budget 2013 - Vanuatu Daily Digest
budget 2013 - Vanuatu Daily Digest
GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF VANUATU BUDGET 2013 VOLUME 1 & 2 Government Of the Republic of Vanuatu BUDGET 2013 VOLUME 1 / TOME 1 FISCAL STRATEGY REPORT INCORPORATING THE ECONOMIC AND FISCAL UPDATE AND THE BUDGET POLICY STATEMENT Forward by the Minister Vanuatu continues to slowly recuperate and adapt towards the on-going global economic crises. However, in the mist of the global crises, the country needs to remain on the growth path, further economic reform and sound fiscal management is very significant.Tight control of government spending and policy commitments will be crucial in 2013 and beyond to ease growing inflationary pressures, lower interest rates, and promote the export of high quality Ni-Vanuatu produced goods, including agriculture and tourism. According to recent forecast, prediction of GDP growth for 2012 was revised downwards from 2.9 per cent to 2.5 per cent. This revision was due to declining growth of the industry sector where by construction fell by 22.2 per cent. However, despite the downward revision, there were signs of growth from both the agricultural and service sector. That is growth in both crop and animal production and an increase in visitors’ arrivals, respectively. The main driver of growth over the medium term will be the major donor-funded construction projects, and as these projects begin it is anticipated that the rate of growth will slowly accelerate to 3.6 per cent in 2013 and 4.0 per cent in 2014. Maximising economic growth – the Government’s overarching policy objective – is the only sustainable way of funding our country’s social needs. Budget 2013 has been designed to commit itself to achieving the national vision of an ‘educated, healthy and wealthy Vanuatu’ and for this, we need to sustain and broaden economic growth to ensure the provision of essential and relevant services to the urban centres, outer islands, rural communities and remote areas. The budget will assign increasing resources for better quality education, access to better health services, and have access to transport and both efficient and quality communication infrastructure and services. While spending pressures mount on the Government, it is essential that Ministries continue to operate within their appropriated budget ceilings, guard their resources accordingly, avoid off-budget spending, and look to their own budget to reallocate funds before requesting supplementary or additional appropriations. The Ministry of Finance and Economic Management (MFEM) will continue to take a hard line against supplementary appropriations given the tight fiscal positions, and so it is critical that all agencies are prudent in ensuring that the Government meets the fiscal responsibility requirements as stipulated in the PFEM Act 1998. As Minister responsible for Finance and Economic Management, I confirm that Budget 2013 is consistent with the ‘Principles of Responsible Fiscal Management’ as specified in the Public Finance and Economic Management Act (1998). To Members of Parliament and citizens of Vanuatu, it is my honour to commend to you the Budget 2013. 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS FORWARD BY THE MINISTER ........................................................................................................................ 2 1. STATEMENT OF FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY ......................................................................................... 4 2. BUDGET OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................... 5 2.1. 3. ECONOMIC UPDATE AND MEDIUM TERM PROSPECTS .................................................................... 5 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. 3.5. 3.6. 3.7. 3.8. 3.9. 3.10. 4. W ORLD ECONOMIC OUTLOOK (WEO) .................................................................................................. 5 VANUATU ECONOMIC OUTLOOK (VEO) ................................................................................................ 6 THE REAL SECTOR ............................................................................................................................. 7 EMPLOYMENT AND WAGES ................................................................................................................... 8 INFLATION (CONSUMER PRICE INDEX (CPI)) ......................................................................................... 9 POTENTIAL GDP AND THE OUTPUT GAP ............................................................................................ 10 THE FISCAL SECTOR ......................................................................................................................... 10 MONETARY UPDATE .......................................................................................................................... 10 BALANCE OF PAYMENTS .................................................................................................................... 11 EXCHANGE RATE DEVELOPMENTS ..................................................................................................... 11 FISCAL UPDATE AND PROJECTIONS ................................................................................................ 12 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. 4.5. 4.6. 4.7. 5. BUDGET OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................ 5 BUDGET BALANCE............................................................................................................................. 12 REVENUE 2012................................................................................................................................. 13 REVENUE ESTIMATES IN INTEGRATED NATIONAL BUDGET 2013 .......................................................... 14 EXPENDITURE 2012 .......................................................................................................................... 15 EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES IN NATIONAL BUDGET 2013 ....................................................................... 15 PUBLIC DEBT .................................................................................................................................... 16 ANNEX.............................................................................................................................................. 18 BUDGET POLICY STATEMENT 2013 ................................................................................................... 22 5.1. 5.2. 5.3. 5.4. 5.5. 5.6. STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY ........................................................................................................ 22 ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL POLICIES.................................................................................................. 22 BUDGET POLICIES ............................................................................................................................. 23 NEW POLICY PROPOSALS.................................................................................................................. 25 ECONOMIC AND FISCAL TARGETS FOR 2013....................................................................................... 25 CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................................... 25 3 4 2. Budget Overview 2.1. Budget Overview There has been a deceleration in the pace of global economic growth over the past year. Given its high level of exposure to the global economy and further delays to the implementation of major donor-funded construction projects, Vanuatu economic activity is estimated to have picked up only gradually in 2012. A recovery in tourist air arrivals and strong copra exports partially offset persistent weaknesses in the construction, financial services and several key agricultural commodity sectors. Looking forward it is predicted that both world and Vanuatu economic activity will strengthen in 2013. The Government is allocating VT 494 million for New Policy Proposals (NPPs) in the 2013 Budget. These include VT 109 million to enhance service delivery in the health and education sectors, VT 40 million for the trade and agricultural to boost the productive sector and VT 125 million to the Office of the Chief Information Officer (OGCIO) for the management of the Government IT systems (especially the i-Government network) which will generate both cost savings and revenue for the Government in the future. The Government plans to start drawing down VT 169 million in loans in 2013 to help begin funding the Port Vila Lapetasi International Multi-Purpose Wharf Development Project and the Vanuatu Inter-Island Shipping Project. These projects are expected to be the main driver of strong future economic growth and further delays to their implementation will have adverse effects for the economy. However, once construction work begins these projects will have to be carefully sequenced and managed in order to maintain macro-economic stability. The Government will draw down these loans and deliver its NPP commitments within a fiscally responsible framework. Given delays to and receipt of only VT 70 million of a budgeted VT 700 million in direct budget support in 2012, no budget support is factored into the 2013 budget. However, forecasted revenues for 2013 match planned expenditures meaning that the Government is targeting a balanced budget. Despite economic growth being estimated to be slower than originally predicted, the Government was still able to collect close to its Budget 2012 revenue target. This is an indication of improvements in both compliance efforts and revenue forecasting. The Government also continues to work hard on maintaining its control of aggregate expenditure levels. There is expected to be no new domestic borrowing in 2013 and surplus funds may be used to retire existing debt, in turn reducing domestic debt servicing costs and freeing additional funds for service delivery and growing the productive sector. 3. Economic Update and Medium Term Prospects1 3.1. World Economic Outlook (WEO) Global economic activity deteriorates further in 2012 growing by 3.3 per cent as a result of worsening demand conditions across the globe. Growth in 2013 is forecasted to accelerate by 3.6 per cent on the back of expected improve real demand conditions, increased production and expected improvement in the management of the euro zone debt crisis. Nonetheless, concerns over the ways in which euro zone leaders are handling their debt crisis continue to derail confidence across countries. In the US, there are possibilities for policy makers to avoid the ‘fiscal cliff’ and raised the debt ceilings, while committed to fiscal consolidation to restore confidence in public finances. Across the advanced economies, the industrial production indices, the purchasing manager’s indices and equity returns – which stand as good indicators for global economic activity, economic sentiment and asset performance recorded declining trends confirming to further signs of deterioration on emerging markets external demand. This has affected Asia’s manufacturing sector leading to overall decline in growth across all emerging markets with China estimating a soft landing in 2012thanks to modest pickup in growth as a result of timely policy intervention. The slow pace in global recovery can also be explained through links in prices and economic activity. The significant slowdown in metal consumption in major industrial countries and China has put downside pressure to global industrial production. On this note, the moves by the Chinese authority to liberalise their (previously planned) economy reflected new policies towards stabilisation and a direction towards a more sustainable pace. On the other hand, non-fuel commodity prices were estimated to have contracted by 9.8 per cent in 2012; following repeated setbacks to the global recovery in particular the slowdown in emerging The numbers and forecasts discussed in the section reflect the outcome of the deliberations of the Macroeconomic Committee (this is comprised of senior officials from the Reserve Bank of Vanuatu, Department of Finance and Treasury, National Statistics Office and Prime Ministers Office) from their most recent meeting on December 21st 2012. 1 5 Asia – lead by China and India; has affected commodity prices through changes in current and expected demand and the cost of transporting inventories. Table 1: World Economic Growth Trends (annual per cent change) World Output Advanced Economies United States of America Euro Area Japan Other Advanced Economies Emerging and Developing Economies China India Source: IMF WEO October 2012 2010 Actual 2011 5.1 3.0 2.3 2.0 4.5 5.9 7.4 10.4 10.1 3.8 1.6 1.8 1.4 -0.8 3.2 6.2 9.2 6.8 IMF Projections 2012 2013 3.3 1.3 2.2 -0.4 2.2 2.1 5.3 7.8 4.9 3.6 1.5 2.1 0.2 1.2 3.0 5.6 8.2 6.0 This is the second biggest drop in the history of non-fuel commodity prices after contracting by 15.7 per cent in 2009 at the peak of the global economic crisis (GEC). The current slump in food prices meant that global imported food prices will remain low for sometimes, supported by low production costs (i.e. fuel costs) and more favourable global trade conditions. The slower growth that is currently experienced by emerging Asia has affected exports from advanced economies and other emerging markets including Australia, Brazil, New Zealand and Pacific Island Economies (PIEs). Global fuel prices were estimated to have weakened, growing by 0.8 per cent in 2012 following moves of increasing production by the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) resulting from the recovery in Libya production and increased supply in Saudi Arabia. The adverse trade spillover from weaknesses in the Euro area and beyond have disrupted production in the PIEs leading to difficulties experienced recently with their mineral resource exports (Australia and PNG) and logging exports (Solomon Islands) into the Chinese market. In line with these developments, the global volume of trade is estimated to decelerate by 3.2 per cent in 2012 compared to an average 5.8 per cent growth recorded between 2003 and 2011. The regional forecasts for PIEs combined, is expected to see further contraction in production following the disruption in the supply chain caused by the recent tropical cyclone Evans in neighbouring Samoa and Fiji; irrespective of the ‘Budget for Growth in 2013’ released by the latter. Given that all external shocks are complicated in size with varying speed means that PIEs including Vanuatu are not immune against shocks which could affect the disruption of trade flows and revenue receipts. Against these backdrops of weaker economic activity and declining commodity prices, annual inflation is expected to fall, which in most cases will be somewhere around the comfort zones of most central banks. This in turn meant that most central banks will likely to leave current monetary policy either unchanged (e.g. 2 Reserve Bank of Vanuatu ) or cutting policy rates by others (e.g. Reserve Bank of Australia) to stimulate domestic demand, net export and private sector credits. 3.2. Vanuatu Economic Outlook (VEO) Real growth over the medium term is expected to be driven by the implementation of large infrastructure projects – proxy by public investments, with a forecasted average growth of 40.7 per cent between 2013 and 2015. The spillover effects are expected over public and private consumption forecasted to grow at an average rate of 5.5 and 5.9 per cent respectively. While changes in stock is forecast to increase at an average rate of 4.0 per cent between 2013 and 2015 which is in line with the pick-up in domestic demand. As external supply recovers, Vanuatu’s export of goods is forecasted to contract by roughly 9.4 per cent over the forecasted period. Nevertheless, the forecasted contraction in export of goods is to be partially offset by improvement in tourism export with a forecasted growth of 8.3 per cent between 2013 and 2015. Real domestic demand is forecasted to rebound over the medium term following an expected average growth of 3.6 per cent. Similarly Vanuatu’s current account is forecasted to weaken over this period. Reflecting these developments, the stock of gross official reserves (GORs) is projected to decline but remain healthy in the medium term within its threshold of 4 months of import cover. Monetary Policy Statement, September 2012 2 6 Continue structural reforms are keys to stronger, sustainable and inclusive growths. Because of our small size and geographical location, it may be difficult to compete with other countries in standard manufactured goods. However, since our comparative advantage is in industries that command resource rents, such as agriculture, tourism, and fisheries, we need to exploit the comparative advantage in these industries. This means relying on the private sector on the conditions that Government improves the investment climate, including better infrastructure and good public policy institutions. Table 2: Constant Prices GDP by Expenditure (annual per cent change) 2007 8.1 3.1 2008 12.8 2.6 2009 3.0 4.9 2010 0.1 3.0 2011 -5.0 2.2 Public 11.1 -0.6 13.7 4.3 -0.8 -4.5 29.9 -3.7 -7.7 Private 2.2 2.9 2.6 2.6 3.0 4.8 5.1 6.0 6.7 Total domestic demand Consumption Gross fixed investment 2012e 2013P 2014P 2015P 5.4 4.0 2.9 3.8 2.9 9.8 3.8 3.7 21.7 35.9 -0.6 -4.6 -19.7 11.8 -9.9 0.4 4.0 Public 76.2 451.5 14.9 -18.7 -44.3 -31.9 144.3 -39.6 -17.2 Private 23.8 18.7 3.2 -4.7 -17.5 13.5 -20.4 8.7 6.5 10.9 35.9 -0.6 14.8 155.5 -23.5 5.2 6.5 3.3 -11.6 -11.1 1.6 -7.9 -50.1 1.4 2.5 -35.7 2.5 3.6 -0.2 3.6 Changes in stocks Net Exports Gross Domestic Product 4.0 4.3 -59.3 -224.5 4.0 4.3 Sources: NSO & Macroeconomic Committee Estimates 3.3. The Real Sector Total domestic production moderated in 2012 following delays in the implementation of public investment projects and the fall in global copra prices driven by external factors, including falling demand and improved supply conditions. However, there are expectations that the total impact of falling global copra prices and delay in the implementation of public projects are to be partially offset by improvement in the services sector mainly from tourism related activities. 3.3.1 Agriculture Production in the agriculture sector is estimated to have registered slow growth of 4.6 per cent in 2012 following declines in global prices of exported copra, coconut oil, kava and animal production as a result of improved supply conditions and weak external demand. Despite the decline in the global price, crop production has been supported by the copra subsidy and continued to outperform expectations with the latest estimates suggesting that activity in the copra sub-sector recorded an estimated growth of 20.0 per cent in 2012. The sector is forecasted to level off in 2013 and over the medium term with a growth of 12 per cent as global supply conditions improved. Across the entire sector, animal production, forestry and fishing are estimated to record mix growth of 5.3 per cent, 7.5 per cent and 3.4 per cent respectively in 2013. Growth in this sector is driven by domestic demand and population size. Similarly, international commodity prices, excluding fuel, has minimal pass-through effect to domestic prices given that majority of locals resides in the rural areas with heavy dependence on subsistence farming. 3.3.2 Industry Industrial production contracted further in 2012 with an estimated growth of 6.1 per cent as a result of delay in major plans to implement public investment projects. This is the second consecutive year of contraction after coming very low at 20.9 per cent in 2011. In addition, close proxies of private sector developments, particularly imported materials confirm to falling activity in this sector. Information collected from reliable sources reveal that sales of contraction related materials has been very weak during the first half of 2012 but was expected to normalise over the remaining months. Construction activities contracted by 22.2 per cent in 2012 but expected to pick up this year supported by the implementation of major public projects with growth forecasted to increase by an average 8.3 per cent over the medium term. 3.3.3 Services The services sector although estimated to have recorded 3.3 per cent in 2012; it is the most entertaining sector of the economy driven by the increasing volumes of tourism activity generating foreign exchange earnings into the economy. The services sector have provided the much needed partial insulation against the impact of the GEC with spillover effect trickle down to the rural areas. Actual data released by the National Statistics Office (NSO) and the Reserve Bank of Vanuatu (RBV) reveal that tourism arrivals (both air and sea) continue to increase in the last three years (2009-2011) and is estimated to have grown by 2.7 per cent in 2012 following the recent increasing number of day visitors as well as new and additional air routes 7 that connect Vanuatu with international destinations. The estimated 2.7 per cent growth in tourist arrivals in 2012 is expected to drive foreign earnings (generated from inward travellers) up by 4.1 per cent; following the 3.8 per cent contraction in 2011. The upshot to this development means that average spending per tourist per day in 2012 is estimated to level at VT 20,611 compared to VT 20,324 recorded in 2011. Over the past three years (2009-2011), growth in average spending per visitor per day have increased by 2.8 per cent and is expected to remain high over the medium term (2013-2015) with a forecasted increased in total tourist arrivals as a result of deregulating the international aviation industry. The spillover effect of these developments mean that total arrivals over the medium term is expected to grow by an average 8.3 per cent. The economic implications of this development suggest that tourism contribution to real growth is roughly 0.5 per cent in 2012 compared to an average growth of 1.3 per cent recorded between 2007 and 2011. Similarly, forecast over the medium term point towards a stable 0.5 per cent growth contribution path of tourism activities to growth. Table 3: Total Production by Sectors (annual per cent change) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing Animal production Forestry Fishing Industry Construction Services GDP (2006 Prices) GDP (Current prices) GDP Deflator Average spending per visitor per day Actual 2011 5.9 Estimate 2012 4.6 7.0 5.3 4.3 4.3 4.4 6.8 7.5 7.5 7.1 7.2 3.6 3.4 (20.9) (6.1) (39.4) (22.2) 3.6 1.4 3.6 2.1 (1.7) 3.3 2.5 6.3 3.7 1.4 Forecast 2013 2014 4.2 4.2 2015 4.3 3.4 3.5 3.5 3.9 5.3 6.8 4.2 8.4 12.3 3.8 3.6 6.7 3.0 1.5 3.9 4.0 7.7 3.5 1.6 4.1 4.3 8.4 3.9 1.6 Sources: NSO, RBV, Macroeconomic estimates & Treasury Staff Calculations 3.4. Employment and wages Data on employment remain a critical issue in formal policy formulation about Vanuatu’s labour market. On this front, we use data on compensation of employees – a good proxy for employment as guide to formal assessment. Total employment has grown significantly over the period 2005-2011 averaging at 6.4 per cent in line with domestic economic development. Disaggregating total compensation of employees shows that public sector employment contributed about 9.1 per cent in growth while private sector accounts roughly for 5.9 per cent during the period. In recent years, total employment have moderated with recorded growth of only 3.5 per cent in 2011 following temporary tight fiscal controls and the overall impact of the GEC which affected the industrial and financial sectors coupled with continue delay in the implementation of public sector projects. This is evidenced in the public sector compensation of employees growing by only 0.5 per cent in 2011; but with strong offsetting growth seen from private sector employment of 4.5 per cent in 2011 – mostly attributed to increasing employment in the retail and wholesale production and tourism related services. Wages that are not formally been accounted for in the system of national accounts released by NSO includes those of the Recognized Seasonal Employers (RSE) scheme. These wages make up the group of under reported wages which is slightly difficult to capture but remain as an important source of earnings for least qualified workers. Labour migration is one of many important policies for PIEs with abundance of labour supply in trying to reduce poverty and at the same time raises welfare of their citizens. Since its inception in 2007, the RSE scheme (in terms of number of participants) has grown by 341 per cent from 306 in 2007 to 1348 in 2012. The Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) has taken further steps in addressing this issue by introducing the 3 MSG skills movement in 2012 allowing member countries with special skills to mobilise labour supply to meet shortage of labour supply under certain specified conditions. The medium-term outlook for employment is expected to correlate with activities in the construction and real estate sectors. On the other hand, average growth in public sector employment is expected to remain below 3 Visit http://www.msgsec.info/ 8 3.0 per cent over the medium term following current fiscal policy stands to contain growth in current consumption. However, should growth in revenue receipt recover more than expected; then it is likely to see response on growth in public employment. Figure 1: Employment and Wages (annual per cent change) 25.0 Total Compensation of Employees 20.0 Public 15.0 Private 10.0 5.0 - (5.0) 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 (10.0) (15.0) (20.0) Sources: National StatisticsOffice & Department of Finance & Treasury 3.5. Inflation (Consumer Price Index (CPI)) The annual average rate of inflation measured by the CPI rose during the period 2008-2011 to 3.9 per cent from its average growth rate of 2.0 per cent attained between 2004 and 2007. The average movement in inflation is in line with both the average growth rates in food inflation and the fiscal positions of the Government. However, developments in the second half of 2012 reveals that non-food inflation and energy inflation are expected to contribute to movements in overall inflation. On the other hand, both the non-energy inflation and the food and energy inflation rates are estimated to remain low in 2012 following improved supply conditions of most imported commodity and lower input costs of factor of productions (i.e. fuel). The RBV carefully monitor developments in the CPI and adjust its policy instruments accordingly to ensure that Vanuatu’s competitiveness is maintained through the pricing of its currency (Vatu) and that household purchasing power is not distorted in real terms. Figure 2: Consumer Price Index (CPI) (annual per cent change) 12.0 10.0 8.0 All Group Inflation (rhs) Food Inflation Non-Food Inflation Energy Inflation Non-Food & Energy Inflation 7.0 6.0 5.0 6.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 -2.0 2.0 Mar-03 Jun-03 Sep-03 Dec-03 Mar-04 Jun-04 Sep-04 Dec-04 Mar-05 Jun-05 Sep-05 Dec-05 Mar-06 Jun-06 Sep-06 Dec-06 Mar-07 Jun-07 Sep-07 Dec-07 Mar-08 Jun-08 Sep-08 Dec-08 Mar-09 Jun-09 Sep-09 Dec-09 Mar-10 Jun-10 Sep-10 Dec-10 Mar-11 Jun-11 Sep-11 Dec-11 Mar-12 Jun-12 Sep-12 0.0 -4.0 1.0 0.0 Source: National Statistics Office It is estimated that the annual inflation rate will grow by 1.4 per cent in 2012 given declining fuel, non-fuel related commodity prices and development in neighbouring Australia. The forecasted inflation rate is well within the RBV’s target range of between 0-4 per cent but could become problematic for policy makers if current trend is prolonged; signalling weaknesses in consumption and investments that could be attributed to overall confidence. 9 3.6. Potential GDP and the Output Gap Following these developments, potential GDP grew at an average rate of 5.0 per cent between 2004 and 2007. Between 2008 and 2011 the average growth in potential GDP moderated to only 4.0 per cent. Since domestic aggregate demand was below the potential output level by an annual average growth rate of 0.1 per cent between 2008 and 2011 meant that output and spending during those period were below what the economy could have been sustained. This implies spare capacities in production towards attaining full equilibrium level in the domestic economy leading to lower inflation rate recorded during that period. 3.7. The Fiscal Sector The Vanuatu Government has no forms of direct taxation but rely heavily on indirect types of taxation such as VAT and administrative fees and charges to administer its operation. Collection has been very volatile and moves in line with economic activity. Taxes on domestic goods grew by 2 percentage points less between 2008 and 2011 (10 per cent) compared to its average pace of 12 per cent growth recorded between 2004 and 2007. On the other hand, taxes on international trade has been the most category of taxable goods affected, contracting by 2 per cent between 2008 and 2011 after growing by an average 11 per cent between 2004 and 2007. The swing in international trade receipts reflected structural changes to import duty legislations. Overall public expenses has been expansionary between 2008 and 2011 averaging at 8 per cent, although moderately slower compared to 12 per cent averaged growth recorded between 2004 and 2007. Government policies have been closely linked to increasing consumption; which recorded an average increase growth of 4 per cent between 2008 and 2011 relative to 3 per cent growth recorded between 2004 and 2007. Similarly, public investments recorded increasing growth by an average 101 per cent between 2008 and 2011 compared to its low record of 33 per cent attained between 2004 and 2007. Essentially, the average growth experienced between 2008 and 2010 is attributed to the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) infrastructure project which is aid donor driven. The Government implemented policies is been characterised by concentrating on maintaining consumption overtime, ‘consumption smoothing’ let alone public investment at the expense of foreign tax payers. The history of uneven growth rates between recurrent expenses and revenue receipts mean that financing recurrent expenses must be through other sources. Indeed, the high expenses recorded between 2008 and 2011 compared to the revenue earned led to the budget deficits recorded during those period. As a result, the Government resorted to borrowing in order to finance public consumption. This is in violation of economic theory where agents borrow to finance productive investments with future positive economic return. It is estimated that real public consumption have grown by 2.3 per cent in 2012 while real public investments, on the other hand, is estimated to have contracted significantly by 31.9 per cent due to delay in implementation of public projects. Over the medium term, real consumption is forecasted to grow by an average 3.3 per cent supported by a slow growing labour force on the back of ‘sticky wages’. 3.8. Monetary Update Broad money supply (M2) contracted by 4.1 percent at the end of 2012 and similarly by 0.6 percent from the same period of 2011. The downward trend in M2 was driven by a declining trend in both net foreign assets (NFA) and domestic credit. Correspondingly, reserve money fell by 2.9 percent at the end of 2012 owing to fall in commercial banks excess reserves held with the Reserve Bank, although the level remained considerably higher above the excess reserves target of VT 2.4 billion. This implies that the Bank continued to maintain an accommodative monetary policy stance throughout 2012. Total NFA of the banking system continued to trend downwards at the end of 2012 as compared to 2011. The decline at the end of 2012 was attributed to declines of 30.7 percent and 1.7 percent in the NFA holdings of the Reserve Bank and commercial banks, respectively. This is an indication that the banking system continued to witness outflows of foreign exchange during the second half of 2012 as reflected in the declines in both the Reserve Bank and Commercial banks foreign assets. Domestic credit expanded by 1.4 percent at the end of 2012, owing to increases in credit to the private sector and municipalities which outweighs the decline in the net claims on the government and claims on nofinancial public enterprises, respectively. Private sector credit, which acts as a proxy for economic growth rose by 6.9 percent over the year to December 2012. The annual growth in private sector credit has witnessed a slower pace than normal since the second half of 2012, reflecting weak domestic demand. 10 3.9. Balance of Payments Vanuatu’s economic activity was supported by tourism services and very few on-going construction projections in 2012 and this was mirrored in the development of the country’s overall current account balance. The current account deficit improved slightly over the 2012 period by 2 percent particularly due to significant increases in service inflows which offset a moderate increase in overall goods imports. Tourism earnings which contribute fundamentally to service inflows increased significantly by 20 percent over the 2012 period due to increased number of both air arrivals and cruise ship visitors. Exports of goods declined over the year reflecting low world commodity prices. Foreign Direct Investment slowed over the year in line with the slowdown in major economies economic growth while official grants remained healthy with the continuous support of donor partners funding. Official reserves were kept at adequate levels, financing 7.4 months of imports at end December 2012 from 7.2 months in December 2011, way above the Bank’s target of 4 months of import cover. The medium term outlook is healthy. Vanuatu’s economy is projected to grow by 3.6 percent in 2013 in line with the improvement in services sector and the expected increase in construction activity. Accordingly, imports are forecast to increase due to the expected increased demand for construction materials. In spite of the increase, reserves are expected to remain sufficient to finance private import bills, forecasted to subsist at 6.4 months at end December 2013. Tourism earnings are forecast to remain healthy over the year with the expected increase in visitor arrivals as well as the continued appreciation of the Australian dollar. Official grants are forecast to increase reflecting the expected increase in donor funded projects. Consequently, capital inflows (surplus) are forecast to be able to finance increases in the current account import payments (deficit) over the year. Table 4: Balance of Payments (millions of vatu) Stock of FX (Less IMF positions) Import Cover Goods Current Account Current Account (% of GDP) Imports of Goods (% of GDP) Tourism earnings Tourism Earnings (% of GDP) Dec-11 Dec-12 Dec-13 11,685 7.2 2011 (5,668) (7.9) (38.0) 20,184 28 16,149 7.4 2012 (5,651) (7.4) (36.0) 24,259 31 15,120 6.4 2013 (6,250) (7.6) (39.2) 26,000 32 Source: Reserve Bank of Vanuatu 3.10. Exchange Rate Developments Over 2012 the Vatu appreciated against the US Dollar (USD) and the Euro (EUR) but depreciated against the Australian Dollar (AUD) and New Zealand Dollar (NZD). Uncertainty in the US over the upcoming fiscal challenges is likely to have weighed on the USD which depreciated by 2.0 percent against the Vatu over the year. However, perhaps more importantly, over 2012 the Federal Reserve’s continued to hold an extremely accommodative monetary policy stance with the implementation of a third round of Quantitative Easing and the announcement that their policy interest rates will remain low until improvements are seen on the employment side. The EUR has weakened significantly over recent years owing largely to the uncertainty originating from their sovereign debt challenges; however with strong policy action taken by the European Central Bank in the first half of the year, some confidence returned to markets and the EUR saw somewhat of a recovery. As a result, the currency only saw a modest depreciation over the year of 0.1 percent. In contrast the AUD and the NZD appreciated against the Vatu over the year by 0.2 percent and 4.2 percent respectively. Despite rapid cuts in policy interest rates by the Reserve Bank of Australia the AUD strengthened, particularly owing to the growing likelihood that China’s economy will continue to drive demand for Australia’s natural resources. As a result Australia is expected to remain one of the best performing advanced economies. In New Zealand the relatively strong performance of the economy and narrowing in the interest rate differential with Australia, owing to the policy interest rate cuts by the Reserve Bank of Australia, is likely to have helped strengthen the NZD. 11 The USD is particularly important for fuel imports and all things being equal the appreciation of the Vatu is likely to have made import of such commodities cheaper. At the same time, the depreciation of the Vatu against the AUD and NZD is likely to have made Vanuatu relatively cheaper as a tourist destination, however this change will also have put upward pressure on the cost of imports from these two countries, therefore the overall impact on tourism will depend on the extent of feed through to costs. 4. Fiscal Update and Projections 4.1. Budget Balance The Public Finance and Economic Management Act obligates the Government to reduce and manage State debt at prudent levels; as well as target a budget that maintains its ‘net worth’ at a level that provides a buffer against factors that may adversely impact its ‘net worth’ in the future. In other words, the Government aims to run surpluses over the medium term, in turn enabling it to reduce the stock of Government debt and build reserves for times of difficulty. In line with this legislative requirement, the Budget 2012 predicted a small fiscal deficit worth VT 95.1 million (equivalent to 0.1 per cent of GDP). However, following weaker project grant receipts then originally anticipated and only VT 70 million of a budgeted VT 700 million in direct budget support being received, the Government ran a fiscal deficit worth VT 1,177.6 million (equivalent to 1.6 per cent of GDP) in 2012. Figure 3: Overall Budget Balance Source: Ministry of Finance and Economic Management Excluding donor financed spending the Government recorded a net operating loss of only VT 304.7 million in 4 2012. This is less than the VT 546.8 million net operating loss anticipated for the 2012 Budget and demonstrates that despite non-donor revenue falling just below target, the Ministry of Finance and Economic Management was able to exhibit a strong degree of aggregate expenditure control. The 2013 budget expects the Government to record a net operating surplus of VT 745.3 million, its first net operating surplus for four years. Excluding donor financed spending the Government’s Budget for 2013 expects to record a surplus worth VT 493.5 million (or 0.6 per cent of GDP). The surplus funds will be used to meet external debt principal repayments. Following historical problems with delays in the timing of its receipt, no budget support is factored into the 2013 Budget. The Government is working hard in 2013 to review its revenue acts, develop new revenue initiatives and improve compliance. Whilst at the same time the Ministry of Finance and Economic Management is continuing to work on maintaining its control of aggregate expenditure. The Net Operating Balance refers to Government revenue minus expenses but excludes net acquisitions of fixed capital assets. The latter may be referred to as investment and if funded by borrowing, will not reduce the Government’s net worth (in contrast expenses may be referred to as consumption). A positive net operating balance indicates that a Government’s fiscal position is sustainable over the medium term. 4 12 Including donor financed spending the 2013 Budget expects to record a fiscal surplus worth VT 324.8 million (or 0.4 per cent of GDP). The Government plans to draw down VT 168.7 million in loans from the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in 2013 to help begin funding the Port Vila Lapetasi International Multi-Purpose Wharf Development Project and the Vanuatu InterIsland Shipping Project. However, the main construction component of these projects is unlikely to start until 2014 or 2015. 4.2. Revenue 2012 Government revenue recorded VT 13, 588.0 million representing 97 per cent of the budget 2012 target (VT 13,970.1 million) and 6 per cent higher than what was collected in 2011 (VT 12,850.5 million). Actual collections have increased considerably compared to 2010 and 2011 levels and with total Government revenue currently being on target, there was no reason to revise the revenue forecast. Furthermore, the Government especially the Department of Customs and Inland Revenue (DCIR) continues to prioritize and work on enhancing revenue collections. Figure 4: Government Revenue and Donor Cash Grants Source: Department of Finance and Treasury The leading item of tax revenue continues to be VAT which had contributed VT 5,009.8 million at the end of the year representing 97 per cent of the budget 2012 target (VT 5,166.9 million) and 6 per cent higher than what was collected ( VT 4,711.3 million) during the same period in 2011. The main reasons being is that both economic conditions and compliance improved during the year. Whilst import duty, the second leading revenue category, recorded only VT 2,579.9 million representing 91.1 per cent of the budget target ( VT 2,832.1 million) and 10 per cent lower than the level collected ( VT 2,870.0 million) during the same period at the end of 2011. This was mainly due to lower tariff rates and exemptions. Across the remaining tax revenue categories, tax on property collected VT 548.3 million (99.6per cent) against budget target of VT 550.3 million. In addition, the main portion of the sum comes from land registration at VT 498.8 million (90.7 per cent) against budget target of VT 549.8 million budget target. The last two contributing items are land lease and land premiums, which recorded VT 1.1 million and VT 48.5 million, respectively. Whilst, residency permits recorded a significant increase through the Hong Kong Scheme at VT 424.7 million of the budget target of VT 100 million and 63 per cent higher than the amount collected (VT 157 million) the same period in 2011. Alongside receipts from taxes, other revenues were forecast to contribute VT 1,608 million to fiscal receipts in 2012. Of other revenues, wharfage tax collected VT 212.1 million (326 per cent) of the Budget target of VT 65.0 million, Land Rent at VT 158.9 million (70 per cent) against a budget target of VT 180.9 million, and road tax receipted VT153.7 million (85 per cent) against a budget target of VT 192.2 million. Dividends as part of other revenues recorded only VT 137.5 million at the end of the year. This consists of only one contributor, the Reserve Bank of Vanuatu. Other state owned enterprises (SOE’s) such as NBV, NISCOL and Ifira Stevedoring that annually pay dividends did not contribute in 2012. 