May 2013 Newsletter - Edward Johnson Public School


May 2013 Newsletter - Edward Johnson Public School
Le Nid D=Aigle
L=École Edward Johnson School
397 Stevenson Street North, Guelph ON
Dear Parents:
The week of May 6-10 is Education Week! The
theme this year is “Learning for Tomorrow:
L’apprentissage pour demain.” Our Jump Rope for
Heart event takes place on Thursday, May 2. Thanks
to all parents who have volunteered to help! The
Grades 3 and 5 Sharks program begins on May 3 and
we will be practicing for our school Track and Field
event during the week of May 13.
During the month of April, parents, teachers and
students collected ideas for our playground renewal
plan. A draft plan should be completed by the end of
May and be ready for your comments at the Family
Fun Night on June 6. On the April 22 P.A. day the
Edward Johnson staff invited Dean Huyck, a teacher
from the Trillium School in Milton to talk about how
we help students with anxiety. Some of the
strategies are shared in this newsletter. We also
completed a school self-assessment and will be using
the results to build our school improvement plan for
2013-2014. Our staff book study group continues to
meet regularly to discuss student self-regulation.
The Eagle=s Nest
Newsletter # 9 May 2013
Principal: Anne Lehoux
Office Coordinator: Lindsay Redpath
7:00 p.m. We are planning a parent information evening
with educator and author Michael Reist for next October
2, 7:00-8:30 p.m. and we hope everyone will mark this
date in your calendars! Please check out his web site at
The May School Council meeting is Monday, May 13 at
6:30 p.m.
How to Help a Child with Anxiety
Dean Huyck from the Trillium School in Milton works with
anxious students every day. Twenty per cent of students
are affected by some form of anxiety. Here are some
strategies for school and home:
1) Help build the child’s self-awareness about what makes
him/her anxious.
2) Establish realistic goals and manageable next steps to
help build resiliency, not avoidance.
3) Listen to the child without necessarily giving advice.
Discuss in a private setting. Don’t be judgmental.
4) Provide ample warnings about changes in routines and
make daily schedules obvious (post them on the
refrigerator-in clear sight).
5) Provide structure and consistency.
6) Encourage involvement in activities through baby steps.
Celebrate successes.
7) Provide relaxation and calming opportunities such as
deep breathing.
Please feel welcome to join our May activities.
Yours truly,
Anne Lehoux
Grade 3 and 6 EQAO Testing
School Council News
The Grade 3 EQAO assessment will take place from May
27 to June 4. The Grade 6 assessment will take place
from May 28 to 30.
It is important to avoid scheduling any appointments or
family trips that would involve your Grade 3 or 6 child
missing school during this period. Your cooperation is
greatly appreciated.
Our School Council is now planning the annual Family Fun
Night which will take place on Thursday, June 6, 5:00-
Grade 6 News
The Grade 6 parent information evening for John McCrae
School will take place on Monday, May 27 from 6:00-8:00
p.m. The Grade 6 student orientation at John McCrae will
take place on Monday, June 10.
Grade 6 Graduation will take place on Tuesday, June
25 at 6:30 p.m.
The Grade 6 Camp Paradise trip will take place from June
12 to June 14. Thanks to all parents who attended the
parent information session in April.
News from the Library
We have now wrapped up another successful year of
reading with the Silver Birch and Silver Birch Express
programs. All students who read 5 books in any one
category were invited to participate in a province-wide
vote on April 26th for the best new book of the year.
Tallies will be calculated across the province and the
winner of each category is usually announced mid-May.
This program provides a wonderful opportunity for
students to read high quality materials just for fun! Even
after voting day, the books are permanently available in
our library, and students are encouraged to keep reading!
Our younger students (grades 1-2) have been participating
in the Blue Spruce program which gives them the
opportunity to choose their favourite picture book. Mme
School Track and Field Day
The school Track and Field day will be held on Thursday,
May 16 for students who will be 8 years old on June 1st.
Please make sure students come to school dressed for the
weather, with layers, a hat, sun screen and rain gear if
necessary. We look forward to a great day. If you would
like to assist please contact M. Majstorovic.
Jump Rope for Heart
On Thursday, May 2 all students will be participating in
Jump Rope for Heart. The purpose of this event is to
raise money for the Ontario Heart and Stroke
Foundation. Students can bring in their donations on the
Jump Rope day. They will be involved in skipping activities
for approximately one hour at the following times:
9:10-10:10 a.m.
Kindergarten students
11:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon Grades 1 and 2 students
1:45 -2:45 p.m.
