A Sampling of Canadian Genealogy Books in the Santa


A Sampling of Canadian Genealogy Books in the Santa
A Sampling of Canadian Genealogy Books in the Santa Clara City Central Park
Library Heritage Pavilion
Books You Need to do Genealogy in Ontario: an Annotated Bibliography by Ryan
Taylor [GS 929.3713 T24]
Canadian Veterans of the War of 1812, edited, with an introduction by Eric Jonasson
[GR 973.52 C21]
Finding Your Canadian Ancestors: A Beginner’s Guide by Sherry Irvine & Dave Obee
[GR 929.371 Ir72 plus a G circulating copy]
Dictionnaire Genealogique Des Familles Acadiennes by Stephen A. White, 2 volumes
[GS 929.3716 W58]
Dictionnaire Genealogique des Familles Canadiennes par L’Abbe Cyprien Tanguay, 7
volumes [GS French 929.371 T16] & Complement au Dictionnaire Genealogique
Tanguay [GS French 929.371 T16]
Dictionnaire Genealogique des familles du Quebec des origines a 1730 by Rene Jette [GS
French 929.371 J58]
Early Ontario Settlers: A Source Book by Norma Crowder [GR 929.3713 C95 plus a G
circulating copy]
Erin’s Sons: Irish Arrivals in Atlantic Canada by Terrence Punch, 4 volumes, [GR
929.3715 P98]
Links to Your Canadian Past, Tome 1: Acadia and the Maritimes by Peter J. Gagne [GS
929.371 G13]
Marriage Notices of Ontario by William D. Reid [GR 929.3713 R35]
Nova Scotia Immigrants to 1867, Compiled by Col. Leonard H. Smith, Jr. [GR 929.3716
Ontario Families Genealogies or United-Empire-Loyalist and other Pioneer Families of
Upper Canada by Edward Marion Chadwich, 2 volumes
[GS 929.3713 C43]
Our French-Canadian Ancestors by Thomas J. Laforest, 29 volumes
[GS 929.3714 L16]
Researching Canadian Census Records, 2nd Edition by Doris Bourrie, CGRS [GS 929.371
Also, when using the resources of the Santa Clara City Library don’t forget that Ancestry
Library Edition has many Canadian databases not just the Canadian Census & Voter List
When using Heritage Quest, don’t forget that there are many full-text Canadian
genealogy books plus directories and Canadian history books in the BOOKS database.
When searching the PERSI (The Periodical Source Index) database on Heritage Quest
you can change to tab setting in the Places search box from United States to Canada.
If you wish to browse the book collection for Canadian genealogy, find the shelves that
are in the Dewey Decimal call # range: 929.371 through 929.3716. Use the Subject
search term: Canada – Genealogy.
Compiled by Mary Hanel, Library Staff Liaison to SCCHGS, 11/2010