13 Complementing the recurrent revenue performances, grants from abroad have contributed significantly to the basket of Government resources. Relative to a projection of VT 6,856.1 million, total grants recorded only VT 2,174.1 million. The reason for the shortfall against the forecast was the delay of major project implementations which were supposed to kick start in 2012; however they have now been postponed to late 2013 and early 2014. Furthermore, another reason was that a few projects that have been carried out in 2012 have been through aid-in-kind and are not captured in the Vanuatu Budget Management System (VBMS). The leading contribution came from Australia with VT 1,353.6 million followed by New Zealand and other Donors as show in Figure 5. The Government benefits from direct budget support from the European Union, of which was received in the last quarter of 2012. VT 70.0 million 4.3. Revenue Estimates in Integrated National Budget 2013 Total Government revenue is forecast to be VT 14,629 million in 2013. This is 4.5 per cent higher than the budget preliminary 2012 of VT 13,970.1 million. This forecast represents the limit of the level that is consistent with fiscal prudence. The Integrated National Budget initiative will be ongoing in 2013. Through this initiative the Government aims to bring together Government and donors partners in aligning the objectives of aid programs with Government policy which will help in better management of the recurrent cost implications and hence the financial sustainability of capital investment in essential public services. Figure 5: Support provided by major aid partners to the Government of Vanuatu in 2012 Source: Ministry of Finance and Economic Management. *Includes South Pacific Commission, World Health Organisation, ISP, Vanuatu Government, France, and China Of the major revenue categories, VAT should continue to dominate the stream of tax revenues in 2013, being forecasted to contribute VT 5,533.0 million of recurrent revenue (equal to 37.8 per cent of the total recurrent revenue). This represents growth of 3.3 per cent from the 2012 projection; this forecast is due to the expectation of rising domestic economic activity. The next leading category is import duty, which is projected to register VT 2,804.0.6 million in 2013, a slight decrease of 1.1 per cent from the 2012 budget. This decrease is mainly due to recent legislation amendments and changes to tariff rates. Other revenues is forecasted to increase from its 2012 budget target of VT1, 354.5 million to VT 1,463.6 million in 2013.This reflects more realistic forecasting in terms of actual cash collections from line Ministries as well as strengthening of revenue generating agencies in terms of legislative amendments and improving compliances towards collections. Moreover, dividends paid by SOEs to the Government in 2012 were very low. However, with mounting pressure to increase Government revenue, Government can expect more dividends in 2013. It is expected that bilateral agreements with donor partners will remain in place and donor support will continue through out 2013.Significant support from our donor partners are forecasted at VT 4,310.9 million. This is a substantial level of commitment, and is forecasted to continue at similar levels into the medium term. This represents recognition of Vanuatu’s sound performance in financial management and good governance. 14 4.4. Expenditure 2012 In 2012, the Government experienced some increase in unforeseen expenses associated with legal claims, poor procurement management by line agencies and also the elimination of arrears from previous years. However, the MFEM has gained support and approval from the Councils of Ministers (COM) to implement some expenditure control measures that kept expenditure in line with 2012 budget target (VT 14,516.9 million) at VT 13,897.6 million. This represents 96 per cent of the budget target and 3.7 per cent above what was expended (VT 13,404.0 million) during the same period in 2011. The leading category of Government expense is compensation of employees (that is, payroll costs and superannuation) recording VT 8,164.7 million, representing 98 per cent of the budget target (VT 8,355.4 million), 58.7 per cent of the Government expenses and 6.7 per cent above what was expended (VT 7,651.1 million) during the same time a year ago. The next leading category of Government expense is used of goods and services (that is, operational expenses) with the total value of VT 2,940.8 million, representing 82 per cent of the budget target (VT 3,600 million) and 21.2 per cent of total Government expenses but 5.2 per cent below what was recorded (VT 3,102.2 million) at the end of December 2011. However, there are several expense items within this category whose actual expense is above their 2012 budget targets. The main overspending expenditure items includevehicle repairs and maintenance expending VT 144.5 million (220.3 per cent) against a budget of VT 65.6 million, and court costs expending VT 65.1 million ( 803.7 per cent) against budget of VT 8.1 million. The other major category of Government expense is grants which exceeded the budget amount of VT 1,270.8 million at VT 1,286.3million by the end of December 2012.This represents 101.2 per cent of the Budget target and 9.3 per cent of total Government expense but 5.0 per cent below what was recorded (VT 1,354.5 million) during the same period a year ago On the same note, Other expenses also exceeded the budget amount of VT 405.0 million at VT 556.5, representing 137 per cent of the budget target and 15.5 per cent below what was expended (VT 658.8 million) during the same period in 2011.The increase in spending against 2012 budget target was partly driven by schoalrship allowances (VT 242.9 million against a budget target of VT 97.8 million) and land compensation (VT 126.2 million against budget of VT 109.4 million) exceeding their budgets by 248.4 per cent and 115.4 per cent respectively. The three other categories of Government expense are interest, social benefits and subsidies. Interest recorded VT 463.1 million against budget of VT 509.6 million, representing 91 per cent of the budget target and 16.4 per cent above VT 397.8 million recorded in 2011. This increase was because more bonds were issued in 2011 therefore the Government has to meet the cost of their interest in 2012 and in the future years depending on the term of the Government bonds. Social benefits accounted for VT 309.8 million, exceeding the 2012 budget target (VT 176.0 million) by 176 per cent and 29.2 per cent above what was recorded (VT 239.7 million) during the same period in 2011.Subsidies expended VT 176.5 million, representing 88.2 per cent of the budget target ( VT 200 million) and 1.3 per cent of the Government expense. The Total expenses (Government and Donor) was VT 15,808.2 million against a budget target of VT 16,737.5 million. This represents 94 per cent of the budget target and 2.0 per cent above VT 15,505.3 million expended a year ago. 4.5. Expenditure Estimates in National Budget 2013 The total estimated recurrent expense for the Government in 2013 is VT 13,884.0 million, representing a 4.4 per cent decrease compared to 2012’s estimated recurrent expenditure of VT 14,516.9 million. The leading category of recurrent expenses, compensation of employees has been reduced by 3.9 per cent from VT 8,355.4 million in 2012 to VT 8,029.0 million in budget 2013. The main cause of this decrease is the removal of the cost of MP gratuities totalling VT 286 million. Used of goods and services is also budgeted to decrease by 9.5 per cent from VT 3,600.0 million in 2012 to VT 3,258.6 million in 2013. The decrease in spending is partly associated with the removal of one off initiatives such as the cost of the national elections as well as the cost of hosting the EU-ACP meetings. Grant is the next category of recurrent expenditure with a decrease in its budget by 0.3 per cent from VT 1,270.8 million in 2012 to VT 1,267.5 million in 2013. 15 The budgets for subsidies and social benefits also decrease by 46 per cent (from VT 200 million in 2012 to VT 108 million in 2013) and 24.7 per cent (from VT 176.0 million in 2012 to VT 132.6 million in 2013). The subsidy budget has fallen due to removal of the kava subsidy of VT 50 million and the additional VT 42 million added to copra subsidy budget in 2012. The only two categories of recurrent expenses that have increased budgets are interest payments and other expenses. Interest increase by 18.3 per cent from VT 509.6 million in 2012 to VT 603.1 million in budget 2013; while other expense increase by 19.8 per cent from VT 405.0 million in 2012 to VT 485.3 million in 2013. This increase is partly due to the increased allocation for scholarships allowances. Figure 6: Total Government Expenditure Source: Department of Finance and Treasury The estimated recurrent expenditure in the 2013 budget includes all New Policy Proposals (NPPs), which amount to VT 493.6 million. Within the social sectors, the Government is planning to allocate an additional VT 41 million to the Ministry of Education to meet the cost of scholarships. While in furthering the pursuit of social outcomes, the Ministry of Health will receive an additional VT 18 million for operational purposes and VT 50 million for health medical supplies so that doctors and nurses can offer quality health services to all people in Vanuatu. In addition, the Government has allocated VT 125 million to the Office of the Chief Information Officer (OGCIO) for the management of the Government IT systems especially the i-Government network. The Government will continue to strengthen and enhance the productive sectors in 2013 to promote economic growth and this is reflected through additional budget of VT24.5 million allocated to the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, and VT 14 million allocated to the Ministry of Agriculture, Quarantine, Forestry and Fisheries. The total budgeted Government Expenditure including donor grants is VT 18,195.0 million, representing 8.7 per cent above VT 16,737.5 million in 2012 budget. 4.6. Public Debt The need for deficit financing has intensified borrowings raising the stock of public debt with new borrowing growing by 13 per cent on average between 2008 and 2011; slightly slower than the average 42 per cent growth recorded between 2004 and 2007. New borrowing in 2012 pushed the total stock of public debt (domestic and foreign) to a new level high at VT15,750 million in 2012 (19 per cent of GDP); up by 7 per cent from its level in 2011 (VT 14,676 million). The current level of public debt has constrained the scope for further fiscal stimulus from the Government. 16 Due to the financing gap created in 2012 as a result of only VT 70 million of a budgeted VT 700 million in direct budget support received the Government resorted to new borrowing to finance public consumption. As a result, domestic borrowing grew by an estimated 32.8 per cent in 2012 adding to the stock of domestic debt while the stock of external debt declined owing to further amortisation that year, totalling VT 314.8 million. Essentially, the stock of public debt (as a per cent of GDP) remain within the comfortable threshold of 40 per cent as at end 2012; and is roughly 19.4 per cent (excluding contingent liabilities) while this figure equates to about 30 per cent of GDP for the stock of contingent liabilities. Over the medium term, this ratio is expected to rise following Government new borrowing plans for public investment projects. Figure 7: Stock of Public Debt (VT millions) Stock of Contingent Liabilities Stock of Domestic Debt Stock of External Debt 40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012e Source: DOFT 17 4.7. Annex Table 5: Statement of Government Operation, excluding donors using GFS01 Classifications Actual 2010 Actual 2011 Preliminary 2012 Budget 2013 Forecast 2014 Forecast 2015 12,276.0 11,088.6 12,850.0 11,629.7 13,590.1 11,982.4 14,629.5 13,165.9 15,148.0 13,751.6 15,891.9 14,419.3 0.0 GFS Code GFS Description TRANSACTIONS AFFECTING NET WORTH: A1 Revenue A11 Taxes A111 Taxes on income, profits, and capital gains 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 A112 Taxes on payroll & workforce 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 A113 Taxes on property 485.4 430.6 548.3 550.3 577.7 609.2 A114 Taxes on goods & services 7,957.4 8,327.6 8,853.9 9,811.6 10,230.4 10,706.1 A115 Taxes on international trade & transactions 2,645.9 2,871.4 2,580.2 2,803.9 2,943.5 3,104.0 A116 Other taxes 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,187.4 13,039.0 7,526.0 3,339.4 0.0 333.5 0.0 1,115.6 404.6 319.9 (763.0) (763.0) 0.0 0.0 1,220.3 13,333.0 7,651.1 3,101.9 0.0 397.8 0.0 1,283.7 239.7 658.8 (483.0) (483.0) 0.0 0.0 1,607.7 13,894.8 8,164.7 2,940.7 0.0 463.1 176.5 1,286.3 309.8 553.7 (304.7) (304.7) 0.0 0.0 1,463.6 13,884.1 8,029.0 3,258.6 0.0 603.1 108.0 1,267.5 132.6 485.3 745.3 745.3 0.0 0.0 1,396.5 14,145.8 8,262.1 3,234.0 0.0 603.1 108.0 1,302.0 136.6 499.9 1,002.3 1,002.3 0.0 0.0 1,472.6 14,548.8 8,510.0 3,331.1 0.0 603.1 108.0 1,341.1 140.7 514.9 1,343.1 1,343.1 443.1 443.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 (1,206.0) 426.0 426.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 (909.1) 313.0 313.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 (617.7) 251.8 251.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 493.5 252.2 252.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 750.1 259.8 259.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,083.3 (266.1) (266.1) 0.0 0.0 643.0 950.2 435.8 435.8 0.0 0.0 1,053.5 1,388.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 (493.5) 0.0 156.8 156.8 0.0 0.0 (593.3) 0.0 546.8 546.8 0.0 0.0 (536.5) 0.0 (307.2) (335.1) (493.5) (593.3) (536.5) A12 Social contributions A13 Grants A14 Other revenue A2 Expense A21 Compensation of employees A22 Use of goods and services A23 Consumption of fixed capital A24 Interest A25 Subsidies A26 Grants A27 Social benefits A28 Other expense GOB Gross operating balance (1-2+23+NOBz) NOB Net operating balance (1-2+NOBz) A31 TRANSACTIONS IN NONFINANCIAL ASSETS: Net Acquisition of Nonfinancial Assets A311 Fixed assets A312 Change in inventories A313 Valuables A314 NLB Nonproduced assets Net lending / borrowing (1-2+NOBz-31) TRANSACTIONS IN FINANCIAL ASSETS AND Net acquisition of financial assets A331 Domestic (704.0) (704.0) 0.0 0.0 502.0 800.0 A332 Foreign (298.0) A32 A321 Domestic A322 Foreign A323 Monetary gold and SDRs A33 Net incurrence of liabilities Source: Department of Finance and Treasury 18 Table 6: Statement of Donor Operations5 using GFS01 Classification Actual 2010 Actual 2011 Preliminary 2012 Budget 2013 Forecast 2014 Forecast 2015 4,431.4 0.0 2,883.1 0.0 2,174.1 0.0 4,310.9 0.0 4,337.8 0.0 4,371.3 0.0 GFS Code GFS Description TRANSACTIONS AFFECTING NET WORTH: A1 Revenue A11 Taxes A111 A112 Taxes on income, profits, and capital gains Taxes on payroll & workforce 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 A113 Taxes on property 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 A114 A115 Taxes on goods & services Taxes on international trade & transactions 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 A116 Other taxes A12 Social contributions A13 Grants A14 A2 Other revenue Expense A21 Compensation of employees A22 Use of goods and services A23 Consumption of fixed capital A24 Interest A25 Subsidies A26 Grants A27 Social benefits A28 Other expense GOB Gross operating balance (1-2+23+NOBz) NOB Net operating balance (1-2+NOBz) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4,431.4 0.0 2,069.9 304.8 1,353.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 394.8 5.5 11.0 2,361.5 2,361.5 0.0 2,883.1 0.0 2,101.2 218.8 1,582.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 289.1 0.3 10.4 781.9 781.9 0.0 2,174.1 0.0 1,908.5 247.1 1,215.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 430.0 1.8 14.3 265.6 265.6 0.0 4,310.9 0.0 4,310.9 530.4 3,083.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 669.3 5.1 23.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 4,337.8 0.0 4,337.8 533.7 3,102.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 673.4 5.1 23.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 4,371.3 0.0 4,371.3 537.8 3,126.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 678.6 5.2 23.5 0.0 0.0 2,863.7 2,863.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 (502.2) 1,454.5 1,454.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 (672.7) 825.5 825.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 (559.9) 168.7 168.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 (168.7) 1,074.4 1,074.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 (1,074.4) 2,618.8 2,618.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 (2,618.8) 59.6 59.6 0.0 0.0 561.8 0.0 561.8 (83.0) (83.0) 0.0 0.0 589.6 0.0 589.6 (559.9) (559.9) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 168.7 0.0 168.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,074.4 0.0 1,074.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2,618.8 0.0 2,618.8 TRANSACTIONS IN NONFINANCIAL ASSETS: A31 Net Acquisition of Nonfinancial Assets A311 Fixed assets A312 Change in inventories A313 Valuables A314 Nonproduced assets NLB A32 Net lending / borrowing (1-2+NOBz-31) TRANSACTIONS IN FINANCIAL ASSETS AND Net acquisition of financial assets A321 Domestic A322 Foreign A323 Monetary gold and SDRs A33 Net incurrence of liabilities A331 Domestic A332 Foreign Source: Department of Finance and Treasury These numbers just reflect cash grants and cash loans through the Central Treasury Account, aid-in-kind contributions are not included in the Budget and forecasts given for example difficulties measuring the value of half complete, in-kind infrastructure projects. These are only recorded in the accounts once a project is completed and the value of a new asset is realized. 5 19 Table 7: Statement of Consolidated Operations using GFS01 Classifications Actual 2010 Actual 2011 Preliminary 2012 Budget 2013 Forecast 2014 Forecast 2015 16,707.5 11,088.6 15,733.1 11,629.7 15,764.2 11,982.4 18,940.4 13,165.9 19,485.8 13,751.6 20,263.2 14,419.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 GFS Code GFS Description TRANSACTIONS AFFECTING NET WORTH: A1 Revenue A11 Taxes A111 A112 Taxes on income, profits, and capital gains Taxes on payroll & workforce A113 Taxes on property A114 A115 Taxes on goods & services Taxes on international trade & transactions A116 Other taxes A12 Social contributions A13 Grants A14 A2 Other revenue Expense A21 Compensation of employees A22 Use of goods and services A23 Consumption of fixed capital A24 Interest A25 Subsidies A26 Grants A27 Social benefits A28 Other expense GOB Gross operating balance (1-2+23+NOBz) NOB Net operating balance (1-2+NOBz) 485.4 430.6 548.3 550.3 577.7 609.2 7,957.4 2,645.9 8,327.6 2,871.4 8,853.9 2,580.2 9,811.6 2,803.9 10,230.4 2,943.5 10,706.1 3,104.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4,431.4 1,187.4 15,108.9 7,830.8 4,693.3 0.0 333.5 0.0 1,510.4 410.0 330.9 1,598.6 1,598.6 0.0 2,883.1 1,220.3 15,434.2 7,869.9 4,684.5 0.0 397.8 0.0 1,572.8 240.0 669.2 298.9 298.9 0.0 2,174.1 1,607.7 15,803.3 8,411.7 4,156.1 0.0 463.1 176.5 1,716.3 311.6 568.0 -39.1 -39.1 0.0 4,310.9 1,463.6 18,195.0 8,559.4 6,341.6 0.0 603.1 108.0 1,936.8 137.7 508.5 745.3 745.3 0.0 4,337.8 1,396.5 18,483.5 8,795.8 6,336.2 0.0 603.1 108.0 1,975.5 141.7 523.2 1,002.3 1,002.3 0.0 4,371.3 1,472.6 18,920.1 9,047.8 6,457.2 0.0 603.1 108.0 2,019.7 145.8 538.4 1,343.1 1,343.1 3,306.8 3,306.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 (1,708.2) 1,880.6 1,880.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 (1,581.7) 1,138.5 1,138.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 (1,177.6) 420.6 420.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 324.8 1,326.6 1,326.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 (324.3) 2,878.6 2,878.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 (1,535.5) (644.4) (644.4) 0.0 0.0 1,063.8 800.0 263.8 (349.1) (349.1) 0.0 0.0 1,232.6 950.2 282.4 (124.1) (124.1) 0.0 0.0 1,053.5 1,388.6 (335.1) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 (324.8) 0.0 (324.8) 156.8 156.8 0.0 0.0 481.1 0.0 481.1 546.8 546.8 0.0 0.0 2,082.3 0.0 2,082.3 TRANSACTIONS IN NONFINANCIAL ASSETS: A31 Net Acquisition of Nonfinancial Assets A311 Fixed assets A312 Change in inventories A313 Valuables A314 Nonproduced assets NLB A32 Net lending / borrowing (1-2+NOBz-31) TRANSACTIONS IN FINANCIAL ASSETS AND Net acquisition of financial assets A321 Domestic A322 Foreign A323 Monetary gold and SDRs A33 Net incurrence of liabilities A331 Domestic A332 Foreign Source: Department of Finance and Treasury 20 Table 8: Statement of Central Government Borrowing 2010 Actual 2011 Actual 2012 Preliminary 2013 Budget 2014 Forecast 2015 Forecast External Debt Bilateral CFD 297.1 258.9 226.6 190.6 154.6 118.6 China 3,103.0 3,846.6 3,817.3 3,657.3 3,397.3 3,137.3 109.9 238.5 2,124.2 Japan Total Bilateral Debt 3,400.2 4,105.5 4,043.9 3,957.8 3,790.4 5,380.1 ADB 5,149.8 5,133.6 4,983.1 4,862.4 4,971.3 5,305.7 EIB 222.8 165.3 113.8 56.8 0.0 0.0 IDA 1,086.9 1,036.7 985.5 924.5 1,520.9 1,679.1 Total Multilateral Debt 6,459.5 6,335.6 6,082.4 5,843.7 6,492.2 6,984.8 Total External Debt 9,859.6 10,441.1 10,126.3 9,801.5 10,282.6 12,364.9 Total Domestic Debt 3,284.7 4,234.9 5,623.5 5,623.5 5,623.5 5,623.5 13,144.3 14,676.0 15,749.7 15,425.0 15,906.1 17,988.4 Multilateral Total stock of debt (In percent of GDP) 19% 21% 21% 19% These figures represent end of year estimates and will vary due to exchange rate fluctuations 19% 19% Source: Department of Finance and Treasury 21 5. Budget Policy Statement 2013 5.1. Statement of Responsibility The following Budget Policy Statement is made with reference to and in accordance with sections 9 and 10 of the Public Finance and Economic Management (PFEM) Act number 6 of 1998. Section 9 requires the Government to: specify its economic and financial policies, including those relating to key economic and fiscal variables; and state the discipline it will adhere to in its economic and financial dealings. Section 10 requires the Government to: state its long term objectives for fiscal policy in terms of major economic and fiscal variables; specify the main strategic priorities guiding the preparation of the budget; indicate the Government’s targets for fiscal and economic variables; and provide an assurance that the long term objectives outlined in the statement are: a. consistent with the Principles of Responsible Fiscal Management laid down in section 22 of the PFEM Act; and b. consistent with the previous year’s Budget Policy Statement – that is, policies have remained consistent over time or, otherwise, justifications have been made for their departure. Pursuant to section 10, the Government confirms that the fiscal policy objectives, strategic priorities and intentions are consistent with the Principles of Responsible Fiscal Management specified in section 22 of the PFEM Act of 1998 and that there is broad consistency with the 2012 budget policy. 5.2. Economic and Financial Policies The PFEM Act of 1998 specifies the principles of responsible fiscal management. These require that the Government pursues budget policies that: Ensure that the Government’s borrowing is Kept at manageable levels; Maintain public assets in good condition; Manage fiscal risks prudently; Maintain stable and predictable tax rates. The Government’s highest priority for Budget 2013 is to maintain Vanuatu’s economic growth and the wellbeing of all Ni-Vanuatu, in a way that is financially sustainable and does not jeopardize future economic growth. Principles of Responsible Fiscal Management 1. Reducing and then managing, total State debt at prudent levels so as to provide a buffer against factors that may impact adversely on the level of total State debt in the future, by ensuring that, unless such levels have been achieved, the total overall expenditures of the State in each financial year are less than its total overall receipts in the same financial year; 2. Achieving and maintaining levels of State net worth that provide a buffer against factors that may impact adversely on the State’s net worth in the future; 3. Managing prudently the fiscal risks facing the State; and 4. Pursuing policies that are consistent with a reasonable degree of predictability about the level and stability of tax rates for future years. 22 The Government will achieve this by sound management of public finances and by following fiscally responsible policies. Section 22 of the PFEM Act requires that the Government adheres to a set of defined principles of responsible fiscal management. These are set out in the box opposite. 5.3. Budget Policies Government’s Budget Policies come from the application of the “Principles of Responsible Fiscal Management” section 22 of the PFEM Act of 1998. The Budget Policies consist of: 1. Budget Priorities for 2013; 2. Economic and Fiscal Targets for 2013; and 3. Long Term Fiscal Objectives (a) Budget Priorities for 2013 Development of the 2013 policy priorities captured the essence of the national broad policy framework in the national planning documents PAA and PLAS and the PM Policy Retreat in early this year 2012.In 2013, the Government will remain prudent in achieving its existing policies, which are set out as follows: Decentralization and strengthening Government Machinery and institutions to improve service delivery Enhance economic capacity through increase participation in the productive sector and also to facilitate economic activities and participation in rural areas Grow the Revenue Base Enabling a business friendly environment Enhancing access and improving quality of education at all levels, focusing on skills development to address national human resource requirements Improve health status of the population through access to quality of health services and effective and efficient application of resources Provide reliable, accessible and continuous improvement in the infrastructure Services Strengthening democratic processes focussing on political stability Continue Strengthening of security enabling prevalence of law and order and accessible equitable Justice (b) Fiscal Policies The Government’s high priority for 2013 is to effectively manage its budget in a way that promotes economic growth and the distribution of that growth to all the communities of Vanuatu. The Government will continue to implement sound policies that encourage private sector led growth and ensure that long-term growth for the State-Owned Enterprises remain productive. The Government aims to provide audited financial statements in a timely manner, and will continue to maintain its financial discipline in a more stringent way. (c) Economic Update in 2013 The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has downgraded its global economic growth forecast by ¾ 6 percentage point to 3¼ per cent for 2012. The IMF estimated that the global economy grew by 3.8 per cent in 2011. The downward revision for 2012 reflects the expectation that growth in the Euro zone will be very weak throughout this year as many of its member countries continue to implement austerity measures; at the same time improving private and public sector debt repayments. The weakening external environment is also anticipated to drag on for sometimes across many emerging and developing economies in 2012. Global inflation is expected to ease through 2012 as consumer demand softens and non-oil commodity prices decline. In contrast, risks to oil prices remain on the upside given the possibility of further geopolitical tension in the Middle East especially in major oil exporting countries. IMF January 2012 World Economic Outlook 6 23 Real economic growth in the domestic economy is expected to pick up from an estimated 2.5 per cent in 2011 to a projected 3.0 per cent in 2012 and a forecasted 4.5 per cent in 2013. Growth over this period is expected to be supported by expansions across all sectors of the economy. However, growth in 2012 is projected to be weaker than originally anticipated at the time of Budget 2012 preparation given the weakening global economic environment and further delays to the implementation of major donor-funded construction projects. Looking further ahead, restoring public confidence in the advanced economies should boost external demand and encourage capital mobility across international borders. This will in turn create jobs, increase employment and consumption, which should eventually increase domestic demand and economic growth. Inflation measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI) decelerated from 2.8 per cent in 2010 to only 0.9 per cent in 2011. The slowdown in inflation is being largely driven by a softening in external economic conditions (feeding through to weaker external prices) and the Reserve Bank of Vanuatu (RBV’s) action to raise its SRD in 2010 and again in 2011 as a result, weakened growth in private sector credit feeding through to lower household and investor spending. It is expected that annual inflation growth will remain within the RBV’s annual target range of 0 to 4 per cent in 2012. (d) Budget Management The Government will commit to achieving a balanced budget in 2013, in line with the 2013 Budget policies and priorities. The principles of responsible fiscal management that are set out in section 22 of the PFEM Act will help and guide the Government to manage its revenue and expenditure at prudent levels to achieve a balanced budget in 2013. (e) Government Debt and Borrowing The Government will continue to make sure that public debt remains at a sustainable level in 2013 and beyond. This will provide a buffer to help absorb any future adverse shocks to the Government’s fiscal position. From 2013, the Government is planning to undertake significant new external borrowing to finance new capital investment projects which will generate additional capacity and high financial returns to repay the debts bequeathed upon future generations. Indeed, the Government will ensure that both new external and domestic borrowing is limited to financing investment projects (and not consumption) with a positive net financial return. (f) Revenue and Taxes The Government’s priority for revenue is to boost collections throughout increasing coverage to the islands and to toughen the administration through compliance with the existing taxes. There are also few minor changes to the excise duties and casino taxes prior to the changes made in 2011. In addition, with the amendment of the Import duties Act an exemption committee has set up to manage and tighten the exemptions. To achieve the targets, the Government will continue to emphasize on the prompt and timely collection of taxation debts, and focus on the effective implementation of previously sated changes. Moreover, the Government will remain focused on the level of compliance and the continuity of revenue collections throughout the year. (g) Expenditure Programme Policies The Government’s priorities for expenditure programmes are to continue to give sufficient funding for policies that provide essential services and enhance economic growth. On this note, the Government will be focusing on improving efficiency and effectiveness of expenditure programmes and ensures that that expenditure programmes remain broadly in line with budget targets. The findings of the regulation 2.2 report have critically identified areas of expenditure that require reduction, re-allocation, and realistic budgeting. Hence, the Government will be focusing on re-allocation of funding, eliminating of unproductive expenditures and enforcing strict fiscal discipline as well as imposing prudent and punitive measures if necessary. In addition, the Government will continue to ensure that the public finances remain sustainable and all expenditure programmes are in line with Government policies to achieve a higher quality, greater efficiency and improved accountability of service. 24 5.4. New Policy Proposals Each year the Government sets aside funds for New Policy Proposals that are consistent with the Government’s policy priorities. New Policy Proposals that fall within the policy areas identified at 3 (a) will be strictly considered for funding in 2013 if they are: able to be accommodated within the overall aggregate fiscal envelope; well researched and proper detailed proposals to reinforce the Government’s key policies and programs; within the capacity of the Ministry to implement over the suggested time frame; able to expand and develop the economic capacity and growth rate of the country; and must be financially sustainable if it is to become a recurrent activity. The 2013 budget will include donor funded New Policy Proposals, new and ongoing, that have been developed to implement government policy priorities. This will ensure that donor funding is channelled through the Vanuatu Budget Management System (VBMS) and is in line with Government priority. Merging the two funding streams willresult in efficiency gain. The integration of donor resources with Government recurrent resources will enable the Government to better manage the recurrent cost implications and hence improve the financial sustainability of capital investment in essential public services. 5.5. Economic and Fiscal Targets for 2013 In preparation for unforeseen shocks to the domestic economy, the Government will continue to pursue policies towards achieving a balanced budget in 2013. The economic growth rate for 2013 is forecasted to be 4.5per cent in real terms, while the inflation rate is projected to be around 3.4 per cent. Budget Targets for 2013 Budget balance Balanced Budget Revenue Recurrent revenue is forecast to be at least 18.0 per cent of GDP Expenditure Recurrent expenditure is forecast to be 17.0 per cent of GDP Debt Public debt remains at manageable level Economic Growth Growth forecast at 4.5 per cent Inflation Inflation forecast at 3.4 per cent Long term fiscal objectives Recurrent balance is positive over the medium-term There is a broad revenue base with sufficient revenue to meet the budget balance objective. Recurrent revenue to reach at least 22 per cent of GDP. Expenditures are consistent with the budget balance objective Debt maintained at prudent levels so its share of GDP remains below 40.0 per cent Annual economic growth rate averages at least more than population growth rate (2.3 per cent) Annual inflation rate remains between 0 and 4.0 per cent 5.6. Conclusion Preparation for the Budget 2013 will be based on existing government policies and priorities. The budget will be prepared in line with the “Principles of Responsible Fiscal Management” and the long term fiscal objectives of the Government. The Government will remain cautious in every decision making, and it will mainly focus on being critically accountable and fiscally responsible towards achieving a sound, manageable and balanced budget 2013. 25 Government Of the Republic of Vanuatu BUDGET 2013 VOLUME 2 / TOME 2 2013 Program Budget Estimates Budget des Programmes 2013 Table of Content / Table de Matière 1. Parliamentary Appropriation 2013………………………………………………..1 Approuvé par le Parlement pour 2013 2. Appropriation by Economic Classification……………………………………....17 Approprier par Catégorie des Dépenses 3. Forecast Funding from Donors by Ministry, Program and Cost Centre Government Investment…………………………………………………………..91 Finançement Prévisionnel des Bailleurs des Fond par Ministères, Programme et Section de Frais 4. Revenue Forecast 2013……………………………………………………………97 Prévision des Reçette 2013 1 Parliamentary Appropriations 2013 Apprové Par Le Parlement Pour 2013 1 of 103 Program/ Programme Activity/ Activité Parliamentary Appropriation Activity Title/ Activité Titre Approuvé par le Parlement Cash Grants Aid in Kind Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total Constitutional Agencies President of the Republic Président de la République CAA Soutien Présidentiel CAAA Presidential Support Management of the State House and President Gestion des Affaires du Palais Présidentiel et du Rôle et des Devoirs du Président Total Presidential Support Total President of the Republic 40,237,809 0 0 40,237,809 40,237,809 0 0 40,237,809 40,237,809 0 0 40,237,809 Parliament Parlement (Le Secrétaire) CBA Service de la Procédure et Affaires Législatives Procedure and Legislative Office CBAA Procedure and Legislative Affairs Procédure et Affaires Législatives 368,641,374 0 0 368,641,374 CBAB Security and Protocol Sécurité et Protocole 3,691,132 0 0 3,691,132 CBAC Inter-Parliamentary Relations Relations Interparlementaires 9,149,108 0 0 9,149,108 CBAD Office of the Leader of the Opposition Bureau du Chef de l'Opposition 22,618,099 0 0 22,618,099 404,099,713 0 0 404,099,713 Total Procedure and Legislative Office CBB Standing Committees Office Service des Commissions Parlementaires Permanentes CBBA Committee of the Standing Orders Commission du Règlement Intérieur 3,670,250 0 0 3,670,250 CBBB Committee on Parliamentary Privileges and Immunities Commission des Privilèges et des Immunités Parlementaires 3,670,250 0 0 3,670,250 CBBC Committee on the Public Accounts Commission Parlementaire des Comptes Publics 8,537,298 0 0 8,537,298 CBBD Committee on Institutions Commission Parlementaire sur les Institutions 3,686,753 0 0 3,686,753 CBBE Committee on Economic Policy Commission de la Politique Economique 3,670,250 0 0 3,670,250 CBBF Committee on Social Policy Commissiond de la Politique Sociale 3,570,000 0 0 3,570,000 26,804,801 0 0 26,804,801 Total Standing Committees Office CBC Hansard Office Service de Production des Procès-verbaux CBCA Parliamentary Reporting Procès-verbaux 8,639,587 0 0 8,639,587 CBCB Library and Archives Bibliothèque et Archives 3,501,381 0 0 3,501,381 12,140,968 0 0 12,140,968 Total Hansard Office 2 of 103 Program/ Programme Activity/ Activité CBD Parliamentary Appropriation Activity Title/ Activité Titre Approuvé par le Parlement Financial Management Compatibilité CBDB CBDC Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total Bureau des Services Généraux Corporate Services Office CBDA Cash Grants Aid in Kind Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature 2,773,494 0 0 2,773,494 Personnel Administration and Maintenance Administration du Personnel et Entretien 21,522,980 0 0 21,522,980 Members Allocation Allocations Parlementaires 52,000,000 0 0 52,000,000 76,296,474 0 0 76,296,474 519,341,956 0 0 519,341,956 Total Corporate Services Office Total Parliament Judiciary Services Judiciaires CIA Administration de la Justice Administration of Justice CIAA Corporate Services Services Generaux 20,144,753 0 0 20,144,753 CIAB Court of Appeal Cour D'Appel 15,238,159 0 0 15,238,159 CIAC Supreme Court Cour Suprême 71,723,702 0 0 71,723,702 CIAD Magistrate Courts Tribunaux de premières Instance 37,118,196 0 0 37,118,196 CIAE Island Courts Tribunaux d'île 23,370,203 0 0 23,370,203 CIAF Land Courts Tribunaux Fonciers 6,627,500 0 0 6,627,500 CIAG Enforcement Exécution 6,879,723 0 0 6,879,723 CIAH Judicial Development & Training Perfectionnement et formation en droit 4,803,510 0 0 4,803,510 185,905,746 0 0 185,905,746 185,905,746 0 0 185,905,746 Total Administration of Justice Total Judiciary Malvatumauri Malvatumauri CDA Préservation de la Coutume, la Culture et des Langues de Vanuatu Preservation of Vanuatu Customs, Culture and Language CDA1 Administration of the National Council of Chiefs Administration du Conseil National des Chefs 22,848,867 0 0 22,848,867 CDA2 Funds for 14 Islands Council of Chiefs Fonds pour les 14 Conseils Insulaires des Chefs 5,387,000 0 0 5,387,000 CDA3 Malvatumauri Members Allowance Allocation des Membres du Malvatumauri 14,249,422 0 0 14,249,422 42,485,289 0 0 42,485,289 42,485,289 0 0 42,485,289 Total Preservation of Vanuatu Customs, Culture and Language Total Malvatumauri 3 of 103 Program/ Programme Activity/ Activité Parliamentary Appropriation Activity Title/ Activité Titre Approuvé par le Parlement Cash Grants Aid in Kind Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur National Audit Office Bureau du Contrôleur Général des Comptes CEA Vérification du Secteur Public Public Sector Auditing CEAA Planning, Policy & Standards Planification, Orientation et Normes CEAB Audit Operations Opérations de Vérification CEAC Corporate Services Services Administratifs Total 5,455,403 0 0 5,455,403 19,991,115 0 0 19,991,115 7,119,016 0 0 7,119,016 Total Public Sector Auditing 32,565,534 0 0 32,565,534 Total National Audit Office 32,565,534 0 0 32,565,534 Office of the Ombudsman Bureau du Médiateur CCA Planification, Gestion et Investigations CCAA Planning, Management and Investigations Planning, Management and Investigations Planification, Gestion et Investigations 40,972,648 0 0 40,972,648 Total Planning, Management and Investigations 40,972,648 0 0 40,972,648 40,972,648 0 0 40,972,648 8,478,026 0 0 8,478,026 24,674,390 0 0 24,674,390 4,299,116 0 0 4,299,116 37,451,532 0 0 37,451,532 37,451,532 0 0 37,451,532 47,236,950 0 0 47,236,950 47,236,950 0 0 47,236,950 47,236,950 0 0 47,236,950 Total Office of the Ombudsman Public Prosecutor Procureur Général CGA Fonctions Operations CGAA Planning and Management Planification et Gestion CGAB Institute Criminal Proceedings Affaires Pénales CGAC Corporate Services Services Généraux Total Operations Total Public Prosecutor Public Solicitor Avocat Public CHA Services Juridiques au Public CHAA Public Legal Services Representation Représentation Total Public Legal Services Total Public Solicitor 4 of 103 Program/ Programme Activity/ Activité Parliamentary Appropriation Activity Title/ Activité Titre Approuvé par le Parlement Cash Grants Aid in Kind Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Public Service Commission Commission de la Fonction Publique CJA Commission de la Fonction Publique Public Service Commission Total CJAA Corporate Services Unit Services Administratifs 43,637,470 0 0 43,637,470 CJAB Human Resource Management Gestion des Ressources Humaines 17,317,189 0 0 17,317,189 CJAC Performance Improvement Unit Unité de Perfectionnement 12,402,681 0 0 12,402,681 CJAD Human Resource Development Développement des Ressources Humaines 16,931,706 0 0 16,931,706 CJAE Public Service Legal Unit Section Juridique de la Fonction Publique 6,317,203 0 0 6,317,203 96,606,249 0 0 96,606,249 96,606,249 0 0 96,606,249 Total Public Service Commission Total Public Service Commission Judicial Services Commission Commission de la Magistrature CLA Commission de la Magistrature Judicial Service Commission CLAA Decision Making Prise de décision 344,000 0 0 344,000 CLAB Administrative Support Services Services d'encadrement administratif 545,186 0 0 545,186 889,186 0 0 889,186 889,186 0 0 889,186 Total Judicial Service Commission Total Judicial Services Commission State Law Office Cabinet Juridique de l’Etat CFA Conseil juridique et Direction Générale CFAA Legal Advice and Executive Management Provision of Legal Advice and Services Fourniture de Conseils Juridiques et de Services Total Legal Advice and Executive Management Total State Law Office 92,199,461 0 0 92,199,461 92,199,461 0 0 92,199,461 92,199,461 0 0 92,199,461 4,057,324 0 0 4,057,324 4,057,324 0 0 4,057,324 4,057,324 0 0 4,057,324 Citizenship Office Bureau de Citoyenneté CKA Commission de la Citoyenneté CKAA Citizenship Commission Citizenship Commission Commission de la Citoyenneté Total Citizenship Commission Total Citizenship Office Government Ministries Prime Ministers Ministry Ministère du Premier Ministre MCB Direction Stratégique MCBA Strategic Management Strategic Management Direction Stratégique Total Strategic Management 84,955,866 1,215,750,255 0 1,300,706,121 84,955,866 1,215,750,255 0 1,300,706,121 5 of 103 Program/ Programme Activity/ Activité MPA MPAA Parliamentary Appropriation Activity Title/ Activité Titre Approuvé par le Parlement MPBA Administration & Coordination of Government Programmes Administration et Coordination des Programmes du Gouvernement MPCA Corporate Services Services Généraux MPDE Language Services Services Linguistiques MPEA Government Remuneration Tribunal Conseil de révision des traitements de l'État 0 77,112,547 77,112,547 0 0 77,112,547 34,745,912 0 0 34,745,912 34,745,912 0 0 34,745,912 28,834,529 0 0 28,834,529 28,834,529 0 0 28,834,529 5,511,571 0 0 5,511,571 5,511,571 0 0 5,511,571 Politique et administration de l'information, de la communication et de la technologie Information, Communication and Technology Policy and Administration Information, Communication and Technology Policy and Administration Initiative intégrée du gouvernement Total Information, Communication and Technology Policy and Ad Total Prime Ministers Ministry 0 Les Commissions Spéciales Special Commissions Total Special Commissions MPE 77,112,547 Services Linguistiques Language Services Total Language Services MPD 290,250,293 118,720,000 0 408,970,293 290,250,293 118,720,000 0 408,970,293 521,410,718 1,334,470,255 0 1,855,880,973 Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, Fisheries and Biosecurity Ministère de l'Agriculture, Sylviculture, Peches et Biosécurité MAA Cabinet du Ministère MAAA Cabinet Support Portfolio Management Gestion du Portefeuille Total Cabinet Support MAB MABA Executive Management and Corporate Services Ministry Executive Management and Corporate Services Direction Générale et Services Généraux du Ministère Total Executive Management and Corporate Services MAC Agricultural and Rural Development Total Bureau du Directeur Général Director General's Office Total Director General's Office MPC Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Bureau du Premier Ministre Office of the Prime Minister Total Office of the Prime Minister MPB Cash Grants Aid in Kind Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature 38,205,074 0 0 38,205,074 38,205,074 0 0 38,205,074 Direction Générale et Services Généraux 12,012,382 0 0 12,012,382 12,012,382 0 0 12,012,382 Agricole et Développement Rural MACA Commodities Produits de base 46,551,433 0 0 46,551,433 MACB Food Production Production alimentaire 16,291,131 0 0 16,291,131 MACD Policy and Administration Orientation et administration 51,898,793 107,463,382 0 159,362,175 114,741,357 107,463,382 0 222,204,739 Total Agricultural and Rural Development 6 of 103 Program/ Programme Activity/ Activité MAD Parliamentary Appropriation Activity Title/ Activité Titre Biosecurity Vanuatu Approuvé par le Parlement Cash Grants Aid in Kind Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total Vanuatu Biosécurité MADA Biosecurity Administration