Kirkland Lake


Kirkland Lake
Kirkland Lake January 2016 janvier
Program Information / Description des activités
Monday / lundi
Conte et Chansons 9 h 30 (le 4 et 18 janvier)
Des chansons traditionnelles et des histoires pour
Café-franco 9 h 30 (le 11 et 25 janvier)
Activités pour comprendre la langue et la culture
Jeux libres 9 h- 12 h et 13 h – 16 h
Amusez-vous dans notre salle de jeux. Les familles
ont accès aux jeux, bricolages et au centre de
ressources ainsi qu’à la joujouthèque.
Thursday / jeudi
Breakfast 9:30 (January 7, 14, 21, & 28)
Join us for a light nutritious breakfast.
The Baby Bunch 10:30 (January 7, 14, 21, & 28)
This is a group designed for infants and their
caregivers to spend time together, in their own space,
building friendships. Each week we will provide a
different theme with activities based on your feedback.
Free Mom & Tot Swim 2-2:30 (January 7)
This activity is for moms and their children between
the ages 0-3. Registration is required.
Tuesday / mardi
Meet at the Library 10:30-12:00 (January 5, 12, 19, 26)
Join us at the Children’s Library every Tuesday for a
variety of activities such as stories, workshops,
aboriginal culture, art and snacks.
Lil’ Scientist 2pm (January 5 &19)
Opportunity for scientific discovery offered for children
of all ages
Kids Can Cook 2 pm (January 12 & 26)
Children of all ages will have the chance to explore in
the kitchen.
Free Play 1-4
This is a great time for families to enjoy the playroom,
art and science area and borrow from the lending
Wednesday / mercredi
Free Play 9 -12 & 1-4
This is a great time for families to enjoy the playroom,
art and science area and borrow from the lending
Mother Goose ® 10:30 (January 6, 13, 20, & 27)
In partnership with the Timiskaming Health Unit we will
offer songs, rhymes and stories in a traditional
Parent –Child Mother Goose Program ® format.
Gym Night 5:30-7(January 6, 13, 20, & 27)
Each Wednesday we head to a different gym in the
community for free play and physical activity.
Activités physiques 17 h 30-19 h 00 (le 6, 13, 20 et
27 Janvier)
Chaque mercredi soir, nous nous rendons à une salle
de gymnase différente dans la communauté pour des
jeux libres et des activités physiques.
Friday / vendredi
Swastika Playgroup 10-12 (January 15 & 29)
At the Riverside Community Church, we open up the
playroom and provide art, snack, free play and
activities. 30 Grenfell Ave. Swastika
Larder Lake Playgroup 9:30-11 (January 8 & 22)
This playgroup is a great opportunity for some
physical activities; we meet in the gym at the Larder
Lake Municipal Building for free play, activities and
snack. 69 Fourth Ave Larder Lake.
Virginiatown 11 h – 13 h (le 29 Janvier)
Nous fournissons un dîner léger et des activités à
l’École St. Louis.
Saturday / samedi
Lending Library & Free Play 9-1 (January 16 &23)
This is a great opportunity to enjoy the playroom and
art supplies, borrow some books or a movie for movie
night with the family.
La joujouthèque et jeux libres 9 h-13 h(le 16 et 23
janvier)Ceci est une excellente occasion de profiter
de la salle de jeux et des matériaux de bricolages,
emprunter des livres ou un film pour une soirée
cinéma avec la famille.
5th Annual Baby Bump Pary 10-12 (January 30)
We are excited to be hosting our 5th annual ‘baby
bump party’ this month. The playroom will be
open but the lending library will not be available.
Registration is Required.
Célébration Bedaine (le 30 janvier)
C’est une fête annuelle pour ceux qui seront des
nouvelles mamans dans notre région. Il y aura des
jeux, des prix, et un goûter. La salle de jeux est
ouverte pour jeux libres de 9 h à 13 h mais la
joujouthèque sera fermé.
*Reminder, any program marked with a
registration. Call 705-567-8837 to register or for more
N.B. un programme marqué d'une
demande une inscription.
Appelez le 705-567-8837 pour vous inscrire ou pour plus
Timiskaming Early Years Centre * Centre de la petite enfance
Timiskaming 30 Second St. (2nd Floor) 30 rue Second