2014 Quality and Productivity Awards 2014 Prix de la
2014 Quality and Productivity Awards 2014 Prix de la
Prix de Awards 2014 Quality and Productivity Awards Where good ideas grow 2014 Prix de la Qualité et de la Productivité Pour faire germer les bonnes idées Sponsored by/Commanditées par : UNIVERSITY MANAGER • Summer 2014 21 2014 Quality and 2014 Prix de la Qualité et de la Productivité Productivity Awards Prix de Awards Where good ideas grow Pour faire germer les bonnes idées McGill University First Prize, Themed Category (L-R) Kathy Zendehbad, Normand Langue, Cara Piperni, Suzanne Boyd, Richard London. McGill Marketplace – Above and Beyond an e-Procurement System Several years ago, McGill rolled out an e-Procurement system: the ‘McGill Marketplace’ or ‘MMP.’ Customers could place modest orders from online catalogues with settlement by credit card only. Following that success, McGill continued its development of MMP, resulting in a holistic, fully integrated e-procurement solution. An 18-month roll-out used presentations, demos and hands-on training to facilitate the on-boarding process. The result is an easy-to-use shopping experience. Forty-five vendor catalogues are available in McGill’s virtual shopping mall. MMP has streamlined administrative processes, improved productivity and efficiency, and greatly enhanced the purchasing experience for McGill faculty and staff, while delivering controls and traceable workflows, thus minimizing risk. MMP allows for better visibility, access to negotiated pricing, and the ability to compare prices and leverage on volume of spend. Every role, from 22 UNIVERSITY MANAGER • Summer 2014 shopper to approver, is clearly defined for successful execution of duties. Upfront budget checking prevents overspending, and approval paths are automatically maintained with researchers and department heads in full control over their delegates. MMP has allowed McGill to rethink and solidify financial roles and responsibilities and respond to increasing control demands of external granting agencies without significant overhead. McGill is open to sharing its experience with any interested Canadian Universities. For further information on this project, please contact: Kathy Zendehbad, Associate Director, Procurement Services, McGill University 514-398-4608 | [email protected] 2014 Quality and 2014 Prix de la Qualité et de la Productivité Productivity Awards Prix de Awards Where good ideas grow Pour faire germer les bonnes idées Ryerson University and Wilfrid Laurier University Second Prize, Themed Category (L-R) Tracey Ens, Wayne Steffler. (L-R) John Sedlar, Mary-Anne O'Brien, Tonga Pham, Janice Winton. A New 'Best Practice' Tool for the Competitive Bid (RFx) Evaluation Process Sourcing and procurement is a daunting and cumbersome process for any large institution. In 2011, Ryerson University collaborated with the creators of a new web-based tool that reduced the time, paper and cost of evaluating supplier proposals in response to RFx's issued by universities. Wilfrid Laurier University joined the project in early 2012. The tool provides a simple, paperless supplier proposal submission; web access to all compliant supplier proposals for review, evaluation, scoring and comments; and storage of completed competitive bids, scores, comments and summaries. This collaboration has delivered meaningful improvements and savings for both universities, and represents a best-practice approach that can be adopted by other public-sector organizations. Since implementation, Ryerson and Laurier have successfully completed 135 competitive RFx projects, as measured by improvements in quality, timeliness, efficiency and transparency. The tool has also been utilized for other initiatives such as Laurier's Integrated Planning Resource Management and Employee Recognition Awards. With the input provided by Ryerson and Laurier regarding the need to meet transparency and accountability requirements for the 'broader public service' in Ontario, other public institutions including hospitals and other government agencies are already implementing the tool. For further information on this project, please contact: Mary-Anne O'Brien, Director Purchasing and Payment Services, Ryerson University 416-979-5000 x4349 | [email protected] UNIVERSITY MANAGER • Summer 2014 23 2014 Quality and 2014 Prix de la Qualité et de la Productivité Productivity Awards Prix de Awards Where good ideas grow Pour faire germer les bonnes idées Concordia University Third Prize, Themed Category (Front L-R) Petra Alves, Marie-Josée Allard, Christina Soulière, Valérie Bolduc. (Back L-R) Michel Robitaille, Carol Plathan, Luc Fillion, Sabrina Lavoie, Johanne DeCubellis. Implementation of a new and improved event management system In 2013, Hospitality Concordia launched a new software solution, MyEvents, to facilitate space reservation and event organization on campus. Hospitality Concordia manages 700+ events held annually on campus, and required an effective, centralized event management system. MyEvents went live in January 2013, creating one streamlined system and a unified process for booking hospitality-managed event space. Internal users access MyEvents via Concordia University's intranet, and the external community can now access MyEvents on the web to browse