Administration de la Biosécurité 17,352,423 0 0 17,352,423 MADB Veterinary Contract Contrat Vétérinaire 25,000,000 0 0 25,000,000 MADC Biosecurity Operations South Opérations de la Biosécurité du sud 24,788,180 0 0 24,788,180 MADD Biosecurity Operations North Opérations de la Biosécurité du Nord 16,535,355 0 0 16,535,355 MADG Plant Protection Services phytosanitaires 7,735,842 0 0 7,735,842 91,411,800 0 0 91,411,800 Total Biosecurity Vanuatu MAE Fisheries Pêches MAEF Fisheries Administration Services d'administration et d'aide financière 23,637,253 0 0 23,637,253 MAEH Fisheries Research and Aquaculture Recherche halieutique et aquaculture 12,857,701 0 0 12,857,701 MAEI Fisheries Compliance and Licensing Mise en conformité et licence de pêche 16,627,752 0 0 16,627,752 MAEJ Fisheries Development and Capture Développement des pêcheries et prises 25,695,800 0 0 25,695,800 MAEQ Fisheries Policy and Management Politique et gestion de la pêche 7,557,831 0 0 7,557,831 MAER Seafood Verification Contrôle des fruits de mer 6,092,186 0 0 6,092,186 92,468,523 0 0 92,468,523 58,740,995 0 0 58,740,995 58,740,995 0 0 58,740,995 34,478,618 0 0 34,478,618 34,478,618 0 0 34,478,618 442,058,749 107,463,382 0 549,522,131 Total Fisheries MAF MAFA Forestry Forestry Sylviculture Total Forestry MAH MAHA Sylviculture Livestock Livestock Production Producation Animale Total Livestock Total Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, Fisheries and Biosecurity Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism Ministère du Commerce, de l'Industrie et du Tourisme MTA Cabinet du Ministère MTAA Cabinet Support Portfolio Coordination Coordination du Portefeuille Total Cabinet Support 46,151,455 0 0 46,151,455 46,151,455 0 0 46,151,455 7 of 103 Program/ Programme Activity/ Activité MTB Parliamentary Appropriation Activity Title/ Activité Titre Executive Management and Corporate Services Approuvé par le Parlement Cash Grants Aid in Kind Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total Direction Générale et Services Généraux MTBA Executive Management Direction Générale 141,905,150 0 0 141,905,150 MTBB Food Technology Technologie alimentaire 8,977,332 0 0 8,977,332 MTBC Vanuatu Intellectual Property Development Développement Vanuatu de propriété intellectuelle 5,000,000 0 0 5,000,000 155,882,482 0 0 155,882,482 Total Executive Management and Corporate Services MTC Trade Development and Facilitation Développement Commercial et Aide MTCA Industry and Commerce Industrie et Commerce 12,335,608 75,491,900 0 87,827,508 MTCC External Trade Policy and Administration Politiques et administration 12,074,351 0 0 12,074,351 24,409,959 75,491,900 0 99,901,859 Total Trade Development and Facilitation MTD Industry Development Développement d'Industrie MTDA Primary Industry Industrie primaire 3,923,853 0 0 3,923,853 MTDB Provincial Industry Provinciales de l'industrie 8,405,903 0 0 8,405,903 MTDE Marketing & Promotion Commercialisation & Promotion 8,780,970 0 0 8,780,970 MTDF Policy & Administration Politique & administration 2,944,922 0 0 2,944,922 24,055,648 0 0 24,055,648 24,173,281 75,000,000 0 99,173,281 3,949,195 0 0 3,949,195 25,220,450 0 0 25,220,450 53,342,926 75,000,000 0 128,342,926 303,842,470 150,491,900 0 454,334,370 Total Industry Development MTF Tourism Development MTFB Tourism Development Developpement Touristique MTFC Tourism Standards Normes pour le tourisme MTFD Provincial Tourism Development Développement du tourisme dans les provinces Total Tourism Development Total Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism Developpement Touristique Ministry of Cooperatives and Ni-Vanuatu Business Development Services Ministère de la Promotion des Entreprises Vanuatuanes et des Cooperatives MVA Coordination du Portefeuille MVAA Portfolio Coordination Portfolio Coordination Coordination du Portefeuille Total Portfolio Coordination MVB MVBA Ni-Vanuatu Business Development 35,831,685 0 0 35,831,685 35,831,685 0 0 35,831,685 Entreprises Ni-Vanuatu Cooperatives Development Développement des Coopératives 60,707,452 0 0 60,707,452 Total Ni-Vanuatu Business Development 60,707,452 0 0 60,707,452 8 of 103 Program/ Programme Activity/ Activité Parliamentary Appropriation Activity Title/ Activité Titre Approuvé par le Parlement Total Ministry of Cooperatives and Ni-Vanuatu Business Development Services Cash Grants Aid in Kind Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature 96,539,137 0 96,539,137 46,717,892 0 0 46,717,892 46,717,892 0 0 46,717,892 Ministère de l’Éducation MEA Cabinet du Ministère MEAA Cabinet Support Division Cabinet Ministériel Total Cabinet Support MEB Total 0 Ministry of Education Cabinet Support Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Direction Générale et Services Généraux Executive Management and Corporate Services MEBA Director General's Division Bureau du Directeur Général 20,949,937 1,400,000,000 0 1,420,949,937 MEBB Administration & Finance Division Administration et Finances 71,096,602 0 0 71,096,602 MEBC Policy & Planning Division Politiques et Planification 57,671,942 207,892,570 0 265,564,512 149,718,481 1,607,892,570 0 1,757,611,051 164,231,583 654,832,484 0 819,064,067 Total Executive Management and Corporate Services MEC Education Scolaire School Education MECA School Administration Division Administration des services de soutien aux écoles MECB Secondary Schools Division Écoles Secondaires 1,155,876,338 0 0 1,155,876,338 MECC Primary Schools Division Écoles Primaires 1,730,987,504 0 0 1,730,987,504 MECD Technical & Higher Education Division Écoles post secondaires 465,439,637 0 0 465,439,637 MECE School Support Services Division Contributions De Gouvernement 154,627,185 0 0 154,627,185 3,671,162,247 654,832,484 0 4,325,994,731 107,672,602 0 0 107,672,602 11,753,973 0 0 11,753,973 119,426,575 0 0 119,426,575 Total School Education MED Teaching Services Commission & Other Education Commissions and Councils MEDA Teaching Service Commission Commission du Corps enseignant MEDB Other Education Commissions & Councils Commissions et Conseils pédagogiques Total Teaching Services Commission & Other Education Commis MYB Youth Development, Sport & Recreation Développement et Formation des Jeunes, Sports et Loisirs MYBA Executive Management & Support Services Direction Général et service d'encadrement 23,521,273 0 0 23,521,273 MYBB Contribution to Sport & Youth Development Contribution aux sports et au developpement des jeunes 52,401,645 0 0 52,401,645 75,922,918 0 0 75,922,918 Total Youth Development, Sport & Recreation MYC MYCA TVET & Employment Opportunities TVET & Employment Opportunities Formation et orientation Professionnelle Total TVET & Employment Opportunities Formation et orientation Professionnelle 28,913,484 0 0 28,913,484 28,913,484 0 0 28,913,484 9 of 103 Program/ Programme Activity/ Activité Parliamentary Appropriation Activity Title/ Activité Titre Total Ministry of Education Approuvé par le Parlement 4,091,861,597 Cash Grants Aid in Kind Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur 2,262,725,054 0 Total 6,354,586,651 Ministry of Finance and Economic Management Ministère des Finances et de la Gestion Économique MFA Cabinet du Ministère MFAA Cabinet Support Portfolio Management Gestion du Portefeuille Total Cabinet Support MFB Executive Management and Corporate Services MFBA Ministry Executive & Internal Audit Direction du Ministère et Vérification Interne MFBB Corporate Services Services Organisationnels MFBC Information Services Services Informatiques Total Executive Management and Corporate Services MFC Financial And Economic Management MFCA Economic Policy Development Développement de la Politique Économique MFCC Government Financial Services Services Financiers Publics Total Financial And Economic Management MFD National Statistics 43,346,193 0 0 43,346,193 43,346,193 0 0 43,346,193 Direction Générale et Services Généraux 47,190,447 0 0 47,190,447 122,628,382 0 0 122,628,382 89,657,882 0 0 89,657,882 259,476,711 0 0 259,476,711 Gestion Financière et Économique 22,826,884 0 0 22,826,884 356,617,735 337,376,150 0 693,993,885 379,444,619 337,376,150 0 716,820,769 Statistiques Nationales MFDA National Statistical Collection, Analysis & Reporting Collecte, Analyse et Rapports de Statistiques Nationales 36,784,413 0 0 36,784,413 MFDB Provincial Statistics Offices Bureaux Provinciaux de la Statistique 11,920,593 0 0 11,920,593 48,705,006 0 0 48,705,006 2,610,488,884 0 0 2,610,488,884 131,131,135 0 0 131,131,135 5,000,000 0 0 5,000,000 2,746,620,019 0 0 2,746,620,019 Total National Statistics MFE Payments on Behalf of Government MFEA Public Debt Provisions Provisions pour la Dette Publique MFEC Central Payments Paiements Centralisés MFED Former Leaders Payment Paiements au Anciens Dirigeants Total Payments on Behalf of Government MFF Revenue Collection Paiements au Nom de l’État Perception des Recettes MFFA Customs and Excise Collections Perception des Droits de Douane et d’Accise 75,214,287 0 0 75,214,287 MFFB VAT Collections Perception de la TVA 74,335,914 0 0 74,335,914 MFFC Rates and Taxes Collection Perception des Droits Indirects et Taxes 28,812,637 0 0 28,812,637 178,362,838 0 0 178,362,838 Total Revenue Collection 10 of 103 Program/ Programme Activity/ Activité MFG Parliamentary Appropriation Activity Title/ Activité Titre Approuvé par le Parlement Border Control Contrôle des Frontières MFGB Investigation and Legal Enquêtes et Services Juridiques Total Border Control and Enforcement MFI Vanuatu Tourism Office (VTO) Office National du Tourisme de Vanuatu MFIB Total 43,068,732 0 0 43,068,732 9,036,113 0 0 9,036,113 52,104,845 0 0 52,104,845 Subventions aux Organismes Statutaires Grants to Institutions MFIA Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Contrôle aux Frontières et Execution Border Control and Enforcement MFGA Cash Grants Aid in Kind Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature 139,989,780 0 0 139,989,780 Vanuatu Agricultural Research and Training Centre (VARTC) Centre de Recherches et de Formation en Agronomie de Vanuatu 35,692,438 0 0 35,692,438 MFIC Vanuatu Broadcasting and Television Corporation (VBTC) Société de Radio et Télévision de Vanuatu 60,193,317 0 0 60,193,317 MFID Vanuatu Cultural Centre (VCC) Centre Culturel de Vanuatu 26,291,633 0 0 26,291,633 MFIE Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) Chambre de Commerce et de l’Industrie 30,000,000 0 0 30,000,000 MFIF Grant SPBEA Subventions á l’UPS et SPBEA 146,200,000 0 0 146,200,000 MFIG Vanuatu Maritime Administration (VMA) Administration des Affaires Maritimes de Vanuatu 15,000,000 0 0 15,000,000 MFIH Vanuatu Maritime College Collège Maritime de Vanuatu 41,255,243 0 0 41,255,243 MFII Utility Regulatory Authority Autorité de Règlementation des Services Publics 20,226,099 0 0 20,226,099 MFIJ Vanuatu Agriculture College College Agricole de Vanuatu 82,800,392 0 0 82,800,392 MFIL Grant to VIPA Subvention à VIPA 38,668,264 0 0 38,668,264 Total Grants to Institutions 636,317,166 0 0 636,317,166 4,344,377,397 337,376,150 0 4,681,753,547 Total Ministry of Finance and Economic Management Ministry of Foreign Affairs and External Trade Ministère des Affaires Étrangères et du Commerce Extérieur MOA Cabinet du Ministère MOAA Cabinet Support Portfolio Coordination Coordination du Portefeuille Total Cabinet Support MOB MOBA Dept of Foreign Affairs Operations of the Department of Foreign Affairs Opérations du Département des Affaires Étrangères Total Dept of Foreign Affairs Total Ministry of Foreign Affairs and External Trade 54,613,974 0 0 54,613,974 54,613,974 0 0 54,613,974 258,650,887 0 0 258,650,887 258,650,887 0 0 258,650,887 313,264,861 0 0 313,264,861 Affaires Étrangères 11 of 103 Program/ Programme Activity/ Activité Parliamentary Appropriation Activity Title/ Activité Titre Approuvé par le Parlement Cash Grants Aid in Kind Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Ministry of Health Ministère de la Santé MHA Cabinet du Ministère MHAA Cabinet Support Portfolio Management Gestion du Portefeuille Total Cabinet Support MHB Ministry Executive Direction du Ministère MHBB Corporate Services Services Généraux Total Executive Management and Corporate Services MHC Total 47,585,260 0 0 47,585,260 47,585,260 0 0 47,585,260 Direction Générale et Services Généraux Executive Management and Corporate Services MHBA Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur 11,066,476 0 0 11,066,476 239,617,971 0 0 239,617,971 250,684,447 0 0 250,684,447 Services de la Santé Health Services MHCA Hospital Services Services Hospitaliers 774,535,301 350,640,000 0 1,125,175,301 MHCB Community Health Services Services de Santé Communautaires 308,541,447 0 0 308,541,447 MHCC Public Health Services Services de Santé Publique 54,993,108 366,336,400 0 421,329,508 MHCD Medical Supplies Stock Approvisionnements Médicaux 173,500,000 0 0 173,500,000 1,311,569,856 716,976,400 0 2,028,546,256 1,609,839,563 716,976,400 0 2,326,815,963 Total Health Services Total Ministry of Health Ministry of Infrastructure and Public Utilities Ministère de l'Infrastructure et des Équipements Collectifs Publics MUA Cabinet du Ministère MUAA Ministerial Cabinet Support Portfolio Coordination Gestion du Portefeuille Total Ministerial Cabinet Support MUB MUBA MUEA Director General and Corporate Services Directeur Général et Services Généraux 0 51,931,946 51,931,946 0 0 51,931,946 82,899,333 0 0 82,899,333 82,899,333 0 0 82,899,333 165,822,184 1,159,250,662 168,733,598 1,493,806,444 165,822,184 1,159,250,662 168,733,598 1,493,806,444 Services des Ports Shipping Services Ports Administration Administration des Ports Total Shipping Services MUF 0 Direction Générale et Services Généraux Executive Management and Corporate Services Total Executive Management and Corporate Services MUE 51,931,946 Travaux Publics Public W orks MUFA Development and Maintenance of Government Infrastructure Développement et Entretien des Infrastructures Publiques 416,550,194 425,629,050 0 842,179,244 MUFC Government Contributions to Projects Contribution du Gouvernement aux Projets d'Infrastructure 500,000,000 0 0 500,000,000 916,550,194 425,629,050 0 1,342,179,244 Total Public Works 12 of 103 Program/ Programme Activity/ Activité Parliamentary Appropriation Activity Title/ Activité Titre Total Ministry of Infrastructure and Public Utilities Approuvé par le Parlement 1,217,203,657 Cash Grants Aid in Kind Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature 1,584,879,712 Ministry of Internal Affairs Ministère de l' Interieur MIA Cabinet du Ministère Cabinet Support Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total 168,733,598 2,970,816,967 MIAA Portfolio Management Gestion du Portefeuille 41,214,657 0 0 41,214,657 MIAB Corporate Services Services Généraux 50,006,076 377,784,413 0 427,790,489 MIAD Independence Celebration Célébration de l’Indépendance 8,000,000 0 0 8,000,000 MIAE Crime Prevention Prévention du crime 2,000,000 0 0 2,000,000 101,220,733 377,784,413 0 479,005,146 Total Cabinet Support MIC Decentralisation Services MICA Grants to Provinces Subventions aux Provinces MICB MICC 254,385,920 0 0 254,385,920 Grants to Municipalities Subventions aux Municipalités 17,353,700 0 0 17,353,700 Administration of Regional Services Administration des Services Régionaux 48,122,419 247,800,765 0 295,923,184 319,862,039 247,800,765 0 567,662,804 Total Decentralisation Services MID Services de la Décentralisation Internal Security and Border Control MIDA Joint Command and Control Commandement mixte MIDB Sécurité Interne et Contrôle aux Frontières 215,053,442 0 0 215,053,442 Police District Northern Police région Nord 61,246,002 0 0 61,246,002 MIDC Police District Central Police région Centre 36,104,463 0 0 36,104,463 MIDD Police District Southern Police région Sud 177,403,170 0 0 177,403,170 MIDE Vanuatu Mobile Force Garde Mobile de Vanuatu 206,166,595 0 0 206,166,595 MIDF Police Maritime Wing Surveillance Maritime 38,785,816 0 0 38,785,816 MIDG Border Control Commande De Frontière 62,952,472 0 0 62,952,472 MIDH Issue of Passports Délivrance de passeports 14,155,555 0 0 14,155,555 Total Internal Security and Border Control 811,867,515 0 0 811,867,515 13 of 103 Program/ Programme Activity/ Activité MIE Parliamentary Appropriation Activity Title/ Activité Titre National Services Approuvé par le Parlement Cash Grants Aid in Kind Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total Services Nationaux MIEA Labour Regulation Règlement du Travail 51,068,408 0 0 51,068,408 MIEB Electoral Services Bureau des Élections 19,415,157 0 0 19,415,157 MIEC Conduct of Elections Conduite des Élections 83,100,000 0 0 83,100,000 MIED Civil Registry Registre Civil et Archives Nationales 11,464,757 0 0 11,464,757 MIEF National Disaster Management Gestion des catastrophes 21,697,904 0 0 21,697,904 186,746,226 0 0 186,746,226 Total National Services MIG MIGA Police Service Commission Police Service Commission Commission du Corps de Police Total Police Service Commission Total Ministry of Internal Affairs Commission du Corps de Police 5,854,128 0 0 5,854,128 5,854,128 0 0 5,854,128 1,425,550,641 625,585,178 0 2,051,135,819 Ministry of Lands, Geology and Mines Ministère des Terres, de la Géologie et des Mines MLA Cabinet du Ministère MLAA Cabinet Support Portfolio Coordination Coordination du Portefeuille Total Cabinet Support MLB Executive Management and Corporate Services 37,996,871 0 0 37,996,871 37,996,871 0 0 37,996,871 Direction Générale et Services Généraux MLBA Executive Management Direction Générale 19,038,610 0 0 19,038,610 MLBB Corporate Services Services Généraux 72,519,287 0 0 72,519,287 91,557,897 0 0 91,557,897 Total Executive Management and Corporate Services MLC Energy Énergie MLCA Energy Management and assessment Gestion et Évaluation 12,486,880 2,850,000 0 15,336,880 MLCB Mines & Minerals Mines et Minerais 14,361,848 0 0 14,361,848 26,848,728 2,850,000 0 29,698,728 15,408,977 0 0 15,408,977 15,408,977 0 0 15,408,977 Total Energy MLD MLDA Environment Environmental management, research and extension Services Services de Gestion de l’Environnement, Recherche et Vulgarisation Total Environment Environnement 14 of 103 Program/ Programme Activity/ Activité MLE Parliamentary Appropriation Activity Title/ Activité Titre Lands Management MLEA Land Survey Service Topographique MLEB Land Use Planning Aménagement des Terres MLEC Lease Management Gestion des Baux Total Lands Management MLG W ater Resources MLGA Rural Water Supply Hydraulique rurale MLGB Water Resource Management Gestion des Ressources en Eau Total Water Resources MLH MLHA Land Valuation Services Valuer General's Office Bureau de l’Évaluateur Général Total Land Valuation Services Total Ministry of Lands, Geology and Mines Approuvé par le Parlement Cash Grants Aid in Kind Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total Gestion Foncière 26,226,254 0 0 26,226,254 9,769,453 0 0 9,769,453 39,619,505 132,070,618 0 171,690,123 75,615,212 132,070,618 0 207,685,830 17,569,468 71,620,000 0 89,189,468 9,901,320 0 0 9,901,320 27,470,788 71,620,000 0 99,090,788 Ressources en Eau Service de l'Évaluation Foncière 8,183,575 0 0 8,183,575 8,183,575 0 0 8,183,575 283,082,048 206,540,618 0 489,622,666 Ministry of Justice and Community Service Ministère de la Justice et du Service Communauttée MJA Cabinet du Ministère Cabinet Support MJAA Portfolio Management Gestion du Portefeuille 42,394,224 0 0 42,394,224 MJAB Corporate Services Services Généraux 29,720,487 91,584,100 0 121,304,587 72,114,711 91,584,100 0 163,698,811 37,527,797 114,480,125 0 152,007,922 37,527,797 114,480,125 0 152,007,922 Total Cabinet Support MJB MJBA W omens Affairs Women’s Affairs Services Généraux Total Womens Affairs MJC MJCA Correctional Services Correctional Services Services Correctionnels Total Correctional Services MJD MJDA MJEA Services Correctionnels 182,906,929 47,985,400 0 230,892,329 182,906,929 47,985,400 0 230,892,329 7,606,759 0 0 7,606,759 7,606,759 0 0 7,606,759 11,349,840 0 0 11,349,840 11,349,840 0 0 11,349,840 311,506,036 254,049,625 0 565,555,661 Lands Tribunal Lands Tribunal Office Greffe des Tribunaux des terres Total Lands Tribunal MJE Condition Feminines Law Reform Commission Office of the Law Reform Commission Bureau de la Commission de réforme du droit Total Law Reform Commission Total Ministry of Justice and Community Service 15 of 103 Program/ Programme Activity/ Activité Parliamentary Appropriation Activity Title/ Activité Titre Approuvé par le Parlement Cash Grants Aid in Kind Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total Ministry of Civil Aviation, Meteorology and Postal Services Ministère de l’Aviation Civile, Services Météorologiques et les Services Postaux MBA Gestion du Portefeuille de l’Aviation Civile MBAA Civil Aviation Portfolio Coordination Civil Aviation Cabinet Cabinet de l’Aviation Civile Total Civil Aviation Portfolio Coordination MUC MUCA MUDA Civil Aviation Management and Administration Support Encadrement administratif et gestion de l'Aviation civile 0 40,848,678 40,848,678 0 0 40,848,678 52,146,614 0 0 52,146,614 52,146,614 0 0 52,146,614 132,513,659 0 0 132,513,659 132,513,659 0 0 132,513,659 225,508,951 0 0 225,508,951 16,325,995,509 7,580,558,274 168,733,598 24,075,287,381 Services Météorologiques Vanuatu Meterological Services Weather Forecasting, Monitoring and Research Prévisions, Surveillance et Recherche Météorologiques Total Vanuatu Meterological Services Total Ministry of Civil Aviation, Meteorology and Postal Services Total Government/Total Gouvernement 0 Régie de l'Aviation Civile Civil Aviation Authority Total Civil Aviation Authority MUD 40,848,678 16 of 103 2 Appropriations by Economic Classification Appropriations par Categorie des Depenses By Ministry, Program and Cost Centre Par Ministere, Programme et Section de Frais 17 of 103 Par Ministere, Programme et Section de Frais Program/Activity/Cost Centre Programme/Activité/Section de Frais Appropriation President of the Republic Président de la République CAA Presidential Support Soutien Présidentiel CAAA Management of the State House and President Gestion des Affaires du Palais Présidentiel et du Rôle et des Devoirs du Président 01AA Office Administration Personnel Emoluments Wages and Salaries Allowances Employer Contributions Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total Administration de Bureau Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires Indemnités et Allocations Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement 25,075,729 0 0 25,075,729 14,922,080 0 0 14,922,080 240,000 0 0 240,000 16,024,973 8,391,098 659,658 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 40,237,809 0 0 40,237,809 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 40,237,809 0 0 40,237,809 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 40,237,809 0 0 40,237,809 Agency Total: Total pour Agency: 40,237,809 0 0 40,237,809 344,835,109 0 0 344,835,109 23,806,265 0 0 23,806,265 Parliament Parlement (Le Secrétaire) CBA Procedure and Legislative Office Service de la Procédure et Affaires Législatives CBAA Procedure and Legislative Affairs Procédure et Affaires Législatives 02AA Legislative Section Personnel Emoluments Wages and Salaries Section Législative Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services 26,886,210 316,871,531 1,077,368 Autres Biens et Services Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 368,641,374 0 0 368,641,374 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 368,641,374 0 0 368,641,374 2,928,416 0 0 2,928,416 762,716 0 0 762,716 CBAB Security and Protocol 02AB Security & Protocol Section Personnel Emoluments Sécurité et Protocole Section de la Sécurité et du Protocole Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services 2,469,600 360,032 98,784 Autres Biens et Services Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 3,691,132 0 0 3,691,132 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 3,691,132 0 0 3,691,132 9,149,108 0 0 9,149,108 CBAC Inter-Parliamentary Relations 02AC Inter-Parliamentary Section Other Goods and Services Relations Interparlementaires Section Relations Interparlementaires Autres Biens et Services Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 9,149,108 0 0 9,149,108 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 9,149,108 0 0 9,149,108 18 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre CBAD Office of the Leader of the Opposition 02AD Office of the Opposition Personnel Emoluments Programme/Activité/Section de Frais Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total Bureau du Chef de l'Opposition Bureau du Chef de l'Opposition Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Appropriation 20,717,052 0 0 20,717,052 1,901,047 0 0 1,901,047 13,297,653 6,881,734 537,665 Autres Biens et Services Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 22,618,099 0 0 22,618,099 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 22,618,099 0 0 22,618,099 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 404,099,713 0 0 404,099,713 1,624,000 0 0 1,624,000 2,046,250 0 0 2,046,250 CBB Standing Committees Office Service des Commissions Parlementaires Permanentes CBBA Committee of the Standing Orders Commission du Règlement Intérieur 02BA Standing Orders Committee Support Soutien de la Commission du Règlement Intérieur Personnel Emoluments Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services 600,000 1,000,000 24,000 Autres Biens et Services Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 3,670,250 0 0 3,670,250 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 3,670,250 0 0 3,670,250 1,624,000 0 0 1,624,000 2,046,250 0 0 2,046,250 CBBB Committee on Parliamentary Privileges and Immunities 02BB Commission des Privilèges et des Immunités Parlementaires Parliamentary Privileges Committee Soutien de la Commission de l'immunité Support Parlementaire Personnel Emoluments Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services 600,000 1,000,000 24,000 Autres Biens et Services Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 3,670,250 0 0 3,670,250 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 3,670,250 0 0 3,670,250 5,054,315 0 0 5,054,315 3,482,983 0 0 3,482,983 CBBC Committee on the Public Accounts 02BC Commission Parlementaire des Comptes Publics Public Accounts Committee Support Soutien de la Commmission des Comptes Publics Personnel Emoluments Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 3,104,880 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 1,823,500 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services 125,935 Autres Biens et Services Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 8,537,298 0 0 8,537,298 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 8,537,298 0 0 8,537,298 1,474,000 0 0 1,474,000 2,212,753 CBBD Committee on Institutions 02BD Institutions Committee Support Personnel Emoluments Commission Parlementaire sur les Institutions Soutien de la Commission des Institutions Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 600,000 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 850,000 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services 24,000 Autres Biens et Services 2,212,753 0 0 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 3,686,753 0 0 3,686,753 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 3,686,753 0 0 3,686,753 19 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre Programme/Activité/Section de Frais CBBE Committee on Economic Policy 02BE Legislative Review Committee Personnel Emoluments Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total Commission de la Politique Economique Commission de Révision des lois Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Appropriation 1,624,000 0 0 1,624,000 2,046,250 600,000 1,000,000 24,000 2,046,250 0 0 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 3,670,250 0 0 3,670,250 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 3,670,250 0 0 3,670,250 1,489,796 0 0 1,489,796 2,080,204 CBBF Committee on Social Policy 02BF Provincial Affairs Committee Personnel Emoluments Autres Biens et Services Commissiond de la Politique Sociale Commission des Affaires Provinciales Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 599,760 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 866,046 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services 23,990 2,080,204 0 0 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 3,570,000 0 0 3,570,000 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 3,570,000 0 0 3,570,000 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 26,804,801 0 0 26,804,801 7,349,376 0 0 7,349,376 1,290,211 CBC Hansard Office CBCA Parliamentary Reporting 02CA Parliamentary Reporting Section Personnel Emoluments Autres Biens et Services Service de Production des Procès-verbaux Procès-verbaux Section des Procès-verbaux Parlementaires Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 744,000 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 254,976 Other Goods and Services 6,350,400 1,290,211 0 0 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 8,639,587 0 0 8,639,587 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 8,639,587 0 0 8,639,587 2,720,242 0 0 2,720,242 781,139 0 0 781,139 CBCB Library and Archives 02CB Library & Archives Personnel Emoluments Autres Biens et Services Bibliothèque et Archives Bibliothèque et Archives Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services 2,399,040 223,500 97,702 Autres Biens et Services Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 3,501,381 0 0 3,501,381 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 3,501,381 0 0 3,501,381 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 12,140,968 0 0 12,140,968 2,500,094 0 0 2,500,094 273,400 0 0 273,400 CBD Corporate Services Office CBDA Financial Management 02DA Accounts Section Personnel Emoluments Bureau des Services Généraux Compatibilité Service de la Comptabilité Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services 2,187,360 223,500 89,234 Autres Biens et Services Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 2,773,494 0 0 2,773,494 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 2,773,494 0 0 2,773,494 20 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre CBDB Personnel Administration and Maintenance 02DB Personnel Section Personnel Emoluments Programme/Activité/Section de Frais Appropriation Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total Administration du Personnel et Entretien Service du Personnel Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 7,056,000 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 2,044,295 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature 9,392,523 0 0 9,392,523 12,130,457 0 0 12,130,457 292,228 Autres Biens et Services Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 21,522,980 0 0 21,522,980 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 21,522,980 0 0 21,522,980 52,000,000 0 0 52,000,000 CBDC Members Allocation 02DC Members Allocations Personnel Emoluments Allowances Allocations Parlementaires Allocations des Députés Traitement du Personnel Indemnités et Allocations 52,000,000 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 52,000,000 0 0 52,000,000 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 52,000,000 0 0 52,000,000 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 76,296,474 0 0 76,296,474 Agency Total: Total pour Agency: 519,341,956 0 0 519,341,956 1,938,858 0 0 1,938,858 782,616 0 0 782,616 2,721,474 0 0 2,721,474 4,920,262 0 0 4,920,262 649,203 0 0 649,203 5,569,465 0 0 5,569,465 200,000 0 0 200,000 Autres Biens et Services 5,505,410 0 0 5,505,410 Dépenses d'Investissement 2,200,000 0 0 2,200,000 7,905,410 0 0 7,905,410 863,164 0 0 863,164 863,164 0 0 863,164 Judiciary Services Judiciaires CIA Administration of Justice Administration de la Justice CIAA Services Generaux 1401 Corporate Services Human Resource Personnel Emoluments Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Cost Centre Total Account / Finance Personnel Emoluments 358,016 63,802 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Comptabilité / Finances Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 624,032 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 168,470 Cost Centre Total Assets Personnel Emoluments Allowances Other Goods and Services Capital Expenditure Cost Centre Total 1404 1,517,040 Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 1403 Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 1402 Ressources Humaines Information Technology Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total 4,127,760 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Gestion des Actifs Traitement du Personnel Indemnités et Allocations 200,000 Total de Section de Frais Information Technologie Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais 21 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre 1405 Library / Archive Personnel Emoluments Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Cost Centre Total Security Other Goods and Services Personnel Emoluments Allowances Other Goods and Services 1,908,458 0 0 1,908,458 531,785 0 0 531,785 2,440,243 0 0 2,440,243 644,997 0 0 644,997 63,402 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Court of Appeal Registry Total Sécurité Total pour Activité: Court of Appeal Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur 328,016 Total de Section de Frais Cost Centre Total 1410 Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature 1,517,040 Autres Biens et Services Activity Total: CIAB Appropriation Bibliothèque/archives Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 1406 Programme/Activité/Section de Frais 644,997 0 0 644,997 20,144,753 0 0 20,144,753 10,815,000 0 0 10,815,000 Cour D'Appel Cour d'Appel Traitement du Personnel Indemnités et Allocations 10,815,000 4,423,159 0 0 4,423,159 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 15,238,159 0 0 15,238,159 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 15,238,159 0 0 15,238,159 10,358,822 0 0 10,358,822 1,559,640 0 0 1,559,640 11,918,462 0 0 11,918,462 10,076,906 0 0 10,076,906 11,067,604 0 0 11,067,604 21,144,510 0 0 21,144,510 24,228,721 0 0 24,228,721 1,786,855 0 0 1,786,855 26,015,576 0 0 26,015,576 5,547,142 0 0 5,547,142 1,648,015 0 0 1,648,015 7,195,157 0 0 7,195,157 350,000 0 0 350,000 487,500 0 0 487,500 837,500 0 0 837,500 CIAC 1420 Supreme Court Chief Justice Office Personnel Emoluments 8,537,760 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 1,472,592 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Principal Registry Personnel Emoluments Total de Section de Frais Enregistrement Principal Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires 8,079,180 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 1,662,080 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Cost Centre Total Port Vila Registry Personnel Emoluments Total de Section de Frais Enregistrement de Port Vila Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Cost Centre Total Luganville Registry Personnel Emoluments 335,646 Autres Biens et Services Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 19,650,960 3,775,504 802,257 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Enregistrement de Luganville Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 4,304,160 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 1,066,976 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total 1424 348,470 Autres Biens et Services Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 1423 Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires Cost Centre Total 1422 Cour Suprême Bureau de Juge en Chef Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 1421 Autres Biens et Services Isangel Registry Personnel Emoluments Allowances Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total 176,006 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Enregistrement d'Isangel Traitement du Personnel Indemnités et Allocations 350,000 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais 22 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre 1425 Sola Registry Personnel Emoluments Allowances Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total 1426 Ambore Registry Personnel Emoluments Allowances Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total 1427 Lakatoro Registry Personnel Emoluments Allowances Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total 1428 Regional Conferences Personnel Emoluments Allowances Other Goods and Services Programme/Activité/Section de Frais Traitement du Personnel Indemnités et Allocations Autres Biens et Services Traitement du Personnel Indemnités et Allocations Personnel Emoluments Total de Section de Frais Traitement du Personnel Indemnités et Allocations 1431 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Traitement du Personnel Indemnités et Allocations Autres Biens et Services 1432 147,782 Total de Section de Frais Traitement du Personnel Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Total de Section de Frais Traitement du Personnel Indemnités et Allocations 818,032 Cotisations de l'Employeur 130,128 200,000 474,997 0 0 474,997 674,997 0 0 674,997 200,000 0 0 200,000 474,997 0 0 474,997 674,997 0 0 674,997 500,000 0 0 500,000 2,000,000 0 0 2,000,000 2,500,000 0 0 2,500,000 71,723,702 0 0 71,723,702 4,272,358 0 0 4,272,358 852,619 0 0 852,619 5,124,977 0 0 5,124,977 15,115,503 0 0 15,115,503 568,512 0 0 568,512 15,684,015 0 0 15,684,015 4,123,360 0 0 4,123,360 748,857 0 0 748,857 4,872,217 0 0 4,872,217 3,689,962 0 0 3,689,962 561,373 0 0 561,373 4,251,335 0 0 4,251,335 3,175,200 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Bureau Enregistrement du Tribunal de Première Instance d'Isangel Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 458,016 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 127,306 Cost Centre Total 0 Bureau Enregistrement du Tribunal de Première Instance de Lakatoro Employer Contributions Other Goods and Services 0 529,823 Autres Biens et Services Allowances Personnel Emoluments 200,000 1,532,080 Traitements et Salaires Isangel MC Registry 762,503 13,053,600 Wages and Salaries Cost Centre Total 462,503 0 Greffe du Tribunal de Première Instance à Port Vila Traitements et Salaires Other Goods and Services 0 0 3,598,560 Autres Biens et Services Wages and Salaries Personnel Emoluments 1433 Traitement du Personnel 526,016 Lakatoro MC Registry 0 Tribunaux de premières Instance Cotisations de l'Employeur Cost Centre Total 762,503 Bureau en Chef du Tribunal de Première Instance Indemnités et Allocations Other Goods and Services 462,503 500,000 Employer Contributions Personnel Emoluments 300,000 Conférences régionales Allowances Port Vila MCt Office Registry 0 200,000 Traitements et Salaires Cost Centre Total 0 Enregistrement de Lakatoro Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 300,000 200,000 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Chief Magistrate Office Total Enregistrement d'Ambore Total pour Activité: Magistrate Courts Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur 300,000 Total de Section de Frais Cost Centre Total 1430 Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Enregistrement de Sola Activity Total: CIAD Appropriation 3,104,640 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais 23 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre 1434 Luganville MC Registry Personnel Emoluments Traitement du Personnel Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 686,032 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 191,529 Sola MC Registry Personnel Emoluments Allowances Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total Amobore MC Registry Personnel Emoluments Allowances Other Goods and Services Total de Section de Frais Traitement du Personnel Indemnités et Allocations Total de Section de Frais Senior Administrator Office Traitement du Personnel Indemnités et Allocations 1441 Indemnités et Allocations Cotisations de l'Employeur Indemnités et Allocations Cotisations de l'Employeur 0 0 200,000 300,000 0 0 300,000 500,000 0 0 500,000 200,000 0 0 200,000 374,997 0 0 374,997 574,997 0 0 574,997 37,118,196 0 0 37,118,196 1,957,658 0 0 1,957,658 716,393 0 0 716,393 2,674,051 0 0 2,674,051 2,520,943 0 0 2,520,943 411,239 0 0 411,239 2,932,182 0 0 2,932,182 1,644,208 0 0 1,644,208 360,016 49,392 Total de Section de Frais 391,599 0 0 391,599 2,035,807 0 0 2,035,807 1,545,730 0 0 1,545,730 466,618 0 0 466,618 2,012,348 0 0 2,012,348 Tribunal d'île de Tanna Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Cost Centre Total 200,000 1,234,800 Autres Biens et Services Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 6,110,655 74,851 Traitement du Personnel Allowances Personnel Emoluments 0 Tribunal d'île de Santo et Malo Employer Contributions Tanna Island Court 0 646,812 Total de Section de Frais Traitements et Salaires Cost Centre Total 6,110,655 1,799,280 Autres Biens et Services Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 1443 Traitement du Personnel Allowances Personnel Emoluments 540,854 Tribunal d'île de Vaté Employer Contributions Santo, Malo Island Court 0 378,016 62,602 Total de Section de Frais Traitements et Salaires Cost Centre Total 0 1,517,040 Autres Biens et Services Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 1442 Traitement du Personnel Indemnités et Allocations Cotisations de l'Employeur Personnel Emoluments 540,854 Bureau d'administrateur Supérieur Allowances Employer Contributions Efate Island Court 5,569,801 Tribunaux d'île Traitements et Salaires Cost Centre Total 0 200,000 Autres Biens et Services Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 0 Bureau Enregistrement du Tribunal de Première Instance d'Ambore Total de Section de Frais Personnel Emoluments 5,569,801 200,000 Autres Biens et Services Total pour Activité: 1440 Total Bureau Enregistrement du Tribunal de Première Instance de Sola Cost Centre Total Island Courts Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur 4,692,240 Autres Biens et Services Activity Total: CIAE Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Bureau Enregistrement du Tribunal de Première Instance de Luganville Traitements et Salaires Cost Centre Total 1436 Appropriation Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 1435 Programme/Activité/Section de Frais 1,164,240 333,000 48,490 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais 24 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre 1444 Ambae Island Court Personnel Emoluments Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Pentecost Island Court Personnel Emoluments Indemnités et Allocations Cotisations de l'Employeur 1447 Indemnités et Allocations Cotisations de l'Employeur 1448 Indemnités et Allocations Cotisations de l'Employeur 1449 Indemnités et Allocations Cotisations de l'Employeur 1450 Indemnités et Allocations Cotisations de l'Employeur 0 0 419,195 2,133,403 0 0 2,133,403 1,505,752 0 0 1,505,752 522,491 0 0 522,491 2,028,243 0 0 2,028,243 1,392,387 0 0 1,392,387 388,516 0 0 388,516 1,780,903 0 0 1,780,903 1,537,443 0 0 1,537,443 455,954 0 0 455,954 1,993,397 0 0 1,993,397 1,497,443 0 0 1,497,443 1,093,680 360,016 43,747 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais 353,460 0 0 353,460 1,850,903 0 0 1,850,903 1,391,427 0 0 1,391,427 534,306 0 0 534,306 1,925,733 0 0 1,925,733 23,370,203 0 0 23,370,203 Tribunal d'île de Banks Torres Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services 419,195 43,747 Traitement du Personnel Allowances Personnel Emoluments 1,714,208 Tribunal d'île d'Epi Employer Contributions Banks Torres Island Court 0 400,016 Total de Section de Frais Traitements et Salaires Cost Centre Total 0 1,093,680 Autres Biens et Services Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 1,714,208 44,707 Traitement du Personnel Allowances Personnel Emoluments 2,003,233 Tribunal d'île d'Ambrym Employer Contributions Epi Island Court 0 254,000 Total de Section de Frais Traitements et Salaires Cost Centre Total 0 1,093,680 Autres Biens et Services Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 2,003,233 42,336 Traitement du Personnel Allowances Personnel Emoluments 492,503 Tribunal d'île de Tongoa Employer Contributions Ambrym Island Court 0 405,016 Total de Section de Frais Traitements et Salaires Cost Centre Total 0 1,058,400 Autres Biens et Services Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 492,503 49,392 Traitement du Personnel Allowances Personnel Emoluments 1,510,730 Tribunal d'île de Malekula Employer Contributions Tongoa Island Court 0 430,016 Total de Section de Frais Traitements et Salaires Cost Centre Total 0 1,234,800 Autres Biens et Services Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 1,510,730 48,490 Traitement du Personnel Allowances Personnel Emoluments Total Tribunal d'île de Pentecost Employer Contributions Malekula Island Court Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur 298,000 Total de Section de Frais Traitements et Salaires Cost Centre