
Museums and Indigenous Peoples
Musées et peuples autochtones
Museos y pueblos indígenas
International Museum Day
Journée internationale des musées
Día Internacional de los Museos
This bibliography was compiled by the UNESCO-ICOM Museum Information Centre. It is far from
comprehensive and is simply intended to provide a bibliographic orientation on the subject. If you have
comments or suggestions about other works to include, do not hesitate to let us know. When we update it,
we shall include them.
Cette bibliographie a été établie par le Centre d’information muséologique UNESCO-ICOM. Elle ne prétend
pas à l’exhaustivité et entend simplement fournir une orientation bibliographique sur le sujet. Si vous
souhaitez faire des commentaires ou suggérez des ouvrages essentiels à y inclure, n’hésitez pas à nous les
communiquer. Nous les ajouterons au moment de la mise à jour.
Esta bibliografía fue establecida por el Centro de información museológica UNESCO-ICOM. No pretende
ser exhaustiva y sólo provee una orientación bibliográfica sobre el tema. Si usted desea comentarla o sugerir
libros qué incluir, contacte el centro de información. Al ponerla al día, los incluiremos.
Museums and Indigenous peoples/ Musées et peuples autochtones / Museos y pueblos
ADAMS, R.M. "A New national museum may become a cultural rallying point for American Indians and
their arts and traditions", in Smithsonian, Washington, D.C., vol. 20, August 1989, p. 10.
AMES, Michael & MacKENZIE, Mina (eds). Curatorship: Indigenous perpectives in postcolonial
societies. Ottawa : Canadian Museum of Civilisation, 1996.
AGUILAR PIEDRA, Raúl. La Responsabilidad del Estado costarricense en la defensa del patrimonio.
Un caso de estudio: el Museo histórico cultural Juan Santamaría. San José : Universidad de Costa
Rica, 1984. 239 p.
BENNETT, James. "A role for keeping places in the Timor Sea region", in Museum International, Paris,
n° 219-220, Dec. 2003, p. 30-37.
BENNETT, James. "Un rôle pour les ‘lieux de garde’ dans la région de la mer de Timor", in Museum
international, Paris, UNESCO, n° 219-220, déc. 2003, p. 30-37.
BENNETT, James. "Una función para los santuarios en la región del mar de Timor", in Museum
internacional, París, UNESCO, n° 219-220, dic. 2003, p. 30-37.
BILHAUT, Anne Gaël. "The Zápara Indians: the consecration of an endangered people", in Museum
International, Paris, UNESCO, n° 218, Sept. 2003, p. 25-31, ill.
BILHAUT, Anne Gaël. "Les Indiens Zápara : la sacralisation d'un peuple en danger", in Museum
international, Paris, UNESCO, n° 218, sept. 2003, p. 25-31, ill.
BILHAUT, Anne Gaël. "Los Indios záparos: la sacralización de un pueblo en peligro", in Museum
internacional, París, UNESCO, n° 218, sept. 2003, p. 25-31, ill.
BLAIR, Bowen. "American Indian vs. American Museums: A matter of religious freedom, Part 2."
American Indian Journal, June 1979, p. 2-6.
BOLTON, Lissant. Aboriginal community museums of N.S.W.: Art and the lost identity. Sydney : The
Australian Museum, 1984.
BRANDSON, Lorraine. "Carved from the land: The Eskimo Museum", in Museum International, Paris,
n° 182, 1994, p. 15-17, ill.
BRANDSON, Lorraine. "Sculpté dans la terre : le Musée esquimau", in Museum international, Paris,
n° 182, 1994, p. 15-17, ill.
BRANDSON, Lorraine. "El Museo Esquimal: una escultura de la tierra", in Museum internacional, París,
UNESCO, n° 182, 1994, p. 15-17, ill.
BURGER, Julien. "La diversité culturelle des peuples autochtones : conditions préalables à sa
protection", in Les Cahiers du Musée des Confluences, Lyon, vol. 5 ‘La Diversité’, [2010], p. 23-34, ill.
BUTHELEZI, Mangosuthu G. "The Approach of the Kwazulz Government to museums and the
preservation of our cultural heritage", in SAMAB, Pretoria, vol. 17, n° 4, 1986, p. 175-179.
BUTTS, David J. "Māori and museums: the politics of indigenous recognition", in Museums, society and
nequality/ Richard Sandell (ed.). London : Routledge, 2002. p. 225-243.