available space on campus. MyEvents provides more control of the booking process and the ability to publicize events online. Feedback has been positive and results impressive: response time has improved by approximately 75%, booking coordinators' workload reduced by approximately 24 UNIVERSITY MANAGER • Summer 2014 50%, and administrative follow-ups by approximately 80% lower post-implementation. A simpler process means more events on campus and enhances community engagement. Other departments at Concordia plan to adopt the system for their own operations, and the university aims to eventually use MyEvents for all event space on campus. Built on a customizable system that allows administrators to configure the software to meet specific needs, MyEvents can easily be adapted for use at other institutions. For further information on this project, please contact: Marie-Josee Allard, Hospitality Concordia University 514-848-2805 | [email protected] 2014 Quality and 2014 Prix de la Qualité et de la Productivité Productivity Awards Prix de Awards Where good ideas grow University of Calgary Honourable Mention, Themed Category Pour faire germer les bonnes idées Dalhousie University Honourable Mention, Themed Category Photo Credit: Dr. Tara Christie. (L-R): Matthew Ling, Diana Choo, Chantelle Sonnleitner, Jennifer de Roaldes, Gillian Robinson, Dr. Lisa Young, Vicki Salmon. (Front L-R) Mary Jane Adams, Katheryn Minty, Gordon Rines, Melissa Young, Mike Burns, Christine Matheson. (Back L-R) Roger Jones, Ian Wagschal, Jeff Lamb, Darrell Boutilier, Dennis Gillis Application Through to Evaluation – a Complete Process for Graduate Admission Achieving Facilities Management Success Utilizing a Highly Effective Work Management Process At the University of Calgary, the authority to offer admission to graduate studies is delegated from the dean to program directors, meaning that 65 administrative offices on campus are involved in graduate admissions. UCalgary has developed a single, online application portal for all student admission applications, integrated with its student information system. Programs can set individual requirements, evaluation criteria and deadlines, all applicant information is stored directly in the student information system, applicants can upload supporting documents and track their application status, and files are delivered electronically to Faculty for evaluation. The single online point of entry has reduced data entry errors, and reductions in printing costs and personnel time required to process applications have been achieved. Applications can be processed faster, supporting UCalgary’s strategic goal of making strong offers quickly to the best and brightest applicants. Communication at all stages of the application has improved because of the holistic approach to the admission process. The application for admission was designed to be flexible and customizable for the individual needs of different programs and processes and can easily be applied at other institutions for various student populations. For further information on this project, please contact: Gillian Robinson, Senior Director, Strategic Operations, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Calgary 403-220- 6359 | [email protected] Despite a clear and well thought-out mission, vision and goals and an effective leadership structure, the Dalhousie University’s Department of Facilities Management found that they were not achieving their annual goals. In response, they developed an integrated Work Management Process (WMP) to manage departmental personnel and financial resources. Supported by a set of computerized tools and customized reports that provide information required for decision-making at each of six annual, monthly and weekly meetings, the WMP sets a standard for forecasting resource requirements, scheduling and implementing work, and measuring performance. After four years, operating expenditures are down and revenues are up, allowing the department to maintain service levels despite annual budget cuts. Project Management spending performance has improved an average of $2M per year, while increased preventative maintenance has resulted in a 38% reduction in daily service calls per FTE. The concept and structure of the Work Management Process could be easily customized to match the requirements of another institution’s business processes. For further information on this project, please contact: Jeff Lamb, Assistant Vice President, Facilities Management, Dalhousie University 902-494-1066 | [email protected] UNIVERSITY MANAGER • Summer 2014 25 2014 Quality and 2014 Prix de la Qualité et de la Productivité Productivity Awards Prix de Awards Where good ideas grow Pour faire germer les bonnes idées University of Calgary First Prize, Open Category Photo Credit: Dr. Tara Christie. (L-R) Dr. Lisa Young, Jennifer de Roaldes, Russell Sawatsky, Gillian Robinson, Matthew Ling. Annual Progress Report for Thesis-based Graduate Students At the University of Calgary, more than 3300 graduate students are undertaking thesis-based degree programs. To promote student success, quality of graduate supervision and degree completion times, all thesis-based graduate students must submit an annual progress report. The Faculty of Graduate Studies, in partnership with the information technology department (IT), has developed a secure system that allows progress reports to be completed and submitted online. The new online progress report submission system replaced a manual, paper-based system that had low completion rates and long delays. Early identification of students in difficulty or who may need additional support is now possible with minimal administrative effort. 