DVB-T188 Digital Video TNT Receiver 1 .Connecting to TV


DVB-T188 Digital Video TNT Receiver 1 .Connecting to TV
DVB-T188 Digital Video TNT Receiver
1 .Connecting to T V
Antenna Remote Control
3 .Basic functions
3 .1 T V /R A D IO programs switch
3 .2 Station switch
A -B
Press " Enter" to affirm program selection ,press " E X IT " return to
F .R & F.F P R E V /N E X T
hide menu
2 . R e m o te
4.If th ere are so m e favorite program s that have been set up ,just
number keys to input program number.
press " FA V "key
(stereo-left channelright
To enter the favorite program list ;
channel ),press " up/down "to switch the language of sound
3.Press "Enter" key confirm the selection and return to full -screen
Press " U P /D O W N " to se lect favorite prog ram ,press "Enter"
play mode ,press
affirm the selection,
" EXIT" to return to full -screen play mode but not save the setting of
Press " E X IT " to return to h id e menu .
language of
1.Press "U P/D O W N "to switch to the previous o r n ext p rog ram .
sound ,only save the setting of type of language .
Press "T V /R A D IO "to switch the program s w hen it is in fu ll
3.6 screen zoom
1.Press " ZOOM" to enable zoom mode and show a reading glass
2.Press " Enter"to switch to th e speed in ess program list, press "L
on screen left-up.
EF T /R IG H T " to select
2.Press " F.R&F.F" to zoom current image being played if in full
different program class; press "U P /D O W N " to select program .
-screen,zoom in
3.3 Display in formation of programs
Zoom in scaling order is :" zoom in 2"-"zoom in 3"-"zoom in 4",zoom
out scaling
key "Display" to show the information of current programs
when it is in
Order is:" zoonm out 1/2-zoom out 1/3-zoom out1/4".
normal playing state
3.when zooming in ,press " LEFT","RIGHT" "UP" and "DOWN" to
3.4 Program return
move the image to
the destination.
"EXIT "under state of full -screen to the previous program
played .
4. Press zoom or" EXIT" to cancel current image zoom mode .
3.5 Audio language switch and L/R channel switch
3.7 Electronic programs guide(EPG)
1.Press "Audio" key to switch the language of sound of current
1.You can press
programs and
EPG page to
switch amorg "stereo" →"left" → "right"(stereo →left channel →
know more about the programs to be played .as shown in the figure
right channel).
2.Press " LEFT/RIGHT "to switch among "stereo" "left" "Right"
key EPG on the remote controller to entter into the
2.Press A-B key to enter into weekly mode to display the programs
program in formation in different time ranges of the currenty
program list
within one week ,as shown in figure 3.7:.
Figure 3.6 EPG menu
Enter into EPG menu default enter daily mode ,menu under this
mlde contain7
parts ,as shown in the figure above ;
Figure 3.7 weekly m o de
(1).Tab 1 shows the title ;
(2).Tab 2 shows time and date list ;
-Saturday in T ab3 ;
(3).Tab 3shows particular date list ;
(4).Tab 4 shows program list ,press UP/DOWN to switch between
switch between the
programs ;
different prog ram s in ta b5 ;
(5).Tab 5 shows the time range and program information , press
(3).Press " L E F T /R IG H T " key to choose to view the program in
F.R &F.F
formation in
(6).Tab 6 shows the detailed program information in Tab5;
d iffe re n t tim e ra n g e s in T a b 6 .
(7).Tab7 shows hint information for keys ,corresponding to the
3.W hen the cursor stop s on T ab5in Figure 3 .6 T ab 6 in F
three colors on
igure3 .7 ,press the yellow
The remote controller: ZOOM、A-B、3D.
"3D " key to choose the detailed information corresponding to the
Current program , 4.When the cursor stops in Tab5 of Figure 3.6 and
LEFT/RIGHT to switch between Tab4 and Tab5;
"F..R & F .F " key to switch between S u n day---" U P /D O W N " key to move upward an d downward to
Tab 6 of Figure 3 .7,press the blue
setup ,software
"T E X T " key to enter wakeup timer menu to book program ,
update and software version information view etc .After the platform
is opened ,as shown in
to exit from EPG
3.8 Teletext
1.If you want to watch teletxt ,please Press
to set some information about Digital TV, enter Digital TV menu of
"TTX " on the remote
the system; and press "
controller to enter
MENU" key firstly to enter the Main menu
Into EPG page .
