Bachelor`s degree of international management


Bachelor`s degree of international management
IUT Sénart Fontainebleau
Bachelor's degree of international management
Join Sénart Fontainebleau University Institute of Technology for a Spring semester in our Bachelor's degree of International Management, taught
entirely in English!
This programme, entirely taught in English, at Sénart (city of Lieusaint), is given during the second (Spring) semester of the Bachelor's degree in
International Management of the prestigious Shool of Management IAE Gustave Eiffel. It has been created to meet the needs of students who want to
benefit from the opportunities offered by the fast-paced and ever-changing field of international business and management.
The goal is to help students get a better knowledge and understanding of the international professional context, as well as develop communications
skills - both linguistic and inter-cultural - which are essential for interacting in such a context. The Bachelor's aims at developing our students'
intellectual fulfilment, thanks to a multidisciplinary programme. Thus, the course content includes disciplines such as management, law, economics,
sociology, politics, quantitative methods, foreign languages, and general knowledge, with an emphasis on economics.
The programme is based on a dynamic approach where traditional lectures are mixed with coaching, team work, personal project, and research, under
the supervision of a highly qualified team of dedicated teachers, including experienced professionals. In addition, classes are made of maximum 25-30
IUTSF's International Management Bachelor's degree is the key to continue with a Master's in Management, or even directly enter the labour market
successfully. By enrolling, you can gain ECTS to complete your Bachelor's degree back in your home university.
> English presentation of our University Institute of Technology (IUT)
> International Program for incoming Exchange Students
> Fact sheets
Liens utiles
> Partir à l'international : financer et organiser son séjour
> Etudiants étrangers : tout savoir grâce au site de l'université
> Foreign students : learn more on the University website
Parcours étudiant
+33 (0)1 64 13 44 90
[email protected]
mise à jour le 25 mars 2015
Université Paris-Est Créteil Val de Marne (UPEC)
61, avenue du Général de Gaulle
94010 Créteil cedex
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