26 UNIVERSITY MANAGER • Summer 2014 A completed report is delivered automatically to the student’s supervisor, who adds their own input about progress and an overall rating of success. The program director makes the final evaluation, determining whether the student is making satisfactory progress or if intervention is needed. At the end, the student has the opportunity to see the full document and to request a meeting if desired. With appropriate technical support, it would be possible to adapt this process into another student records system, and UCalgary’s IT developers are willing to share code with other institutions. For further information on this project, please contact: Gillian Robinson, Senior Director, Strategic Operations, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Calgary 403-220- 6359 | [email protected] 2014 Quality and 2014 Prix de la Qualité et de la Productivité Productivity Awards Prix de Awards Where good ideas grow Pour faire germer les bonnes idées Ryerson University Second Prize, Open Category (L-R) Peter Gee, Mary-Anne O'Brien, Elizabeth Ing, Diane Winiarz, Janice Winton, Mary Jane Pacheco, Mary Anne Rait, Aimee Kozai, John Sedlar. Financial Services Certificate Program Ryerson’s Financial Services team designed a user-focused ‘Financial Services Certificate Program’ in 2012 to help improve the accuracy and efficiency of financial transactions conducted by faculties and departments. Developed for university faculty and staff responsible for managing, administering or approving financial transactions, the program consists of 10 series of short, focused training sessions covering a wide range of topics. Participants earn a Financial Services Certificate upon completing each series, a highly popular incentive. Participants use real-life departmental data in a friendly and approachable learning environment. Sessions are led by Financial Services department experts, presented in easily digestible modules to accommodate busy schedules and to prevent information overload. Within months of its launch, registration far surpassed predictions. The program has become a key part of staff education and career development, with more than 3800 course registrations to date and over 500 certificates awarded. Its success has attracted the attention of several Canadian universities, which have expressed interest in adopting a similar model. With sessions based on everyday financial tasks and issues common to the post-secondary sector, the model can be easily adapted across academic institutions. For further information on this project, please contact: Diane Winiarz, Director, Client Services, Financial Services, Ryerson University 416-979-5000 X 6556 | [email protected] UNIVERSITY MANAGER • Summer 2014 27 2014 Quality and 2014 Prix de la Qualité et de la Productivité Productivity Awards Prix de Awards Where good ideas grow Pour faire germer les bonnes idées Saint Mary’s University Third Prize, Open Category (L-R) Keith Hotchkiss, Andrea Smith, Dr. David Gauthier, Dr. Paul Dixon, Dr. Kevin Kelloway, Kim Squires, Dr. Gordon Fullerton, Perry Sisk, Darrell Rooney, Margaret Murphy, Gordon Michael, Gabrielle Morrison, Margaret-Anne Bennett. Delivering Service Excellence The President's Service Excellence Council, an interdisciplinary collaboration of Saint Mary's leaders, was established in 2010 to foster a culture of service excellence by providing staff and faculty with tools for developing and supporting initiatives that provide excellent service to students and others. Saint Mary's own academic experts were engaged in the initiative, rather than external consultants. A service quality framework was created and videos were produced and housed on an online service excellence learning portal to help senior managers develop service quality plans. The council also commissioned leadership training on employee engagement and conducted student surveys to assess the quality of service provided before and after training. The initial survey indicated staff members were doing a good job, but only 30% regarded the service they received as excellent. Immediately 28 UNIVERSITY MANAGER • Summer 2014 following the leadership training sessions and creation of the Service Quality Plans and the portal and videos, the number of students who felt they were getting excellent service jumped on average by 8%. A key to Saint Mary’s success has been capitalizing on inhouse expert knowledge within the University community. The concept of a service excellence portal could be easily replicated by other institutions. For further information on this project, please contact: Gabrielle Morrison, Vice-President, Finance & Administration, Saint Mary’s University 902-420-5409 | [email protected] 2014 Quality and 2014 Prix de la Qualité et de la Productivité Productivity Awards Prix de Awards Where good ideas grow Université du Québec Honourable Mention, Open