Grades 3-6 students
Please join us to help out or to skip with the students!
This should be a fun, heart healthy day!
Spring Food Drive
Our spring food drive for the Guelph Food Bank was a
great success! Mdle Lachmansingh’s class collected 220
kilograms or 1,111 pounds of food and toiletries. This was
an astonishing amount! All classes contributed. Thank you
for your generosity!
Kindergarten Registration
We continue to accept registrations for Junior and Senior
Kindergarten for September 2013. If you know of a
family with a Kindergarten-aged child for this September,
please encourage them to register soon. Accurate
numbers now will better predict staffing and class
organizations for September.
Our Kindergarten Orientation will take place on Friday,
June 7th. New Kindergarten families will receive an
invitation soon.
Reading at Home
Daily reading at home is extremely important. In the
Primary grades, we recommend that parents continue to
read interesting stories, books and magazine articles in
English to your children and to encourage and guide them
to begin reading simple books in English on their own.
Reading in English at home strengthens French reading
skills at school. It gives students confidence in word
recognition and comprehension. Reading is a skill that
transfers from one language to another. Please do not
hesitate to buy your child books in English or to visit the
public library.
Outdoor Supervision
Supervision begins at 8:30 a.m. There is no playground
supervision after school. Students are expected to go
straight home or come into the gym for bus lines.
Bicycle Safety
Bicycles brought to school must have locks and students
must wear a helmet. Bicycles must be walked on school
Family Fun Night is Coming Soon!
the sun. Before you and your child head outside, check
the UV index on The Weather Network or Environment
Canada websites.
When you go outside, remember to wear sunglasses, hat
and sunscreen (SPF of 15 or higher). And if the UV index
is 6 or more (high), also stay in the shade.
Keep in mind that babies and children burn more quickly
from the sun. Sunscreen is not recommended for babies
under 6 months old, but is safe to use on children.
For more information about sun safety, visit Health
Canada at
Our annual Family Fun Night takes place on
Thursday, June 7th from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. Many special
activities will take place: face painting, The Guelph Youth
Jazz Group, a photo booth silent auction and Gift baskets,
sports and games. The Scholastic Book Fair will be open
in the library.
In order to make this a success our School Council needs
your assistance. Please call the school or contact the
School Council at [email protected].
Requests for 2013-2014
If you will have a child in grades 1-6, and have a request
for a teacher or a class for 2013-2014, please submit this
request and the reason in writing to Mme Lehoux by June
1, 2013. Please be aware that when organizing classes we
take into consideration a number of factors including
academics, learning styles, social skills, gender balance
and friends. We will consider your request; however the
final decision remains that of the school.
Tentative Number of Classes 2013-2014
Kindergarten (Full Day)
Grade 1
Grade 1/2
Grade 2
Grade 2/3
Grade 3
Grade 3/4
Grade 4/5
Grade 5
Grade 6
Stay Safe in the Sun
As the weather gets warmer, remember to stay safe in
Public Health
Edward Johnson School Council News
Can you believe that June is just around the corner! And you
know what that means....Family Fun Night is almost here.
School Council has already begun organizing and
brainstorming ideas for the annual Family Fun Night which
will be held Thursday June 6 . There will be games, food,
entertainment, silent auction and rumour has it 2 WestJet
tickets will be part of the silent auction, shhhh! If you or
someone you know would like to donate an item or their
[email protected]. As well, if you would like to help with
this event please contact anyone on school council or come
out to the next council meeting.
Do you have a Tassimo and have exhausted all of your ideas
for kid art projects with empty Tassimo pucks? Edward
Johnson is now collecting used Tassimo pucks, so drink up.
No need to rinse them, just toss them in a bag and send
them to school with your child and we will do the rest. For
every one puck that is recycled we receive 2 cents...every
little bit counts so send them in.
Our playground committee has started the 5 year plan to
improve Edward Johnson’s playground and are hoping to
have a preliminary plan available for everyone to see at the
Family Fun Night. Be sure to mark it in your calendar as
there will be an opportunity to comment on the plan and you
wouldn’t want to miss that!
Do you still have Canadian Tire money lying around? Keep
sending it in to school with your child as this is an ongoing
fundraiser. To date, with all of your help we have been able to
raise over $287 in Canadian Tire money which in turn we
were able to use to purchase small outdoor toys for all the
students to enjoy. Way to go Edward Johnson Eagles!
The next school council meeting will be held on Monday
May13 , 2013 6:30pm-7:30pm. All parents and community
members are welcome to attend. Please visit the School
Council bulletin board in the main vestibule of the school for
more information about events at your school.
