INFO BULLETIN - Southern Health


INFO BULLETIN - Southern Health
For more information contact: SOUTHERN HEALTH‐SANTÉ SUD Media Specialist T 204‐424‐2329 Email: [email protected] Southern Health‐Santé Sud Board of Directors October 2015 Meeting Highlights Sacred Moment: Mr. Paul Cenerini shared thoughts on the complex relationship between an individual’s unique perspective of fact/science and faith/belief systems and highlighted that, as health care providers, we need to be capable of complexity to meet the needs of our clients. New Board Member and Board Member appointments: Board Chair Guy Lévesque welcomed newly‐ appointed Board Members Ms. Elin Czeranko from Langruth and Ms. Diane Heather from Lorette to the Board meeting. Applications for Board appointments should be sent to the Minister of Health by December 15 each year. For an application form and more information visit: Financial: Southern Health‐Santé Sud Board of Directors approved the report of Statement of Operations and Financial Position, as presented by the Southern Health‐Santé Sud CEO, for the period to September 30, 2015, indicating a Year‐to‐Date Operating Funding surplus of $330,108. Provincial Five‐year Framework to Enhance Patient Safety: Feedback from both Southern Health‐Santé Sud’s Board of Directors and Patient Experience Group has been incorporated into the final Manitoba Patient Safety Framework 2015 document. For a copy of the Framework and more information on patient safety in Manitoba, visit: Physician Assisted Death/Dying: Dr. Cornie Woelk presented the many and varied ethical implications associated with the Supreme Court of Canada’s statement regarding ‘Physician Assisted Death/Dying’. 2016 Healthy Communities Conference ‐ Austin/MacGregor: Will be held on Thursday April 14, 2016 in Austin at the Austin Hall. The next regular Southern Health‐Santé Sud Board of Directors Meeting is planned for Wednesday, November 25, 2015 in Southport. For more information, please visit ‐30‐ 1 of 2 Released: November 10, 2015
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