Category Pour faire germer les bonnes idées York University Honourable Mention, Open Category (G-D) David-H. Mercier - Université du Québec, Lorraine Frappier - Frappier Tandem +. (L-R) Vaiji Sundaramoorthy, Rosa Cichella, Shelagh Audette, Michael Legris. York University Bookstore “Scholar Dollars” Savoir Affaires: Taking Advantage of Knowledge to Innovate in Business Savoir Affaires draws on the creativity of graduate and postdoctoral students. With backgrounds in a wide range of fields and representing the 10 teaching institutions of the Université du Québec network, these students are called to problem-solve around regional economic issues and propose promising business solutions under the banner of a weeklong competition. Savoir Affaires aims to foster entrepreneurship and generate new business opportunities that will, ultimately, derive socioeconomic benefits for the host regions. Each edition reaps the benefit of the students’ knowledge and skills, unites business, industry and investment expertise, and is an opportunity for cooperation between universities and business. The first three editions were a great success. Orchestrated by the Université du Québec, the Savoir Affaires approach has proven to be easily transferable and can be adapted to the reality of any region. Introduced in 2006, York University’s "YU-card" student card system includes meal plans and library card functions and can be used at vending machines and for laundry. YU-card derives revenues from card production and replacement and through a percentage of each purchase. In 2012, the York campus bookstore wanted to create a loyalty program but could not do so using its existing cash register system. The “Scholar Dollars” program was designed, with minimal effort, to work with the existing campus card infrastructure, and provided the additional benefit of drawing more transactions to the YU-card. Scholar Dollars are accumulated on every purchase with a YU-card and can only be redeemed at the campus bookstore. The reward rate is generous at 5%, equivalent to the best retail programs. Feedback from both students and parents has been positive, and the program has expanded: a large fast-food chain in Ontario now offers 5% back in Scholar Dollars on each delivery purchase made with a YU-card. The program has achieved its initial goal, and can easily be replicated at other institutions with campus card programs in place. For further information on this project, please contact: Gillian Robinson, Senior Director, Strategic Operations, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Calgary 403-220- 6359 | [email protected] For further information on this project, please contact: Steven Glassman, Director, Bookstore, Printing and Mailing Services 416-736-2100x33018 | [email protected] UNIVERSITY MANAGER • Summer 2014 29 2014 Quality and 2014 Prix de la Qualité et de la Productivité Productivity Awards Prix de Awards Pour faire germer les bonnes idées Where good ideas grow La quête de l’excellence Institution / Établissement Title of Proposal Titre de la proposition Contact Person Personne Ressource Telephone/Email Téléphone/Courriel The University of British Columbia UBC & SFU, Leading Change Across Canadian Campuses to Improve the Lives of Farmers, Workers, and Their Families in Developing Countries - The Transformation to a Fair Trade Campus Mark McLaughlin 778-782-3950 mark_ [email protected] University of Calgary Annual Progress Report for Thesis-based Graduate Students Gillian Robinson 403-220-6359 [email protected] University of Calgary Application Through to Evaluation – a Complete Process for Graduate Admission Gillian Robinson 403-220-6359 [email protected] University of Calgary An Integrated Service Model Rita Neogy 403-210-9620 [email protected] University of Calgary Improving Financial Oversight on Research Funds Shane Royal 403-220-3102 [email protected] Carleton University Organizational Excellence at Carleton University Cindy Taylor 613-520-7847 [email protected] Concordia University Implementation of a New and Improved Event Management System Marie-Josée Allard 514-848-2805 [email protected] Dalhousie University Achieving Facilities Management Success Utilizing a Highly Effective Work Management Process Jeff Lamb 902-494-1066 [email protected] Dalhousie University Breaking Down Silos - Establishing a Multi-Functional Student Service Unit Quenta Adams 902-494-3077 [email protected] École Polytechnique de Montréal Regroupement d’achat en téléphonie cellulaire Frédéric Desgagné 418-545-5011 x5626 [email protected] HEC Montréal / École Polytechnique de Montréal / Université de Montréal Ma santé au sommet - Ensemble pour un campus en santé Guylaine Rivard 514-343-6111 x4245 [email protected] McGill University McGill Marketplace - Above and Beyond an e-Procurement System Kathy Zendehbad 514-398-4608 [email protected] McGill University The Teaching and Learning Spaces Working Group: An Innovative Approach to Classroom Planning and Resource Management Jennie Ferris 514-398-6648 [email protected] 38 UNIVERSITY MANAGER • Summer 2014 2014 Quality and 2014 Prix de la Qualité et de la Productivité Productivity Awards Prix de Awards Where good ideas grow Pour faire germer les bonnes idées Institution / Établissement Title of Proposal Titre de la proposition