Total Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature 1,164,240 Autres Biens et Services Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 1446 Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires Cost Centre Total Appropriation Tribunal d'île d'Ambae Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 1445 Programme/Activité/Section de Frais 1,093,680 254,000 43,747 Autres Biens et Services Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 25 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre CIAF 1460 Land Courts Efate Island Court Personnel Emoluments Allowances Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total 1461 Santo Malo Island Court Personnel Emoluments Allowances Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total 1462 Tanna Island Court Personnel Emoluments Allowances Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total 1463 Ambae Island Court Personnel Emoluments Allowances Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total 1464 Pentecost Island Court Personnel Emoluments Allowances Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total 1465 Malekula Island Court Personnel Emoluments Allowances Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total 1466 Tongoa Island Court Personnel Emoluments Allowances Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total 1467 Erromango Island Court Personnel Emoluments Allowances Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total 1468 Banks Torres Island Court Personnel Emoluments Allowances Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total 1469 Land Appeals Personnel Emoluments Allowances Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total Programme/Activité/Section de Frais Appropriation Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total Tribunaux Fonciers Tribunal d'île de Vaté Traitement du Personnel Indemnités et Allocations 450,000 0 0 450,000 450,000 0 0 450,000 900,000 0 0 900,000 500,000 0 0 500,000 300,000 0 0 300,000 800,000 0 0 800,000 450,000 0 0 450,000 250,000 0 0 250,000 700,000 0 0 700,000 350,000 0 0 350,000 227,500 0 0 227,500 577,500 0 0 577,500 350,000 0 0 350,000 300,000 0 0 300,000 650,000 0 0 650,000 220,000 0 0 220,000 280,000 0 0 280,000 500,000 0 0 500,000 205,000 0 0 205,000 295,000 0 0 295,000 500,000 0 0 500,000 300,000 0 0 300,000 250,000 0 0 250,000 550,000 0 0 550,000 300,000 0 0 300,000 250,000 0 0 250,000 550,000 0 0 550,000 285,000 0 0 285,000 615,000 0 0 615,000 900,000 0 0 900,000 450,000 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Tribunal d'île de Santo et Malo Traitement du Personnel Indemnités et Allocations 500,000 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Tribunal d'île de Tanna Traitement du Personnel Indemnités et Allocations 450,000 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Tribunal d'île d'Ambae Traitement du Personnel Indemnités et Allocations 350,000 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Tribunal d'île de Pentecost Traitement du Personnel Indemnités et Allocations 350,000 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Tribunal d'île de Malekula Traitement du Personnel Indemnités et Allocations 220,000 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Tribunal d'île de Tongoa Traitement du Personnel Indemnités et Allocations 205,000 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Tribunal d'île d'Erromango Traitement du Personnel Indemnités et Allocations 300,000 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Tribunal d'île de Banks Torres Traitement du Personnel Indemnités et Allocations 300,000 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Cour d'appel Foncier Traitement du Personnel Indemnités et Allocations 285,000 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais 26 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre Programme/Activité/Section de Frais Activity Total: CIAG 1480 Enforcement Sheriff Office Personnel Emoluments Appropriation Total pour Activité: Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total 6,627,500 0 0 6,627,500 6,278,498 0 0 6,278,498 601,225 0 0 601,225 Exécution Huissier Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 514,140 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 225,398 Other Goods and Services Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature 5,538,960 Autres Biens et Services Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 6,879,723 0 0 6,879,723 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 6,879,723 0 0 6,879,723 2,478,026 0 0 2,478,026 825,484 0 0 825,484 3,303,510 0 0 3,303,510 500,000 0 0 500,000 1,000,000 0 0 1,000,000 CIAH 1490 Judicial Development & Training Judicial Development & Training Personnel Emoluments Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total 1491 Perfectionnement et formation en droit Perfectionnement et formation en droit Staff Training & Development Personnel Emoluments Allowances Other Goods and Services 2,046,240 348,016 83,770 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Perfectionnement et formation des agents Traitement du Personnel Indemnités et Allocations 500,000 Autres Biens et Services Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 1,500,000 0 0 1,500,000 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 4,803,510 0 0 4,803,510 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 185,905,746 0 0 185,905,746 Agency Total: Total pour Agency: 185,905,746 0 0 185,905,746 Malvatumauri Malvatumauri CDA Preservation of Vanuatu Custom Préservation de la Coutume, la Culture et des Langues de Vanuatu CDA1 Administration of the National Council of Chiefs 04A1 Office Administration Personnel Emoluments Administration du Conseil National des Chefs Administration de Bureau Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 4,058,160 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 3,976,537 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Capital Expenditure 8,202,244 0 0 8,202,244 13,372,710 0 0 13,372,710 167,547 Autres Biens et Services 1,273,913 0 0 1,273,913 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 22,848,867 0 0 22,848,867 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 22,848,867 0 0 22,848,867 5,387,000 0 0 5,387,000 CDA2 Funds for 14 Islands Council of Chiefs 04A2 Island Councils Subsidies & Transfers Dépenses d'Investissement Fonds pour les 14 Conseils Insulaires des Chefs Les Conseils d'Île Subventions et Transferts de Fonds Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 5,387,000 0 0 5,387,000 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 5,387,000 0 0 5,387,000 27 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre Programme/Activité/Section de Frais CDA3 Malvatumauri Members Allowance 04A3 Malvatumauri Members Allowance Personnel Emoluments Appropriation Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total Allocation des Membres du Malvatumauri Allocation De Membres De Malvatumauri Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 6,249,442 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 7,750,000 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 14,249,422 0 0 14,249,422 249,980 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 14,249,422 0 0 14,249,422 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 14,249,422 0 0 14,249,422 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 42,485,289 0 0 42,485,289 Agency Total: Total pour Agency: 42,485,289 0 0 42,485,289 4,108,736 0 0 4,108,736 1,346,667 National Audit Office Bureau du Contrôleur Général des Comptes CEA Public Sector Auditing Vérification du Secteur Public CEAA Planning, Policy & Standards Planification, Orientation et Normes 05AA Policy & Planning Section Personnel Emoluments Division de la Politique et de la Planification Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 2,873,400 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 1,120,400 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services 114,936 1,346,667 0 0 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 5,455,403 0 0 5,455,403 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 5,455,403 0 0 5,455,403 17,265,804 0 0 17,265,804 CEAB Audit Operations 05AB Audit Operations Section Personnel Emoluments Autres Biens et Services Opérations de Vérification Section des Activités de Vérification Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 14,253,120 2,427,560 585,124 Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services 1,704,556 0 0 1,704,556 Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement 1,020,755 0 0 1,020,755 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 19,991,115 0 0 19,991,115 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 19,991,115 0 0 19,991,115 1,825,097 0 0 1,825,097 5,293,919 0 0 5,293,919 CEAC Corporate Services 05AC Corporate Services Section Personnel Emoluments Services Administratifs Section des Services Généraux Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Employer Contributions Indemnités et Allocations Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services 1,375,920 391,530 57,647 Autres Biens et Services Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 7,119,016 0 0 7,119,016 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 7,119,016 0 0 7,119,016 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 32,565,534 0 0 32,565,534 Agency Total: Total pour Agency: 32,565,534 0 0 32,565,534 28 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre Office of the Ombudsman Programme/Activité/Section de Frais Appropriation Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total Bureau du Médiateur CCA Planning, Management and InvesPlanification, Gestion et Investigations CCAA Planning, Management and Investigations 03AA Office of the Ombudsman Personnel Emoluments Planification, Gestion et Investigations Bureau du Médiateur Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement 29,157,949 0 0 29,157,949 11,664,699 0 0 11,664,699 150,000 0 0 150,000 23,567,160 4,619,305 971,484 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 40,972,648 0 0 40,972,648 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 40,972,648 0 0 40,972,648 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 40,972,648 0 0 40,972,648 Agency Total: Total pour Agency: 40,972,648 0 0 40,972,648 5,883,654 0 0 5,883,654 2,594,372 Public Prosecutor Procureur Général CGA Operations Fonctions CGAA Planning and Management Planification et Gestion 12AA Planning & Management Personnel Emoluments Planification et Gestion Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 4,656,960 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 1,040,416 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services 186,278 2,594,372 0 0 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 8,478,026 0 0 8,478,026 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 8,478,026 0 0 8,478,026 19,281,629 0 0 19,281,629 CGAB Institute Criminal Proceedings 12AB Prosecution Section Personnel Emoluments Autres Biens et Services Affaires Pénales Parquet (Procureur) Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services 14,429,520 4,262,448 589,661 5,392,761 0 0 5,392,761 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 24,674,390 0 0 24,674,390 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 24,674,390 0 0 24,674,390 1,644,116 0 0 1,644,116 2,655,000 0 0 2,655,000 CGAC Corporate Services 12AC Corporate Services Section Personnel Emoluments Autres Biens et Services Services Généraux Section des Services Généraux Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 670,320 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 945,063 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services 28,733 Autres Biens et Services Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 4,299,116 0 0 4,299,116 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 4,299,116 0 0 4,299,116 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 37,451,532 0 0 37,451,532 Agency Total: Total pour Agency: 37,451,532 0 0 37,451,532 29 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre Programme/Activité/Section de Frais Appropriation Public Solicitor Avocat Public CHA Public Legal Services Services Juridiques au Public CHAA Representation 13AA Office Administration Personnel Emoluments Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total Représentation Administration de Bureau Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement 31,297,904 0 0 31,297,904 14,619,046 0 0 14,619,046 1,320,000 0 0 1,320,000 23,732,880 6,582,012 983,012 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 47,236,950 0 0 47,236,950 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 47,236,950 0 0 47,236,950 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 47,236,950 0 0 47,236,950 Agency Total: Total pour Agency: 47,236,950 0 0 47,236,950 31,753,443 0 0 31,753,443 10,984,027 0 0 10,984,027 900,000 0 0 900,000 Public Service Commission Commission de la Fonction Publique CJA Public Service Commission Commission de la Fonction Publique CJAA Corporate Services Unit 19AA Cooperate Services Personnel Emoluments Services Administratifs Services Administratifs Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 5,664,000 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 1,022,823 Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement 25,066,620 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 43,637,470 0 0 43,637,470 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 43,637,470 0 0 43,637,470 17,317,189 0 0 17,317,189 CJAB Human Resource Management 19AB Human Resources Personnel Emoluments Gestion des Ressources Humaines Gestion De Ressource Humaine Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 15,593,760 1,092,000 631,429 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 17,317,189 0 0 17,317,189 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 17,317,189 0 0 17,317,189 12,402,681 0 0 12,402,681 CJAC Performance Improvement Unit 19AC Performance Improvement Unit Personnel Emoluments Unité de Perfectionnement Unité D'Amélioration D'Exécution Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 11,219,040 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 732,000 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 451,641 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 12,402,681 0 0 12,402,681 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 12,402,681 0 0 12,402,681 16,931,706 0 0 16,931,706 16,931,706 0 0 16,931,706 CJAD Human Resource Development 19AD Human Resource Development Personnel Emoluments Développement des Ressources Humaines Développement des Ressources Humaines Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Cost Centre Total 14,694,180 1,644,000 593,526 Total de Section de Frais 30 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre Programme/Activité/Section de Frais Activity Total: CJAE Public Service Legal Unit 19AE Public Service Legal Unit Personnel Emoluments Appropriation Total pour Activité: Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total 16,931,706 0 0 16,931,706 6,317,203 0 0 6,317,203 Section Juridique de la Fonction Publique Unité Légale De Service public Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 5,680,080 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 408,000 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 229,123 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 6,317,203 0 0 6,317,203 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 6,317,203 0 0 6,317,203 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 96,606,249 0 0 96,606,249 Agency Total: Total pour Agency: 96,606,249 0 0 96,606,249 144,000 0 0 144,000 200,000 0 0 200,000 Judicial Services Commission Commission de la Magistrature CLA Judicial Service Commission Commission de la Magistrature CLAA Decision Making Prise de décision 21AA Judicial Service Commission Personnel Emoluments Allowances Other Goods and Services La Commission des services juridique Traitement du Personnel Indemnités et Allocations 144,000 Autres Biens et Services Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 344,000 0 0 344,000 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 344,000 0 0 344,000 545,186 0 0 545,186 CLAB Administrative Support Services 21AB Secretariat JSC Other Goods and Services Services d'encadrement administratif Secrétariat CSJ Autres Biens et Services Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 545,186 0 0 545,186 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 545,186 0 0 545,186 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 889,186 0 0 889,186 Agency Total: Total pour Agency: 889,186 0 0 889,186 71,331,768 0 0 71,331,768 9,787,691 0 0 9,787,691 State Law Office Cabinet Juridique de l’Etat CFA Legal Advice and Executive Man Conseil juridique et Direction Générale CFAA Provision of Legal Advice and Services 11AA Office Administration Personnel Emoluments Fourniture de Conseils Juridiques et de Services Administration de Bureau Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 56,589,240 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 12,426,000 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement Cost Centre Total 11AB Financial Intelligence Unit Personnel Emoluments 2,316,528 Total de Section de Frais 0 0 1,000,000 0 0 82,119,459 8,014,980 0 0 8,014,980 Section des Renseignements Financiers Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 6,491,520 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 1,255,000 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement Cost Centre Total 1,000,000 82,119,459 268,460 Total de Section de Frais 31 of 103 1,905,022 0 0 1,905,022 160,000 0 0 160,000 10,080,002 0 0 10,080,002 Program/Activity/Cost Centre Programme/Activité/Section de Frais Appropriation Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 92,199,461 0 0 92,199,461 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 92,199,461 0 0 92,199,461 Agency Total: Total pour Agency: 92,199,461 0 0 92,199,461 3,424,321 0 0 3,424,321 Citizenship Office Bureau de Citoyenneté CKA Citizenship Commission Commission de la Citoyenneté CKAA Citizenship Commission Commission de la Citoyenneté 06AA Citizenship Commission Personnel Emoluments Commission de la citoyenneté Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 2,434,320 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 883,527 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 106,474 Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services 527,588 0 0 527,588 Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement 105,415 0 0 105,415 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 4,057,324 0 0 4,057,324 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 4,057,324 0 0 4,057,324 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 4,057,324 0 0 4,057,324 Agency Total: Total pour Agency: 4,057,324 0 0 4,057,324 29,752,814 0 0 29,752,814 6,014,545 0 0 6,014,545 35,767,359 0 0 35,767,359 10,659,546 0 0 10,659,546 Prime Ministers Ministry Ministère du Premier Ministre MCB Strategic Management Direction Stratégique MCBA Strategic Management Direction Stratégique 09AA Policy Sectors Personnel Emoluments Secteurs de politique Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 4,268,000 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 1,000,494 Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total 09AB Aid Coordination Unit Personnel Emoluments 24,484,320 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Réforme du Secteur Économique Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 9,278,640 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 1,004,000 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 376,906 Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services 0 165,750,255 0 165,750,255 Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement 0 1,050,000,000 0 1,050,000,000 10,659,546 1,215,750,255 0 1,226,409,801 12,266,452 0 0 12,266,452 12,266,452 0 0 12,266,452 Cost Centre Total 09AC Monitoring & Evaluation Unit Personnel Emoluments Total de Section de Frais Bonne Gouvernance et Réforme du Secteur Public Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 9,737,280 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 2,132,000 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Cost Centre Total 397,172 Total de Section de Frais 32 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre 52AA Programme/Activité/Section de Frais Vanuatu Project Management Unit (VPMU) Personnel Emoluments Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Capital Expenditure Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total Unité de gestion du projet Vanuatu Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services Appropriation 17,346,509 0 0 17,346,509 8,216,000 0 0 8,216,000 14,958,720 1,776,000 611,789 Autres Biens et Services 700,000 0 0 700,000 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais Dépenses d'Investissement 26,262,509 0 0 26,262,509 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 84,955,866 1,215,750,255 0 1,300,706,121 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 84,955,866 1,215,750,255 0 1,300,706,121 54,981,003 0 0 54,981,003 4,631,544 0 0 4,631,544 MPA Office of the Prime Minister Bureau du Premier Ministre MPAA Administration & Coordination of Government Programmes Administration et Coordination des Programmes du Gouvernement 10AA Cabinet Personnel Emoluments Cabinet Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 34,749,220 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 18,755,413 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Capital Expenditure Cost Centre Total 10AB Independence Celebrations Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total 10AC International Travel Personnel Emoluments Allowances Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total 10BD Entertainment Fund Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total 10BF Local Travel Personnel Emoluments Allowances Other Goods and Services 1,476,370 Autres Biens et Services Dépenses d'Investissement Total de Section de Frais 500,000 0 0 500,000 60,112,547 0 0 60,112,547 1,000,000 0 0 1,000,000 1,000,000 0 0 1,000,000 2,000,000 0 0 2,000,000 10,000,000 0 0 10,000,000 12,000,000 0 0 12,000,000 2,000,000 0 0 2,000,000 2,000,000 0 0 2,000,000 500,000 0 0 500,000 1,500,000 0 0 1,500,000 Célébration des Fêtes de l'Indépendance Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Déplacements à l'Étranger Traitement du Personnel Indemnités et Allocations 2,000,000 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Commission de la Magistrature Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Voyage local Traitement du Personnel Indemnités et Allocations 500,000 Autres Biens et Services Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 2,000,000 0 0 2,000,000 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 77,112,547 0 0 77,112,547 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 77,112,547 0 0 77,112,547 14,400,846 0 0 14,400,846 5,345,066 0 0 5,345,066 19,745,912 0 0 19,745,912 MPB Director General's Office MPBA Corporate Services 42AA PMO Corporate Services Personnel Emoluments Bureau du Directeur Général Services Généraux Services organisationnels du BPM Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total 11,607,120 2,316,000 477,726 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais 33 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre 42AB Programme/Activité/Section de Frais Utilities Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total 42AC Community Development Fund Appropriation Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total Entreprises de services publics Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais 5,000,000 0 0 5,000,000 5,000,000 0 0 5,000,000 Fonds de développement communautaire Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services 1,111,111 0 0 1,111,111 Subsidies & Transfers Subventions et Transferts de Fonds 8,888,889 0 0 8,888,889 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 10,000,000 0 0 10,000,000 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 34,745,912 0 0 34,745,912 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 34,745,912 0 0 34,745,912 18,176,971 0 0 18,176,971 18,176,971 0 0 18,176,971 5,989,958 0 0 5,989,958 4,667,600 0 0 4,667,600 MPC Language Services MPCA Language Services 18AA Language Services Personnel Emoluments Services Linguistiques Services Linguistiques Direction des Services Linguistiques Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Cost Centre Total 18CA Administration Personnel Emoluments 14,888,160 2,675,925 612,886 Total de Section de Frais Administration Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 4,727,520 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 1,067,497 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services 194,941 Autres Biens et Services Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 10,657,558 0 0 10,657,558 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 28,834,529 0 0 28,834,529 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 28,834,529 0 0 28,834,529 5,511,571 0 0 5,511,571 MPD Special Commissions Les Commissions Spéciales MPDE Government Remuneration Tribunal Conseil de révision des traitements de l'État 56AA Government Remuneration Tribunal Conseil de révision des traitements de l'Etat Personnel Emoluments Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 4,415,280 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 912,000 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 184,291 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 5,511,571 0 0 5,511,571 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 5,511,571 0 0 5,511,571 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 5,511,571 0 0 5,511,571 MPE Information, Communication an Politique et administration de l'information, de la communication et de la technologie MPEA Information, Communication and Technology Policy and Administration 57AA Administration & Operations Personnel Emoluments Initiative intégrée du gouvernement Administration et fonctionnement Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 43,107,040 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 12,388,064 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement Cost Centre Total 57,250,105 0 0 57,250,105 142,768,429 118,720,000 0 261,488,429 21,015,756 0 0 21,015,756 221,034,290 118,720,000 0 339,754,290 1,755,001 Total de Section de Frais 34 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre 57AB Programme/Activité/Section de Frais Government Broadband Network Personnel Emoluments Allowances Appropriation Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total Réseau de diffusion en larges bandes du gouvernement Traitement du Personnel Indemnités et Allocations 7,175,000 0 0 7,175,000 3,075,000 0 0 3,075,000 3,075,000 Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services 48,716,003 0 0 48,716,003 Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement 10,250,000 0 0 10,250,000 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 69,216,003 0 0 69,216,003 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 290,250,293 118,720,000 0 408,970,293 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 290,250,293 118,720,000 0 408,970,293 Agency Total: Total pour Agency: 521,410,718 1,334,470,255 0 1,855,880,973 0 31,775,528 Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, Fisheries and Biosecurity Ministère de l'Agriculture, Sylviculture, Peches et Biosécurité MAA Cabinet Support Cabinet du Ministère MAAA Portfolio Management 46AA Cabinet Operations Personnel Emoluments Gestion du Portefeuille Opérations de Cabinet Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 20,580,205 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 10,372,113 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services 31,775,528 0 823,210 Autres Biens et Services 6,429,546 0 0 6,429,546 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 38,205,074 0 0 38,205,074 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 38,205,074 0 0 38,205,074 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 38,205,074 0 0 38,205,074 9,440,791 0 0 9,440,791 2,571,591 0 0 2,571,591 MAB Executive Management and Cor Direction Générale et Services Généraux MABA Ministry Executive Management and Corporate Services 46BA Office of the Director General Personnel Emoluments Direction Générale et Services Généraux du Ministère Bureau du Directeur Général Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 773,988 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 340,723 Other Goods and Services 8,326,080 Autres Biens et Services Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 12,012,382 0 0 12,012,382 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 12,012,382 0 0 12,012,382 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 12,012,382 0 0 12,012,382 29,917,079 0 0 29,917,079 16,552,304 0 0 16,552,304 MAC Agricultural and Rural Develop Agricole et Développement Rural MACA Commodities 47CA Commodities Personnel Emoluments Produits de base Produits de base Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 5,699,443 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 1,073,956 Other Goods and Services Capital Expenditure 23,143,680 Autres Biens et Services 82,050 0 0 82,050 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais Dépenses d'Investissement 46,551,433 0 0 46,551,433 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 46,551,433 0 0 46,551,433 35 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre MACB Food Production 47CB Food Production Personnel Emoluments Programme/Activité/Section de Frais Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total Production alimentaire Production alimentaire Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Appropriation 12,437,036 0 0 12,437,036 10,513,440 1,472,172 451,424 3,854,095 0 0 3,854,095 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 16,291,131 0 0 16,291,131 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 16,291,131 0 0 16,291,131 3,566,694 0 0 3,566,694 1,528,063 0 0 1,528,063 5,094,757 0 0 5,094,757 10,415,984 0 0 10,415,984 23,812,114 107,463,382 0 131,275,496 8,002,592 0 0 8,002,592 42,230,690 107,463,382 0 149,694,072 4,006,646 0 0 4,006,646 566,700 0 0 566,700 MACD Policy and Administration 47CC Information Personnel Emoluments Autres Biens et Services Orientation et administration Information Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 328,719 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 133,335 Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total 47CD Policy and Administration Personnel Emoluments 3,104,640 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Politique et administration Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 967,640 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 381,384 Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement Cost Centre Total 47CK Agribusiness Support Personnel Emoluments 9,066,960 Total de Section de Frais Soutien aux agro-industries Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 328,390 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 150,256 Other Goods and Services 3,528,000 Autres Biens et Services Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais Activity Total: Total pour Activité: Program Total: Total pour le Programme: MAD Biosecurity Vanuatu Vanuatu Biosécurité MADA Biosecurity Administration Administration de la Biosécurité 49DA Policy & Administration Personnel Emoluments 0 0 4,573,346 107,463,382 0 159,362,175 114,741,357 107,463,382 0 222,204,739 9,863,607 0 0 9,863,607 7,488,816 0 0 7,488,816 Politique et Administration Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 777,440 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 354,067 Other Goods and Services 4,573,346 51,898,793 8,732,100 Autres Biens et Services Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 17,352,423 0 0 17,352,423 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 17,352,423 0 0 17,352,423 25,000,000 0 0 25,000,000 MADB Veterinary Contract 49DB Veterinary Contracts Other Goods and Services Contrat Vétérinaire Contrats des Vétérinaires Autres Biens et Services Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 25,000,000 0 0 25,000,000 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 25,000,000 0 0 25,000,000 36 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre Programme/Activité/Section de Frais MADC Biosecurity Operations South 49DC Biosecurity Southern Operations Personnel Emoluments Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total Opérations de la Biosécurité du sud Opérations de la Biosécurité du Sud Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Appropriation 23,224,738 0 0 23,224,738 19,953,920 2,454,480 816,338 1,563,442 0 0 1,563,442 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 24,788,180 0 0 24,788,180 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 24,788,180 0 0 24,788,180 13,691,603 0 0 13,691,603 MADD Biosecurity Operations North 49DD Biosecurity Northern Operations Personnel Emoluments Autres Biens et Services Opérations de la Biosécurité du Nord Opérations de la Biosécurité du Nord Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement 10,912,208 2,326,640 452,755 2,343,752 0 0 2,343,752 500,000 0 0 500,000 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 16,535,355 0 0 16,535,355 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 16,535,355 0 0 16,535,355 7,595,702 0 0 7,595,702 140,140 0 0 140,140 MADG Plant Protection 49DG Plant Protection Personnel Emoluments Services phytosanitaires Phytosanitaire Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 6,289,520 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 1,040,170 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services 266,012 Autres Biens et Services Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 7,735,842 0 0 7,735,842 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 7,735,842 0 0 7,735,842 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 91,411,800 0 0 91,411,800 9,034,617 0 0 9,034,617 13,902,636 0 0 13,902,636 700,000 0 0 700,000 MAE Fisheries Pêches MAEF Fisheries Administration Services d'administration et d'aide financière 48EF Fisheries Administration Personnel Emoluments Administration et Soutien Financier Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 6,985,440 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 1,759,000 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement 290,177 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 23,637,253 0 0 23,637,253 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 23,637,253 0 0 23,637,253 11,222,701 0 0 11,222,701 1,635,000 0 0 1,635,000 MAEH Fisheries Research and Aquaculture 48EH Recherche halieutique et aquaculture Fisheries Research and Aquaculture Recherche halieutique et aquaculture Personnel Emoluments Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 8,820,000 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 2,029,520 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services 373,181 Autres Biens et Services Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 12,857,701 0 0 12,857,701 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 12,857,701 0 0 12,857,701 37 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre MAEI Fisheries Compliance and Licensing 48EI Programme/Activité/Section de Frais Appropriation Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total Mise en conformité et licence de pêche Fisheries Compliance and Licensing Mise en conformité et licences de pêche Personnel Emoluments Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Capital Expenditure 16,327,753 0 0 16,327,753 199,999 0 0 199,999 13,582,800 2,183,000 561,953 Autres Biens et Services 100,000 0 0 100,000 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 16,627,752 0 0 16,627,752 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 16,627,752 0 0 16,627,752 6,211,559 0 0 6,211,559 899,999 0 0 899,999 7,111,558 0 0 7,111,558 3,507,216 0 0 3,507,216 MAEJ Fisheries Development and Capture 48EJ Dépenses d'Investissement Développement des pêcheries et prises Provincial Fisheries Centre - SHEFA Centre provincial de la pêche Personnel Emoluments Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 4,656,960 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 1,350,000 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total 48EK 204,599 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Provincial Fisheries Centre - SANMA Centre provincial de la pêche Personnel Emoluments Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 568,000 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 116,816 Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total 48EL Provincial Fisheries Centre MALAMPA Personnel Emoluments Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Cost Centre Total 48EM 0 0 640,000 0 0 4,147,216 1,390,656 0 0 1,390,656 535,000 0 0 535,000 1,925,656 0 0 1,925,656 1,600,656 0 0 1,600,656 481,000 0 0 481,000 2,081,656 0 0 2,081,656 1,375,696 0 0 1,375,696 495,000 0 0 495,000 1,870,696 0 0 1,870,696 1,058,400 288,000 44,256 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Provincial Fisheries Centre - TORBA Centre provincial de la pêche Personnel Emoluments Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total 48EN 640,000 4,147,216 Centre provincial de la pêche Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 2,822,400 Provincial Fisheries Centre PENAMA Personnel Emoluments 44,256 Total de Section de Frais Centre provincial de la pêche Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Cost Centre Total 498,000 Autres Biens et Services Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 1,058,400 1,058,400 274,000 43,296 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais 38 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre 48EO Programme/Activité/Section de Frais Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total Fisheries Boat Yard Personnel Emoluments Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total Total de Section de Frais Traitement du Personnel Indemnités et Allocations 890,000 Cotisations de l'Employeur 171,322 Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 0 0 636,000 2,186,656 0 0 2,186,656 5,224,362 0 0 5,224,362 898,000 0 0 898,000 250,000 0 0 250,000 6,372,362 0 0 6,372,362 25,695,800 0 0 25,695,800 7,157,831 0 0 7,157,831 200,000 0 0 200,000 Politique et gestion de la pêche Politique et Gestion de la Pêche Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires 5,891,760 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 1,020,000 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Capital Expenditure 636,000 4,163,040 Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 1,550,656 Chantier naval de la pêche Employer Contributions Fisheries Policy and Management 0 44,256 Autres Biens et Services Allowances Personnel Emoluments 0 448,000 Traitements et Salaires MAEQ Fisheries Policy and Management 1,550,656 1,058,400 Wages and Salaries 48EQ Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Provincial Fisheries Centre - TAFEA Centre provincial de la pêche Personnel Emoluments 48EP Appropriation 246,071 Autres Biens et Services 200,000 0 0 200,000 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 7,557,831 0 0 7,557,831 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 7,557,831 0 0 7,557,831 6,092,186 0 0 6,092,186 MAER Seafood Verification 48ER Seafood Verification Personnel Emoluments Dépenses d'Investissement Contrôle des fruits de mer Contrôle des fruits de mer Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 5,218,640 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 660,000 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 213,546 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 6,092,186 0 0 6,092,186 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 6,092,186 0 0 6,092,186 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 92,468,523 0 0 92,468,523 23,745,934 0 0 23,745,934 MAF Forestry MAFA Forestry 72FA Sustainability Personnel Emoluments Sylviculture Sylviculture Durabilité Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement Cost Centre Total 19,368,720 3,551,603 825,611 Total de Section de Frais 39 of 103 8,299,365 0 0 8,299,365 190,993 0 0 190,993 32,236,292 0 0 32,236,292 Program/Activity/Cost Centre 72FB Value Adding and Processing Personnel Emoluments Programme/Activité/Section de Frais Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement 72FC Research Personnel Emoluments Total de Section de Frais Traitement du Personnel Indemnités et Allocations 921,666 Cotisations de l'Employeur 365,221 Personnel Emoluments 0 0 2,584,862 2,571,421 0 0 2,571,421 57,233 0 0 57,233 5,213,516 0 0 5,213,516 10,177,447 0 0 10,177,447 Recherche Employer Contributions Policy & Planning 2,584,862 83,302 Allowances 72FD Total 667,000 Traitements et Salaires Cost Centre Total Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur 1,834,560 Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Valeur s'ajoutant et traitant Wages and Salaries Cost Centre Total Appropriation 8,890,560 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais 706,649 0 0 706,649 10,884,096 0 0 10,884,096 9,359,544 0 0 9,359,544 Politiques et de la Planification Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 7,444,080 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 1,595,224 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 320,240 Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services 916,986 0 0 916,986 Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement 130,561 0 0 130,561 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 10,407,091 0 0 10,407,091 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 58,740,995 0 0 58,740,995 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 58,740,995 0 0 58,740,995 12,934,860 0 0 12,934,860 11,371,030 0 0 11,371,030 655,000 0 0 655,000 24,960,890 0 0 24,960,890 5,338,897 0 0 5,338,897 3,917,262 0 0 3,917,262 MAH Livestock MAHA Livestock Production 89AA Livestock Division Personnel Emoluments Producation Animale Division de l'Elevage Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement Cost Centre Total 89AB Livestock Production North Personnel Emoluments Wages and Salaries Allowances Employer Contributions Other Goods and Services Capital Expenditure 11,144,320 1,489,200 301,340 Total de Section de Frais Production animale du nord Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires Indemnités et Allocations Cotisations de l'Employeur 3,929,680 1,247,160 162,057 Autres Biens et Services Dépenses d'Investissement 261,569 0 0 261,569 9,517,728 0 0 9,517,728 Total pour Activité: 34,478,618 0 0 34,478,618 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 34,478,618 0 0 34,478,618 Agency Total: Total pour Agency: 442,058,749 107,463,382 0 549,522,131 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais Activity Total: 40 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre Programme/Activité/Section de Frais Appropriation Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism Ministère du Commerce, de l'Industrie et du Tourisme MTA Cabinet Support Cabinet du Ministère MTAA Portfolio Coordination 43AA Cabinet Operations Personnel Emoluments Total Coordination du Portefeuille Opérations de Cabinet Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 25,179,426 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 13,288,572 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur 39,492,456 0 0 39,492,456 1,024,458 Autres Biens et Services 6,658,999 0 0 6,658,999 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 46,151,455 0 0 46,151,455 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 46,151,455 0 0 46,151,455 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 46,151,455 0 0 46,151,455 13,668,612 0 0 13,668,612 19,836,538 0 0 19,836,538 400,000 0 0 400,000 33,905,150 0 0 33,905,150 108,000,000 0 0 108,000,000 MTB Executive Management and Cor Direction Générale et Services Généraux MTBA Executive Management 80AA Trade & Cooperative Executive Management Personnel Emoluments Direction Générale Direction du Commerce et des Coopératives Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement Cost Centre Total 80AB Copra Subsidy Subsidies & Transfers 10,195,920 3,047,295 425,397 Total de Section de Frais Subvention au coprah Subventions et Transferts de Fonds Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 108,000,000 0 0 108,000,000 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 141,905,150 0 0 141,905,150 3,762,048 0 0 3,762,048 3,762,048 0 0 3,762,048 2,621,318 0 0 2,621,318 1,556,840 0 0 1,556,840 4,178,158 0 0 4,178,158 1,037,126 0 0 1,037,126 MTBB Food Technology 80AC Product Development Section Personnel Emoluments