BUTTS, David J. Māori and museums: the politics of indigenous recognition. Thesis presented in partial
fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Museum Studies at Massey
University. Palmerston North, New Zealand : Massey University, 2003. xvi, 359 p. [10 November 2010]
BUTTS, David J. "Māori, museums and the Treaty of Waitangi: the changing politics of representation
and control", in Museum revolutions: How museums change and are changed / ed. by Simon J. Knell,
Suzanne MacLeod and Sheila Watson. London ; New York : Routledge, 2007. p. 215-227.
CARTER, John. “Museums and indigenous peoples in Canada”, in Museums and the appropriation of
culture / ed. by Susan Pearce. London : Athlone Press, 1994. p. 213-226.
"Changing places, changing people"(Part 2), in Museum revolutions: How museums change and are
changed / ed. by Simon J. Knell, Suzanne MacLeod and Sheila Watson. London ; New York :
Routledge, 2007. p. 147-259.
CHIN, Lucas. "The Role of the Sarawak Museum in preserving indigenous cultures in Sarawak", in The
Sarawak Museum Journal (New Series), Kuching, vol. 26, n° 47, p. 1-5. (Article prepared for the
UNESCO Regional Seminar on the role of museums in preserving indigenous cultures held in Adelaide,
South Australia, September 1978).
COLE, Douglas. Captured heritage: The scramble for Northwest artifacts. Seattle, Washington :
University of Washington Press, 1985. 390 p.
CÓRDOVA S., Verónica. "Chullpas: Aymara Indians and their relationship to ancestors on display", in
Human remains and museum practice / Jack Lohman and Katherine J. Goodnow. Paris : UNESCO ;
London : Museum of London, 2006. P. 71-74, ill.
DEXTATOR, Deborah. "The Home of Indian culture and other stories in the museum", in Muse, Ottawa,
CMA/ AMC, vol. 6, n° 3, 1988, p. 26-28.
DUBUC, Elise & TURGEON, Laurier. "Musées et premières nations : la trace du passé, l’empreinte du
futur", in Anthropologie et sociétés, vol. 28, n° 2, 2004, p. 7-18.
GALLA, Amareswar (ed.). "Special issue with the complete proceedings of a Conference on Museums,
Anthropologists and Indigenous Peoples", in Bulletin of the Conference of Museum Anthropologists,
n° 23, April 1990.
GOUGH, Paul. The Future of indigenous museums: perspectives from the Southwest Pacific, in
International Journal of Heritage Studies, London, Routledge, vol. 16, n° 1-2, Jan. 2010, p. 156 - 157 .
GRIFFIN, Desmond. Recent developments in museums and relations with indigenous peoples. 2003.
GRISHIN, Sergey Y. "The Shemanovsky Yamal-Nenets Museum: prospects and challenges", in
Museum International, Paris, UNESCO, n° 231, Sept. 2006, p. 100-106, ill.
GRISHIN, Sergey Y. "Le Musée Chemanovski de Iamalo-Nenets : perspectives et défis", in Museum
international, Paris, UNESCO, n° 231, sept. 2006, p. 100-106, ill.
EDWARDS, Robert & STEWARD, Jenny Steward (eds). Preserving indigenous cultures: a new role for
museums. Papers from a regional seminar, Adelaide Festival Centre, 10-15 September 1978. Canberra
: Australian Government Publishing Service, 1980. viii, 229 p.
FARLEY, Christine Haight. "Protecting folklore of indigenous peoples: Is intellectual property the
answer", in Connecticut Law Review, vol. 38, n° 1, Fall 1997, p. 1-57.
HAKIWAI, Arapata. “Once again the light of day? Museums and Maori culture in New Zealand”, in
Museum, Paris, UNESCO, n° 165, 1990, p. 35-38.
HAKIWAI, Arapata. “Rendus à la lumière du jour ? Les musées et la culture maori en NouvelleZélande”, in Museum, Paris, UNESCO, n° 165, 1990, p. 35-38.
HAKIWAI, Arapata. “Los museos y la cultura maorí en Nueva Zelandia ¿Otra vez la luz del día ?", in
Museum, Paris, UNESCO, n° 165, 1990, p. 35-38.
HANSON, James A. "The Reappearing vanishing American", in Museum News, Washington, DC, AAM,
vol. 59, n° 2, 1980, p. 44-51.