Contact Person Personne Ressource Telephone/Email Téléphone/Courriel McMaster University Connecting Working Groups with Goals Within a University Carolyn McEwen 905-525-9140 x24022 [email protected] McMaster University Integrated Violence Risk Assessments Terry Sullivan 905-525-8140 x23372 [email protected] McMaster University Integrated Campus Radio System Terry Sullivan 905-525-8140 x23372 [email protected] McMaster University McMaster University Safety Security and Transit App ( a MUSST have APP) Terry Sullivan 905-525-8140 x23372 [email protected] Memorial University of Newfoundland Exercise Campus Collaboration 2013 Emergency Exercise Planning for Universities Karen Alexander 709-864-7544 [email protected] Université du Québec Savoir Affaires : Tirer profit du savoir pour innover en affaires David-H.Mercier 418-657-4475 [email protected] Ryerson University Ryerson University's Financial Services Certificate Program Diane Winiarz 416-979-5000 x6556 [email protected] Ryerson University / Wilfrid Laurier University Bonfire: A New 'Best Practice' Tool for the Competitive Bid (RFx) Evaluation Process Mary-Anne O'Brien 416-979-5000 x4349 [email protected] Ryerson University Credit and Collection Services Project Doug Furchner 416-979-5017 [email protected] Saint Mary's University Delivering Service Excellence GabrielleMorrison 902-420-5409 [email protected] Université Saint-Paul Les produits locaux au 1er rang Nadine Tremblay 613-236-1393 x2240 [email protected] University of Saskatchewan “I Declared….” Aboriginal Students Self-Declaration Initiative Russell Isinger 306-966-6723 [email protected] Trent University Operationalizing Inclusivity Robyne Hanley 705-748-1011 x7240 [email protected] York University York University Bookstore "Scholar Dollars" Steven Glassman 416-736-2100 x33018 [email protected] UNIVERSITY MANAGER • Summer 2014 39 2014 Quality and 2014 Prix de la Qualité et de la Productivité Productivity Awards Prix de Awards Where good ideas grow Learn more online Great ideas at your fingertips… The Q&P program has grown over the years to become a very important source of best practices among Canadian higher education administrators. All Q&P submissions from 2004 onwards can be accessed via a searchable database on our website. You can now search great ideas for innovative practices that can be applied to your institution today. Simply visit our website at www.caubo.ca and click Best Practices. 40 UNIVERSITY MANAGER • Summer 2014 Pour faire germer les bonnes idées Plus de détails en ligne Idées géniales au bout des doigts… Le programme des prix de la qualité et de la productivité a pris de l’ampleur ces dernières années et est devenu une source très importante de dissémination des pratiques d’excellence parmi les administrateurs du milieu de l’enseignement supérieur au Canada. Tous les dossiers soumis dans le cadre de ce programme depuis 2004 ont été versés dans une base de données pourvue d’un moteur de recherche, accessible à partir du site Web de l’ACPAU. Vous pouvez maintenant effectuer des recherches sur idées géniales pour y trouver des pratiques novatrices pouvant s’appliquer à votre établissement dès aujourd’hui. Il suffit de visiter notre site Web, à l’adresse www.acpau.ca, puis de cliquer sur « Meilleures pratiques ». 2014 Quality and 2014 Prix de la Qualité et de la Productivité Productivity Awards Prix de Awards Pour faire germer les bonnes idées Where good ideas grow Selection Committee/Comité de sélection ONTARIO: SPONSOR/COMMANDITAIRE: Lucie Mercier-Gauthier (Chair/président) Associate Vice-President, Student Services/ vice-rectrice associée, Services aux étudiants University of Ottawa/Université d’Ottawa Chantal Tourangeau Regional Travel Manager - Eastern Canada/ Chef-régional des ventes – Est du Canada Budget Car Rental EAST/EST: SPONSOR/COMMANDITAIRE: Gary Bradshaw Associate Vice President, Administration & Finance/ vice-recteur associé, administration et finance Memorial University of Newfoundland, Grenfell Campus JD Christman Account Manager Account Manager/directeur de compte Macquarie Equipment Finance Ltd. QUEBEC: SPONSOR/COMMANDITAIRE: Josée Germain Vice-Rector, Administration and Finance/ vice–rectrice à l’administration et aux finances Université Laval Randy Colwell Regional Vice-President, Group Retirement Services/ Vice-président regional, Régimes collectifs de retraite Sun Life Financial WEST: CAUBO/ACPAU: David Button Vice-President (Administration)/ vice-recteur (administration) University of Regina Nathalie Laporte Executive Director/directrice générale It's not too early to start thinking about your submission for 2015! For a complete description of the criteria and application process, Il n’est pas trop tôt pour commencer à penser à votre dossier de candidature pour 2015! Pour obtenir une description complète des critères et du processus de mise en and for details regarding previous candidature, ainsi que de l’information submissions and winners, visit our sur les candidats et lauréats des années website at www.caubo.ca or contact Alison Larabie Chase at [email protected]. passées, consultez notre site Web à www.acpau.ca ou communiquez avec Alison Larabie Chase, à l’adresse [email protected]. UNIVERSITY MANAGER • Summer 2014 41
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