Château de Rochefort


Château de Rochefort
Château de Rochefort
Châteauform’ - Château de Rochefort - Route de la Bâte - 78730 Rochefort-en-Yvelines
Tél: +33 (0)1 34 98 08 08 - Fax: +33 (0)1 34 98 08 18
From Paris Porte d’Orléans:
• Take the highway A6 direction “Orly - Lyon” for 9 km.
• Then take the highway A10 direction “Bordeaux”. After 18
km, the highway A10 is being joined by the N118. Keep driving on the highway A10 for 21 km.
From Paris Porte de Sèvres:
• Take the N118 direction “Chartres – Nantes – Orléans Bordeaux” for 20 km.
The N118 joins the highway A10. Keep driving on the
highway A10 direction “Bordeaux” for 21 km.
• Along the highway A10, you will pass the sculpture “Les Flèches des Cathédrales”. Leave the highway at the
following exit n°10 direction “St Arnoult en Yvelines – Dourdan”.
• After the toll booth (1,60 €), turn right direction D149 “Rambouillet – Rochefort-en-Yvelines”.
• Keep driving straight ahead on the road D149 still direction “Rambouillet – Rochefort-en-Yvelines”. Do not
turn right on the D27 direction “St Cyr s/s”.
• At the roundabout, keep driving straight ahead direction D988 “Rambouillet” despite the sign on your right
indicating “Rochefort-en-Yvelines”. Do not turn right either 500 m after the roundabout at the other sign
indicating “Rochefort-en-Yvelines”. Keep on driving ahead on the D988 for about 2 km.
The D988 passes under a bridge. Be careful, 100 m after the bridge, turn right (very narrow bend)
direction “Rochefort-en-Yvelines”.
• By the town entry sign “Rochefort-en-Yvelines”, take the little road on your left (chemin de la Bâte) signed
“Golf de Rochefort-en-Yvelines” and “Restaurant l’Albatros”.
• The gate is in front of you. Enter the parc and drive to the parking area. Be aware of your speed while driving
through the golf course.
Come in! We are waiting for you!
For your taxi driver:
Prenez l’A6, puis l’A10 ou la N118, puis l’A10.
Sur l’A10, sortie n°10 “St Arnoult en Yvelines – Dourdan”.
Prenez à droite. Continuez sur la D149. Au rond-point, continuez tout droit sur la D988. Faites 2 km. Vous passez sous un pont. Tournez tout de suite à droite après le pont.
Puis, au panneau d’entrée en ville, tournez à gauche.
Satelite Navigator Coordinates
Longitude: 1°59’46’’ East
Latitude: 48°35’09’’ N
In your satelite navigator, make sure you enter Rocheforten-Yvelines
Train Access RER B Saint-Rémy-lès-Chevreuse
(then 15 mn taxi ride – taxi reservation absolutely
compulsory at least 24 hours before)