In main menu ,press
2.Input three digits to go to corresponding page you want ;
and then press
3.Press "UP "to go to the previous page ,while press
"Enter "key once to enter Digital TV menu
"DOWN" to
"UP/DOWN "key to choose Digital TV option
go to the next page
4.1 Installation
4.Press " LEFT" to back for 100pages,while press RIGHT to
There are three kind of installation mode as follow
advance for 100page
1.Manual search
5.Press " TTX " to exit from teletext .
2.Auto search
3.9 Subtitle
You can enter into parameter " installation page" via input password
1.Subtitle is defaulted to be off ;to see the capitation information ,
press the
(Default password in " 0000" ),
SUB key on the remote controller to ente rthe Subtitle menu of the
4.1.1Manual Search
If you understand much about digital TV and know the frequency of
the program
2.Press " LEFT/RIGHT" key to choose whether to open Subtitle ,
Or if you want to scan the program at any frequency required , you
can select manual
Key move upward and downward to choose language
Scanning ,which can save your much time .
4 Digital TV
1.You can move the cursor to" Manual search" via press
In the main of the system ,under Digital TV , there are such as
"UP/DOWN" key under
options as auto TV
"Installation menu" ,then press " Enter" to enter into manual search
search or broadcast programs ,program management ,system
2..Prior to manual scanning you need to configure relevant
finished ,system will exit The
parameters including:
scanning page and save the program ,at the same time return to the
(1).Freq(KHZ):the default frequency in 474000KHZ,you can
installation Menu and to play
relevant digits to
them in vpp widow automatically
Modify it ;
4.2 channel manager
(2).Bandwidth: the default value of bandwidth is 8MHZ.
System offer an efficient function of channel manager such as
3.Press "Enter "key after configuration of parameters to start
channel deleting ,Marking
manual scan.
,moving ,locking ,sorting and grouping .There are two independent
4.If any program is detected and the scanning process is finished,
pages for channel manager
system will exit
,TV and RADIO, you can Enter the page via " menu digital
the scanning page and save the program ,at the same time return to
TV-channel manager "
the" installation
4.2 channel manager
menu " and to play them in vpp window automatically
Channel organizer page includes favorite channels ,channel
4.1.2 Auto search
deleting ,moving Locking and
You can search the programs of any channel .
1. You can move the cursor to Auto search via press "UP/DOWN"
1.You can the page via "MENU-Digital TV channel manager
key under installation
-Channel organizer"
menu ,then press
2.it will pop up and dialogue box prompting that " channel not
"enter "to enter into auto search page
2. Prior to auto searching ,you need to configure relevant
available" when there are
parameters including
no channels in database to enter into ,and it will not enter into
(1).Start Freq(KHZ):the default frequency is 177500KHZ.
channel organizer page
(2).End Freq (KHZ):the default frequency is 858000KHZ
3.Channel organizer menu includes :Favorite channel ,Delete
(3).Band width: the default value of bandwidth is 6 MHZ. while you
channel, skip channel ,
can set Automatically
Lock channel .press "UP/DOWN" key to choose the line where
to 7MHZ ,and 8MHZ
favorite channel is ,then Press the 4-
3.If any program is detected and the scanning process is
color key on the remote controller :press the red "ZOOM" key to
set and cancel
following items :
Favorite channel ,the green "Audio" to setor cancel delete
(1).Firstoption :choose the programs to be sorted via the selection
channel ,the yellow "PLAY/PAUSE" key
area ;
to setor setor cancel skip channel ,the blue "TTX" key to setor Cancel
(2).Second option :press FTA(free of
Lock channel ; after
charge ),scramble(encrypted),all channels ;
setting, corresponding figure will appear
(3).Third option: According to alphabetic order
4.To rename channel ,press
"UP/DOWN" key to choose the line
where the channel to be
4.Press UP/DOWN key choose type ,press
Renamed is ,press
sorting parameters
"LEFT/RIGHT" key to enter the page to rename
the channel
5.Affetr program editing ,to edit the program ,press
LEFT/RIGHT key to set
5.After sorting in set ,to realize channel sorting ,press
"Enter" key to
key ,then the system will hint
setor cancel lock program
With the dialogue box are you sure ? ,
the system will hint to input "0000"; to set Delete program ,the
To choose YES to confirm, you can see the programs in the program
system will appear mark
6. Press "Exit" key to exit channel organizer page .
To choose NO to cancel ,you can return to channel sorting page ;
4.2.2 Channel sorting
The channels shall be listed be listed according to certain sequence
4.2.3 Channel grouping
so that the user can
Group channels according to movies ,sport ,music ,kids ,fashion etc .
Easily find them .
