SSMU Building Map
SSMU Building Map
sous-sol | basement 4 4 6 5 7 B26 B24 B28 B27 B29 3 B15 8 2 B30 9 B09 B23 1 B02 ENTRÉE ENTRANCE 10 B01 COINS ALIMENTAIRES FOOD & DRINKS BUREAUX OFFICES AIRES DE DÉTENTE LOUNGE AREAS 2 E SOUS-SOL 2 ND BASEMENT REZ-DE-CHAUSSÉE MAIN FLOOR 2 E ÉTAGE 2 ND FLOOR 4 E ÉTAGE 4 TH FLOOR Bureau des concierges/ Porters’ Office SB-10 11 Salon des Étudiants/ Students Lounge 19 The Plate Club 30 Bureaux des Clubs/ Clubs Offices 404 - 436 sortie de secours emergency exit SOUS-SOL BASEMENT 13 The McGill Tribune 31 Elections SSMU toilettes restrooms 1 The Flat Bike Collective 2 Muslim Students’ Association and Prayer Room 3 4 services de l’AÉUM ssmu services Salle de réunion Meeting Rooms 5 6 McGill University Photography Students’ Society (MUPSS) & Chambre noire/Dark room The McGill Daily & Le Délit Français Sexual Assault Centre of McGill Students’ Society (SACOMSS) TVM: Student Television at McGill 12 La Prep 14 Salle/Room 108 15 Représentation Étudiante/ Student Advocacy 16 Clinique d’information juridique à McGill/ Legal information Clinic at McGill 17 Green Corner 18 Liquid Nutrition 20 Le Nid/The Nest 21 Bocadillo 22 Bamboo Bowl 23 Cafétéria/Food Court 24 Madeleine Parent 25 Lev Bukhman 3 ÉTAGE 3 RD FLOOR E 26 Midnight Kitchen 27 Salle/Room 302 28 Salle de Bal/Ballroom 29 Players’ Theatre 32 Le Salon des Clubs/ Club Lounge 33 Savoy Society, Musicians Collective, Volunteer Service, First Year Council 34 Walksafe & Drivesafe 35 Union for Gender Empowerment 36 Organic Campus & Midnight Kitchen 37 Black Students’ Network 38 McGill International Students’ Network 39 Queer McGill 7 Salle/Room B29 40 Salle Vert/Green Room 8 Salle/Room B30 41 Salle Bleu/Blue Room 9 McGill Student Emergency Response Team (M-SERT) 42 AIESEC 10 Gerts Bar & Gertrude’s Corner 43 IRSAM ascenseurs elevators
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McGill University Photography
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