HARTMAN, Russell P. "The Navajo Tribal Museum: Bridging the past and the present", in American
Indian Art Magazine, vol. 9, Part 1, 1983, p. 30-35.
HARTMAN, Russell P. & DOYEL, David E. "Preserving a native people's heritage: A history of the
Navajo Tribal Museum", in The Kiva, Tucson, Arizona Archaeological and Historical Society, vol. 47, n°
4, 1982, p. 239-255.
HENARE, Amiria. Museums, anthropology and imperial exchange. Cambridge : Cambridge University
Press, 2005. 323 p.
HILL, Richard. "Indians and museums: A plea for cooperation", in Council of Museum Anthropology
Newsletter, New York, vol. 4, n° 1, 1981.
HILL, Richard. "In our own image: Stereotyped images of Indians lead to new native art form = À notre
propre image : les images stéréotypées des Indiens mènent à une nouvelle forme d'art autochtone", in
Muse, Ottawa, CMA/AMC, vol. 6, n° 4, 1989, p. 32-43.
HORSE CAPTURE, George P. "Some observations on establishing tribal museums", in History News,
Nashville, AASLH, vol. 36, n° 1, 1981. 8 p. (American Association for State and Local History Technical
Leaflet ; n° 134)
HOULE, Robert & HARGITTAY, Clara. "The Struggle against cultural apartheid. Where does Indian art
begin?", in Muse, Ottawa, CMA/AMC, vol. 6, n° 3, 1988, p. 58-60.
ICOM. International meeting: Consultation of Specialists on Ways and Means of Safeguarding the
Cultural Heritage of the Pacific Region. Final report, proceedings and annexes of a meeting held in
Papeete, Tahiti, 1980. Paris : ICOM, 1981. 149 p.
people", in Museology – an instrument for unity and diversity? International symposium organized by
ICOFOM, Krasnoyarsk, Belokurikha and Barnaul, Russian Federation, September 6-13, 2003 / ed. by
Hildegard K. Vieregg, Suzanne Nash, Brigitte Sgoff, Vinoš Sofka. München : Museums-Pädagogisches
Zentrum, 2004. p. 18-92. (ICOFOM Study Series ; 33 final version)
JANKE, Terri. "Museums and indigenous cultural and intellectual property rights", in Museum National,
vol. 7, n° 1, Aug. 1998, p. 13-15.
KELLY, Lynda & GORDON, Phil. “Developing a community of practice: Museums and reconciliation in
Australia”, in Museums, society and inequality / Richard Sandell (ed.). London : Routledge, 2002. p.
KREPS, Christina F. Liberating culture: Cross-cultural perspectives on museums, curation, and heritage
preservation. London : Routledge, 2003. 176 p. (Museum meanings)
KREPS, Christina F. “Indigenous curation as intangible cultural heritage: Thoughts on the relevance of
the 2003 UNESCO Convention”, in Theorizing cultural heritage, Washington, DC, Smithsonian Center
for Folklife and Cultural Heritage, vol. 1, n° 2, 2005, 8 p.
LONETREE, Amy & COBB, Amanda J. The National Museum of the American Indian: critical
conversations. Lincoln, NE : University of Nebraska Press, 2008. 518 p.
M'BOW, Amadou-Mahtar. Allocution de M. Amadou-Mahtar M'Bow, Directeur général de l’UNESCO, à
l'ouverture du colloque de Jokkmokk sur l'identité culturelle des peuples indigènes et les nouvelles
tendances de la muséologie, Jokkmokk, Suède, 23 juin 1986. Paris : UNESCO, 1986. 14 p.
McCARTHY, Conal. "Before ‘Te Māori’: a revolution deconstructed", in Museum revolutions: How
museums change and are changed / ed. by Simon J. Knell, Suzanne MacLeod and Sheila Watson.
London ; New York : Routledge, 2007. p. 117-133.
MENEZES, Claudia. "Museum of the Indian: New perspectives for student andindigenous population
participation ", in Museum, Paris, UNESCO, n° 212, Oct.-Dec. 2001, p. 23-27.
MENEZES, Claudia. "Le Musée de l'Indien : nouvelles perspectives en vue de la participation des
étudiants et des populations indigènes", in Museum, Paris, UNESCO, n° 212, oct.-déc. 2001, p. 23-27.