Technologie alimentaire Section de Développement des produits Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 456,000 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 130,848 Cost Centre Total 80AD Administration Personnel Emoluments Total de Section de Frais Administration Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total 80AE Laboratory Section Personnel Emoluments 3,175,200 2,010,960 528,000 82,358 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Section de Laboratoire Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 776,160 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 228,000 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 32,966 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 1,037,126 0 0 1,037,126 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 8,977,332 0 0 8,977,332 41 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre MTBC Vanuatu Intellectual Property Development 80AF Intellectual Property Right Personnel Emoluments Programme/Activité/Section de Frais Appropriation Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total Développement Vanuatu de propriété intellectuelle Droit de propriété intellectuelle Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 598,399 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 120,000 Other Goods and Services Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature 2,718,399 0 0 2,718,399 2,281,601 0 0 2,281,601 2,000,000 Autres Biens et Services Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 5,000,000 0 0 5,000,000 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 5,000,000 0 0 5,000,000 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 155,882,482 0 0 155,882,482 7,349,082 0 0 7,349,082 7,349,082 0 0 7,349,082 3,652,281 44,824,000 0 48,476,281 1,334,245 28,067,900 0 29,402,145 MTC Trade Development and Facilitat Développement Commercial et Aide MTCA Industry and Commerce 39AA Industrie et Commerce External Trade Negotiation Division Section du Commerce et de la Commercialisation Personnel Emoluments Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 5,927,040 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 1,184,000 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Cost Centre Total 39AF External Trade Development Division Personnel Emoluments 238,042 Total de Section de Frais Centre de Développement des Entreprises NiVanuatu Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 240,000 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 131,241 Other Goods and Services Capital Expenditure Autres Biens et Services Dépenses d'Investissement Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais Activity Total: Total pour Activité: MTCC External Trade Policy and Administration 39AG External Trade Policy & Administration Division Personnel Emoluments 3,281,040 0 2,600,000 0 2,600,000 4,986,526 75,491,900 0 80,478,426 12,335,608 75,491,900 0 87,827,508 7,993,849 0 0 7,993,849 Politiques et administration Politique et Administration Commerciales Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 5,186,160 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 2,593,522 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement 214,167 3,700,502 0 0 3,700,502 380,000 0 0 380,000 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 12,074,351 0 0 12,074,351 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 12,074,351 0 0 12,074,351 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 24,409,959 75,491,900 0 99,901,859 3,923,853 0 0 3,923,853 MTD Industry Development MTDA Primary Industry 97AA Primary Industry Division Personnel Emoluments Développement d'Industrie Industrie primaire Division des industries primaires Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 3,316,320 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 472,000 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 135,533 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 3,923,853 0 0 3,923,853 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 3,923,853 0 0 3,923,853 42 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre MTDB Provincial Industry 97AB IDO Sanma Personnel Emoluments Traitement du Personnel Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 97AC IDO Shefa Personnel Emoluments Wages and Salaries Allowances Employer Contributions Cost Centre Total 97AD IDO Tafea Personnel Emoluments Traitements et Salaires Indemnités et Allocations Cotisations de l'Employeur 850,000 0 0 850,000 2,472,461 0 0 2,472,461 1,497,421 0 0 1,497,421 1,497,421 0 0 1,497,421 1,497,421 0 0 1,497,421 1,497,421 0 0 1,497,421 1,447,501 0 0 1,447,501 1,447,501 0 0 1,447,501 1,491,099 0 0 1,491,099 49,901 Traitement du Personnel 1,199,520 248,000 49,901 Total de Section de Frais ADI Penama Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Personnel Emoluments 1,622,461 ADI Tafea Cotisations de l'Employeur IDO Malampa 0 1,199,520 248,000 Total de Section de Frais Indemnités et Allocations Cost Centre Total 0 48,941 Traitement du Personnel Allowances Personnel Emoluments 1,622,461 ADI Shefa Employer Contributions IDO Penama Total 374,000 Total de Section de Frais Traitements et Salaires 97AE Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur 1,199,520 Autres Biens et Services Wages and Salaries Cost Centre Total Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature ADI Sanma Traitements et Salaires Cost Centre Total Appropriation Provinciales de l'industrie Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 97AF Programme/Activité/Section de Frais 1,199,520 200,000 47,981 Total de Section de Frais ADI Malampa Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 1,199,520 242,638 48,941 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 1,491,099 0 0 1,491,099 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 8,405,903 0 0 8,405,903 5,652,636 0 0 5,652,636 3,128,334 0 0 3,128,334 MTDE Marketing & Promotion 97AI Policy & Admin Division Personnel Emoluments Commercialisation & Promotion Division Politique et Administration Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 4,021,920 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 1,466,000 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services 164,716 Autres Biens et Services Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 8,780,970 0 0 8,780,970 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 8,780,970 0 0 8,780,970 2,944,922 0 0 2,944,922 MTDF Policy & Administration 97AJ Marketing & Promotion Division Personnel Emoluments Politique & administration Division Marketing et Promotion Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 2,399,040 448,000 97,882 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 2,944,922 0 0 2,944,922 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 2,944,922 0 0 2,944,922 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 24,055,648 0 0 24,055,648 43 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre Programme/Activité/Section de Frais MTF Tourism Development MTFB Tourism Development 40AA Product Development Section Personnel Emoluments Traitement du Personnel Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement Personnel Emoluments 7,227,560 Total de Section de Frais Traitement du Personnel Indemnités et Allocations 1,632,000 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Personnel Emoluments Total de Section de Frais Traitement du Personnel Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 652,000 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 121,421 40AJ Outer Islands Development Personnel Emoluments Total de Section de Frais 212,883 9,924,763 0 0 9,924,763 6,997,857 0 0 6,997,857 466,404 0 0 466,404 7,464,261 0 0 7,464,261 3,736,941 0 0 3,736,941 433,898 75,000,000 0 75,433,898 4,170,839 75,000,000 0 79,170,839 2,189,520 0 0 2,189,520 356,544 0 0 356,544 67,354 0 0 67,354 Développement dans les autres îles Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 40AK 2,484,320 0 2,963,520 Autres Biens et Services Wages and Salaries MTFC Tourism Standards 0 0 Promotion et Facilitation de l'investissement dans le tourisme Traitements et Salaires Cost Centre Total 0 212,883 214,917 Autres Biens et Services Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 2,484,320 Orientation et Administration Allowances Tourism Investment Promotion & Facilitation 7,227,560 72,480 5,150,940 40AC 0 593,000 Traitements et Salaires Cost Centre Total 0 6,562,080 Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services Total Developpement Touristique Employer Contributions Policy & Administration Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Section du Développement des Produits Traitements et Salaires 40AB Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Developpement Touristique Wages and Salaries Cost Centre Total Appropriation 1,764,000 354,000 71,520 2,613,418 0 0 2,613,418 24,173,281 75,000,000 0 99,173,281 3,546,256 0 0 3,546,256 402,939 0 0 402,939 Normes pour le tourisme Tourism Accredition & Classification Homologation et classement du secteur touristique Personnel Emoluments Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 610,000 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 113,856 Other Goods and Services 2,822,400 Autres Biens et Services Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 3,949,195 0 0 3,949,195 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 3,949,195 0 0 3,949,195 1,580,656 0 0 1,580,656 1,755,000 0 0 1,755,000 3,335,656 0 0 3,335,656 MTFD Provincial Tourism Development 40AD Shefa Provincial Tourism Office Personnel Emoluments Développement du tourisme dans les provinces Bureau provincial du tourisme de Shefa Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total 1,058,400 478,000 44,256 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais 44 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre 40AE Programme/Activité/Section de Frais Tafea Provincial Tourism Office Personnel Emoluments Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 768,000 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 102,115 Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement Cost Centre Total 40AF Malampa Provincial Tourism Office Personnel Emoluments Traitement du Personnel Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement Sanma Provincial Tourism Office Personnel Emoluments Total de Section de Frais Traitement du Personnel Indemnités et Allocations 826,831 Cotisations de l'Employeur 103,075 Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement Traitement du Personnel Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Capital Expenditure Torba Provincial Tourism Office Personnel Emoluments 0 0 1,461,252 140,000 0 0 140,000 4,976,247 0 0 4,976,247 2,940,656 0 0 2,940,656 2,186,422 0 0 2,186,422 167,331 0 0 167,331 5,294,409 0 0 5,294,409 3,434,786 0 0 3,434,786 1,250,000 0 0 1,250,000 220,000 0 0 220,000 4,904,786 0 0 4,904,786 1,790,656 0 0 1,790,656 1,401,622 0 0 1,401,622 Bureau provincial du tourisme de Penama Traitements et Salaires Cost Centre Total 1,461,252 2,504,880 Total de Section de Frais Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 3,374,995 Bureau provincial du tourisme de Sanma Employer Contributions Personnel Emoluments 0 44,256 Allowances Penama Provincial Tourism Office 0 938,000 Traitements et Salaires 40AH 3,374,995 1,958,400 Wages and Salaries Cost Centre Total Total Bureau provincial du tourisme de Malampa Traitements et Salaires 40AG Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur 2,504,880 Total de Section de Frais Wages and Salaries Cost Centre Total Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Bureau provincial du tourisme de Tafea Other Goods and Services 40AI Appropriation 1,058,400 688,000 44,256 Autres Biens et Services Dépenses d'Investissement Total de Section de Frais 188,378 0 0 188,378 3,380,656 0 0 3,380,656 1,895,696 0 0 1,895,696 1,288,000 0 0 1,288,000 145,000 0 0 145,000 Bureau provincial du tourisme de Torba Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement 1,058,400 794,000 43,296 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 3,328,696 0 0 3,328,696 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 25,220,450 0 0 25,220,450 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 53,342,926 75,000,000 0 128,342,926 Agency Total: Total pour Agency: 303,842,470 150,491,900 0 454,334,370 45 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre Programme/Activité/Section de Frais Appropriation Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total Ministry of Cooperatives and Ni-Vanuatu Business Development Services Ministère de la Promotion des Entreprises Vanuatuanes et des Cooperatives MVA Portfolio Coordination Coordination du Portefeuille MVAA Portfolio Coordination Coordination du Portefeuille 22AA Cabinet Operations Personnel Emoluments Activités de Cabinet Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services 28,268,423 0 0 28,268,423 7,563,262 0 0 7,563,262 18,322,125 9,205,732 740,566 Autres Biens et Services Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 35,831,685 0 0 35,831,685 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 35,831,685 0 0 35,831,685 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 35,831,685 0 0 35,831,685 10,303,844 0 0 10,303,844 1,913,302 0 0 1,913,302 12,217,146 0 0 12,217,146 7,988,860 0 0 7,988,860 MVB Ni-Vanuatu Business Developme Entreprises Ni-Vanuatu MVBA Cooperatives Development 38AA Développement des Coopératives Cooperative Policy & Administration Section de Sensibilisation aux Affaires Personnel Emoluments Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 8,361,360 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 1,600,375 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total 38AB Education & Training Section Personnel Emoluments 342,109 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Division de l'Enseignement et de la Formation Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 6,279,840 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 1,454,957 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total 38AC Shefa Provincial Coop Office Personnel Emoluments 254,063 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires 3,951,420 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 1,402,331 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Cost Centre Total 38AD Malampa Provincial Coop Office Personnel Emoluments Total de Section de Frais Traitement du Personnel Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 920,144 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 161,835 38AE Tafea Provincial Coop Office Personnel Emoluments Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais 5,516,592 0 0 5,516,592 923,232 0 0 923,232 6,439,824 0 0 6,439,824 5,103,959 0 0 5,103,959 1,556,466 0 0 1,556,466 6,660,425 0 0 6,660,425 5,151,776 0 0 5,151,776 1,577,652 0 0 1,577,652 6,729,428 0 0 6,729,428 Bureau provincial des coopératives de Tafea Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires 3,951,420 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 1,036,558 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Cost Centre Total 10,259,310 4,021,980 Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 2,270,450 0 Bureau provincial des coopératives de Malampa Traitements et Salaires Cost Centre Total 0 0 162,841 Autres Biens et Services Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 0 Politique et Administration Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 2,270,450 10,259,310 163,798 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais 46 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre 38AF Torba Provincial Coop Office Personnel Emoluments Programme/Activité/Section de Frais Appropriation Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires 3,104,700 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 1,299,544 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement 38AG Penama Provincial Coop Office Personnel Emoluments Total de Section de Frais Traitement du Personnel 3,034,140 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 1,056,011 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement Sanma Provincial Coop Office Personnel Emoluments 0 0 4,529,388 1,383,513 0 0 1,383,513 60,000 0 0 60,000 5,972,901 0 0 5,972,901 4,215,343 0 0 4,215,343 1,634,574 0 0 1,634,574 20,741 0 0 20,741 5,870,658 0 0 5,870,658 3,968,542 0 0 3,968,542 2,589,218 0 0 2,589,218 125,192 Total de Section de Frais Bureau provincial des coopératives de Sanma Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 735,827 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 128,015 Other Goods and Services 4,529,388 Bureau provincial des coopératives de Penama Traitements et Salaires 38AH Total 125,144 Wages and Salaries Cost Centre Total Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Bureau provincial des coopératives de Torba Wages and Salaries Cost Centre Total Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature 3,104,700 Autres Biens et Services Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 6,557,760 0 0 6,557,760 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 60,707,452 0 0 60,707,452 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 60,707,452 0 0 60,707,452 Agency Total: Total pour Agency: 96,539,137 0 0 96,539,137 40,746,962 0 0 40,746,962 Ministry of Education Ministère de l’Éducation MEA Cabinet Support Cabinet du Ministère MEAA Cabinet Support Division 51AA Cabinet Support Services Personnel Emoluments Cabinet Ministériel Opérations de Cabinet Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 24,466,935 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 15,280,092 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement 999,935 5,631,348 0 0 5,631,348 339,582 0 0 339,582 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 46,717,892 0 0 46,717,892 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 46,717,892 0 0 46,717,892 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 46,717,892 0 0 46,717,892 8,329,212 0 0 8,329,212 2,006,841 1,400,000,000 0 1,402,006,841 634,112 0 0 634,112 10,970,165 1,400,000,000 0 1,410,970,165 MEB Executive Management and Cor Direction Générale et Services Généraux MEBA Director General's Division 54AA Office of the Director General Personnel Emoluments Bureau du Directeur Général Bureau du Directeur Général Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 985,013 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 288,199 Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement Cost Centre Total 7,056,000 Total de Section de Frais 47 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre 54AB Programme/Activité/Section de Frais Internal Audit Unit Personnel Emoluments Appropriation Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires 5,644,800 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 1,877,324 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 54BA Office of the Director of Administration & Finance Personnel Emoluments Traitement du Personnel Indemnités et Allocations 656,032 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 133,671 54BB Finance Unit Personnel Emoluments Dépenses d'Investissement Total de Section de Frais Traitement du Personnel Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 54BC Human Resource Management & Development Personnel Emoluments Total de Section de Frais Traitement du Personnel Indemnités et Allocations 608,670 Cotisations de l'Employeur 152,410 Personnel Emoluments Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Traitement du Personnel 7,549,920 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 2,859,659 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 54BE Procurement & Assets Unit Personnel Emoluments 0 450,000 9,979,772 0 0 9,979,772 20,949,937 1,400,000,000 0 1,420,949,937 4,035,463 0 0 4,035,463 28,972,553 0 0 28,972,553 2,489,289 0 0 2,489,289 35,497,305 0 0 35,497,305 14,638,084 0 0 14,638,084 853,008 0 0 853,008 15,491,092 0 0 15,491,092 4,571,320 0 0 4,571,320 1,500,000 0 0 1,500,000 6,071,320 0 0 6,071,320 10,728,957 0 0 10,728,957 319,378 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais 355,000 0 0 355,000 11,083,957 0 0 11,083,957 2,597,928 0 0 2,597,928 355,000 0 0 355,000 2,952,928 0 0 2,952,928 71,096,602 0 0 71,096,602 Section TI Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services 0 Section responsable de la gestion des installations et des biens Traitements et Salaires Cost Centre Total 450,000 3,810,240 Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 1,772,256 Section de Coordination de la formation et des bourses Employer Contributions Administration Unit 0 473,575 Autres Biens et Services Allowances 54BD 0 2,522,109 Traitements et Salaires Cost Centre Total 1,772,256 11,642,400 Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 7,757,516 Section des finances Traitements et Salaires Cost Centre Total 0 3,245,760 Autres Biens et Services Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 0 Bureau du directeceur de l'Administration et des Finances Allowances Capital Expenditure 7,757,516 Administration et Finances Traitements et Salaires Cost Centre Total Total 235,392 Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Unité De Vérification interne des comptes Wages and Salaries MEBB Administration & Finance Division Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature 1,940,400 577,032 80,496 Autres Biens et Services Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 48 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre Programme/Activité/Section de Frais MEBC Policy & Planning Division 54BF Office of the Director of Policy and Planning Personnel Emoluments Appropriation Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total Politiques et Planification Bureau du directeceur des politiques et de la planification Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 608,032 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 121,872 3,728,704 0 0 3,728,704 2,998,800 Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services 1,130,000 0 0 1,130,000 Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement 1,805,000 0 0 1,805,000 6,663,704 0 0 6,663,704 7,637,630 0 0 7,637,630 1,480,000 146,092,570 0 147,572,570 Cost Centre Total 54BG Policy and Planning Unit Personnel Emoluments Total de Section de Frais Section des Politiques et de la Planification Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 6,315,120 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 1,066,064 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Capital Expenditure Cost Centre Total 54BH Facilities Unit Personnel Emoluments Dépenses d'Investissement Total de Section de Frais Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 5,292,000 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 1,134,048 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement Cost Centre Total Information and Communication Technology Unit Personnel Emoluments Traitement du Personnel Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 1,598,563 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur VEMIS Unit Personnel Emoluments 0 459,000 0 155,669,200 6,643,488 9,000,000 0 15,643,488 2,049,351 45,000,000 0 47,049,351 185,000 7,800,000 0 7,985,000 8,877,839 61,800,000 0 70,677,839 8,316,991 0 0 8,316,991 2,050,312 0 0 2,050,312 Section de l'Informatique et des Communications 6,456,240 Capital Expenditure 54BJ Total de Section de Frais Traitements et Salaires Cost Centre Total 0 146,092,570 217,440 Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 459,000 9,576,630 Section des Établissements Other Goods and Services 54BI 256,446 Autres Biens et Services 262,188 Autres Biens et Services Dépenses d'Investissement Total de Section de Frais 9,500,000 0 0 9,500,000 19,867,303 0 0 19,867,303 10,236,466 0 0 10,236,466 2,240,000 0 0 2,240,000 Système de gestion d'informations sur l'Éducation de Vanuatu Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 8,326,080 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 1,569,563 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement 340,823 210,000 0 0 210,000 0 0 12,686,466 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 12,686,466 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 57,671,942 207,892,570 0 265,564,512 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 149,718,481 1,607,892,570 0 1,757,611,051 49 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre Programme/Activité/Section de Frais Appropriation MEC School Education Education Scolaire MECA School Administration Division Administration des services de soutien aux écoles 54CA Office of the Director of School Administration Personnel Emoluments Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total Section du Curriculum et de l'évaluation Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 656,032 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 163,310 4,806,102 0 0 4,806,102 3,986,760 Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services 1,130,000 0 0 1,130,000 Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement 1,805,000 0 0 1,805,000 7,741,102 0 0 7,741,102 11,249,466 0 0 11,249,466 2,408,887 0 0 2,408,887 350,000 0 0 350,000 Cost Centre Total 54CB Primary Education Unit Personnel Emoluments Total de Section de Frais Section de l'Enseignement de base Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 9,278,640 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 1,590,080 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 380,746 Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Subsidies & Transfers Subventions et Transferts de Fonds Capital Expenditure Cost Centre Total 54CC Secondary Education Unit Personnel Emoluments Wages and Salaries Allowances Employer Contributions Dépenses d'Investissement Total de Section de Frais Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires Indemnités et Allocations Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement Early Childhood Education Unit Personnel Emoluments Traitement du Personnel Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 54CE Torba Provincial Education Office Personnel Emoluments Total de Section de Frais Traitement du Personnel Indemnités et Allocations 570,016 Cotisations de l'Employeur 198,701 Personnel Emoluments Subventions et Transferts de Fonds Total de Section de Frais 0 0 1,865,000 550,000 0 0 550,000 6,607,154 0 0 6,607,154 1,842,664 0 0 1,842,664 355,000 0 0 355,000 2,197,664 0 0 2,197,664 5,496,237 0 0 5,496,237 4,000,000 0 0 4,000,000 9,496,237 0 0 9,496,237 7,260,727 0 0 7,260,727 4,000,000 0 0 4,000,000 11,260,727 0 0 11,260,727 Bureau de l'Éducation - Province de Sanma Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires 5,785,920 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 1,231,651 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Cost Centre Total 1,865,000 4,727,520 Wages and Salaries Subsidies & Transfers 4,192,154 Bureau de l'Éducation - Province de Torba Employer Contributions Sanma Provincial Education Office 0 56,448 Autres Biens et Services Allowances 54CF 0 375,016 Traitements et Salaires Cost Centre Total 4,192,154 1,411,200 Wages and Salaries Subsidies & Transfers 14,189,347 Section des Inspections Traitements et Salaires Cost Centre Total 180,994 0 135,082 Total de Section de Frais Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 0 0 3,281,040 776,032 Cotisations de l'Employeur Autres Biens et Services 54CD 0 Section de l'Enseignement secondaire, technique & professionnel Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total 180,994 14,189,347 243,156 Subventions et Transferts de Fonds Total de Section de Frais 50 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre 54CG Programme/Activité/Section de Frais Appropriation Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 5,785,920 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 1,444,096 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Subsidies & Transfers Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires 5,785,920 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 1,104,273 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Subsidies & Transfers Cost Centre Total Shefa Provincial Education Office Personnel Emoluments Total de Section de Frais Traitement du Personnel 7,197,120 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 1,361,707 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Subsidies & Transfers Cost Centre Total Tafea Provincial Education Office Personnel Emoluments 7,472,013 4,000,000 0 0 4,000,000 11,472,013 0 0 11,472,013 7,129,509 0 0 7,129,509 4,000,000 0 0 4,000,000 11,129,509 0 0 11,129,509 8,856,432 0 0 8,856,432 4,000,000 0 0 4,000,000 12,856,432 0 0 12,856,432 7,957,902 0 0 7,957,902 4,000,000 0 0 4,000,000 11,957,902 0 0 11,957,902 7,886,514 0 0 7,886,514 7,886,514 0 0 7,886,514 10,436,486 0 0 10,436,486 44,336,000 654,832,484 0 699,168,484 100,000 0 0 100,000 54,872,486 654,832,484 0 709,704,970 2,064,496 0 0 2,064,496 297,605 Subventions et Transferts de Fonds Total de Section de Frais Bureau de l'Éducation - Province de Taféa Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 825,037 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 286,457 Subsidies & Transfers Cost Centre Total Government Assisted Education Authority Unit Personnel Emoluments 6,846,408 Subventions et Transferts de Fonds Total de Section de Frais Directeurs des établissements scolaires bénéficiant de subventions de l'État Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 5,150,880 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 2,460,000 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Cost Centre Total 275,634 Total de Section de Frais Training & Scholarship Coordination Unité d'examen et d'évaluation Unit Personnel Emoluments Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 7,338,240 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 2,791,077 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement Cost Centre Total 54CM 0 Bureau de l'Éducation - Province de Shéfa Traitements et Salaires 54CL 0 239,316 Subventions et Transferts de Fonds Wages and Salaries 54CK 7,472,013 241,997 Subventions et Transferts de Fonds Wages and Salaries 54CJ Total Malampa Provincial Education Office Bureau de l'Éducation - Province de Malampa Personnel Emoluments 54CI Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Penama Provincial Education Office Bureau de l'Éducation - Province de Pénama Personnel Emoluments 54CH Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Technical & Higher Education Unit Personnel Emoluments 307,169 Total de Section de Frais Bureau du Directeur des services éducatifs Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 1,764,000 228,016 72,480 Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services 110,000 0 0 110,000 Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement 390,000 0 0 390,000 2,564,496 0 0 2,564,496 164,231,583 654,832,484 0 819,064,067 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 51 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre MECB Secondary Schools Division 54DA Torba Secondary Schools Personnel Emoluments Traitement du Personnel Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Sanma Secondary Schools Personnel Emoluments Indemnités et Allocations Cotisations de l'Employeur Personnel Emoluments Total de Section de Frais Traitement du Personnel Indemnités et Allocations 2,652,000 Cotisations de l'Employeur 1,792,166 Total de Section de Frais Traitement du Personnel Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 8,520,960 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 4,579,453 Shefa Secondary Schools Personnel Emoluments Wages and Salaries Total de Section de Frais Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires Indemnités et Allocations 24,303,840 10,637,177 Personnel Emoluments Total de Section de Frais Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 7,745,760 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 3,342,453 54DG Catholic Secondary Schools Personnel Emoluments Wages and Salaries Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires Indemnités et Allocations Cotisations de l'Employeur Protestant Secondary Schools Personnel Emoluments 46,956,566 0 0 46,956,566 46,956,566 0 0 46,956,566 121,586,413 0 0 121,586,413 121,586,413 0 0 121,586,413 290,967,977 0 0 290,967,977 290,967,977 0 0 290,967,977 88,704,213 0 0 88,704,213 88,704,213 0 0 88,704,213 171,325,213 0 0 171,325,213 171,325,213 0 0 171,325,213 26,757,192 0 0 26,757,192 26,757,192 0 0 26,757,192 3,455,289 0 0 3,455,289 3,455,289 0 0 3,455,289 Écoles secondaires protestantes Traitement du Personnel Indemnités et Allocations 2,386,560 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 1,015,272 23,355,360 Total de Section de Frais Écoles secondaires apostoliques Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 760,800 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 119,049 Cost Centre Total 161,326,124 6,354,013 Total de Section de Frais Allowances Personnel Emoluments 0 15,525,120 Traitements et Salaires Apostolic Secondary Schools 0 149,446,080 Wages and Salaries Cost Centre Total 161,326,124 Écoles secondaires catholiques Employer Contributions 54DH 161,326,124 77,616,000 Total de Section de Frais Allowances Cost Centre Total 0 Écoles secondaires de Taféa Wages and Salaries Cost Centre Total 0 256,026,960 Cotisations de l'Employeur Tafea Secondary School 161,326,124 Écoles secondaires de Shéfa Allowances 54DF 12,485,815 108,486,000 Employer Contributions Cost Centre Total 0 Écoles secondaires de Malampa Traitements et Salaires 54DE 0 42,512,400 Wages and Salaries Cost Centre Total 12,485,815 Écoles secondaires de Pénama Employer Contributions Personnel Emoluments 12,485,815 12,416,640 5,990,204 Allowances Malampa Secondary Schools 0 142,919,280 Traitements et Salaires 54DD 0 466,375 Wages and Salaries Cost Centre Total 12,485,815 1,541,280 Traitement du Personnel Allowances Employer Contributions Penama Secondary Schools Total Écoles secondaires de Sanma Traitements et Salaires 54DC Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur 10,478,160 Total de Section de Frais Wages and Salaries Cost Centre Total Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Écoles secondaires de Torba Traitements et Salaires 54DB Appropriation Écoles Secondaires Wages and Salaries Cost Centre Total 54DI Programme/Activité/Section de Frais 2,575,440 Total de Section de Frais 52 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre 54DJ Programme/Activité/Section de Frais SDA Secondary Schools Personnel Emoluments Appropriation Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 3,752,160 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 1,643,820 54DK Church of Malanesia Secondary Schools Personnel Emoluments Total de Section de Frais Traitement du Personnel Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 1,886,360 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 1,253,800 Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Cost Centre Total Prebyterian Secondary Schools Personnel Emoluments 0 43,639,500 32,598,960 0 0 32,598,960 32,598,960 0 0 32,598,960 24,476,021 0 0 24,476,021 24,476,021 0 0 24,476,021 37,018,668 0 0 37,018,668 37,018,668 0 0 37,018,668 92,560,000 0 0 92,560,000 92,560,000 0 0 92,560,000 2,018,387 0 0 2,018,387 Écoles secondaires presbytériennes Traitement du Personnel Indemnités et Allocations 1,726,080 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 1,423,788 Cost Centre Total Secondary Schools Grant Subsidies & Transfers Cost Centre Total Secondary Teachers Incidentals Other Goods and Services Subvention aux écoles secondaires Subventions et Transferts de Fonds Total de Section de Frais Frais accessoires des professeurs du secondaire Autres Biens et Services Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais Total pour Activité: MECC Primary Schools Division Torba Primary Schools Personnel Emoluments 33,868,800 Total de Section de Frais Activity Total: Traitement du Personnel Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 6,441,765 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 2,397,884 Sanma Primary Schools Personnel Emoluments Wages and Salaries Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires Indemnités et Allocations Cotisations de l'Employeur Personnel Emoluments Wages and Salaries 1,155,876,338 63,065,009 0 0 63,065,009 63,065,009 0 0 63,065,009 209,157,116 0 0 209,157,116 209,157,116 0 0 209,157,116 154,856,793 0 0 154,856,793 154,856,793 0 0 154,856,793 174,142,080 27,385,920 7,629,116 Total de Section de Frais Écoles primaires de Pénama Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Cost Centre Total 2,018,387 0 Écoles primaires de Sanma Employer Contributions Penama Primary Schools 0 0 54,225,360 Total de Section de Frais Allowances Cost Centre Total 0 Écoles Primaires Traitements et Salaires Cost Centre Total 2,018,387 1,155,876,338 Écoles primaires de Torba Wages and Salaries 54EC 0 941,381 Total de Section de Frais Allowances 54EB 43,639,500 1,766,880 Traitements et Salaires 54EA 43,639,500 21,767,760 Wages and Salaries 54DO 0 29,458,800 Total de Section de Frais Wages and Salaries 54DN 0 Church of Christ Secondary Schools Écoles secondaires de l'Église du Christ Personnel Emoluments 54DM 43,639,500 Écoles secondaires de l'Église de la Mélanésie Traitements et Salaires 54DL Total 38,243,520 Wages and Salaries Cost Centre Total Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Écoles secondaires adventistes Wages and Salaries Cost Centre Total Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature 127,466,640 21,697,200 5,692,953 Total de Section de Frais 53 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre 54ED Programme/Activité/Section de Frais Malampa Primary Schools Personnel Emoluments Wages and Salaries Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 54EE Shefa Primary Schools Personnel Emoluments Wages and Salaries Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires 53,374,800 Total de Section de Frais Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 54EG Catholic Primary Schools Personnel Emoluments Wages and Salaries Wages and Salaries Allowances Employer Contributions Cost Centre Total 54EI Apostolic Primary Schools Personnel Emoluments Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires Indemnités et Allocations Cotisations de l'Employeur Traitement du Personnel 123,792 Traitement du Personnel Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 54EL Provincial Education Office Maintenance Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total 54EM Pre Schools Grant Subsidies & Transfers Cost Centre Total 54EN Primary Schools Grant Subsidies & Transfers Cost Centre Total 192,868,256 0 0 192,868,256 192,868,256 0 0 192,868,256 266,991,650 0 0 266,991,650 266,991,650 0 0 266,991,650 43,263,842 0 0 43,263,842 43,263,842 0 0 43,263,842 3,758,592 0 0 3,758,592 3,758,592 0 0 3,758,592 27,697,326 0 0 27,697,326 27,697,326 0 0 27,697,326 739,111 0 0 739,111 739,111 0 0 739,111 3,000,000 0 0 3,000,000 3,000,000 0 0 3,000,000 4,000,000 0 0 4,000,000 4,000,000 0 0 4,000,000 205,312,534 0 0 205,312,534 205,312,534 0 0 205,312,534 Écoles primaires adventistes Traitements et Salaires Other Goods and Services 360,928,879 2,751,840 Total de Section de Frais Wages and Salaries Cost Centre Total 0 Écoles primaires apostoliques 882,960 Schools Solar Panel Maintenance 0 1,587,842 Total de Section de Frais Cotisations de l'Employeur 54EK 360,928,879 34,609,680 7,066,320 Indemnités et Allocations Cost Centre Total 360,928,879 Écoles primaires protestantes Employer Contributions Personnel Emoluments 0 9,631,970 Total de Section de Frais Allowances SDA Primary Schools 0 35,377,920 Traitements et Salaires 54EJ 360,928,879 221,981,760 Wages and Salaries Cost Centre Total 178,072,908 7,085,696 Traitements et Salaires Indemnités et Allocations Personnel Emoluments 0 24,941,040 Traitement du Personnel Cotisations de l'Employeur Protestant Primary Schools 0 Écoles primaires catholiques Employer Contributions 54EH 178,072,908 160,841,520 Total de Section de Frais Allowances Cost Centre Total 178,072,908 Écoles primaires de Taféa Allowances Cost Centre Total 0 294,876,840 12,677,239 Wages and Salaries 0 Écoles primaires de Shéfa Indemnités et Allocations Personnel Emoluments 178,072,908 6,619,780 Total de Section de Frais Cotisations de l'Employeur Tafea Primary Schools Total 23,559,368 Allowances 54EF Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur 147,893,760 Employer Contributions Cost Centre Total Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Écoles primaires de Malampa Allowances Cost Centre Total Appropriation 21,732,480 4,982,640 982,206 Total de Section de Frais Entretien des panneaux solaires des écoles Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Entretien du bureau provincial de l'éducation Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Papéterie - Écoles primaires Subventions et Transferts de Fonds Total de Section de Frais Subvention au système préscolaire, primaire et NTM Subventions et Transferts de Fonds Total de Section de Frais 54 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre 54EO Programme/Activité/Section de Frais Primary Teachers Incidentials Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total 54EP Church of Melanesia Primary Schools Personnel Emoluments Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Traitement du Personnel Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Presbyterian Primary Schools Personnel Emoluments Traitement du Personnel Indemnités et Allocations 978,960 Cotisations de l'Employeur 193,958 Traitement du Personnel Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais Activity Total: Total pour Activité: Vanuatu Institute of Technology Personnel Emoluments Traitement du Personnel 9,120,000 Cotisations de l'Employeur 3,110,588 Subventions et Transferts de Fonds Total de Section de Frais Traitement du Personnel Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 4,728,000 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 2,207,222 54FC In Service Unit Personnel Emoluments Total de Section de Frais Traitement du Personnel Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Vanuatu Government Scholarship Fund Personnel Emoluments Allowances Other Goods and Services 5,582,918 0 0 5,582,918 5,582,918 0 0 5,582,918 2,137,862 0 0 2,137,862 2,137,862 0 0 2,137,862 1,730,987,504 0 0 1,730,987,504 88,435,388 0 0 88,435,388 10,000,000 0 0 10,000,000 98,435,388 0 0 98,435,388 60,807,782 0 0 60,807,782 19,520,769 0 0 19,520,769 80,328,551 0 0 80,328,551 17,050,692 0 0 17,050,692 17,050,692 0 0 17,050,692 1,075,484 0 0 1,075,484 268,549,522 0 0 268,549,522 Programme de mise en oeuvre du DAEU à l'UPS Traitements et Salaires 54FD 2,054,708 53,872,560 Subventions et Transferts de Fonds Wages and Salaries Cost Centre Total 0 Institut de formation des enseignants de Vanuatu Traitements et Salaires Cost Centre Total 0 76,204,800 Wages and Salaries Subsidies & Transfers 2,054,708 Institut de technologie de Vanuatu Indemnités et Allocations Personnel Emoluments 2,054,708 Écoles post secondaires Employer Contributions Vanuatu Institute of Teacher Education 0 75,302 Allowances 54FB 0 228,000 Traitements et Salaires Cost Centre Total 2,054,708 1,834,560 Wages and Salaries Subsidies & Transfers 7,500,000 Fonds des conseillers pédagogiques de zone Traitements et Salaires 54FA 7,500,000 0 4,410,000 Total de Section de Frais Wages and Salaries MECD Technical & Higher Education Division 0 0 Initiative de la politique de gratuité Employer Contributions Personnel Emoluments 0 7,500,000 79,028 Total de Section de Frais Allowances Neil Thomas Ministry Primary Schools 7,500,000 493,920 Traitements et Salaires 54ER Total 1,481,760 Wages and Salaries Cost Centre Total Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Ecoles primaires Church of Melanesia Traitements et Salaires 54EQ Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Frais accessoires des professeurs d'écoles Wages and Salaries Cost Centre Total Appropriation 11,007,360 5,436,000 607,332 Total de Section de Frais Fonds pour la formation et les bourses Traitement du Personnel Indemnités et Allocations 1,075,484 Autres Biens et Services Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 269,625,006 0 0 269,625,006 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 465,439,637 0 0 465,439,637 55 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre Programme/Activité/Section de Frais Appropriation Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total MECE School Support Services Division Contributions De Gouvernement 54GA Office of the Director of School Support Services Administration - éducation de base Personnel Emoluments Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 328,016 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 133,164 3,742,280 0 0 3,742,280 3,281,100 Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services 1,130,000 0 0 1,130,000 Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement 1,805,000 0 0 1,805,000 6,677,280 0 0 6,677,280 15,467,544 0 0 15,467,544 8,352,613 0 0 8,352,613 Cost Centre Total 54GB Total de Section de Frais Examination & Assessment Unit Bureau provincial de Torba Personnel Emoluments Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services 54GC Dépenses d'Investissement Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement 0 600,000 0 0 24,420,157 23,194,741 0 0 23,194,741 3,711,875 774,974 9,036,218 0 0 9,036,218 350,000 0 0 350,000 32,580,959 0 0 32,580,959 14,975,667 0 0 14,975,667 1,845,000 0 0 1,845,000 16,820,667 0 0 16,820,667 70,478,122 0 0 70,478,122 3,650,000 0 0 3,650,000 Bureau provincial de Malampa Personnel Emoluments Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services 54GE 0 18,707,892 Total de Section de Frais School Based Management Unit Cost Centre Total 600,000 24,420,157 Bureau provincial de Penama Personnel Emoluments 54GD 541,572 Total de Section de Frais Curriculum Development Unit Cost Centre Total 1,660,632 Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Cost Centre Total 13,265,340 12,806,640 1,642,361 526,666 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Zone Curriculum Advisors Bureau provincial de Sanma Personnel Emoluments Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 47,698,560 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 20,214,240 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Subsidies & Transfers 2,565,322 Subventions et Transferts de Fonds Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais Activity Total: Total pour Activité: Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 74,128,122 0 0 74,128,122 154,627,185 0 0 154,627,185 3,671,162,247 654,832,484 0 4,325,994,731 6,931,323 0 0 6,931,323 100,741,279 0 0 100,741,279 MED Teaching Services Commission & MEDA Teaching Service Commission 55AA Teaching Service Commission Personnel Emoluments Commission du Corps enseignant Commission du Corps Enseignant Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 4,793,160 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 1,936,518 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services 201,645 Autres Biens et Services Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 107,672,602 0 0 107,672,602 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 107,672,602 0 0 107,672,602 56 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre Programme/Activité/Section de Frais MEDB Other Education Commissions & Councils 55AB National Qualification & Accreditation Council Personnel Emoluments Traitement du Personnel Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Capital Expenditure 55AC Vanuatu National Commission for UNESCO Personnel Emoluments 0 1,697,584 310,000 0 0 310,000 190,000 0 0 190,000 2,197,584 0 0 2,197,584 1,697,584 0 0 1,697,584 310,000 0 0 310,000 Commission nationale du Vanuatu pour l'UNESCO Traitement du Personnel Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Cotisations de l'Employeur 55AD 0 58,368 Dépenses d'Investissement Employer Contributions Capital Expenditure 1,697,584 228,016 Total de Section de Frais Traitements et Salaires Cost Centre Total Total 1,411,200 Autres Biens et Services Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Conseil national des examens et de l'homologation Traitements et Salaires Cost Centre Total Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Commissions et Conseils pédagogiques Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services Appropriation 1,411,200 228,016 58,368 Autres Biens et Services Dépenses d'Investissement Total de Section de Frais 190,000 0 0 190,000 2,197,584 0 0 2,197,584 4,661,141 0 0 4,661,141 National Education Advisory Council Conseil consultatif pour l'Education nationale Personnel Emoluments Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 3,986,640 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 510,997 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 163,504 Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services 310,000 0 0 310,000 Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement 190,000 0 0 190,000 5,161,141 0 0 5,161,141 1,697,664 0 0 1,697,664 Cost Centre Total 55AE National Education Commission Personnel Emoluments Total de Section de Frais Commission de l'Education nationale Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 1,411,200 230,016 56,448 Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services 310,000 0 0 310,000 Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement 190,000 0 0 190,000 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais Activity Total: Total pour Activité: Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 2,197,664 0 0 2,197,664 11,753,973 0 0 11,753,973 119,426,575 0 0 119,426,575 4,727,945 0 0 4,727,945 2,426,434 0 0 2,426,434 300,000 0 0 300,000 7,454,379 0 0 7,454,379 MYB Youth Development, Sport & Re Développement et Formation des Jeunes, Sports et Loisirs MYBA Executive Management & Support Services 58AA Support Services Unit Personnel Emoluments Direction Général et service d'encadrement Bureau du Directeur général Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 981,002 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 148,383 Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement Cost Centre Total 3,598,560 Total de Section de Frais 57 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre 58BA Programme/Activité/Section de Frais Appropriation Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total Office of Youth Development, Sport Bureau de la Jeunesse et des Sports & Loisirs & Training Personnel Emoluments Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services 14,894,757 0 0 14,894,757 1,172,137 0 0 1,172,137 12,206,880 2,190,000 497,877 Autres Biens et Services Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 16,066,894 0 0 16,066,894 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 23,521,273 0 0 23,521,273 10,000,000 0 0 10,000,000 10,000,000 0 0 10,000,000 1,000,000 0 0 1,000,000 41,401,645 MYBB Contribution to Sport & Youth Development 58BB National Sport Gymnasium Subsidies & Transfers Cost Centre Total 58BC Contribution to Youth & Sport Development Other Goods and Services Subsidies & Transfers Contribution aux sports et au developpement des jeunes Gymnase national Subventions et Transferts de Fonds Total de Section de Frais Contributions aux organisations sportives et de jeunes Autres Biens et Services 41,401,645 0 0 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais Subventions et Transferts de Fonds 42,401,645 0 0 42,401,645 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 52,401,645 0 0 52,401,645 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 75,922,918 0 0 75,922,918 3,915,284 0 0 3,915,284 1,148,200 0 0 1,148,200 5,063,484 0 0 5,063,484 20,000,000 0 0 20,000,000 20,000,000 0 0 20,000,000 1,000,000 0 0 1,000,000 2,450,000 0 0 2,450,000 MYC TVET & Employment Opportuni Formation et orientation Professionnelle MYCA TVET & Employment Opportunities 58CA Office of Technical, Vocational Education and Training & Employment Opportunities Personnel Emoluments Formation et orientation Professionnelle Bureau du TVET et des perspectives d'emploi Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 756,000 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 125,204 Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total 58CB Vanuatu National Training Council Subsidies & Transfers Cost Centre Total 58CC Non & Informal Education Development Personnel Emoluments Allowances Other Goods and Services Subsidies & Transfers 3,034,080 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Conseil National de Formation de Vanuatu Subventions et Transferts de Fonds Total de Section de Frais Développement de l'enseignement non conventionnel et informel Traitement du Personnel Indemnités et Allocations 1,000,000 Autres Biens et Services Subventions et Transferts de Fonds 400,000 0 0 400,000 3,850,000 0 0 3,850,000 Total pour Activité: 28,913,484 0 0 28,913,484 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 28,913,484 0 0 28,913,484 Agency Total: Total pour Agency: 4,091,861,597 2,262,725,054 0 6,354,586,651 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais Activity Total: 58 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre Programme/Activité/Section de Frais Appropriation Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Ministry of Finance and Economic Management Ministère des Finances et de la Gestion Économique MFA Cabinet Support Cabinet du Ministère MFAA Portfolio Management 3401 Cabinet Operations Personnel Emoluments Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total Gestion du Portefeuille Opérations de Cabinet Traitement du Personnel 36,319,173 Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 22,466,935 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 12,939,159 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement 0 0 36,319,173 913,079 6,538,980 0 0 6,538,980 488,040 0 0 488,040 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 43,346,193 0 0 43,346,193 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 43,346,193 0 0 43,346,193 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 43,346,193 0 0 43,346,193 2,817,595 0 0 2,817,595 MFB Executive Management and Cor Direction Générale et Services Généraux MFBA Ministry Executive & Internal Audit 1601 Director - NSO Personnel Emoluments Directeur - BNS Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 210,000 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 102,715 Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total 3301 Direction du Ministère et Vérification Interne Office of the Director General Personnel Emoluments Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 2,892,960 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 3,647,840 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement Cost Centre Total Internal Audit Section Personnel Emoluments 3501 Traitement du Personnel Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 2,635,160 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Director - DOF Total de Section de Frais Traitement du Personnel 2,822,400 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 1,068,000 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Director - Customs Personnel Emoluments 6,658,432 0 0 6,658,432 12,467,408 0 0 12,467,408 350,000 0 0 350,000 19,475,840 0 0 19,475,840 10,928,214 0 0 10,928,214 711,094 0 0 711,094 11,639,308 0 0 11,639,308 4,017,216 0 0 4,017,216 324,772 0 0 324,772 4,341,988 0 0 4,341,988 8,532,856 0 0 8,532,856 8,532,856 0 0 8,532,856 126,816 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Directeur - Douane Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 600,096 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 312,280 Cost Centre Total 3,200,455 Directeur - SdF Traitements et Salaires Cost Centre Total 382,860 0 355,054 Autres Biens et Services Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 0 0 Section de vérification interne 7,938,000 Personnel Emoluments 3601 Total de Section de Frais Traitements et Salaires Cost Centre Total 0 117,632 Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 382,860 3,200,455 Bureau du Directeur général Other Goods and Services 3306 2,504,880 7,620,480 Total de Section de Frais 59 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre Programme/Activité/Section de Frais Activity Total: MFBB Corporate Services 1603 NSO Office Admin Personnel Emoluments Allowances Total pour Activité: Traitement du Personnel Indemnités et Allocations Autres Biens et Services Dépenses d'Investissement Ministry Executive Personnel Emoluments Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total 47,190,447 0 0 47,190,447 1,700,000 0 0 1,700,000 Services Organisationnels Capital Expenditure 3302 Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Administration de Bureau BNS Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total Appropriation 1,700,000 Total de Section de Frais 7,706,251 0 0 7,706,251 533,333 0 0 533,333 9,939,584 0 0 9,939,584 13,479,817 0 0 13,479,817 Direction ministérielle Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 11,219,040 1,800,534 460,243 Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services 9,603,123 0 0 9,603,123 Subsidies & Transfers Subventions et Transferts de Fonds 2,000,000 0 0 2,000,000 Capital Expenditure Cost Centre Total 3511 DOF Corporate Services Section Personnel Emoluments Dépenses d'Investissement Total de Section de Frais Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires 8,116,940 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 3,635,900 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement 3612 Customs Corporate Services Personnel Emoluments Total de Section de Frais Traitement du Personnel 5,692,393 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 2,936,102 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Dépenses d'Investissement Total de Section de Frais Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 3509 FMIS Section Personnel Emoluments Traitement du Personnel Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Capital Expenditure 0 0 12,105,697 36,531,111 0 0 36,531,111 2,000,000 0 0 2,000,000 50,636,808 0 0 50,636,808 8,861,932 0 0 8,861,932 26,866,969 0 0 26,866,969 490,149 0 0 490,149 36,219,050 0 0 36,219,050 122,628,382 0 0 122,628,382 15,429,314 0 0 15,429,314 21,058,750 0 0 21,058,750 10,245,000 0 0 10,245,000 4,600,000 0 0 4,600,000 51,333,064 0 0 51,333,064 Services Informatiques Traitements et Salaires Cost Centre Total 12,105,697 Section du SIG Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 25,832,940 233,437 Autres Biens et Services Cost Centre Total MFBC Information Services 750,000 0 Services Généraux de la Douane Traitements et Salaires Capital Expenditure 0 0 352,857 Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 0 Division des Services organisationnels du SF Wages and Salaries Cost Centre Total 750,000 25,832,940 16,193,520 4,158,740 706,490 Autres Biens et Services Dépenses d'Investissement Total de Section de Frais 60 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre 3610 Programme/Activité/Section de Frais Customs Information Services Personnel Emoluments Appropriation Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total Services d'Information de la Douane Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement 13,159,513 0 0 13,159,513 21,777,976 0 0 21,777,976 3,387,329 0 0 3,387,329 10,174,480 2,571,094 413,939 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 38,324,818 0 0 38,324,818 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 89,657,882 0 0 89,657,882 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 259,476,711 0 0 259,476,711 14,207,395 0 0 14,207,395 8,619,489 0 0 8,619,489 MFC Financial And Economic Manage Gestion Financière et Économique MFCA Economic Policy Development 3522 Economic Policy Section Personnel Emoluments Développement de la Politique Économique Division de la politique économique Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services 10,055,040 3,718,499 433,856 Autres Biens et Services Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 22,826,884 0 0 22,826,884 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 22,826,884 0 0 22,826,884 50,000 0 0 50,000 1,146,000 0 0 1,146,000 1,196,000 0 0 1,196,000 6,413,262 0 0 6,413,262 1,292,359 0 0 1,292,359 MFCC Government Financial Services 3303 Government Business Enterprise Unit Personnel Emoluments Allowances Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total 3304 Tender Board Personnel Emoluments Traitement du Personnel Indemnités et Allocations Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Office d'adjudication Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires 4,374,720 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 1,861,640 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Capital Expenditure Cost Centre Total Budget Section Personnel Emoluments Dépenses d'Investissement Total de Section de Frais Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement Revenue Section Personnel Emoluments 300,000 0 8,005,621 23,708,931 0 0 23,708,931 20,152,506 0 0 20,152,506 800,000 0 0 800,000 44,661,437 0 0 44,661,437 13,405,247 0 0 13,405,247 4,278,306 0 0 4,278,306 150,000 0 0 150,000 17,833,553 0 0 17,833,553 5,289,260 779,191 Traitement du Personnel Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Capital Expenditure 0 0 Division de la Perception Traitements et Salaires Cost Centre Total 0 17,640,480 Total de Section de Frais Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 300,000 8,005,621 Section du Budget Wages and Salaries Cost Centre Total 176,902 Autres Biens et Services Other Goods and Services 3503 50,000 Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 3502 Services Financiers Publics Section des Entreprises d'Etat 11,007,360 1,950,374 447,513 Autres Biens et Services Dépenses d'Investissement Total de Section de Frais 61 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre 3504 Payroll Section Personnel Emoluments Programme/Activité/Section de Frais Appropriation Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total Division des Salaires Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 18,960,250 0 0 18,960,250 14,365,040 4,000,769 594,441 Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services 8,811,320 0 0 8,811,320 Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement 2,100,000 0 0 2,100,000 29,871,570 0 0 29,871,570 17,670,809 0 0 17,670,809 Cost Centre Total 3505 Payments Section Personnel Emoluments Total de Section de Frais Division des Paiements Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 12,930,240 4,184,000 556,569 Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services 4,941,043 0 0 4,941,043 Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement 1,350,000 0 0 1,350,000 23,961,852 0 0 23,961,852 9,370,893 0 0 9,370,893 1,108,583 0 0 1,108,583 Cost Centre Total 3506 Procurement and Asset Management Section Personnel Emoluments Division de l'approvisionnement et de la gestion des actifs Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 6,809,280 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 2,258,095 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Capital Expenditure Cost Centre Total 3507 Total de Section de Frais Financial Accounting Section Personnel Emoluments Dépenses d'Investissement Total de Section de Frais Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement 3515 Legal Unit Personnel Emoluments Traitement du Personnel Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 1,956,000 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement Cost Centre Total 3520 Treasury Divison Personnel Emoluments 11,379,476 14,374,102 0 0 14,374,102 3,440,931 337,376,150 0 340,817,081 300,000 0 0 300,000 18,115,033 337,376,150 0 355,491,183 5,554,630 0 0 5,554,630 1,775,631 0 0 1,775,631 460,000 0 0 460,000 7,790,261 0 0 7,790,261 125,000,000 0 0 125,000,000 125,000,000 0 0 125,000,000 5,010,829 0 0 5,010,829 Section Juridique 3,445,760 Other Goods and Services 900,000 0 461,542 Traitements et Salaires Land Compensation payment 0 0 3,258,000 Total de Section de Frais Other Goods and Services 3516 0 10,654,560 Wages and Salaries Cost Centre Total 900,000 11,379,476 Division de la comptabilité financière Wages and Salaries Cost Centre Total 303,518 Autres Biens et Services 152,870 Total de Section de Frais Paiement de compensation de terre Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Trésor Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 2,654,880 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 2,247,840 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 108,109 Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services 9,908,842 0 0 9,908,842 Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement 1,070,000 0 0 1,070,000 15,989,671 0 0 15,989,671 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 62 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre 3521 Programme/Activité/Section de Frais Aid Coordination Section Personnel Emoluments 3,228,240 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 1,907,840 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Total de Section de Frais Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 728,760 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 107,746 Cost Centre Total Government Business Monitoring and Evaluation Section Personnel Emoluments Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Traitement du Personnel 5,159,760 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 1,993,538 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Accounting Group (Financial Controller) Personnel Emoluments 0 5,287,123 2,714,182 0 0 2,714,182 8,001,305 0 0 8,001,305 3,341,386 0 0 3,341,386 4,597,176 0 0 4,597,176 7,938,562 0 0 7,938,562 7,385,430 0 0 7,385,430 232,132 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 970,000 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 100,173 Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement Cost Centre Total Line Agency Accounting Section Personnel Emoluments Traitement du Personnel Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement Personnel Emoluments Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Cotisations de l'Employeur Personnel Emoluments 0 3,504,493 1,020,722 0 0 1,020,722 300,000 0 0 300,000 4,825,215 0 0 4,825,215 2,414,480 0 0 2,414,480 1,150,000 0 0 1,150,000 207,089 0 0 207,089 3,771,569 0 0 3,771,569 3,062,810 0 0 3,062,810 221,965 0 0 221,965 3,284,775 0 0 3,284,775 2,810,810 0 0 2,810,810 173,965 0 0 173,965 2,984,775 0 0 2,984,775 2,046,240 918,000 98,570 Total de Section de Frais Service des Finances, Province de Torba Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Cost Centre Total 0 72,480 Autres Biens et Services Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 3,504,493 578,000 Traitement du Personnel Employer Contributions Finance Services Bureau Torba Province 11,533,292 Service des Finances, Province de Malampa Traitements et Salaires Cost Centre Total 4,147,862 0 1,764,000 Total de Section de Frais Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 0 0 Division comptable des agences de ligne Traitements et Salaires Finance Services Bureau Malampa Province 0 2,434,320 Total de Section de Frais Wages and Salaries Cost Centre Total 4,147,862 11,533,292 Groupe comptable (contrôleur financier) Other Goods and Services 3542 0 Division du suivi et de l'évaluation des Entreprises d'Etat Traitements et Salaires Cost Centre Total 3541 5,287,123 2,504,880 Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 3540 Total 151,043 Autres Biens et Services Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 3533 Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Finance and Administration Section Division de l'administration et des finances Personnel Emoluments 3531 Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires Cost Centre Total Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Division de la coordination de l'aide Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 3530 Appropriation 2,046,240 678,000 86,570 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais 63 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre 3543 Programme/Activité/Section de Frais Finance Services Bureau Sanma Province Personnel Emoluments Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 845,000 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 134,408 Finance Services Bureau Tafea Province Personnel Emoluments Total de Section de Frais Traitement du Personnel Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Finance Services Bureau Penama Province Personnel Emoluments 4,154,608 0 0 4,154,608 387,107 0 0 387,107 4,541,715 0 0 4,541,715 2,750,810 0 0 2,750,810 2,046,240 618,000 86,570 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais 233,965 0 0 233,965 2,984,775 0 0 2,984,775 2,750,810 0 0 2,750,810 196,468 0 0 196,468 Service des Finances, Province de Penama Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Total Service des Finances, Province de Tafea Traitements et Salaires Cost Centre Total Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur 3,175,200 Autres Biens et Services Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 3545 Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires Cost Centre Total Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Service des Finances, Province de Sanma Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 3544 Appropriation 2,046,240 618,000 86,570 Autres Biens et Services Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 2,947,278 0 0 2,947,278 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 356,617,735 337,376,150 0 693,993,885 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 379,444,619 337,376,150 0 716,820,769 36,784,413 0 0 36,784,413 MFD National Statistics Statistiques Nationales MFDA National Statistical Collection, Analysis & Reporting Collecte, Analyse et Rapports de Statistiques Nationales 1602 Statistics Section Personnel Emoluments Section de la Statistique Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 29,875,200 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 5,656,000 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 1,253,213 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 36,784,413 0 0 36,784,413 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 36,784,413 0 0 36,784,413 8,643,816 0 0 8,643,816 MFDB Provincial Statistics Offices 1604 Provincial Offices Personnel Emoluments Wages and Salaries Allowances Employer Contributions Bureaux Provinciaux de la Statistique Bureaux provinciaux Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires Indemnités et Allocations Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement 6,597,360 1,772,000 274,456 3,010,110 0 0 3,010,110 266,667 0 0 266,667 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 11,920,593 0 0 11,920,593 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 11,920,593 0 0 11,920,593 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 48,705,006 0 0 48,705,006 64 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre Programme/Activité/Section de Frais Appropriation Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total MFE Payments on Behalf of GovernmePaiements au Nom de l’État MFEA Public Debt Provisions 3513 Public Debt Provision Debt Servicing Provisions pour la Dette Publique Provisions pour la Dette Publique Remboursement des Dettes 2,610,488,884 Interest and Other Payments Intérêts et Autres Paiements 601,638,884 Loan Repayments Remboursements de Prêts 2,008,850,00 0 0 0 2,610,488,884 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 2,610,488,884 0 0 2,610,488,884 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 2,610,488,884 0 0 2,610,488,884 131,131,135 MFEC Central Payments 3512 Central Payments Other Goods and Services Paiements Centralisés Paiements Centraux 131,131,135 0 0 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 131,131,135 0 0 131,131,135 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 131,131,135 0 0 131,131,135 5,000,000 MFED Former Leaders Payment 35F3 Former Leaders Payment Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Paiements au Anciens Dirigeants Paiement aux anciens dirigeants 5,000,000 0 0 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais Autres Biens et Services 5,000,000 0 0 5,000,000 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 5,000,000 0 0 5,000,000 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 2,746,620,019 0 0 2,746,620,019 0 0 25,100,755 MFF Revenue Collection Perception des Recettes MFFA Customs and Excise Collections Perception des Droits de Douane et d’Accise 3605 Customs Revenue. Trades, Tariff & Douane - Recettes, Négoces, Tarifs et Conformité Compliance Personnel Emoluments Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement Cost Centre Total 3606 Customs Post Clearance & Excise Audit Personnel Emoluments 3608 Traitement du Personnel Allowances Employer Contributions Indemnités et Allocations Cotisations de l'Employeur Capital Expenditure Customs Revenue - Santo Personnel Emoluments 850,189 7,868,729 0 0 7,868,729 880,715 0 0 880,715 33,850,199 0 0 33,850,199 14,330,827 0 0 14,330,827 5,937,474 0 0 5,937,474 Le commerce, tarif et conformité Traitements et Salaires Cost Centre Total 3,408,842 Total de Section de Frais Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 25,100,755 20,841,724 11,891,840 1,956,764 482,223 Autres Biens et Services Dépenses d'Investissement Total de Section de Frais 868,148 0 0 868,148 21,136,449 0 0 21,136,449 12,010,957 0 0 12,010,957 8,021,682 0 0 8,021,682 195,000 0 0 195,000 Recettes Douanières - Santo Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 9,820,000 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 1,779,289 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement 411,668 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 20,227,639 0 0 20,227,639 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 75,214,287 0 0 75,214,287 65 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre Programme/Activité/Section de Frais MFFB VAT Collections 3603 VAT Revenue Section Personnel Emoluments Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement VAT Audit Section Personnel Emoluments Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total Section de Perception TVA Other Goods and Services 3604 Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Perception de la TVA Wages and Salaries Cost Centre Total Appropriation 27,618,282 0 0 27,618,282 22,512,772 4,187,600 917,910 Total de Section de Frais 8,670,229 0 0 8,670,229 760,000 0 0 760,000 37,048,511 0 0 37,048,511 26,825,260 0 0 26,825,260 Section de Vérification TVA Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 22,009,788 3,917,680 897,792 Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services 9,330,318 0 0 9,330,318 Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement 1,131,825 0 0 1,131,825 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 37,287,403 0 0 37,287,403 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 74,335,914 0 0 74,335,914 19,335,726 0 0 19,335,726 9,276,911 0 0 9,276,911 MFFC Rates and Taxes Collection 3602 Rates & Taxes Section Personnel Emoluments Perception des Droits Indirects et Taxes Section des Droits et Contributions Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Capital Expenditure 15,801,580 2,893,034 641,112 Autres Biens et Services 200,000 0 0 200,000 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais Dépenses d'Investissement 28,812,637 0 0 28,812,637 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 28,812,637 0 0 28,812,637 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 178,362,838 0 0 178,362,838 23,660,236 0 0 23,660,236 MFG Border Control and Enforcement Contrôle aux Frontières et Execution MFGA Border Control 3607 Customs Border Control Personnel Emoluments Contrôle des Frontières Police des Frontières (Douane) Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 19,266,360 3,605,820 788,056 Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services 8,465,171 0 0 8,465,171 Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement 1,100,000 0 0 1,100,000 33,225,407 0 0 33,225,407 7,229,026 0 0 7,229,026 2,389,299 0 0 2,389,299 Cost Centre Total 3609 Customs Border Control - Santo Personnel Emoluments Total de Section de Frais Police des Frontières (Douane) - Santo Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 5,594,005 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 1,405,520 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Capital Expenditure 229,501 Autres Biens et Services Dépenses d'Investissement Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 66 of 103 225,000 0 0 225,000 9,843,325 0 0 9,843,325 43,068,732 0 0 43,068,732 Program/Activity/Cost Centre Programme/Activité/Section de Frais MFGB Investigation and Legal 3611 Customs Investigation & Legal Section Personnel Emoluments Appropriation Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total Enquêtes et Services Juridiques Section d'Enquête et Juridique de la Douane Traitement du Personnel 7,418,043 Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 846,934 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 255,989 Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement 0 0 7,418,043 6,315,120 1,458,070 0 0 1,458,070 160,000 0 0 160,000 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 9,036,113 0 0 9,036,113 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 9,036,113 0 0 9,036,113 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 52,104,845 0 0 52,104,845 0 0 139,989,780 MFI Grants to Institutions MFIA 35E3 Vanuatu Tourism Office (VTO) Grant to VTO Subsidies & Transfers Subventions aux Organismes Statutaires Office National du Tourisme de Vanuatu Subvention au BTV Subventions et Transferts de Fonds 139,989,780 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 139,989,780 0 0 139,989,780 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 139,989,780 0 0 139,989,780 35,692,438 0 0 35,692,438 MFIB 35E5 Vanuatu Agricultural Research and Training Centre (VARTC) Grant to VARTC Subsidies & Transfers Centre de Recherches et de Formation en Agronomie de Vanuatu Subvention au CARFV Subventions et Transferts de Fonds Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 35,692,438 0 0 35,692,438 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 35,692,438 0 0 35,692,438 60,193,317 0 0 60,193,317 MFIC 35E1 Vanuatu Broadcasting and Television Corporation (VBTC) VBTC Subsidies & Transfers Société de Radio et Télévision de Vanuatu SRTV Subventions et Transferts de Fonds Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 60,193,317 0 0 60,193,317 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 60,193,317 0 0 60,193,317 26,291,633 0 0 26,291,633 MFID 35E6 Vanuatu Cultural Centre (VCC) Vanuatu Cultural Centre Subsidies & Transfers Centre Culturel de Vanuatu Centre Culturel de Vanuatu Subventions et Transferts de Fonds Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 26,291,633 0 0 26,291,633 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 26,291,633 0 0 26,291,633 30,000,000 MFIE 35E2 Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) Grant to CCI Subsidies & Transfers Chambre de Commerce et de l’Industrie Subvention à la CCI 30,000,000 0 0 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 30,000,000 0 0 30,000,000 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 30,000,000 0 0 30,000,000 146,200,000 MFIF 35E8 Grant SPBEA Grant to USP & SPBEA Subsidies & Transfers Subventions et Transferts de Fonds Subventions á l’UPS et SPBEA Subvention à l'UPS et SPBEA 146,200,000 0 0 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais Subventions et Transferts de Fonds 146,200,000 0 0 146,200,000 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 146,200,000 0 0 146,200,000 67 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre Programme/Activité/Section de Frais MFIG Vanuatu Maritime Administration (VMA) 35E7 Grant to VMA Subsidies & Transfers Appropriation Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total Administration des Affaires Maritimes de Vanuatu Subvention à la RAMV Subventions et Transferts de Fonds 15,000,000 0 0 15,000,000 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 15,000,000 0 0 15,000,000 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 15,000,000 0 0 15,000,000 41,255,243 0 0 41,255,243 MFIH Vanuatu Maritime College 35E4 Grant to Maritime College Subsidies & Transfers Collège Maritime de Vanuatu Subvention au College Maritime Subventions et Transferts de Fonds Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 41,255,243 0 0 41,255,243 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 41,255,243 0 0 41,255,243 20,226,099 MFII Utility Regulatory Authority 35E9 Utility Regulatory Authority Subsidies & Transfers Autorité de Règlementation des Services Publics Unité De service De Gestion De Contrat 20,226,099 0 0 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 20,226,099 0 0 20,226,099 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 20,226,099 0 0 20,226,099 82,800,392 0 0 82,800,392 MFIJ Vanuatu Agriculture College 35F1 Grants to Agriculture College Subsidies & Transfers Subventions et Transferts de Fonds College Agricole de Vanuatu Subvention au College agricole Subventions et Transferts de Fonds Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 82,800,392 0 0 82,800,392 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 82,800,392 0 0 82,800,392 38,668,264 MFIL Grant to VIPA 35F6 Vanuatu Investment Promotion Authority (VIPA) Subsidies & Transfers Subvention à VIPA Office de promotion des investissements de Vanuatu 38,668,264 0 0 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais Subventions et Transferts de Fonds 38,668,264 0 0 38,668,264 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 38,668,264 0 0 38,668,264 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 636,317,166 0 0 636,317,166 Agency Total: Total pour Agency: 4,344,377,397 337,376,150 0 4,681,753,547 Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministère des Affaires Étrangères et du Commerce Extérieur External Trade MOA Cabinet Support MOAA Portfolio Coordination 41AA Cabinet Operations Personnel Emoluments Cabinet du Ministère Coordination du Portefeuille Opérations de Cabinet Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 22,225,825 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 12,226,967 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement Cost Centre Total 35,372,938 0 0 35,372,938 2,005,000 0 0 2,005,000 225,000 0 0 225,000 37,602,938 0 0 37,602,938 920,146 Total de Section de Frais 68 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre 41AB Programme/Activité/Section de Frais Office of the DG Personnel Emoluments Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total Bureau du DG Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Appropriation 13,131,036 0 0 13,131,036 3,880,000 0 0 3,880,000 11,077,920 1,610,000 443,116 Autres Biens et Services Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 17,011,036 0 0 17,011,036 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 54,613,974 0 0 54,613,974 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 54,613,974 0 0 54,613,974 31,546,564 0 0 31,546,564 5,650,000 0 0 5,650,000 37,196,564 0 0 37,196,564 7,102,041 0 0 7,102,041 4,995,000 0 0 4,995,000 12,097,041 0 0 12,097,041 24,688,095 0 0 24,688,095 6,842,000 0 0 6,842,000 31,530,095 0 0 31,530,095 20,830,623 0 0 20,830,623 MOB Dept of Foreign Affairs Affaires Étrangères MOBA Operations of the Department of Foreign Affairs Opérations du Département des Affaires Étrangères 44BA Permanent Mission to the United States Personnel Emoluments Wages and Salaries Consulat de New York Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total 44BB Consul, Noumea Personnel Emoluments 646,494 29,686,741 1,213,329 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Consulat de Noumea Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 250,000 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 263,540 Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total 44BC Embassy, Brussels Personnel Emoluments Wages and Salaries Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Consulat de Bruxelles Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total 44BD Embassy Beijing Personnel Emoluments Wages and Salaries Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires Indemnités et Allocations Consulate, Auckland Personnel Emoluments 861,992 19,177,069 791,562 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais 6,066,000 0 0 6,066,000 26,896,623 0 0 26,896,623 5,685,788 0 0 5,685,788 Consulat, Auckland Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement Cost Centre Total 1,523,850 Mission de Vanuatu en Chine Cotisations de l'Employeur 44BE 19,302,253 Total de Section de Frais Employer Contributions Cost Centre Total 3,861,992 Autres Biens et Services Allowances Other Goods and Services 6,588,501 430,996 5,053,416 201,376 Total de Section de Frais 69 of 103 3,035,000 0 0 3,035,000 280,000 0 0 280,000 9,000,788 0 0 9,000,788 Program/Activity/Cost Centre 44BF High Commission, Suva Personnel Emoluments Programme/Activité/Section de Frais Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Cost Centre Total 44BG Canberra Mission Personnel Emoluments Wages and Salaries Personnel Emoluments Allowances Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total 44DD Protocol & Consular Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total 44DE International Organisations Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total 44DF Corporate Services Personnel Emoluments Traitements et Salaires Total de Section de Frais Traitement du Personnel Indemnités et Allocations 0 4,500,000 13,696,328 0 0 13,696,328 20,254,183 0 0 20,254,183 6,680,000 0 0 6,680,000 26,934,183 0 0 26,934,183 250,000 0 0 250,000 3,971,370 0 0 3,971,370 4,221,370 0 0 4,221,370 500,000 0 0 500,000 500,000 0 0 500,000 30,000,000 0 0 30,000,000 30,000,000 0 0 30,000,000 43,549,669 0 0 43,549,669 5,028,226 0 0 5,028,226 48,577,895 0 0 48,577,895 18,000,000 0 0 18,000,000 18,000,000 0 0 18,000,000 250,000 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Section Protocolaire et Consulaire Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Organisations internationales Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Services Généraux Traitement du Personnel Indemnités et Allocations 4,698,080 Cotisations de l'Employeur 1,517,713 Other Goods and Services 0 Consuls Honoraires Employer Contributions Grant to MSG 4,500,000 779,007 Autres Biens et Services Allowances 44DG 9,196,328 19,008,437 Traitements et Salaires Cost Centre Total 0 466,739 Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 0 346,013 Traitement du Personnel Indemnités et Allocations Honorary Consuls 9,196,328 Mission en Canberra Cotisations de l'Employeur 44CC Total 8,203,821 Total de Section de Frais Employer Contributions Cost Centre Total Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur 646,494 Autres Biens et Services Allowances Other Goods and Services Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Haut Commissariat, Suva Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services Appropriation 37,333,876 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Gestion d'Aide Autres Biens et Services Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 258,650,887 0 0 258,650,887 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 258,650,887 0 0 258,650,887 Agency Total: Total pour Agency: 313,264,861 0 0 313,264,861 38,201,711 0 0 38,201,711 9,383,549 0 0 9,383,549 Ministry of Health Ministère de la Santé MHA Cabinet Support Cabinet du Ministère MHAA Portfolio Management Gestion du Portefeuille 60AA Cabinet Operations Personnel Emoluments Opérations de Cabinet Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 24,743,095 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 12,467,931 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services 990,685 Autres Biens et Services Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 47,585,260 0 0 47,585,260 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 47,585,260 0 0 47,585,260 70 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre Program Total: Programme/Activité/Section de Frais Appropriation Total pour le Programme: Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total 47,585,260 0 0 47,585,260 4,230,231 0 0 4,230,231 6,596,245 0 0 6,596,245 MHB Executive Management and Cor Direction Générale et Services Généraux MHBA Ministry Executive 60BA Office of the Director General Personnel Emoluments Direction du Ministère Bureau du Directeur Général Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 2,822,400 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 1,293,016 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Capital Expenditure 114,815 Autres Biens et Services 240,000 0 0 240,000 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 11,066,476 0 0 11,066,476 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 11,066,476 0 0 11,066,476 129,480,128 0 0 129,480,128 102,197,843 0 0 102,197,843 7,940,000 0 0 7,940,000 MHBB Corporate Services 61VA Planning & Administration Personnel Emoluments Dépenses d'Investissement Services Généraux Planification et Administration Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 91,198,923 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 34,530,844 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement 3,750,361 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 239,617,971 0 0 239,617,971 