1.You can enter the page as shown in the figure below via
1. You can enter the page via MENU-Digital TV-channel
MENU-Digital TV-channel
Manager -channel sorting
Manager -channel grouping ;
2.It will pop up and dialogue box prompting that" Channel not avail
Figure 4.13 Channel grouping page
able" when there are
2. It will pop up and dialogue box prompting that" Channel not
no programs in database to enter into ,and it will not enter into
available" when there are
EXIT key to exit channel sorting page
channel souting page
No programs in database to enter into ,and it will not enter into
3.Before sorting, the type of sorting shall be set, including the
channel grouping page
3. Press UP/DIWN key to choose the line where the channel to be
(2). Carrier :Press
grouped is in , then
(3).Channel Name :Press LEFT/RIGHT key to enter rename
channel page
the number keys 1-8 on the remote controller to set different
LEFT/RIGHT key to choose ;
channel grouping
(4).Audio PID, video PID, pcr PID, press
4.After channel is edited ,when EXIT key is pressed to exit the
values ;
menu ,if actual
channel Editing action exists ,the system will carry out channel
with " Successfully
grouping renew ,with
Updated " and return to Edit channel menu
the hintof Successfully updated .
4.2.4 Edit channel
4..Press the yellow 3D key of the remote controller to enter
Have such operations as Add, Delete ,and rename to channels .
Rename Channel menu ,
1.You can enter the page via MENU-Digital TV -channel
The operation for this menu is as that of Add Channel page .
Manager --Edit Channel ;
4.2..5 Delete All
2.It will pop up and dialogue box prompting that NO Carriers when
If you do not like one or some channels ,you can delete it/them in
there are no programs
channel organizer
In database to enter into ,and it will not enter into ADD-Edit channel
Menu (Chapter 4.2.1),but ,if you do not like all TV or Radio, you can
enter Delete All
3.Press the red key ZOOM of the remote controller to enter Add
Menu to choose to delete all TV, RADIO.
channel menu
1.Under channel Manager menu ,press
Under ADD channel menu ,there are 6 parameters for adding one
Delete All option,
channel as follows :
(1).Area Name :For Area Name ,press the RIGHT key of the remote
box of inputting
controller to Enter the Area
Password which is defaulted as 0000 ,input the proper password via
Name liston the right ,then press
Name ,press
confirm ;
Enter key to
UP/DOWN key to choose area
0-9 number key to revise
ENTER key to confirm the adding ,the system will hint
EXIT key to return to Edit channel page .
UP/DOWN key to choose
ENTER key again, then the system will hint with the dialogue
the o-9 number
Key of the remote controller ,then enter Delete All menu
2.To delete all TV channels ,press UP/DOWN key to move the
cursor to All TV channels
All options a re listed on the leftof the OSD menu, when the cursor
option ,press
moves o n the
enter key ,then the system will hint with "Delete all tv
option in OSD menu , the values corresponding to this option o n the
dialogue box
rightof the
LE FT /R IGHT key to choose “YE S”or “N O”, press
key to confirm ,
menu, press UP /DOWN key to move upward and downward to
choose the options
3. To delete al l R ADIO channels ,press
UP/ DOWN key move the
in OSD menu. There are following options in OSD menu :
cursor to All Radio
1。OSD Option sets system menu mo de ; currently, one mode is
Channels Option, pres Enter key , then the system will hint
supported .
with“ Delete a ll Radio
2. Ti me on OSD Option sets whether to display system ti me in
Channels?”dialogue box ,press
or “No” , press
LE FT /R IGHT key to choose“ Yes”
full-screen p lay
channel .move the cursor to time on OSD option, press
key to confirm;
RIGHT key to
choose between on and Off, the default is Of f.
Configuration pro videos individualized system setup function, you
3. OSD Timeoutoption sets some information hint dialogue box and
can configure
the system according to your own hob by and demand .you can
time length, move the cursor to OSD Timeoutoption, press LE FT
/R IGHT key
Configuration menu vi a the menu (MEN U→ Digital TV→
to choose among 1-6S, the default is 3 ;
4. OSD Trans option sets menu transparency, press
4.3.1 OSD
key to adjust
Via OSD option setup ,yo u can set the user interface display mo de
between0 ﹪-6 ﹪.
according to
5. OSD language option: The system has the user interface
your own demand .Vi a the menu(MENU →Digital TV
supporting a coup le
→Configuration→ OSD) ,you
of languages , you can set language via OSD language option
can enter OSD menu,
(1 ).Move the cursor onto OSD language option, press R IGHT key
to enter OSD
moves to the option
language list
On the lefto f the of the TV menu ,the values corresponding to this
(2 ).Press UP/ DOWN key choose language ;
option can b e
Displayed on the rightof the menu.