MENEZES, Claudia. "El Museo del Indio: Nuevas perspectivas para la participación de estudiantes y
grupos indígenas", in Museum, Paris, UNESCO, n° 212, oct.-dic. 2001, p. 23-27.
MOSER, Charlotte. "Partnerships with indigenous peoples on the Development Gateway", in Museum
International, Paris, UNESCO, n° 224, Dec. 2004, p. 98-105.
MOSER, Charlotte. "Le Partenariat avec les peuples autochtones pour le Development Gateway", in
Museum international, Paris, UNESCO, n° 224, déc. 2004, p. 98-105.
MOSER, Charlotte. "Asociaciones con pueblos indígenas en el Portal del Desarrollo de Internet", in
Museum Internacional, París, UNESCO, n° 224, dic. 2004, p. 98-105.
PETERSON, Nicolas ; ALLEN, Lindy & HAMBY, Louise. The Makers and making of indigenous
Australian museum collections. Melbourne : Melbourne University Press. 596 p.
PIETERSE, Jan Nederveen. “Multiculturalism and museums: Discourse about others in the age of
globalisation”, in Theory, Culture & Society, vol. 14, n° 4, 1997, p. 123-146.
PILCHER, Jeremy & VERMEYLEN, Saskia. “From loss of objects to recovery of meanings: Online
museums and indigenous cultural heritage”, in M/C Journal, vol. 11, n° 6, Dec. 2008.
PILCHER, Jeremy & VERMEYLEN, Saskia. “Indigenous cultural heritage and the virtual museum.
Conference Paper. International Conference on the Inclusive Museum, Leiden, The Netherlands, 8-11
June 2008.
POSEY, Darrell A. & DUTFIELd, Graham. Beyond intellectual property: Toward traditional resource
rights for indigenous peoples and local communities. Ottawa : International Development Research
Centre, 1996. 303 p.
RESTA, Paul ; ROY, Loriene ; KREIPE de MONTAÑO, Marty & CHRISTAL, Mark. Digital repatriation:
Virtual museum partnerships with indigenous peoples. Auckland, 2006.
RICO MANSARD, Luisa Fernanda. "Past and present in the museums of Chiapas: an alternative
approach?", in Museum International, Paris, UNESCO, n° 211, July/Sept. 2001, p. 32-37, ill.
RICO MANSARD, Luisa Fernanda. "Passé et present dans les musées du Chiapas : une autre
approche", in Museum international, Paris, UNESCO, n° 211, juil.-sept. 2001, p. 32-37, ill.
ROBINSON, Olivia & TRISH, Barnard. "Thanks, but we’ll take it from here: Australian aboriginal and
Torres Strait islander women influencing the collection of tangible and intangible heritage", in Museum
International, Paris, UNESCO, n° 236, Dec. 2007, p. 34-45, ill.
The Role of the museum in changing Asian societies with special reference to its role in preserving and
strengthening traditional, rural and tribal cultures. Regional symposium organized by the Department of
National Museums of Sri Lanka in honor of the Centenary of the Columbo Museum, Columbo,
December 10-20, 1977. New Delhi : Navchetan Press, 1978. 67 p.
ROTH, Evan. "First peoples, first steps", in Museum News, Washington, D.C., AAM, vol. 71, n° 4, 1992,
p. 30-32.
SIMPSON, Moira & KNELL, Simon J. "Charting the boundaries: indigenous models and parallel
practices in the development of the post-museum", in Museum revolutions: How museums change and
are changed / ed. by Simon J. Knell, Suzanne MacLeod and Sheila Watson. London ; New York :
Routledge, 2007. p. 235-249.
SLEEPER-SMITH, Susan. Contesting knowledge: Museums and indigenous perspectives. Lincoln, NE :
University of Nebraska Press, 2009. 374 p.
SMITH, Claire & WARD, Graeme K. Indigenous cultures in an interconnected world. St Leonards : Allen
& Unwin, 2000. xvii, 230 p. (Australian Fulbright papers ; 5)
SPRUCE, Duane Blue & THRASHER, Tanya (eds.). The Land has memory: Indigenous knowledge,
native landscapes, and the National Museum of the American Indian. Chapel Hill : The University of
North Carolina Press, 2009.
184 p.
STANLEY, Nick (ed.). The Future of indigenous museums: Perspectives from the Southwest Pacific.
New York : Berghahn Books, 2007. 272 p.