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 239,617,971 0 0 239,617,971 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 250,684,447 0 0 250,684,447 3,435,517 0 0 3,435,517 9,275,948 0 0 9,275,948 12,711,465 0 0 12,711,465 264,645,747 0 0 264,645,747 107,251,224 350,640,000 0 457,891,224 MHC Health Services MHCA Hospital Services 61RA Director - Southern Health Care Personnel Emoluments Services de la Santé Services Hospitaliers Directeur - Services Médicaux du Sud Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 2,046,240 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 1,263,680 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total 61RB Vila Central Hospital Personnel Emoluments Wages and Salaries Total de Section de Frais Hôpital Central de Vila Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Capital Expenditure Cost Centre Total 61RG Lenakel Hospital Personnel Emoluments 125,597 Autres Biens et Services 209,490,012 46,212,473 8,943,262 Autres Biens et Services Dépenses d'Investissement Total de Section de Frais Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 9,940,892 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 1,774,138 Cost Centre Total 0 0 1,550,000 350,640,000 0 724,086,971 52,322,310 0 0 52,322,310 7,100,513 0 0 7,100,513 59,422,823 0 0 59,422,823 Hôpital de Lenakel Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 1,550,000 373,446,971 40,607,280 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais 71 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre 61SA Programme/Activité/Section de Frais Director - Northern Health Care Personnel Emoluments Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires 3,669,120 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 2,510,320 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Cost Centre Total 61SB Northern District Hospital Personnel Emoluments Wages and Salaries Total de Section de Frais Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires Indemnités et Allocations Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement Torba Hospital Personnel Emoluments Total de Section de Frais Traitement du Personnel Indemnités et Allocations 1,184,425 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Personnel Emoluments Total de Section de Frais Traitement du Personnel Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 6,364,674 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 1,599,640 Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement Lolowai Hospital Personnel Emoluments Traitement du Personnel Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais Total pour Activité: Community Health Shefa Province Personnel Emoluments Traitement du Personnel Indemnités et Allocations 4,430,480 Cotisations de l'Employeur 1,780,383 Personnel Emoluments Autres Biens et Services Dépenses d'Investissement Total de Section de Frais 0 152,919,971 58,499,701 0 0 58,499,701 912,000 0 0 912,000 212,331,672 0 0 212,331,672 8,445,568 0 0 8,445,568 629,616 0 0 629,616 9,075,184 0 0 9,075,184 45,590,794 0 0 45,590,794 11,657,563 0 0 11,657,563 226,089 0 0 226,089 57,474,446 0 0 57,474,446 26,953,907 0 0 26,953,907 7,737,378 0 0 7,737,378 34,691,285 0 0 34,691,285 774,535,301 350,640,000 0 1,125,175,301 49,675,823 0 0 49,675,823 6,587,554 0 0 6,587,554 30,000 0 0 30,000 56,293,377 0 0 56,293,377 31,913,491 0 0 31,913,491 6,391,121 0 0 6,391,121 38,304,612 0 0 38,304,612 Centre Médico-Social - Province de Tafea Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 5,176,000 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 1,088,871 Cost Centre Total 0 43,464,960 Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 152,919,971 Centre Médico-Social - Province de Shefa Employer Contributions Community Health Tafea Province 15,381,455 Services de Santé Communautaires Allowances Capital Expenditure 0 984,228 Traitements et Salaires Cost Centre Total 0 3,178,799 Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 15,381,455 22,790,880 Autres Biens et Services Activity Total: 61RH 8,986,438 Hôpital de Lolowai Traitements et Salaires MHCB Community Health Services 0 37,626,480 Total de Section de Frais Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 0 Hôpital de Norsup Traitements et Salaires 61SG 8,986,438 310,983 Autres Biens et Services Wages and Salaries Cost Centre Total 6,395,017 Hôpital De Torba Allowances Norsup Hospital 0 5,352,191 6,950,160 61SF 0 17,843,217 Traitements et Salaires Cost Centre Total 6,395,017 129,724,563 Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services Total Hôpital du District Nord Employer Contributions 61SD Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur 215,577 Autres Biens et Services Allowances Cost Centre Total Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Directeur - Services Médicaux du Nord Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 61RI Appropriation 25,648,620 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais 72 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre 61SH Programme/Activité/Section de Frais Community Health Torba Province Personnel Emoluments Appropriation Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 4,180,880 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 1,085,994 Cost Centre Total 61SI Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total Centre Médico-Social - Province de Torba Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature 30,844,874 0 0 30,844,874 2,155,098 0 0 2,155,098 32,999,972 0 0 32,999,972 51,639,323 0 0 51,639,323 6,572,234 0 0 6,572,234 25,578,000 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Community Health Sanma Province Centre Médico-Social - Province de Sanma Personnel Emoluments Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 7,592,752 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 1,828,891 Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement Cost Centre Total 42,217,680 Total de Section de Frais 674,000 0 0 674,000 58,885,557 0 0 58,885,557 45,546,686 0 0 45,546,686 Community Health Penama Province Centre Médico-Social - Province de Penama 61SJ Personnel Emoluments Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 7,815,456 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 1,533,950 Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total 61SK Community Health Malampa Province Personnel Emoluments Wages and Salaries Allowances Employer Contributions Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires Indemnités et Allocations Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais Activity Total: Total pour Activité: Public Health Personnel Emoluments 0 0 8,423,610 0 0 53,970,296 60,441,078 0 0 60,441,078 7,423,555 0 0 7,423,555 223,000 0 0 223,000 50,188,344 8,189,206 Cotisations de l'Employeur Autres Biens et Services 61UA 8,423,610 53,970,296 Centre Médico-Social - Province de Malampa Other Goods and Services MHCC Public Health Services 36,197,280 2,063,528 68,087,633 0 0 68,087,633 308,541,447 0 0 308,541,447 38,004,151 0 0 38,004,151 16,948,957 366,336,400 0 383,285,357 40,000 0 0 40,000 Services de Santé Publique Hygiène Publique Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 5,863,817 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 1,338,024 Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement 30,802,310 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 54,993,108 366,336,400 0 421,329,508 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 54,993,108 366,336,400 0 421,329,508 173,500,000 0 0 173,500,000 MHCD Medical Supplies Stock 61VX Purchase of Drugs Other Goods and Services Approvisionnements Médicaux Achat de Médicaments Autres Biens et Services Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 173,500,000 0 0 173,500,000 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 173,500,000 0 0 173,500,000 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 1,311,569,856 716,976,400 0 2,028,546,256 Agency Total: Total pour Agency: 1,609,839,563 716,976,400 0 2,326,815,963 73 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre Programme/Activité/Section de Frais Appropriation Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Ministry of Infrastructure and Public Utilities Ministère de l'Infrastructure et des Équipements Collectifs Publics MUA Ministerial Cabinet Support Cabinet du Ministère MUAA Portfolio Coordination 73AA Cabinet Operations Personnel Emoluments Total Gestion du Portefeuille Opérations de Cabinet Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 24,258,820 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 14,367,212 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement 39,606,946 0 0 39,606,946 11,525,000 0 0 11,525,000 800,000 0 0 800,000 980,914 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 51,931,946 0 0 51,931,946 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 51,931,946 0 0 51,931,946 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 51,931,946 0 0 51,931,946 19,744,440 0 0 19,744,440 61,554,893 0 0 61,554,893 1,600,000 0 0 1,600,000 MUB Executive Management and Cor Direction Générale et Services Généraux MUBA Director General and Corporate Services 73BA Office of the Director General Personnel Emoluments Directeur Général et Services Généraux Bureau du Directeur Général Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement 10,584,000 8,631,000 529,440 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 82,899,333 0 0 82,899,333 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 82,899,333 0 0 82,899,333 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 82,899,333 0 0 82,899,333 85,256,200 0 0 85,256,200 36,033,998 141,668,244 58,843,488 236,545,730 4,531,986 1,017,582,418 109,890,110 1,132,004,514 125,822,184 1,159,250,662 168,733,598 1,453,806,444 10,000,000 0 0 10,000,000 10,000,000 0 0 10,000,000 3,666,667 0 0 3,666,667 26,333,333 0 0 26,333,333 MUE Shipping Services MUEA Ports Administration 76EA Ports & Marine Personnel Emoluments Services des Ports Administration des Ports Ports et Marine Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 52,075,740 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 30,434,257 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement Cost Centre Total 76EB Government Contribution for Projects Capital Expenditure Cost Centre Total 76EC Tug boat Maintenance Personnel Emoluments Allowances Other Goods and Services 2,746,203 Total de Section de Frais Contribution de gouvernement pour des projets Dépenses d'Investissement Total de Section de Frais Entretien du remorqueur Traitement du Personnel Indemnités et Allocations 3,666,667 Autres Biens et Services Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 30,000,000 0 0 30,000,000 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 165,822,184 1,159,250,662 168,733,598 1,493,806,444 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 165,822,184 1,159,250,662 168,733,598 1,493,806,444 74 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre Programme/Activité/Section de Frais Appropriation MUF Public Works Travaux Publics MUFA Development and Maintenance of Government Infrastructure Développement et Entretien des Infrastructures Publiques 78A1 Head Office Personnel Emoluments Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 4,856,000 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 1,234,704 Capital Expenditure 78B2 Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires Cost Centre Total Shefa Division Personnel Emoluments Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total Siège de la Direction Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature 35,902,364 0 0 35,902,364 48,229,903 196,668,800 0 244,898,703 29,811,660 Autres Biens et Services Dépenses d'Investissement Total de Section de Frais 72,000,000 228,960,250 0 300,960,250 156,132,267 425,629,050 0 581,761,317 21,380,942 0 0 21,380,942 Division de Shefa Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 17,146,140 3,524,000 710,802 Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services 4,715,000 0 0 4,715,000 Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement 4,700,000 0 0 4,700,000 30,795,942 0 0 30,795,942 39,665,826 0 0 39,665,826 11,093,000 0 0 11,093,000 400,000 0 0 400,000 51,158,826 0 0 51,158,826 17,816,708 0 0 17,816,708 10,690,000 0 0 10,690,000 400,000 0 0 400,000 28,906,708 0 0 28,906,708 20,037,326 0 0 20,037,326 12,602,000 0 0 12,602,000 400,000 0 0 400,000 33,039,326 0 0 33,039,326 14,887,729 0 0 14,887,729 16,160,000 0 0 16,160,000 4,800,000 0 0 4,800,000 35,847,729 0 0 35,847,729 Cost Centre Total 78B3 Sanma Division Personnel Emoluments Total de Section de Frais Division de Sanma Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 6,872,000 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 1,324,066 Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement Cost Centre Total 78B4 Malampa Division Personnel Emoluments Total de Section de Frais Division de Malampa Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement Cost Centre Total 78B5 Tafea Division Personnel Emoluments Allowances Employer Contributions Indemnités et Allocations Cotisations de l'Employeur Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement Personnel Emoluments 16,969,740 2,360,000 707,586 Total de Section de Frais Division de Penama Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement Cost Centre Total 642,948 Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires Penama Division 1,580,000 Division de Tafea Other Goods and Services 78B6 15,593,760 Total de Section de Frais Wages and Salaries Cost Centre Total 31,469,760 12,383,280 1,988,000 516,449 Total de Section de Frais 75 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre 78B7 Programme/Activité/Section de Frais Torba Division Personnel Emoluments Appropriation Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 608,000 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 159,976 Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement 78B8 Outer Island Airports Maintenance Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Total pour Activité: MCA Maintenance Other Goods and Services 4,719,396 0 0 4,719,396 6,350,000 0 0 6,350,000 400,000 0 0 400,000 11,469,396 0 0 11,469,396 69,200,000 0 0 69,200,000 Maintenance des aeroports des Îles Isolées Cost Centre Total 78C1 Total 3,951,420 Total de Section de Frais Activity Total: MUFC Government Contributions to Projects Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Division de Torba Wages and Salaries Cost Centre Total Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature 69,200,000 0 0 69,200,000 416,550,194 425,629,050 0 842,179,244 500,000,000 0 0 500,000,000 Contribution du Gouvernement aux Projets d'Infrastructure Projet de Réfection des Aéroports Autres Biens et Services Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 500,000,000 0 0 500,000,000 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 500,000,000 0 0 500,000,000 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 916,550,194 425,629,050 0 1,342,179,244 Agency Total: Total pour Agency: 1,217,203,657 1,584,879,712 168,733,598 2,970,816,967 38,314,399 0 0 38,314,399 Ministry of Internal Affairs Ministère de l' Interieur MIA Cabinet Support Cabinet du Ministère MIAA Gestion du Portefeuille 2301 Portfolio Management Cabinet Operations Personnel Emoluments Activités de Cabinet Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 23,966,935 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 13,370,545 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services 976,919 2,900,258 0 0 2,900,258 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 41,214,657 0 0 41,214,657 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 41,214,657 0 0 41,214,657 19,473,441 0 0 19,473,441 30,132,635 377,784,413 0 407,917,048 400,000 0 0 400,000 MIAB Corporate Services 2302 Corporate Services Personnel Emoluments Autres Biens et Services Services Généraux Services Généraux Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Employer Contributions Indemnités et Allocations Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement 14,593,200 4,410,112 470,129 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 50,006,076 377,784,413 0 427,790,489 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 50,006,076 377,784,413 0 427,790,489 MIAD Independence Celebration 2304 Independence Celebration Célébration de l’Indépendance Célébration de l'Indépendance Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services 3,000,000 0 0 3,000,000 Subsidies & Transfers Subventions et Transferts de Fonds 5,000,000 0 0 5,000,000 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 8,000,000 0 0 8,000,000 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 8,000,000 0 0 8,000,000 76 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre MIAE 2305 Crime Prevention Crime Prevention Personnel Emoluments Allowances Other Goods and Services Programme/Activité/Section de Frais Appropriation Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total Prévention du crime Prévention du crime Traitement du Personnel Indemnités et Allocations 500,000 0 0 500,000 1,500,000 0 0 1,500,000 500,000 Autres Biens et Services Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 2,000,000 0 0 2,000,000 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 2,000,000 0 0 2,000,000 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 101,220,733 377,784,413 0 479,005,146 21,385,920 0 0 21,385,920 233,000,000 0 0 233,000,000 MIC Decentralisation Services MICA Grants to Provinces 2401 Provincial Grants Personnel Emoluments Services de la Décentralisation Subventions aux Provinces Subventions aux Provinces Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Subsidies & Transfers 19,474,560 1,120,200 791,160 Subventions et Transferts de Fonds Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 254,385,920 0 0 254,385,920 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 254,385,920 0 0 254,385,920 7,353,700 0 0 7,353,700 10,000,000 0 0 10,000,000 MICB Grants to Municipalities 2402 Municipal Grants Personnel Emoluments Subventions aux Municipalités Subventions aux Communes Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Employer Contributions Indemnités et Allocations Cotisations de l'Employeur Subsidies & Transfers 6,491,520 598,170 264,010 Subventions et Transferts de Fonds Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 17,353,700 0 0 17,353,700 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 17,353,700 0 0 17,353,700 9,349,523 0 0 9,349,523 MICC Administration of Regional Services 2403 Corporate Services Personnel Emoluments Administration des Services Régionaux Services Généraux Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 7,197,120 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 1,854,950 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 297,453 Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services 6,595,000 247,800,765 0 254,395,765 Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement 1,050,000 0 0 1,050,000 16,994,523 247,800,765 0 264,795,288 5,810,552 0 0 5,810,552 Cost Centre Total 2404 Development Planning Personnel Emoluments Total de Section de Frais Planification du Développement Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 4,762,800 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 850,280 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 197,472 Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Subsidies & Transfers Subventions et Transferts de Fonds Cost Centre Total 2405 Financial Services Personnel Emoluments Total de Section de Frais Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 763,280 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 124,843 Cost Centre Total 0 0 650,000 0 0 6,310,547 12,771,099 0 0 12,771,099 3,922,203 0 0 3,922,203 650,000 0 0 650,000 4,572,203 0 0 4,572,203 Services Financiers Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 650,000 6,310,547 3,034,080 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais 77 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre 2406 Physical & Urban Planning Personnel Emoluments Traitement du Personnel Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 763,280 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 158,712 Decentralization Services Unit Personnel Emoluments Total de Section de Frais Traitement du Personnel Indemnités et Allocations 806,780 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 194,320 Personnel Emoluments Wages and Salaries Employer Contributions 0 0 4,802,792 650,000 0 0 650,000 5,452,792 0 0 5,452,792 5,728,620 0 0 5,728,620 650,000 0 0 650,000 6,378,620 0 0 6,378,620 1,953,182 0 0 1,953,182 Section des Services de Décentralisation Allowances Legal Service Unit Total 4,802,792 Autres Biens et Services Traitements et Salaires Cost Centre Total Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur 3,880,800 Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Aménagement du Territoire et Urbanisme Traitements et Salaires Cost Centre Total 2410 Appropriation Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 2407 Programme/Activité/Section de Frais 4,727,520 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Unité des Services Juridiques Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires 1,878,060 Cotisations de l'Employeur Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais Activity Total: Total pour Activité: Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 75,122 1,953,182 0 0 1,953,182 48,122,419 247,800,765 0 295,923,184 319,862,039 247,800,765 0 567,662,804 25,256,384 0 0 25,256,384 25,256,384 0 0 25,256,384 76,859,391 0 0 76,859,391 96,685,358 0 0 96,685,358 173,544,749 0 0 173,544,749 16,252,309 0 0 16,252,309 MID Internal Security and Border Co Sécurité Interne et Contrôle aux Frontières MIDA Joint Command and Control 2601 Commisioner's Office Personnel Emoluments Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Corporate Services Unit Personnel Emoluments 1,775,566 936,898 Total de Section de Frais Section des Services organisationnels Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires 62,551,440 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 11,695,904 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Cost Centre Total Police College Personnel Emoluments Wages and Salaries Allowances Employer Contributions Total de Section de Frais Ecole de la Police Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires Indemnités et Allocations Cotisations de l'Employeur Total de Section de Frais Activity Total: Total pour Activité: MIDB Police District Northern Sanma Police Personnel Emoluments 2,612,047 Autres Biens et Services Cost Centre Total 2619 22,543,920 Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 2609 Bureau du Commissaire Wages and Salaries Cost Centre Total 2602 Commandement mixte 14,464,800 1,190,020 597,489 0 0 16,252,309 0 0 215,053,442 57,877,275 0 0 57,877,275 57,877,275 0 0 57,877,275 Police région Nord Police de Sanma Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 7,200,102 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 2,025,873 Cost Centre Total 16,252,309 215,053,442 48,651,300 Total de Section de Frais 78 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre 2621 Torba Police Personnel Emoluments Programme/Activité/Section de Frais Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 430,560 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 115,767 Total de Section de Frais Activity Total: Total pour Activité: MIDC Police District Central Malampa Police Personnel Emoluments Wages and Salaries Allowances Employer Contributions Cost Centre Total 2629 Penama Police Personnel Emoluments Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total Police Torba Cost Centre Total 2627 Appropriation 3,368,727 0 0 3,368,727 2,822,400 3,368,727 0 0 3,368,727 61,246,002 0 0 61,246,002 24,215,414 0 0 24,215,414 24,215,414 0 0 24,215,414 11,889,049 0 0 11,889,049 Police région Centre Police Malampa Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires Indemnités et Allocations Cotisations de l'Employeur 20,498,040 2,854,462 862,912 Total de Section de Frais Police Penama Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 9,525,720 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 1,965,860 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 397,469 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 11,889,049 0 0 11,889,049 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 36,104,463 0 0 36,104,463 153,087,659 0 0 153,087,659 153,087,659 0 0 153,087,659 15,251,891 0 0 15,251,891 15,251,891 0 0 15,251,891 9,063,620 0 0 9,063,620 MIDD Police District Southern 2636 Port Vila General Duty Policing Personnel Emoluments Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Tafea Police Station Personnel Emoluments Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 1,835,860 538,771 Police Shepherds Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 6,844,320 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 1,924,520 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Total de Section de Frais Activity Total: Total pour Activité: MIDE Vanuatu Mobile Force Mobile Force HQ Personnel Emoluments Wages and Salaries Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires Indemnités et Allocations Cotisations de l'Employeur Personnel Emoluments 9,063,620 0 0 9,063,620 177,403,170 0 0 177,403,170 151,267,929 0 0 151,267,929 151,267,929 0 0 151,267,929 54,898,666 0 0 54,898,666 54,898,666 0 0 54,898,666 206,166,595 0 0 206,166,595 Garde Mobile de Vanuatu Employer Contributions Luganville Detechment 294,780 QG Garde mobile Allowances Cost Centre Total 2658 12,877,260 Total de Section de Frais Cost Centre Total 2650 5,231,511 Traitement du Personnel Allowances Personnel Emoluments 23,634,728 Commissariat de Tafea Traitements et Salaires Shepherd's Police 124,221,420 Total de Section de Frais Wages and Salaries Cost Centre Total 2644 Traitement du Personnel Allowances Cost Centre Total 2642 Police région Sud Forces de l'ordre Port Vila 124,609,260 21,412,248 5,246,421 Total de Section de Frais Détachement Luganville Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 42,971,280 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 10,070,294 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 1,857,092 79 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre MIDF Police Maritime W ing 2690 Maritime Surveillance Personnel Emoluments Programme/Activité/Section de Frais Appropriation Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total Surveillance Maritime Surveillance Maritime Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 3,772,340 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 1,391,516 38,785,816 0 0 38,785,816 33,621,960 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 38,785,816 0 0 38,785,816 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 38,785,816 0 0 38,785,816 35,229,242 0 0 35,229,242 2,081,275 0 0 2,081,275 MIDG Border Control 4501 Immigration border control Personnel Emoluments Police des Frontières (Immigration) Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 3,092,542 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 1,265,420 Other Goods and Services Capital Expenditure Cost Centre Total 4502 Commande De Frontière Immigration Corporate Services Personnel Emoluments 30,871,280 Autres Biens et Services Dépenses d'Investissement Total de Section de Frais 1,700,000 0 0 1,700,000 39,010,517 0 0 39,010,517 13,887,955 0 0 13,887,955 Services Généraux de l'Immigration Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 11,822,640 1,581,789 483,526 Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services 8,570,000 0 0 8,570,000 Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement 1,484,000 0 0 1,484,000 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 23,941,955 0 0 23,941,955 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 62,952,472 0 0 62,952,472 8,820,123 0 0 8,820,123 2,990,905 0 0 2,990,905 MIDH Issue of Passports 4503 Passport Office Personnel Emoluments Délivrance de passeports Bureau des Passeports Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 6,244,560 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 2,319,020 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Capital Expenditure 256,543 Autres Biens et Services 2,344,527 0 0 2,344,527 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 14,155,555 0 0 14,155,555 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 14,155,555 0 0 14,155,555 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 811,867,515 0 0 811,867,515 10,157,692 0 0 10,157,692 MIE National Services MIEA 2701 Labour Regulation General Administration Personnel Emoluments Dépenses d'Investissement Services Nationaux Règlement du Travail Administration Générale Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 8,608,320 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 1,196,340 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement Cost Centre Total 353,032 Total de Section de Frais 80 of 103 4,384,201 0 0 4,384,201 200,000 0 0 200,000 14,741,893 0 0 14,741,893 Program/Activity/Cost Centre 2702 Programme/Activité/Section de Frais Industrial Relations Unit Personnel Emoluments Appropriation Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total Services d'emploi Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 5,997,600 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 1,011,450 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 7,256,784 0 0 7,256,784 247,734 Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services 2,598,782 0 0 2,598,782 Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement 1,116,712 0 0 1,116,712 10,972,278 0 0 10,972,278 4,934,386 0 0 4,934,386 2,777,566 0 0 2,777,566 7,711,952 0 0 7,711,952 9,600,481 0 0 9,600,481 Cost Centre Total 2703 Occupational Health & Safety Unit Personnel Emoluments Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 783,060 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 164,686 Manpower & Training Unit (ESU) Personnel Emoluments Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Médecine du Travail Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires 7,867,560 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 1,413,870 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Cost Centre Total Tripartite Labour Advisory Council Personnel Emoluments Allowances Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total International Labour Conference Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total 2707 Travel & Subsistance Personnel Emoluments Allowances Other Goods and Services Total de Section de Frais Traitement du Personnel Indemnités et Allocations Autres Biens et Services Office Administration Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Traitement du Personnel Indemnités et Allocations 12,250,816 1,000,000 0 0 1,000,000 759,532 0 0 759,532 1,759,532 0 0 1,759,532 1,815,971 0 0 1,815,971 1,815,971 0 0 1,815,971 1,000,000 0 0 1,000,000 815,966 0 0 815,966 1,000,000 Autres Biens et Services 1,815,966 0 0 1,815,966 51,068,408 0 0 51,068,408 9,810,225 0 0 9,810,225 9,424,932 0 0 9,424,932 Bureau des Élections Administration de Bureau Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires 7,650,840 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 1,847,591 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Capital Expenditure 2,650,335 0 Voyage et indemnité de subsistance Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 0 0 Conférence internationale du travail Total pour Activité: Personnel Emoluments 0 1,000,000 Total de Section de Frais Total de Section de Frais 2801 2,650,335 12,250,816 Conseil consultatif du travail et relations industrielles Cost Centre Total Electoral Services 319,051 Autres Biens et Services Activity Total: MIEB 3,986,640 Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 2706 Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires Cost Centre Total 2705 Inspection Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 2704 Total de Section de Frais 311,794 Autres Biens et Services 180,000 0 0 180,000 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais Dépenses d'Investissement 19,415,157 0 0 19,415,157 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 19,415,157 0 0 19,415,157 81 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre Programme/Activité/Section de Frais MIEC Conduct of Elections 2802 Election Management Personnel Emoluments Wages and Salaries Allowances Other Goods and Services Appropriation Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total Conduite des Élections Gestion des Élections Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires 6,500,000 Indemnités et Allocations 5,700,000 0 0 12,200,000 70,900,000 70,900,000 0 0 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 83,100,000 0 0 83,100,000 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 83,100,000 0 0 83,100,000 8,291,309 0 0 8,291,309 3,173,448 0 0 3,173,448 MIED Civil Registry 2901 Civil Registry Office Personnel Emoluments Autres Biens et Services 12,200,000 Registre Civil et Archives Nationales Registre d'Etat Civil Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 984,000 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 286,589 Other Goods and Services 7,020,720 Autres Biens et Services Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 11,464,757 0 0 11,464,757 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 11,464,757 0 0 11,464,757 16,611,520 0 0 16,611,520 4,600,000 0 0 4,600,000 MIEF National Disaster Management 1701 National Disaster Management Office Personnel Emoluments Gestion des catastrophes Bureau de Gestion des Dèsastres National Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Capital Expenditure 11,466,000 4,612,000 533,520 Autres Biens et Services 486,384 0 0 486,384 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 21,697,904 0 0 21,697,904 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 21,697,904 0 0 21,697,904 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 186,746,226 0 0 186,746,226 4,635,896 0 0 4,635,896 1,218,232 MIG Police Service Commission MIGA Police Service Commission 20AA Police Service Commission Personnel Emoluments Dépenses d'Investissement Commission du Corps de Police Commission du Corps de Police Commission du Corps de Police Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 820,011 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 146,765 Other Goods and Services 3,669,120 Autres Biens et Services 1,218,232 0 0 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 5,854,128 0 0 5,854,128 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 5,854,128 0 0 5,854,128 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 5,854,128 0 0 5,854,128 Agency Total: Total pour Agency: 1,425,550,641 625,585,178 0 2,051,135,819 82 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre Programme/Activité/Section de Frais Appropriation Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total Ministry of Lands, Geology and Ministère des Terres, de la Géologie et des Mines Mines MLA Cabinet Support MLAA Portfolio Coordination 9501 Cabinet Operations Personnel Emoluments Cabinet du Ministère Coordination du Portefeuille Activités de Cabinet Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 23,966,935 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 11,620,609 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services 36,549,093 0 0 36,549,093 961,549 Autres Biens et Services 1,447,778 0 0 1,447,778 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 37,996,871 0 0 37,996,871 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 37,996,871 0 0 37,996,871 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 37,996,871 0 0 37,996,871 17,417,499 0 0 17,417,499 MLB Executive Management and Cor Direction Générale et Services Généraux MLBA Executive Management 6502 Executive Management Personnel Emoluments Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total 6503 Direction Générale Gestion Exécutive Corporate Services Unit Personnel Emoluments Allowances Other Goods and Services Traitement du Personnel Indemnités et Allocations 6504 Traitement du Personnel 6,315,120 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 1,577,920 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Capital Expenditure Land Reform Package 914,444 0 18,331,943 110,000 0 0 110,000 596,667 0 0 596,667 706,667 0 0 706,667 19,038,610 0 0 19,038,610 8,151,385 0 0 8,151,385 1,257,000 0 0 1,257,000 Section des Services Généraux Traitements et Salaires Cost Centre Total 0 0 Services Généraux Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 0 110,000 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Corporate Services Unit 914,444 18,331,943 Section des Services Généraux Total pour Activité: Personnel Emoluments 605,095 Total de Section de Frais Cost Centre Total 6503 1,924,244 Autres Biens et Services Activity Total: MLBB Corporate Services 14,888,160 258,345 Autres Biens et Services Dépenses d'Investissement Total de Section de Frais 345,000 0 0 345,000 9,753,385 0 0 9,753,385 Établissements et loyer foncier Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services 37,990,860 0 0 37,990,860 Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement 16,000,000 0 0 16,000,000 53,990,860 0 0 53,990,860 2,658,531 0 0 2,658,531 2,658,531 0 0 2,658,531 Cost Centre Total 6505 Human Resource Management Personnel Emoluments Total de Section de Frais Gestion des ressources humaines Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Cost Centre Total 2,187,360 382,720 88,451 Total de Section de Frais 83 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre 6506 Programme/Activité/Section de Frais Information Technology Personnel Emoluments Appropriation Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total Information Technologie Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 609,960 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 214,551 6,116,511 0 0 6,116,511 5,292,000 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 6,116,511 0 0 6,116,511 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 72,519,287 0 0 72,519,287 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 91,557,897 0 0 91,557,897 10,763,658 0 0 10,763,658 866,000 0 0 866,000 11,629,658 0 0 11,629,658 50,000 0 0 50,000 365,000 2,850,000 0 3,215,000 415,000 2,850,000 0 3,265,000 442,222 0 0 442,222 MLC Energy Énergie MLCA Energy Management and assessment Gestion et Évaluation 6301 Energy Unit - Petroleum Personnel Emoluments Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 963,280 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 380,618 Cost Centre Total Energy Unit - Electricity Personnel Emoluments Allowances Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total 6503 Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 6302 Section de l'Énergie - Pétrole Corporate Services Unit Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Section de l'Énergie - Électricité Traitement du Personnel Indemnités et Allocations Total de Section de Frais Section des Services Généraux Autres Biens et Services Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais Total pour Activité: 6303 Mines & Minerals Personnel Emoluments 50,000 Autres Biens et Services Activity Total: MLCB Mines & Minerals 9,419,760 0 442,222 0 15,336,880 10,240,848 0 0 10,240,848 3,721,000 0 0 3,721,000 Mines et Minerais Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires 8,431,920 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 1,470,694 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Capital Expenditure 0 2,850,000 Mines et Minerais Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 442,222 12,486,880 338,234 Autres Biens et Services 400,000 0 0 400,000 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais Dépenses d'Investissement 14,361,848 0 0 14,361,848 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 14,361,848 0 0 14,361,848 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 26,848,728 2,850,000 0 29,698,728 14,484,755 0 0 14,484,755 574,222 0 0 574,222 15,058,977 0 0 15,058,977 MLD Environment Environnement MLDA Environmental management, research and extension Services Services de Gestion de l’Environnement, Recherche et Vulgarisation 6401 Environment Unit Personnel Emoluments Section de l'Environnement Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total 12,348,000 1,637,094 499,661 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais 84 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre 6503 Corporate Services Unit Other Goods and Services Programme/Activité/Section de Frais Autres Biens et Services 0 0 0 0 350,000 Total pour Activité: 15,408,977 0 0 15,408,977 Total pour le Programme: 15,408,977 0 0 15,408,977 Program Total: Corporate Services Unit Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total 6801 Land Survey Unit Personnel Emoluments 350,000 Gestion Foncière Service Topographique Section des Services Généraux Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais 316,667 0 0 316,667 316,667 0 0 316,667 24,405,587 0 0 24,405,587 Service Topographique Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Total 350,000 Activity Total: 6503 Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur 350,000 Total de Section de Frais MLEA Land Survey Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Section des Services Généraux Cost Centre Total MLE Lands Management Appropriation 20,779,920 2,779,160 846,507 1,504,000 0 0 1,504,000 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 25,909,587 0 0 25,909,587 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 26,226,254 0 0 26,226,254 418,889 0 0 418,889 418,889 0 0 418,889 9,026,564 0 0 9,026,564 MLEB Land Use Planning 6503 Corporate Services Unit Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total 6601 Urban & Rural Lands Unit Personnel Emoluments Autres Biens et Services Aménagement des Terres Section des Services Généraux Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Section des Terres Urbaines et Rurales Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 7,514,700 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 1,210,320 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services 301,544 324,000 0 0 324,000 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 9,350,564 0 0 9,350,564 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 9,769,453 0 0 9,769,453 MLEC Lease Management 6503 Corporate Services Unit Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total 6601 Urban & Rural Lands Unit Personnel Emoluments Gestion des Baux Section des Services Généraux Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires 7,761,600 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 1,202,454 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Cost Centre Total Santo Office Personnel Emoluments 132,070,618 0 132,549,507 478,889 132,070,618 0 132,549,507 9,278,346 0 0 9,278,346 892,222 0 0 892,222 10,170,568 0 0 10,170,568 6,936,488 0 0 6,936,488 1,428,889 0 0 1,428,889 270,000 0 0 270,000 8,635,377 0 0 8,635,377 314,292 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Bureau de Santo Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 5,539,020 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 1,172,080 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement Cost Centre Total 478,889 Section des Terres Urbaines et Rurales Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 6603 Autres Biens et Services 225,388 Total de Section de Frais 85 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre 6604 Enforcement & Compliance Personnel Emoluments Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Land Records Unit Personnel Emoluments Appropriation Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total Exécution et conformité Wages and Salaries Cost Centre Total 6701 Programme/Activité/Section de Frais 1,488,882 0 0 1,488,882 1,488,882 0 0 1,488,882 15,100,234 0 0 15,100,234 1,234,800 203,740 50,342 Total de Section de Frais Service de l'Enregistrement et des Hypothèques Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement 12,277,440 2,320,214 502,580 2,750,555 0 0 2,750,555 995,000 0 0 995,000 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 18,845,789 0 0 18,845,789 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 39,619,505 132,070,618 0 171,690,123 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 75,615,212 132,070,618 0 207,685,830 305,555 0 0 305,555 305,555 0 0 305,555 15,789,469 0 0 15,789,469 1,474,444 71,620,000 0 73,094,444 MLG Water Resources MLGA Rural W ater Supply 6503 Corporate Services Unit Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total 6903 Geology & Mines - Rural Water Supply Personnel Emoluments Ressources en Eau Hydraulique rurale Section des Services Généraux Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Géologie