“Enter“ key to confirm system inter face language
selection , then the setting
4.3.3 System Setup
is effective , and then the interface language turns into the currently
System setup menu can provide convenient system setup ,you ca n
via menu
language ,the cursor can move onto OSD language option on the
(Menu→ Digital TV → Configuration →System Setup )enter
System Setup menu
6. 1st Audio language option: Press
RI GHT key to enter the
In System Setup menu ,
currently supported
(1 ).Press UP/DOWN key to move upward and downward the cursor
Audio language list , in the Audio language list ,press UP/ DOW N key
to choose ,option;
to choose
(2 ).When the cursor stays on the option :Press LEFT /RIGHT key to
language ,press “Enter” key to confirm;
7. 2nd Audio language option: Press R IGHT key to enter the
circularly among the values in this option press UP/ DOWN key to
currently supported
move up ward
Audio language list , in the Audio language list ,press UP/ DOW N
and downward the cursor to choose ,press Enter key to confirm ;
key to choose
(3 ).T
language ,press “Enter“ key to confirm; Press “Enter ” key to
to save the save
confirm the editing action i
the information and return previous menu ;
n OSD menu, then return to the previous menu . TV setup provides
(4 )Press
convenient T V
A re a
input mod e ,you ca n via menu (MENU →Digital TV
T set scanning are and choose ,
→Configuration→ TV) enter TV set ,
Item s Purpose s Option s
4.3.2 TV
E Q setup
All options a re listed on the left of the menu , when the cursor
ed t the option in the System Setup menu , press
E XI T key to return the previous menu .
Enter key
To se to u tp u t so u n d e ffe c t .
(1).Set Date option, move the cursor upward and downward onto
To se t sta g e e ffe c t.
Date option,
C h oo se a re a to do w n lo ad p re se t
C h a n n e l se ttin g s.
In date setting menu ,press
O F F , C o n c e rt , C h u rc h , Passiv e ,
(2 ).Move the cursor upward and downward to tine option, press
L ive ; default ;OFF
-9 number key to
Standard ,classic, Rock ,Jazz, POP ;
revise values .
Default : Standard
3. After time is set ,Press Enter key to save the setting , then
Germ a n y /E n g la n d /It ly /France /
return to the previous
S pain /Holland /Taiwan /China /
Norway /Sweden /Finland/Greece/
4.3.5 Wakeup Timer
If you want to set channel playing at certain time or giving some hint
Supported , depending on different
Version .
Such as Birthday ,you can via wakeup time menu
4.3.4 Time
In Wakeup Timer menu ,you can set Timer NO: set Wakeup event
Via menu (MENU→ Digital TV →Configuration →Time).enter time
number ,the system
set ,
can support at most 8events ,Timer Mode :set time mode ,wakeup
In ti me menu ,there are two time m odes , Auto setting/Manual
mode :set wakeup
setting press L EF T/ RIGHT key to choose time mode .
Mode, wakeup message :set wakeup message ,wakeup channel :
1. The system defaults the setting a s Automatic , press UP/DOWN
set wakeup channel
key the cursor
Name ,wakeup date: set wakeup date ,on time :set wakeup
to move only between timer mode ,GMT offset and Summer time .
time ,Duration: set duration.
2. When the setting is Manua l , press
4.3.6 Parental lock
UP/ DOWN key to move up
ward and
LEFT /RIGHT key to enter d ate setting menu
Display key help information
You can revise system password
, you can vi a menu (menu →
downward the cursor to move only between timer mode, date and
Digital TV →Configuration→ Par
ental Lock )to enter Par ental Lock menu ,
1.Press the 0-9 number key on the remote controller to input old
key to confirm.
password , the
This symbol on the productor in the instructions means that your
system defaults password as "0000".
2.If the password is input correctly ,the cursor can move onto enter
and electronic equipment should disposed at the end of life
new password
separately from your
option, press 0-9 number key on the remote controller to input
household waste. there are separate collection systems for recycling
new 4-digitspassword;
in the eu.
3.The cursor move confirm new password option ,press
for more information ,please contact the local authority or your
number key press on
retailer where
the remote controller to input new 4-digits password ;if it is
you purchased the product .
confirmed the new
password is different from the new password input , the system will
hin to
in put new password again ,until they are consistent , after password
is set
successfully ,the system will hint the success and save the setting ,
and the
new password will come into effect .
4.4 Factory Default
Via menu(MENU Digital TV Factory Default ),enter the page ,
1.Press the 0-9 number key on the remote controller to input
the system defaults passwords as"0000",then the system will hint
"Do you want to perform factory default?"Dialogue box.
"LEFT/RIGHT" key to choose "YES" or
"NO", press "Enter"