STANTON, J.E. "Aboriginals and the anthropology museum: A continuing dialogue", in COMA,
n° 16, 1985, p. 11-15.
SULLIVAN, Tim ; KELLY, Linda & GORDON, Phil. “Museums and indigenous people In Australia : a
review of previous possessions, new obligations. Policies for museums in Australia and Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander Peoples”, in Curator, the museum journal, vol. 46, n° 2, 2010, p. 208-227.
UNESCO. Preserving indigenous cultures: A new role for museums. UNESCO Regional Seminar on the
role of museums in preserving indigenous cultures, Adelaide, South Australia, 10-15 September, 1978.
Canberra : Australian National Commission for UNESCO, 1980. 229 p.
UNITED NATIONS. United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, adopted by
General Assembly 61/295 on 13 September 1997.
ORGANISATION DES NATIONS UNIES. Déclaration des Nations unies sur les droits des peuples
autochtones, adoptée par l’Assemblée générale le 13 septembre 2007.
VÁZQUEZ ZULETA, Sixto. "The Native Museum/Le Musée indigène" (from an unpublished book:
Museology of Underdevelopment). Turku: ICOM International Committee for Regional Museums, 1984,
p. 39-53.
WEST, Richard Jr. "The National Museum of the American Indian: perspectives on museums in the 21st
century", in Museum Anthropology, vol. 18, n° 3, Oct. 1994, p. 53-58.
ZINSSER, Judith P. "A New partnership: indigenous people and the United Nations system", in
Museum International, Paris, UNESCO, n° 224, Dec. 2004, p. 76-88.
ZINSSER, Judith P. "Un Nouveau partenariat: les autochtones et le système des Nations unies", in
Museum international, Paris, UNESCO, n° 224, Déc. 2004, p. 74-86.
ZINSSER, Judith P. "Una Nueva colaboración: la de los pueblos autóctonos y el sistema de las
Naciones Unidas", in Museum Internacional, París, UNESCO, n° 224, Dic. 2004 [Electronic version].
Conservation of Indigenous Objects / Conservation des objets indigènes / Conservación
de objetos indígenas
BARTON, Gerry. "Red-painted carvings : A cautionary note on their care from the Auckland Museum",
in AGMANZ News, Wellington, vol. 16, n° 3, 1985, p. 23-26.
BARTON, Gerry. "Te Maori Exhibition: Conservation treatments undertaken by the Auckland Museum
Conservation Department", in AGMANZ News, Wellington, vol. 14, n° 4, 1983, p. 7-10.
MOWALJARLAI, David ; VINNICOMBE, Patricia [et al.]. "Repainting of images on rock in Australia and
the maintenance of aboriginal culture", in Antiquity, Cambridge, U.K., Antiquity Publications, vol. 62, n°
237, 1988,
p. 690-696.
PETERS, Karl M. "The Conservation of a Maori meeting house: a living artifact", in AGMANZ News,
Wellington, vol. 14, n° 2, 1983, p. 12-15.
PETERS, Karl M. & BARTON, G. "The Restoration of three Maori carvings in Auckland", in AGMANZ
News, Wellington, vol. 19, n° 4, 1988, p. 14-16.
WILLIAMS, Ateca. "Fiji Museum: its role in preserving indigenous culture", in AGMANZ News,
Wellington, vol. 10, n° 1, 1979, p. 4-7.
WOLFE, Sara J. & MIBACH, Lisa. "Ethical considerations in the conservation of native American sacred
objects", in Journal of the American Institute for Conservation, Washington, DC, vol. 23, n° 1, p. 1-7.
Exhibiting, Displaying, Interpreting Indigenous Culture and Art / Exposer, montrer,
interpréter les cultures et l’art autochtones / Exponer, mostrar e interpretar cultura y
arte indígenas
AMES, Michael M. "Free Indians from their ethnological fate: The emergence of the Indian point of view
in exhibitions of Indians", in Muse, Ottawa, CMA/AMC, vol. 5, n° 2, 1987, p. 14-25.
BOLTON, Lissant. “The Object in view: Aborigines, Melanesians and museums”, in Emplaced myth:
Space, narrative and knowledge in Australia and Papua New Guinea / ed. by Alan Rumsey and James
Weiner. Honolulu : University of Hawaii, 2001. p. 215-232.
