Professional experience Research interests Education Award


Professional experience Research interests Education Award
Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology
ArGEnCo Department
University of Liege
B52/3 Sart-Tilman
B-4000 Liege
Tél. : +32 4 366 95 53
Fax. : +32 4 366 95 20
Email : [email protected]
Professional experience
Since 2012 Research Engineer in Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology – GEO3 – ArGEnCo – ULg
(Prof. A. Dassargues)
2007-2012 PhD student (ULg and F.R.I.A.) in Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology – GEO3 –
ArGEnCo – ULg (Prof. A. Dassargues)
Research interests
Aquifer characterization
Groundwater flow and transport modelling
Sensitivity analysis, calibration, and uncertainty analysis of groundwater models
2012 Doctor in Applied Sciences (Faculty of Applied Sciences - ULg)
PhD thesis title Assessing the impacts of technical and structure choices on groundwater model
performance using a complex synthetic case
2007 Geological Engineer (Faculty of Applied Sciences - ULg)
Master thesis title Etude du bassin d’alimentation & des captages d’eaux minérales de Sidi Ali (Oulmès,
Maroc) (in French)
2007 Lhoist Award of the AILg for an excellent Master thesis
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