral ensembles and the Converse Symphony Orchestra. The specification was developed to allow the presentation of a wide range of literature for teaching and performance. Grand Orgue Bourdon 16 Montre 8 Flûte harmonique (common bass) 8 Flûte à cheminée 8 Principal 4 Flûte 4 Doublette 2 Cornet III 2-2/3 Fourniture IV 1-1/3 Trompette 8 Tremblant Récit Flûte majeure Viole de gambe Voix céleste (GG) Principal Flûte octaviante Octavin Plein Jeu IV Basson Trompette harmonique Hautbois Tremblant Positif Pédale Soubasse 1 Montre Soubasse Octavebasse Bourdon Octave Mixture IV Contre Bombarde (Ext.) Bombarde Basson (Récit) Trompette Salicional Bourdon Prestant Flûte à fuseau Principal Quinte Sesquialtera II Cymbale IV Cromorne Tremblant 8 8 4 4 2 1-1/3 2-2/3 2/3 8 1 © Casavant Frères Digital 8 8 8 4 4 2 2 16 8 8 32 16 16 8 8 4 2-2/3 32 16 16 8
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