BRADBURY, Ellen. "A Successful interpretation of a sacred subject", in Museum News, Washington,
D.C., AAM, vol. 55, n° 5, 1977, p. 47-49.
CANNIZO, Jeanne. "Exhibiting cultures: Into the heart of Africa", in Visual Anthropology Review, vol. 7,
n° 1, 1991, p. 150-160.
DODSON, P. "Museums, tourism, and the representation of aboriginal people" , in The Royal
Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody Report, Canberra, Australian Government Publishing
Service, 1990, p. 687-690.
DOXTATOR, Deborah. "The Idea of the Indian and the development of Iroquoian museums", in Muse,
Ottawa, CMA/AMC, vol. 14, n° 2, p. 20-26.
Guide book: The hall of indigenous Filipino cultures / Illus. by Ricardo C. Aguilar. Manila : National
Museum of the Philippines, 1960. [24] p., ill.
Guide to the collections in the Canterbury Museum, New Zealand. 3rd ed. Christchurch : Canterbury
Museum, 1906.
HORNE, Lee. "Linking the past with the present: Ethnoarchaeology in a museum context, in Museum,
Paris, UNESCO, n° 157, 1988, p. 57-61.
HORNE, Lee. "L'Ethno-archéologie au musée : Relier le passé au présent", in Museum, Paris,
UNESCO, n° 157,
1988, p. 57-61.
HORNE, Lee. "La Etnoarqueología en el museo : Cómo vincular el pasado al presente", in Museum,
Paris, UNESCO, n° 157, 1988, p. 57-61.
LESTER, Joan. "The American Indian: A museum's eye view", in Indian Historian, Vol. 5, 1972.
LIDCHI, Henrietta. "The poetics and the politics of exhibiting other cultures", in Representation: Cultural
representations and signifying practices / Stuart Hall. London : Sage/Open University, 1997. p. 153-208.
McCARTHY, Conal. Exhibiting Māori: a history of colonial cultures of display. Oxford ; New York :
Wellington : Berg Publishers, 2007. 288 p.
McFADGEN-RICHARDSON, B.I. "Māori halls in New Zealand museums", in AGMANZ News,
Wellington, vol. 14, n° 4, 1983, p. 2-4.
McMARCUS, Greg. "The Question of significance and the interpretation of Maori culture in New Zealand
museums" , in AGMANZ News, Wellington, vol. 19, n° 4, 1988, p. 8-12.
McMASTER, G. "Problems of representation: Our home, but the Natives' land = Problèmes de
représentation : La terre de nos aïeuls, ou de l'autochtone", in Muse, Ottawa, CMA/AMC, vol. 8, n° 3,
1990, p. 35-42.
NEICH, Roger. "A survey of visitor attitudes to a Maori art exhibition", in AGMANZ News, Wellington,
vol. 11, n° 2, 1980, p. 6-9.
NEICH, Roger. "Interpretation and presentation of Maori culture", in AGMANZ News, Wellington, vol. 16,
n° 4, 1985, p. 5-7.
O'REGAN, Stephen. "Taonga Maori Mana Maori" (Controversial display), in AGMANZ News,
Wellington, vol. 15,
n° 4, 1984, p. 15-18.
ORBELL, Margaret. "Maori collections: their display", in AGMANZ News, Wellington, vol . 15, n° 4,
1984, p. 5-6.
PIO, Edwino. "A Mini-Museum in the Heras Institution of Indian History and Culture = Le Minimusée de
l'Institut Heras = El Minimuseo del Instituto Heras", in Museum, Paris, UNESCO, vol. 40, n° 2, 1988, p.
PIRIE, Victoria. "Representation of the people", in Museums Journal, London, The Museums
Association, vol. 92, n° 8, 1992, p. 29-30.
SALMON, Fiona. "Australia, the land, the people: Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde, Leiden, 7 October
2005-27 August 2006", in Museums Australia magazine, Civic Square, ACT, vol. 14, n° 3, Feb. 2006, p.
9-10, ill.
SALVADOR, Mari Lyn. “‘The Kuna Way’: Museums, exhibitions, and the politics of representation of
Kuna art”, in Museum Anthropology, vol. 18, n° 3, Oct. 1994, p. 48-52.
SIMPSON, Moira. Making representations: museums in the post-colonial era. London : Routledge,
2001. 336 p.
SIMPSON, Moira. "Celebration, commemoration, or condemnation?", in Museums Journal, London, The
Museums Association, vol. 92, n° 3, 1992, p. 28-31.