Thank you once again to all of our volunteers who make each
and every event special for the students at Edward Johnson.
These events would not be possible without all of you.
Anyone interested in contacting the school council can do so
by emailing [email protected]
Thank You/ Merci
encourage beaucoup les boîtes à dîner écologiques, donc on
apporte les contenants en plastique durable, ou même mieux
en métal au lieu d’acheter les collations emballées
individuellement en plastique qui vont directement aux sites
d’enfouissement. Professeurs- quand vous enseignez une
leçon, utlisez chaque côté de la feuille. S’il y a du papier
extra, utilisez- le pour de l’art!
Finalement, peut-être pendant une période chaque jour, et
surtout pendant la nutrition, éteignez les lumières dans vos
salles de classe et utilisez simplement la lumière qui vient
naturellement du soleil.
Si tout le monde commence à faire attention à leurs
actions, et poser des gestes pour aider, comme planter un
arbre, ou apporter une bouteille réutilisable à l’école, ou
marcher au lieu de prendre l’auto, petit à petit, notre Terre va
être remplie d’arbres verts, de jolies rivières, de la verdure
partout et sans dèchets...
Nous allons avoir un meilleur avenir!
Par Maresa, de la 6ième année
Earth Day/Le jour de la terre
Passons à l’action: travaillons ensemble pour
soigner la terre
Tout ce dont nous avons besoin pour vivre heureux et en
santé est offert par la Terre. Mais malheureusement, les
humains ne respectent pas la Terre autant qu’ils devraient.
Je crois que nous pouvons avoir un meilleur avenir si nous
changeons quelques unes de nos habitudes.
Nous sommes très chanceux de vivre dans notre beau pays,
le Canada. Il y a encore des forêts, des parcs, des rivières et
des lacs. Mais si nous continuons nos mauvaises habitudes,
nous allons faire disparaître ces richesses.
Réduit, réutilise et recycle.
Ces trois mots sont très importants si on veut aider
l'environnement. Le premier mot,“réduit” veut dire
simplement arrêter de consommer puis arrêter de jeter. Si on
consomme le moins possible, on va réduire la quantité de
déchets. Le mot “réutilise” suggère que quand tu achètes
quelque chose avec un contenant ou un emballage, d’utiliser
cela encore une ou plusieurs fois; par exemple, tu peux
utiliser les contenants de beurre pour ta collation à l’école ou
comme un bol pour ton chien. “Recycle”: ce mot veut dire
que chaque fois que tu achètes un objet avec un emballage,
cherche ce symbole:
cela te montre que ton objet peut
aller dans la boîte de recyclage et va être recyclé au lieu
d’aller aux sites d’enfouissement.
Notre école, Edward Johnson, utilise beaucoup de
fournitures scolaires pour les élèves: crayons, gommes,
cahiers, livres etc. C’est excellent, mais les vieux affaires
sont souvent jetés à la poubelle. Les livres que personne lit,
ou les marqueurs qu’on utilise rarement, on peut donner aux
élèves qui ne sont pas aussi chanceux que nous, et ne
peuvent pas les acheter. On aura moins de poubelles, et les
enfants seraient plus heureux. Aussi, à notre école, on
Jump Rope For
Heart Event
Sharks : Gr. 3
11 :15
Gr. 5 12 :15
Education Week
Education Week
May 2013
Scientists in
School : Gr. 3’s
Education Week
Education Week
Club Photos and
Graduation Photo
Education Week
Sub Day
Preparedness Day:
Bicycle Rodeo
11:00 a.m.
Spirit Day : My
Favourite Author
(or book
Block 3 Track and
Field Practice
Block 3 Track and
Field Practice
Block 3 Track and
Field Practice
Track and Field
Track and Field
Rain Date
Mdle Jakab’s class
to McCrae
Victoria Day
Mdle Jakab’s class
to McCrae
Sharks : Gr. 3 11:15,
Gr. 5 12:15
Grade 3 EQAO
John McCrae Parent
Info. Night 6:00-8:00
Grade 3 EQAO
Grade 6 EQAO
JK/SKs Guelph
Civic Museum
Grade 3 EQAO
Grade 6 EQAO
JK/SKs Guelph
Civic Museum
Grade 3 EQAO
Grade 6 EQAO
JK/SKs Guelph
Civic Museum
Grade 3 EQAO
(also June 3,4)
JK/SKs Guelph
Civic Museum
6 :30 p.m. School
Council Mtg
Sub Day