IOF catalogue entry - International Organ Foundation
IOF catalogue entry - International Organ Foundation
The International Organ Foundation Catalogue entry Page 1 Rotterdam (Netherlands) Cat numb: 03100000106 Cat date: 5/2003 Last rev: Maranatha Kerk Builder: Year: Opus: Case Builder: Date: Materials: Console Type: No. of manuals: Stop controls: Pedals type: J L van den Heuvel Orgelbouw bv 1995 Mahogany, including the carvings. Manual naturals have a bone overlay, sharps are of ebony. The stopknobs are of coromandel wood with porcelain name plates. Console cheeks of rosewood. The pedalboard is of oak. Integral 3 Radiating, concave Action Key: Stop: Temperament: Pitch (a', Hz): No. of stops: No. of ranks: No. of pipes: 25 Wind supply Power: Pressures (mm): History: Originally commissioned in 1993 by a school of church music in Taiwan but never installed there. 1989: Sold to present location. Primary source: Builder's Web site: Comments: No Barker levers used; octaves graves couplers are electric with pull-down magnets attached to the action of the Récit Expressif. The twin of this organ was also built in 1995 and is in the Kungliche Musikhögskolan in Stockholm. [Nl]. Stop list I Grand-orgue (C-c4, 61) Bourdon Montre Flûte Harmonque Prestant Doublette Plein-Jeu 16 8 8 4 2 III-V C-b0 Sipo Mahogany; shared with Soubasse; c1-c4 40% tin Façade pipes 80% tin, rest 70% tin C-B capped, open from c0; harmonic from c2; 70% tin Façade pipes 80% tin, rest 70% tin 70% tin 70% tin Copyright © The International Organ Foundation (, 2016. Printed on 2016/09/29. The International Organ Foundation Catalogue entry: Maranatha Kerk, Rotterdam (Netherlands) Page 2 II Positief Expressif (C-c4, 61) Bourdon Flûte Douce Nasard Flageolet Tierce Cromorne 8 4 2 2/3 2 1 3/5 8 40% tin 40% tin 40% tin 40% tin 40% tin resonators 75% tin III Récit Expressif (C-c4, 61) Flûte à Cheminée Gambe 8 8 Voix Céleste Flûte Octaviante Octavin Piccolo Trompette Basson-Hautbois Clairon 8 4 2 1 8 8 4 C-B of mahogany, capped; from c0 40% tin C-B shared with Flûte à Cheminée 8'; from c0 80% tin From c0 80% tin Harmonic from c1; 70% tin Harmonic from c0; 70% tin 70% tin Double length from c2; resonators 75% tin Resonators 75% tin Double lengthfrom c1; resonators 75% tin Pédale (C-g1, 32) Soubasse Flûte Flûte Basson 16 8 4 16 Mahogany Mahogany 40% tin Resonators 70% tin Couplers Positif to Grand-Orgue Récit to Grand-Orgue Récit to Positif Grand-Orgue to Pédale Positif to Pédale Récit to Pédale 16, 8 Accessories Balanced pedals Swell Positif Swell Récit Computerized Combination Action System 32 channels, each independently lockable 15 general pistons (32 channels x 15 = 480 combinations) Piston sequencing with auto channel incrementing Numerical digital display Test mode for automatic testing of drawknobs Test mode for manual testing of all pistions and toe studs Non-volatile memory Copyright © The International Organ Foundation (, 2016. Printed on 2016/09/29. The International Organ Foundation Catalogue entry: Maranatha Kerk, Rotterdam (Netherlands) Copyright © J L van den Heuvel-Orgelbouw bv NL Copyright © The International Organ Foundation (, 2016. Printed on 2016/09/29. Page 3
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