APEC Achieves High Quality Executive


APEC Achieves High Quality Executive
APEC Achieves High Quality Executive
Recruitment Customer Service
in France
APEC Achieves High Quality Executive
Recruitment Customer Service in France
APEC (Association pour l’Emploi des Cadres) is a key player in the executive recruitment market in
France. It helps and advises both executives in their professional career, and young graduates in
preparing for and entering the job market. It also helps and advises companies in recruitment and
talent management.
The implementation of the Altitude uCI
customer interaction management solution
in early 2012 was a key element to
implement the new multichannel customer relationship
strategy of APEC. The company was able to optimize
resources, improve service quality and standardize
practices and processes.
Today, the Altitude uCI solution platform manages inbound
and outbound calls in customer service and marketing
operations in five Contact Centers, totalling 125 positions,
Altitude uCI supports the
evolution of our everyday service,
and it contributes to continuously
improve our customer
satisfaction rates.
Frank Le Goff
Head of Direct Marketing
and Telemarketing
and it should be implemented in all APEC’s 47 offices, by
the end of 2013.
Easy integration with existing IT systems and
operational processes
In 2011, APEC launched a tender in order to acquire a new solution for customer interaction
management. After considering the major players solutions in the market, APEC chose the Altitude
uCI solution, as it was the best in meeting its needs in terms of costs, performance, ease of use, and
integration with the existing IT systems, applications and processes.
“With Altitude Software, it was not our team that had to adapt to the new solution. Altitude uCI
demonstrated a remarkable flexibility and it integrated with our technical and organizational
environment. To implement a solution should be a transparent, easy process that does not disturb
the everyday activity of our consultants. The solution should be easy to learn and use, so as to be
effective in supporting our consultants in their goal to improve the quality of service. Also, Altitude
uCI delivered significant savings in operating and maintenance costs when compared to our previous
solution," comments Frank Le Goff, Head of Direct Marketing and Telemarketing.
© Altitude Software Case Study – all rights reserved
To witness a day in one Contact Center equipped
with the Altitude uCI solution was key for the
final decision. In January 2012, Altitude uCI was
Founded in 1966;
first deployed to the telemarketing team, and
One Enterprise Service Center;
soon afterwards in the three existing Executive
Three Executive Service Centers and
Costumer Service Centers (Paris, Lyon and Lille).
One Customer Relationship Center;
A few months later, the Altitude Software
880 employees;
solution was installed at the Malakoff Customer
125 agent positions;
Relationship Center.
39 000 companies and 800 000
executives as customers;
The deployments were fast, with no disruption
and with a great relationship with the customer,
in keeping with the best service traditions of
Altitude Software.
Optimal multichannel
customer relationships
improvement in customer satisfaction,
using customer history; easy integration
with Cisco Telephony and Salesforce
CRM, and unified management with
monitoring and performance reports.
Moreover, Altitude uCI solution enabled the
unified management of interactions, directing
Service quality optimization with
Existing Investments were preserved,
the contacts to the best available consultant,
with rapid deployment and significant
independent of location (there are three contact
operating and maintenance cost savings
when compared with previous solutions;
centers), and even on mobility. This “virtual
contact center” functionality enables a more
effective allocation of work and allows for a
Easy to Use, with training completed in
½ day
better use of human resources.
Additionally, the establishment of a callback feature provides customers with the possibility of
leaving their phone number and ask to be contacted again. This has significantly contributed to
improve APEC quality of service. Since July 2012, thousands of customers have been contacted again
within 24 hours thanks to this functionality.
Telemarketing campaigns at APEC are now fully automated, and email campaigns are fully
integrated. Consultants have complete visibility of the contacts that should be followed up by
© Altitude Software Case Study – all rights reserved
A People-centered organization
The Altitude uCI™ solution also improves the
comfort and performance of APEC consultants.
They benefit from an intuitive and ergonomic
interface that instantly displays the customer
Altitude uCI Solution
Implemented Functionalities:
history in real time, at the time of the
Unified interaction management
(inbound and outbound)
interaction. This allows APEC’s consultants to
Intelligent routing
have a better understanding of customer’s issues
Real-time monitoring and full statistics
and to provide an appropriate solution.
Finally, the open and flexible architecture of the
Altitude uCI™ solution has not only allowed for
an easy integration with Apec’s IT environment,
Implemented Solution
but also quick learning and better use by teams.
• Altitude Voice Portal
Thanks to monitoring and reporting tools offered
• Altitude uAgent
by Altitude uCI, managers have a daily view of
• Altitude Developer
global contact and interaction’s activity in the
• Altitude uSupervisor
Customer Service Centers.
• Altitude Publisher
Roll-Out to 47 Agencies
all over France
• Altitude Reporting Framework
Boosted by the positive results of installing the Altitude uCI at its five service centers, APEC will
install the solution in the 47 agencies of its regional network during 2013. This was preceded by a
pilot focused on the user experience of regional office based consultants.
“The solution should be able to reflect our people-centered business strategy, serve our mission and
reflect our culture. For us, customer relationships are a strategic asset that should be enhanced by
technology. That was why we involved our consultants at every stage of development and
implementation. And this concern was very well understood by Altitude Software that was a true
business partner throughout the process”, concludes Frank Le Goff.
Contacts :
Easyphone Altitude Software
156 Boulevard Haussmann
Frank le Goff
75008 Paris, France
Head of Direct Marketing
Tel.: + 33 1 55 27 60 66
and Telemarketing
Tél.: +33 (0)1 40 52 20 67
[email protected]
© Altitude Software Case Study – all rights reserved