Lionel ESTEL Curriculum Vitae Prof. Dr. Ing. Lionel Estel is
Lionel ESTEL Curriculum Vitae Prof. Dr. Ing. Lionel Estel is
LSPC EA 4704 Laboratoire de Sécurité des Procédés Chimiques Lionel Estel Professeur des Universités Tél : +33 232 956 653 [email protected] Lionel ESTEL Curriculum Vitae Prof. Dr. Ing. Lionel Estel is Professor of Chemical Engineering in the field of thermodynamics and transport phenomena encountered in the field of Process Intensification, at Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Rouen (INSA), France. He is also head of research team on process intensification at Laboratoire de Sécurité des Procédés Chimiques (LSPC/EA 4704/Normandie Université). He got an Engineer degree and a Master degree of organic Chemistry (1982) at Institut National Supérieur de Chimie Industriel, and University of Rouen, France. He held a doctoral degree in organic chemistry (PhD 1988) at the University of Rouen and a Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches (HDR 1996) en génie des Procédés at the University of Rouen. L. Estel was the creator of the Laboratoire des Risques Chimiques et Procédés (LRCP) at INSA de Rouen and Director of the laboratory (1994-2004). L. Estel was creator and head of departement of Departement de Maîtrise des Risques Industriels et Environnement (MRIE) at INSA de Rouen (20042009). Since 1991, Professor Estel is elected member of the Scientific Council of INSA de Rouen. Since 2013, he is coordinator of the Regional Research Network Maîtrise des Risques Technologiques (MRT Région Haute-Normandie). Since 1988 Lionel Estel has published more than 150 papers in international scientific journals and conference proceedings in the field of chemical and process engineering.
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