SKLAR, Deidre. "Making belief: The Museum of the American Indian as a cultural performance = Jouer
à faire semblant : le Museum of the American Indian en tant que spectacle culturel" in Muse, Ottawa,
CMA/AMC, vol. 6, n° 2, 1987, p. 26-35.
THOMAS, Nicholas. "From exhibit to exhibitionism: Recent Polynesian presentation of ‘Otherness’", in
The Contemporary Pacific, vol. 8, n° 2, p. 319-348.
TROTTER, Michael M. "Maori culture displays at Canterbury Museum", in AGMANZ News, Wellington,
vol. 15,
n° 4, 1984, p. 24-25.
Repatriation, return / Rapatriement, restitution / Retorno, restitución
ANDERSON, Christopher. "Repatriation of cultural property: a social process", in Museum, Paris,
UNESCO, n° 165, 1990, p. 54-55.
ANDERSON, Christopher. "Rapatriement des biens culturels : un processus social", in Museum, Paris,
n° 165, 1990, p. 54-55.
ANDERSON, Christopher. "La Repatriación de bienes culturales, un proceso social", in Museum, Paris,
n° 165, 1990, p. 54-55.
BAKER, Charles. "Indian artifacts and museums: a question of ownership", in History News, Nashville,
vol. 40, n° 4, 1985, p. 14-16.
BROMILOW, Gavin. "Finders keepers", in Museums Journal. London, The Museums Association, vol.
93, n° 3, 1993, p. 32.
CARPENTER, C.H. "Secret precious things: Repatriation of Potlatch art", in Art Magazine, London, vol.
12, n° 53-57, 1981, p. 64-70.
CHILDS, Elizabeth C. "Museums and the American Indian: Legal aspects of repatriation", in Council for
Museum Anthropology Newsletter, New York, vol. 4, n° 4, [s.d.], p. 4-27.
CURTIS, Neil G.W. “Repatriation from Scottish museums: Learning from NAGPRA“, in Museum
Anthropology, vol. 33, n° 2, 2010, p. 234-248.
DAHL, Jens & MILLE, Gabriel (eds). Utimut: Past heritage, future partnerships - discussions on
repatriation in the 21st century. Copenhagen : International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs and
Greenland National Museum and Archives, 2008. 216 p., ill.
FFORDE, Cressida. "From Edinburgh University to the Ngarrindjeri nation, South Australia", in Museum
International, Paris, UNESCO,n° 241-242, May 2009, p. 41-47.
FFORDE, Cressida. "De l’université d’Édimbourg à la nation Ngarrindjeri, en Australie méridionale", in
Museum international, Paris, UNESCO,n° 241-242, mai 2009, p. 44-51.
FLOYD, Candace. "The Repatriation Blues: Museum professionals and Native Americans wrestle with
the question of ownership and the disposition of tribal materials", in History News, Nashville, AASLH,
vol. 40, n° 4, 1985,
p. 6-12.
FRANCE. Sénat. Loi n° 2010-501 du 18 mai 2010 visant à autoriser la restitution par la France des
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Organisations / Organisations / Organizaciones
Center for World Indigenous Studies (CWIS)
Cultural Survival
ECOSOC. Working Group on Indigenous Populations
Etnia (NGO) (Finland)
First People of Kalahari / Kgeikani Kweni (Botswana)
First Peoples Worldwide (USA)
Gáldu, Resource Centre for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (Norway)
Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker, GfbV / Society for Threatened People (Germany)
International Alliance of Indigenous and Tribal peoples of Tropical Forests
International Commission for the Rights of Aboriginal Peoples (ICRA)
International Funders for Indigenous Peoples
International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA)
Minority Rights Group International (MRG)
Netherlands Centre for Indigenous Peoples
Organización de Naciones y Pueblos Indígenas en Argentina
Survival International
United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) / Instance permanente sur les
questions autochtones des Nations unies / ONU Foro Permanente para las cuestiones indígenas
United World of Indigenous Peoples (Czech Republic)
Vlaams Centrum voor Inheemse Volken / Flemish Centre for Indigenous Peoples (Belgium)
See also / Voir aussi / Véase también
List of indigenous rights organizations (Wikipedia)
©ICOM, Revised in November 2010 / Révisée en novembre 2010 / Revisada en noviembre de 2010