et Mines - Hydraulique Rurale Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services 12,489,180 2,789,240 511,049 Autres Biens et Services Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 17,263,913 71,620,000 0 88,883,913 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 17,569,468 71,620,000 0 89,189,468 190,000 0 0 190,000 98,925 0 0 98,925 288,925 0 0 288,925 6,217,951 0 0 6,217,951 Autres Biens et Services 1,414,444 0 0 1,414,444 Dépenses d'Investissement 1,980,000 MLGB W ater Resource Management 6503 Corporate Services Unit Personnel Emoluments Allowances Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total 6904 Gestion des Ressources en Eau Section des Services Généraux Traitement du Personnel Indemnités et Allocations 190,000 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Geology & Mines - Water Resources Géologie et Mines - Ressources en Eau Personnel Emoluments Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 895,814 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 206,537 Other Goods and Services Capital Expenditure 5,115,600 1,980,000 0 0 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 9,612,395 0 0 9,612,395 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 9,901,320 0 0 9,901,320 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 27,470,788 71,620,000 0 99,090,788 86 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre MLH Land Valuation Services MLHA Valuer General's Office 9601 Valuer General Personnel Emoluments Programme/Activité/Section de Frais Appropriation Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total Service de l'Évaluation Foncière Bureau de l’Évaluateur Général Evaluateur général Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 5,150,880 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 1,043,814 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature 6,402,643 0 0 6,402,643 1,780,932 207,949 Autres Biens et Services 1,780,932 0 0 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 8,183,575 0 0 8,183,575 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 8,183,575 0 0 8,183,575 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 8,183,575 0 0 8,183,575 Agency Total: Total pour Agency: 283,082,048 206,540,618 0 489,622,666 Ministry of Justice and Community Service Ministère de la Justice et du Service Communauttée MJA Cabinet Support Cabinet du Ministère MJAA Portfolio Management 07AA Cabinet Operations Personnel Emoluments Gestion du Portefeuille Gestion du Cabinet Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 21,021,835 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 11,924,307 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement 33,805,257 0 0 33,805,257 8,138,967 0 0 8,138,967 450,000 0 0 450,000 859,115 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 42,394,224 0 0 42,394,224 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 42,394,224 0 0 42,394,224 10,082,615 0 0 10,082,615 0 91,584,100 0 91,584,100 10,082,615 91,584,100 0 101,666,715 536,622 0 0 536,622 18,631,250 0 0 18,631,250 MJAB Corporate Services 07AB Office of the Director General Personnel Emoluments Services Généraux Bureau du Directeur Général Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 8,643,600 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 1,082,595 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total 30AA 356,420 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Ministry of Justice & Social Welfare Section des Services généraux du ministère de la Corporate Service Unit Justice et de la Sécurité sociale Personnel Emoluments Allowances Other Goods and Services Capital Expenditure Traitement du Personnel Indemnités et Allocations 536,622 Autres Biens et Services 470,000 0 0 470,000 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais Dépenses d'Investissement 19,637,872 0 0 19,637,872 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 29,720,487 91,584,100 0 121,304,587 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 72,114,711 91,584,100 0 163,698,811 87 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre Programme/Activité/Section de Frais MJB Womens Affairs Condition Feminines MJBA W omen’s Affairs Services Généraux 08AA Policy Section Personnel Emoluments Appropriation Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total Division de la Politique Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 22,212,187 0 0 22,212,187 16,899,180 4,606,000 707,007 Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services 8,305,610 114,480,125 0 122,785,735 Subsidies & Transfers Subventions et Transferts de Fonds 6,000,000 0 0 6,000,000 Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement 1,010,000 0 0 1,010,000 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 37,527,797 114,480,125 0 152,007,922 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 37,527,797 114,480,125 0 152,007,922 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 37,527,797 114,480,125 0 152,007,922 14,312,347 0 0 14,312,347 5,709,652 0 0 5,709,652 100,000 0 0 100,000 20,121,999 0 0 20,121,999 32,522,191 0 0 32,522,191 MJC Correctional Services MJCA Correctional Services 2501 Office of the Director Personnel Emoluments Services Correctionnels Services Correctionnels Bureau du Directeur Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement Cost Centre Total 2502 Correctional Centre (North) Personnel Emoluments Total de Section de Frais Centre Correctionnel (nord) Traitement du Personnel Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 7,374,000 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 1,044,315 Probation (North) Personnel Emoluments 24,103,876 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 7,197,120 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 1,838,000 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement Cost Centre Total Parole Personnel Emoluments Allowances Other Goods and Services Cost Centre Total Correctonal Centre (South) Personnel Emoluments Total de Section de Frais 0 59,803,798 47,985,400 0 92,325,989 9,336,523 0 0 9,336,523 3,635,500 0 0 3,635,500 50,000 0 0 50,000 13,022,023 0 0 13,022,023 544,000 0 0 544,000 633,250 0 0 633,250 1,177,250 0 0 1,177,250 68,886,907 0 0 68,886,907 16,731,250 0 0 16,731,250 85,618,157 0 0 85,618,157 Liberté Conditionnelle sur Parole Traitement du Personnel Indemnités et Allocations 544,000 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais Centre Correctionnel (Sud) Traitement du Personnel Traitements et Salaires 52,435,111 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 14,200,000 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Cost Centre Total 47,985,400 44,340,589 301,403 Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 11,818,398 Épreuve (nord) Other Goods and Services 2505 469,707 Traitements et Salaires Cost Centre Total 2504 2,780,000 Wages and Salaries Other Goods and Services 2503 11,062,640 2,251,796 Autres Biens et Services Total de Section de Frais 88 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre 2506 Probation (South) Personnel Emoluments Programme/Activité/Section de Frais Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total Épreuve (Sud) Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Appropriation 16,309,411 0 0 16,309,411 2,317,500 0 0 2,317,500 12,771,360 3,000,000 538,051 Autres Biens et Services Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 18,626,911 0 0 18,626,911 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 182,906,929 47,985,400 0 230,892,329 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 182,906,929 47,985,400 0 230,892,329 4,350,876 0 0 4,350,876 3,255,883 0 0 3,255,883 MJD Lands Tribunal MJDA Lands Tribunal Office 84AA Lands Tribunal Office Personnel Emoluments Greffe des Tribunaux des terres Responsable des tribunaux des terres Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 824,170 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 139,826 Other Goods and Services 3,386,880 Autres Biens et Services Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 7,606,759 0 0 7,606,759 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 7,606,759 0 0 7,606,759 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 7,606,759 0 0 7,606,759 6,897,677 0 0 6,897,677 3,644,163 0 0 3,644,163 808,000 0 0 808,000 MJE Law Reform Commission MJEA Office of the Law Reform Commission 85AA Office of the Law Reform Commission Personnel Emoluments Bureau de la Commission de réforme du droit Bureau de la Commission de réforme des droits Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement 6,597,360 210,000 90,317 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 11,349,840 0 0 11,349,840 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 11,349,840 0 0 11,349,840 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 11,349,840 0 0 11,349,840 Agency Total: Total pour Agency: 311,506,036 254,049,625 0 565,555,661 Ministry of Civil Aviation, Ministère de l’Aviation Civile, Services Météorologiques et les Services Postaux Meteorology and Postal Services MBA Civil Aviation Portfolio Coordina Gestion du Portefeuille de l’Aviation Civile MBAA Civil Aviation Cabinet 79AA Civil Aviation Personnel Emoluments Cabinet de l’Aviation Civile l’Aviation Civile Traitement du Personnel 36,680,179 Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 23,966,935 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 11,754,565 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement 0 0 36,680,179 958,679 3,888,499 0 0 3,888,499 280,000 0 0 280,000 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 40,848,678 0 0 40,848,678 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 40,848,678 0 0 40,848,678 89 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre Programme/Activité/Section de Frais Program Total: Appropriation Total pour le Programme: MUC Civil Aviation Authority Régie de l'Aviation Civile MUCA Civil Aviation Management and Administration Support Encadrement administratif et gestion de l'Aviation civile 74CA Civil Aviation Office Cash Grants Aid in Kind/ Subventions en Especes et Aide en Nature Funded from External Loans Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total 40,848,678 0 0 40,848,678 20,014,284 0 0 20,014,284 28,132,330 0 0 28,132,330 4,000,000 0 0 4,000,000 Bureau de l'Aviation Civile Personnel Emoluments Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires Allowances Indemnités et Allocations Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur 14,464,800 4,908,619 640,865 Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Subsidies & Transfers Subventions et Transferts de Fonds Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 52,146,614 0 0 52,146,614 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 52,146,614 0 0 52,146,614 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 52,146,614 0 0 52,146,614 72,974,810 0 0 72,974,810 53,785,212 0 0 53,785,212 5,753,637 0 0 5,753,637 MUD Vanuatu Meterological Services Services Météorologiques MUDA W eather Forecasting, Monitoring and Research 75DA Prévisions, Surveillance et Recherche Météorologiques Office of Meteorology Bureau de la Météorologie Personnel Emoluments Traitement du Personnel Wages and Salaries Traitements et Salaires 58,697,360 Allowances Indemnités et Allocations 11,778,420 Employer Contributions Cotisations de l'Employeur Other Goods and Services Autres Biens et Services Capital Expenditure Dépenses d'Investissement 2,499,030 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 132,513,659 0 0 132,513,659 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 132,513,659 0 0 132,513,659 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 132,513,659 0 0 132,513,659 Agency Total: Total pour Agency: 225,508,951 0 0 225,508,951 Total Government/Total Gouvernement: 16,325,995,509 90 of 103 7,580,558,274 168,733,598 24,075,287,381 3 Forecast Funding from Donors Financement prévisionnel des bailleurs de fonds By Ministry, Program and Cost Centre Par Ministere, Programme et Section de Frais 91 of 103 Par Ministere, Programme et Section de Frais Program/Activity/Cost Centre Prime Ministers Ministry MCB Strategic Management MCBA Strategic Management 09AB Aid Coordination Unit Programme/Activité/Section de Frais Cash Grants/ Subventions en Especes Aid in Kind/ Aide en Nature Funded from External Loans/ Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total Ministère du Premier Ministre Direction Stratégique Direction Stratégique Réforme du Secteur Économique 13E109 Support to NSA and CBO Soutien de NSA et CBO 0 165,750,255 0 165,750,255 13G109 National Covention Center Centre National de Convention 0 1,050,000,000 0 1,050,000,000 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 0 1,215,750,255 0 1,215,750,255 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 0 1,215,750,255 0 1,215,750,255 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 0 1,215,750,255 0 1,215,750,255 MPE Information, Communication and TechnologPolitique et administration de l'information, de la communication et de la technologie MPEA Information, Communication and Technology Policy and Administration Initiative intégrée du gouvernement 57AA Administration & Operations 13B157 Advisors For OGCIO Administration et fonctionnement Les Conseiller de OGCIO 75,000,000 0 0 75,000,000 13E157 Integration and Migration Intégration et Migration 43,720,000 0 0 43,720,000 118,720,000 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 118,720,000 0 0 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 118,720,000 0 0 118,720,000 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 118,720,000 0 0 118,720,000 Agency Total: Total pour Agency: 118,720,000 1,215,750,255 0 1,334,470,255 Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, Fisheries and Biosecurity MAC Agricultural and Rural Development MACD Policy and Administration 47CD 13G147 Ministère de l'Agriculture, Quarantaine, Sylviculture et Peches Agricole et Développement Rural Orientation et administration Policy and Administration Politique et administration productive Sector Growth Support Program Programme du secteur productif favorable à la croissance 0 107,463,382 0 107,463,382 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 0 107,463,382 0 107,463,382 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 0 107,463,382 0 107,463,382 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 0 107,463,382 0 107,463,382 Agency Total: Total pour Agency: 0 107,463,382 0 107,463,382 Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism Ministère du Commerce, de l'Industrie et du Tourisme MTC Trade Development and Facilitation MTCA Industry and Commerce 39AF External Trade Development Division Industrie et Commerce Centre de Développement des Entreprises Ni-Vanuatu 13C139 Enhancing Integrated Framework Amélorisation du Cadre Integrer 30,000,000 0 0 30,000,000 13D139 Primary Sector Growth Support Programme Programme primaire du secteur favorable à la croissance 11,088,500 34,403,400 0 45,491,900 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 41,088,500 34,403,400 0 75,491,900 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 41,088,500 34,403,400 0 75,491,900 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 41,088,500 34,403,400 0 75,491,900 75,000,000 MTF Tourism Development MTFB Tourism Development 40AC 13D140 Tourism Investment Promotion & Facilitation Tourism Assistance Program Developpement Touristique Developpement Touristique Promotion et Facilitation de l'investissement dans le tourisme Programme d'assistance Tourisme 75,000,000 0 0 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 75,000,000 0 0 75,000,000 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 75,000,000 0 0 75,000,000 92 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre Programme/Activité/Section de Frais Program Total: Total pour le Programme: Agency Total: Total pour Agency: Ministry of Education Cash Grants/ Subventions en Especes Aid in Kind/ Aide en Nature Funded from External Loans/ Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total 75,000,000 0 0 75,000,000 116,088,500 34,403,400 0 150,491,900 Ministère de l’Éducation MEB Executive Management and Corporate ServiDirection Générale et Services Généraux MEBA Director General's Division 54AA Office of the Director General Bureau du Directeur Général Bureau du Directeur Général 10Z254 Vanuatu Education Sector Programme Programme sectoriel de l’éducation 400,000,000 0 0 400,000,000 13M154 Education Sector Wide Support Grand soutien de secteur éducatif 1,000,000,000 0 0 1,000,000,000 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 1,400,000,000 0 0 1,400,000,000 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 1,400,000,000 0 0 1,400,000,000 MEBC Policy & Planning Division 54BG 13Q154 Policy and Planning Unit Rehabilitation of Lab and Arep Cost Centre Total 54BH Facilities Unit 13J154 Politiques et Planification Section des Politiques et de la Planification Renovation du Lycée LAB et du Lycée d'Arep 0 146,092,570 0 146,092,570 Total de Section de Frais 0 146,092,570 0 146,092,570 0 0 61,800,000 Section des Établissements The Construction and Furnishing of Selected Primary Schools Classroom Buildings Cost Centre Total Le Construction et l'ameublement des batiments scolaires des écoles seletionées Total de Section de Frais 61,800,000 61,800,000 0 0 61,800,000 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 61,800,000 146,092,570 0 207,892,570 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 1,461,800,000 146,092,570 0 1,607,892,570 MEC School Education MECA School Administration Division 54CL Training & Scholarship Coordination Unit Education Scolaire Administration des services de soutien aux écoles Unité d'examen et d'évaluation 10B154 AusAID Scholarships Bourses décernées par AusAID 0 296,732,484 0 296,732,484 13N154 Scholarship to NZ Bourse pour la NZ 0 157,564,000 0 157,564,000 143,240,000 13O154 Scholarships to the Pacific Bouses pour le Pacifique 0 143,240,000 0 13P154 Short Term Training Awards Bourses de format a court terme 0 57,296,000 0 57,296,000 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 0 654,832,484 0 654,832,484 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 0 654,832,484 0 654,832,484 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 0 654,832,484 0 654,832,484 Agency Total: Total pour Agency: 1,461,800,000 800,925,054 0 2,262,725,054 0 337,376,150 Ministry of Finance and Economic Management MFC Financial And Economic Management MFCC Government Financial Services 3507 Financial Accounting Section 08M235 Governance for Growth Project Ministère des Finances et de la Gestion Économique Gestion Financière et Économique Services Financiers Publics Division de la comptabilité financière Projet de gouvernance pour la croissance 337,376,150 0 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 337,376,150 0 0 337,376,150 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 337,376,150 0 0 337,376,150 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 337,376,150 0 0 337,376,150 Agency Total: Total pour Agency: 337,376,150 0 0 337,376,150 Projet de l'Hopital Central de Port Vila 0 350,640,000 0 350,640,000 Total de Section de Frais 0 350,640,000 0 350,640,000 Ministry of Health MHC Health Services MHCA Hospital Services 61RB 13V161 Vila Central Hospital Vila Central Hospital Project Cost Centre Total Ministère de la Santé Services de la Santé Services Hospitaliers Hôpital Central de Vila 93 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre Activity Total: MHCC Public Health Services 61UA 13T161 Public Health Health Sector Direct Funding Agreement (inclu Malaria, Village Health Workers) Programme/Activité/Section de Frais Total pour Activité: Cash Grants/ Subventions en Especes Aid in Kind/ Aide en Nature Funded from External Loans/ Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total 0 350,640,000 0 350,640,000 0 0 366,336,400 Services de Santé Publique Cost Centre Total Hygiène Publique 366,336,400 Accord de financement direct du secteur de la santé (y compris le Paludisme, les travailleurs de la santé) Total de Section de Frais 366,336,400 0 0 366,336,400 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 366,336,400 0 0 366,336,400 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 366,336,400 350,640,000 0 716,976,400 Agency Total: Total pour Agency: 366,336,400 350,640,000 0 716,976,400 Ministry of Infrastructure and Public Utilities Ministère de l'Infrastructure et des Équipements Collectifs Publics MUE Shipping Services Services des Ports MUEA Ports Administration Administration des Ports 76EA 13B176 Ports & Marine Ports et Marine Vanuatu Interisland Shipping Programme - Programme de transport maritime inter0 Loan Financing îles à Vanuatu - Financement par l'emprunt 13C176 Vanuatu InterIsland Shipping Programme - Programme de transport maritime inter- 141,668,244 Grant Financing îles à Vanuatu- Financement par concession 13L178 0 Port Vila Lapetasi International MultiProjet de développement à usages Purpose Wharf Development Project mulitples du quai international de Loan Funding Lapetasi Port Vila- Fonds d'emprent 13M176 1,017,582,418 Port Vila Lapetasi International MultiProjet de développement à usages Purpose Wharf Development Project mulitples du quai international de Grant Funding Lapetasi Port Vila- Fonds concession Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 1,159,250,662 58,843,488 58,843,488 0 0 141,668,244 0 109,890,110 109,890,110 0 0 1,017,582,418 0 168,733,598 1,327,984,260 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 1,159,250,662 0 168,733,598 1,327,984,260 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 1,159,250,662 0 168,733,598 1,327,984,260 0 0 228,960,250 0 0 196,668,800 Cost Centre Total Projet de gouvernance pour la 228,960,250 croissance Projet de développement urbain de Port 196,668,800 Vila Total de Section de Frais 425,629,050 0 0 425,629,050 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 425,629,050 0 0 425,629,050 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 425,629,050 0 0 425,629,050 Agency Total: Total pour Agency: 1,584,879,712 0 168,733,598 1,753,613,310 0 309,096,338 0 309,096,338 MUF Public Works MUFA Development and Maintenance of Government Infrastructure 78A1 Head Office 08M235 Governance for Growth Project 13M178 Port Vila Urban Development Project Travaux Publics Développement et Entretien des Infrastructures Publiques Siège de la Direction Ministry of Internal Affairs Ministère de l' Interieur MIA Cabinet Support Cabinet du Ministère MIAB 0 Corporate Services 2302 Corporate Services 06D726 0 68,688,075 0 68,688,075 Cost Centre Total Projet de renforcement des capacités du Corps de police Programme d'association d'église de Vanuatu Total de Section de Frais 0 377,784,413 0 377,784,413 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 0 377,784,413 0 377,784,413 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 0 377,784,413 0 377,784,413 11L124 Vanuatu Police Force Capacity Building Project Vanuatu Church Partnership Program Services Généraux Services Généraux 94 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre MIC Decentralisation Services MICC Administration of Regional Services 2403 Corporate Services 11O124 Programme/Activité/Section de Frais Cash Grants/ Subventions en Especes Aid in Kind/ Aide en Nature Funded from External Loans/ Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total Services de la Décentralisation Administration des Services Régionaux Services Généraux 13E124 Wan Smolbag Theatre Tripartite Partnership Vanuatu Rural Training centers Association tripartite de petit théâtre blême Centres ruraux de formation Vanuatu 0 151,113,765 0 151,113,765 0 32,229,000 0 32,229,000 13F124 Support to Wan Smol Bag Soutien à Wan Smol Bag 0 64,458,000 0 64,458,000 247,800,765 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 0 247,800,765 0 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 0 247,800,765 0 247,800,765 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 0 247,800,765 0 247,800,765 Agency Total: Total pour Agency: 0 625,585,178 0 625,585,178 2,850,000 Ministry of Lands, Geology and Mines MLC Energy Ministère des Terres, de la Géologie et des Mines Énergie MLCA Energy Management and assessment 6302 Energy Unit - Electricity 13A163 Energy Facility II Gestion et Évaluation Section de l'Énergie - Électricité Faciliter de l'Energie 0 2,850,000 0 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 0 2,850,000 0 2,850,000 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 0 2,850,000 0 2,850,000 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 0 2,850,000 0 2,850,000 132,070,618 MLE Lands Management MLEC Lease Management 6503 Corporate Services Unit 11E166 Mama Graon-Land Program Gestion Foncière Gestion des Baux Section des Services Généraux Programme de terre de Vanuatu 0 132,070,618 0 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 0 132,070,618 0 132,070,618 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 0 132,070,618 0 132,070,618 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 0 132,070,618 0 132,070,618 Géologie et Mines - Hydraulique Rurale L'accès a l'éau potable 71,620,000 71,620,000 MLG Water Resources MLGA Rural W ater Supply 6903 13E169 Geology & Mines - Rural Water Supply Access to Clean water Ressources en Eau Hydraulique rurale 0 0 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 71,620,000 0 0 71,620,000 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 71,620,000 0 0 71,620,000 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 71,620,000 0 0 71,620,000 Agency Total: Total pour Agency: 71,620,000 134,920,618 0 206,540,618 91,584,100 Ministry of Justice and Social Welfare MJA Cabinet Support MJAB Corporate Services 07AB 11A107 Office of the Director General Jastis Blong Evriwan Ministère de la Justice et du Service Communauttée Cabinet du Ministère Services Généraux Bureau du Directeur Général Justice pour tous 91,584,100 0 0 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 91,584,100 0 0 91,584,100 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 91,584,100 0 0 91,584,100 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 91,584,100 0 0 91,584,100 114,480,125 0 0 114,480,125 Cost Centre Total La phase centrale 5 des femmes de Vanuatu Total de Section de Frais 114,480,125 0 0 114,480,125 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 114,480,125 0 0 114,480,125 MJB Womens Affairs MJBA W omen’s Affairs 08AA Policy Section 11E108 Vanuatu Womens Center Phase 5 Condition Feminines Services Généraux Division de la Politique 95 of 103 Program/Activity/Cost Centre Program Total: MJC Correctional Services MJCA Correctional Services 2502 Correctional Centre (North) Programme/Activité/Section de Frais Total pour le Programme: Cash Grants/ Subventions en Especes Aid in Kind/ Aide en Nature Funded from External Loans/ Financé par le biais de prêts de l'extérieur Total 114,480,125 0 0 114,480,125 47,985,400 Services Correctionnels Services Correctionnels Centre Correctionnel (nord) Services Correctionnels – Phase III 47,985,400 0 0 Cost Centre Total Total de Section de Frais 47,985,400 0 0 47,985,400 Activity Total: Total pour Activité: 47,985,400 0 0 47,985,400 Program Total: Total pour le Programme: 47,985,400 0 0 47,985,400 Agency Total: Total pour Agency: 254,049,625 0 0 254,049,625 4,310,870,387 3,269,687,887 168,733,598 7,749,291,872 08B125 Correctional Services Phase III Total Government/Total Gouvernement: 96 of 103 4 2013 Estimates Revenue Forecasts 2013 Prévision des Recettes 97 of 103 Program Description Activity Forecast Revenue Judiciary Services Judiciaires Administration of Justice Administration de la Justice CIAB 1410 CIAC 1422 1423 CIAD 1431 1432 1433 1434 CIAE 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 CIAB Cour D'Appel Amendes judiciaires CIAC Cour Suprême Amendes judiciaires Amendes judiciaires CIAD Tribunaux de premières Instance Amendes judiciaires Amendes judiciaires Amendes judiciaires Amendes judiciaires CIAE Tribunaux d'île Amendes judiciaires Amendes judiciaires Amendes judiciaires Amendes judiciaires Amendes judiciaires Amendes judiciaires Amendes judiciaires Amendes judiciaires Amendes judiciaires Amendes judiciaires Court of Appeal 7TFC Court Fines Supreme Court 7TFC Court Fines 7TFC Court Fines Magistrate Courts 7TFC Court Fines 7TFC Court Fines 7TFC Court Fines 7TFC Court Fines Island Courts 7TFC Court Fines 7TFC Court Fines 7TFC Court Fines 7TFC Court Fines 7TFC Court fines 7TFC Court Fines 7TFC Court Fines 7TFC Court Fines 7TFC Court Fines 7TFC Court Fines 500,000 10,000,000 250,000 4,000,000 500,000 100,000 100,000 120,000 30,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 CIAG Enforcement 1480 7TFC Court Fines Total for Administration of Justice CIAG Exécution Amendes judiciaires Total pour les Administration de la Justice 1,000,000 17,000,000 Total for Judiciary Total pour le Services Judiciaires 17,000,000 Public Solicitor Avocat Public Public Legal Services Services Juridiques au Public CHAA Representation 13AA 7NOO Other Recoveries Total for Public Legal Services CHAA Représentation Autres recouvrements Total pour les Services Juridiques au Public 632,000 632,000 Total for Public Solicitor Total pour le Avocat Public 632,000 Public Service Commission Commission de la Fonction Publique Public Service Commission Commission de la Fonction Publique CJAC Performance Improvement Unit 19AC 7NOH Government Houses Recoveries Total for Public Service Commission CJAC Unité de Perfectionnement Logements de Fonction (Loyer) Total pour les Commission de la Fonction Publique 16,000,000 16,000,000 Total for Public Service Commission Total pour le Commission de la Fonction Publique 16,000,000 Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, Fisheries and Biosecurity Ministère de l'Agriculture, Quarantaine, Sylviculture et Peches Agricultural and Rural Development Agricole et Développement Rural MACA 47CA 47CA 47CA MACA Produits de base Vente de marchandises Autres droits et honoraires Recouvrement de frais de location de matériel 100,000 100,000 400,000 MAC Orientation et administration Disposition d'autres éléments d'actif Autres droits et honoraires 200,000 250,000 Commodities 7LSP Products Sales 7NFO Other Fees 7NOE Equipment Hire Recoveries MACD Policy and Administration 47CD 7NDT Other Asset Disposals 47CD 7NFO Other Fees 98 of 103 Program Description Activity Total for Agricultural and Rural Development Forecast Revenue Total pour les Agricole et Développement Rural 1,050,000 Vanuatu Quarantine and Inspection Service Service de la Quarantaine et de l'Inspection de Vanuatu MADA Biosecurity Administration 49DA 7NFO Other Fees 49DA 7NOL Levies Recoveries MADE Livestock Production 49DE 7NOE Equipment Hire Recoveries 49DE 7NOO Other Recoveries Total for Vanuatu Quarantine and Inspection Service MADA Administration de la Biosécurité Autres droits et honoraires Recouvrement d'impôts MADE Production Animale Recouvrement de frais de location de matériel Autres recouvrements Total pour les Service de la Quarantaine et de l'Inspection de Vanuatu Fisheries Pêches MAEI 48EI 48EI MAEI Mise en conformité et licence de pêche Rétablissements De Laisux Permis de Pêche 3,000,000 144,000,000 MAEJ Fisheries Development and Capture 48EP 7NFR Boatyard Repair Fees Total for Fisheries MAEJ Développement des pêcheries et prises Réparations et bateaux Total pour les Pêches 3,000,000 150,000,000 Forestry Sylviculture MAFA Forestry 72FA 7LCV Miscellaneous Charges 72FA 7LSO Other Sales 72FA 7NOP Permits Recoveries 72FA 7TLT Timber Licences Total for Forestry MAFA Sylviculture Charges diverses Autres ventes Recouvrement de droits de permis Licences d'exploitation du bois Total pour les Sylviculture Total for Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, Fisheries and Biosecurity Total pour le Ministère de l'Agriculture, Quarantaine, Sylviculture et Peches Ministry of Cooperatives and Ni-Vanuatu Business Development Services Ministère de la Promotion des Entreprises Vanuatuanes et des Cooperatives Ni-Vanuatu Business Development Entreprises Ni-Vanuatu MVBA Cooperatives Development 38AA 7NOG Registration Charge Recoveries 38AB 7NOI Inspections Recoveries 38AC 7NOG Registration Charge Recoveries 38AC 7NOI Inspections Recoveries 38AE 7NOG Registration Charge Recoveries 38AE 7NOI Inspections Recoveries 38AF 7NOG Registration Charge Recoveries 38AF 7NOI Inspections Recoveries 38AG 7NOG Registration Charge Recoveries 38AG 7NOI Inspections Recoveries 38AH 7NOG Registration Charge Recoveries 38AH 7NOI Inspections Recoveries Total for Ni-Vanuatu Business Development MVBA Développement des Coopératives Enregistrement de Coopératives Recouvrement de frais d'inspection Enregistrement de Coopératives Recouvrement de frais d'inspection Enregistrement de Coopératives Recouvrement de frais d'inspection Enregistrement de Coopératives Recouvrement de frais d'inspection Enregistrement de Coopératives Recouvrement de frais d'inspection Enregistrement de Coopératives Recouvrement de frais d'inspection Total pour les Entreprises Ni-Vanuatu Total for Ministry of Cooperatives and Ni-Vanuatu Business Development Services Total pour le Ministère de la Promotion des Entreprises Vanuatuanes et des Cooperatives Ministry of Education Ministère de l’Éducation Fisheries Compliance and Licensing 7NOP Permits Recovery 7TLF Fishing licences and registraction 2,000,000 60,000,000 250,000 1,500,000 63,750,000 30,000 25,000 975,000 5,970,000 7,000,000 221,800,000 617,550 308,775 102,925 102,925 308,775 205,850 102,925 102,925 102,925 102,925 308,775 205,850 2,573,125 2,573,125 Executive Management and Corporate ServicesDirection Générale et Services Généraux MEBA Director General's Division 54AA 7NOH Government Houses Recoveries 54AA 7NOM Commissions Recoveries MEBA Bureau du Directeur Général Reprise de logements de fonction de l'Etat Recouvrement de commissions 99 of 103 500,000 250,000 Program Description Activity Forecast Revenue Total for Executive Management and Corporate Services Total pour les Direction Générale et Services Généraux School Education Education Scolaire MECA School Administration Division MECA Administration des services de soutien aux écoles Autres droits et honoraires Recettes reçues d'établissements secondaires 54CB 54CC 7NFO Other Fees 7NFO Revenue received from secondary schools 750,000 135,000 100,000 MECE School Support Services Division 54GB 7NFX Primary & Secondary Schools Exam Levies Total for School Education MECE Contributions De Gouvernement Droits d'examens - Ecoles primaires et secondaires 2,690,000 Total pour les Education Scolaire 2,925,000 Total for Ministry of Education Total pour le Ministère de l’Éducation 3,675,000 Ministry of Finance and Economic Management Ministère des Finances et de la Gestion Économique Financial And Economic Management Gestion Financière et Économique MFCB Sector Policy Coordination 1506 7NIU Utility Company fines and penalties MFCC Government Financial Services 3502 7VCI Ifira W harf & Stevedoring Dividends 3502 7VCN National Bank Dividends 3502 7VSR Reserve Bank 3504 7NOM Commissions Recoveries 3505 7NOO Other Recoveries 3507 7NOO Other Recoveries 3507 7UIB Interest from Bank Deposits Total for Financial And Economic Management MFCB Coordination Politique par Secteur Amendes et pénalités d'entreprises de services publics MFCC Services Financiers Publics Dividende d'Ifira Wharf & Stevedoring Dividendes Banque Nationale Dividendes Dividendes Banque de Réserve Commission AP Autres Frais Autres Frais Remboursement Prêts (Intérêts) Total pour les Gestion Financière et Économique Payments on Behalf of Government Paiements au Nom de l’État MFEC Central Payments 3512 7TCO Registration - Offshore Companies 3512 7TCS Company Stamp Duties 3512 7TLS Shipping Registration Fees Total for Payments on Behalf of Government MFEC Paiements Centralisés Enregistrement Sociétés Offshore Droit de Timbre Immatriculation des Navires Total pour les Paiements au Nom de l’État Revenue Collection Perception des Recettes MFFA 3605 3605 3605 3605 3605 3605 3605 3605 3605 3605 3605 3605 3605 3605 3605 3605 3605 MFFA Perception des Droits de Douane et d’Accise Accise bières locales Accise autres produits de fabrication locale Accise vins de production locale Accise bières importées Exportation de poissons vivants Accise essence pour voiture Accise autres importations Accise produits du tabac Accise vins et spiritueux Amendes/Pénalités Importation de Bière Droits Asycuda Carburant Automobile Autres Importations Droits de Douane à l’Importation Importation de Produits du Tabac Importation de Véhicules Customs and Excise Collections 7TDB Excise Domestic Beer 7TDN Excise Other Domestic Products 7TDW Excise Domestic W ine 7TEB Excise Beer Imports 7TEE Live Fish Export 7TEM Excise Motor Spirit 7TEN Excise Other Imports 7TET Excise Tobacco Products 7TEW Excise Wines and Spirits 7THS Merchant Charges 7TIB Beer Import Duties 7TIF Asycuda Fee Import Duties 7TIM Motor Spirit Import Duties 7TIN Not Elsewhere Specified Import Duties 7TIS Service Fees Import Duties 7TIT Tobacco & Tobacco P Import Duties 7TIV Vehicles Import Duties 100 of 103 823,400 10,000,000 20,000,000 250,000,000 41,170,000 7,204,750 1,000,000 5,000,000 335,198,150 152,353,788 275,757,853 41,170,000 469,281,641 168,424,000 102,634,250 26,316,250 46,316,250 2,367,275 797,668,750 227,599,086 696,206,250 78,656,250 30,500,960 42,106,000 6,927,526 518,705,393 1,790,320,943 14,064,111 178,950,500 164,346,250 Program Description Activity Forecast Revenue 3605 7TIW Wines And Spirits Import Duties MFFB VAT Collections 3603 7TVA Value Added Tax MFFC Rates and Taxes Collection 3602 7TBR Rent Tax 3602 7TBT Turnover Tax 3602 7TGG Gaming Duty 3602 7TLB Business Licences & Registration 3602 7TLL Liquor Licences & Registration 3602 7TLV Vehicle Licences 3602 7TOA Interactive Gaming Taxes 3602 7TOR Road Tax Total for Revenue Collection Importation de Boissons Alcoolisées MFFB Perception de la TVA TVA MFFC Perception des Droits Indirects et Taxes Taxe sur le Loyer Chiffre d’Affaires Jeux d’Argent Patentes Commerciales Permis de Vente d’Alcool Droits (Véhicules) Jeux Interactifs Vignettes (taxe routière) Total pour les Perception des Recettes Total for Ministry of Finance and Economic Management Total pour le Ministère des Finances et de la Gestion Économique 107,127,376 5,532,915,754 74,286,199 347,374,500 89,475,250 235,095,693 11,219,836 300,005,250 26,638,263 190,379,004 11,806,627,169 12,611,106,960 Ministry of Health Ministère de la Santé Health Services Services de la Santé MHCA Hospital Services 61RG 7NFH Hospital Fees 61SB 7NFH Hospital Fees 61SD 7NFH Outpatient Fees 61SF 7NFH Hospital Fees 61SG 7NFH Hospital Fees Total for Health Services MHC Services Hospitaliers Droits d'hospitalisation Droits d'hospitalisation Droits de consultation externe Droits d'hospitalisation Droits d'hospitalisation Total pour les Services de la Santé 1,500,000 8,050,000 200,000 780,000 300,000 10,830,000 Total for Ministry of Health Total pour le Ministère de la Santé 10,830,000 Ministry of Infrastructure and Public Utilities Ministère de l'Infrastructure et des Équipements Collectifs Publics Shipping Services Services des Ports MUEA Ports Administration 76EA 7LCL Landing Charges 76EA 7LCM Marine Fees Charges 76EA 7NFO Other Fees 76EA 7TOP Port Dues 76EA 7TOW Wharfage Tax Total for Shipping Services MUEA Administration des Ports Frais De Débarquement Commercial Autres Driots Frais de Port, d’Électricité et de Quai Droit de Quai Total pour les Services des Ports Public Works Travaux Publics MUFA Development and Maintenance of Government Infrastructure 78A1 7NOO Other Recoveries 78A1 7NOW Water Charges Recoveries 78B2 7NOO Other Recoveries 78B3 7NOO Other Recoveries 78B4 7NOO Other Recoveries 78B5 7NOO Other Recoveries Total for Public Works MUFA Développement et Entretien des Infrastructures Publiques Autres Frais Électricité et Eau Autres recouvrements Autres recouvrements Autres recouvrements Autres recouvrements Total pour les Travaux Publics Total for Ministry of Infrastructure and Public Utilities Total pour le Ministère de l'Infrastructure et des Équipements Collectifs Publics Ministry of Internal Affairs Ministère de l' Interieur Internal Security and Border Control Sécurité Interne et Contrôle aux Frontières MIDA MIDA Commandement mixte Joint Command and Control 101 of 103 69,000,000 10,000,000 600,000 205,000,000 101,000,000 385,600,000 1,029,250 30,877,500 20,000,000 7,200,000 900,000 750,000 60,756,750 446,356,750 Program Description Activity 2602 MIDD 2636 2636 2636 2636 7NOA Application Charges Recoveries Police District Southern 7NIO Other Fines 7NIT Traffic Fines 7NLF Firearms Licenses 7NOT Testing Charges Recoveries Forecast Revenue Recouvrement de frais de demandes MIDD Police région Sud Amendes/Pénalités Amendes Infraction Code de Route Permis d’Armes à Feu Ventes/Cessions 12,000,000 1,000,000 5,500,000 5,500,000 500,000 MIDG Border Control 4502 7LCV Miscellaneous Charges 4502 7TLR Residency Permits MIDH Issue of Passports 4503 7NFP Passport Fees Total for Internal Security and Border Control MIDG Commande De Frontière Autres Droits Permis de Séjour MIDH Délivrance de passeports Droits de passeports Total pour les Sécurité Interne et Contrôle aux Frontières National Services Services Nationaux MIEA Labour Regulation 2701 7NIO Other Fines 2701 7NOA Application Charges Recoveries 2701 7TLB Business Licences & Registration 2701 7TLQ Temporary Permit 2701 7TLW Work Permits MIEB Electoral Services 2801 7NFE Election Fees MIED Civil Registry 2901 7NFO Other Fees Total for National Services MIEA Règlement du Travail Amendes/Pénalités Frais de Dossier Patentes Commerciales Laiss Provisoire Permis de Travail MIEB Bureau des Élections Droits électoraux MIED Registre Civil et Archives Nationales Autres droits et honoraires Total pour les Services Nationaux 3,000,000 187,775,000 Total for Ministry of Internal Affairs Total pour le Ministère de l' Interieur 679,775,000 2,500,000 425,000,000 40,000,000 492,000,000 6,000,000 15,000,000 1,000,000 10,000,000 144,095,000 8,680,000 Ministry of Lands, Geology and Mines Ministère des Terres, de la Géologie et des Mines Energy Énergie MLCB Mines & Minerals 6303 7NFO Other Fees 6303 7NTO Other Items Revenue 6303 7TLP Prospector Licences & Registration Total for Energy MLCB Mines et Minerais Autres Driots Autres Frais Permis de Prospection Total pour les Énergie Environment Environnement MLDA MLDA Services de Gestion de l’Environnement, Recherche et Vulgarisation Autres droits et honoraires Recouvrement de droits de permis Autres postes de recettes Total pour les Environnement Environmental management, research and extension Services 6401 7NFO Other Fees 6401 7NOP Permits Recoveries 6401 7NTO Other Items Revenue Total for Environment Lands Management Gestion Foncière MLEA Land Survey 6801 7NDT Other Asset Disposals 6801 7NFO Other Fees MLEC Lease Management 6601 7NOA Application Charges Recoveries 6601 7TPL Land Lease 6601 7TPR Land Rent 6701 7TPG Land Registration Total for Lands Management MLEA Service Topographique Disposition d'autres éléments d'actif Autres droits et honoraires MLEC Gestion des Baux Recouvrement de frais de demandes Baux fonciers Loyer Foncier Enregistrement des terres Total pour les Gestion Foncière 102 of 103 250,000 790,000 25,500,000 26,540,000 1,000,000 902,825 1,000,000 2,902,825 1,400,000 5,500,000 13,250,000 500,000 191,580,000 549,823,849 762,053,849 Program Description Activity Forecast Revenue Total for Ministry of Lands, Geology and Mines Total pour le Ministère des Terres, de la Géologie et des Mines Ministry of Civil Aviation, Meteorology and Postal Services Ministère de l’Aviation Civile, Services Météorologiques et les Services Postaux Civil Aviation Authority Régie de l'Aviation Civile MUCA Civil Aviation Management and Administration Support 74CA 7LCL Landing Charges 74CA 7LCO Pilotage Charges 74CA 7LCV Miscellaneous Charges Total for Civil Aviation Authority MUC Encadrement administratif et gestion de l'Aviation civile Droits de débarquement Droits de pilotage Charges diverses Total pour les Régie de l'Aviation Civile Vanuatu Meterological Services Services Météorologiques MUDA Weather Forecasting, Monitoring and Research 75DA 7NFO Other Fees Total for Vanuatu Meterological Services MUD Prévisions, Surveillance et Recherche Météorologiques Autres droits et honoraires Total pour les Services Météorologiques Total for Ministry of Civil Aviation, Meteorology and Postal Services Total pour le Ministère de l’Aviation Civile, Services Météorologiques et les Services Postaux TOTAL GOVERNMENT REVENUE REVENU TOTAL DU GOVERNEMENT 791,496,674 1,500,000 200,000 1,700,000 3,400,000 6,000,000 6,000,000 9,400,000 14,810,645,509 DOMESTIC BORROWINGS EMPRUNTS DOMESTIQUES 1,515,350,000 BUDGET SUPPORT SOUTIEN DU BUDGET 0 TOTAL GOVERNMENT RECEIPTS RECETTES TOTAL DU GOVERNEMENT 16,325,995,509 TOTAL EXTERNAL FINANCING FINANCEMENT EXTÉRIEUR 7,457,727,772 103 of 103