d4880 deux ou trois choses que je sais d`elle


d4880 deux ou trois choses que je sais d`elle
(FRANCE, 1967)
(Other titles: Two or three things I know about her)
Credits: director/writer, Jean-Luc Godard.
Cast: Marina Vlady, Anny Duperey, Roger Montsoret, Jean Narboni.
Summary: Melodrama set in contemporary France. A series of episodes in one day
in the life of Juliette Jeanson (Vlady). She is a working class housewife who
lives in a suburban apartment complex outside Paris. Though she is a loving
wife and mother she resorts to occasional prostitution to ‘get along,’ that is,
to maintain a middle class life-style for her family. The Vietnam connections
include radio broadcasts about Johnson’s bombing of Hanoi and a dream
related by Juliette’s son in which two twins, North and South Vietnam, turn
into one person.
Adair, Gilbert. Hollywood’s Vietnam [GB] (p. 53)
___________. Vietnam on film [GB] (p. 75)
Adler, Renata. “Film fete: Godard’s Paris” New York times (Sep 26, 1968), p. 60.
[Reprinted in her A year in the dark : journal of a film critic 1968-69 New
York : Random House, 1969. (p. 249-50); New York : Berkeley, 1971. (p.
Akoun, Andre. “Les films de Godard sont des retrouvailles” La quinzaine litteraire
24 (Mar 15-31, 1967), p. 43-5.
Amengual, Barthelmey. “Cinema et langauge” Cinema 73 173 (Feb 1973), p. 59-64.
L’Avant-scene du cinema 70 (May 1967) [complete screenplay]
[Reprinted, Paris : Editions du Seuil, 1971]
Baby, Yvonne. “Dans ma journee d’artiste” Le Monde (Jan 27, 1967), p. 25.
Baroncelli, Jean de. “Deux ou trois choses que je sais d’elle” Le Monde (Mar 21,
1967), p. 16.
_______________. “Godard et le analyse critique de notre societe” Le Monde (Jan
27, 1967), p. 25.
Berardini, Aldo. [Review of Deux ou trois choses] Cineforum 9/92 (1969), p. 85-96.
Bergroth, Trevor and Koller, Michael. “Two or three things I know about her” Film
views 30/124 (winter 1985), p. 34.
Bertolucci, Bernardo. “Versus Godard” Cahiers du cinema n. 186 (Jan 1967), p. 2930.
Billard, Pierre. “Cinema: Pierre Billard a vu Deux ou trois choses que je sais d’elle”
L’Express 822 (Mar 20-26, 1967), p. 19.
“Biofilmographie de J.-L. Godard” L’Avant-scene du cinema: deux ou trois choses
que je sais d’elle 70 (May 1967)
[Reprinted as part of Deux ou trois choses [script] (1971)
Bjorkman, Stig. “Deux ou trois choses que je sais d’elle” in The Films of Jean-Luc
Godard (Ian Cameron, editor) New York : Praeger, 1970. (p. 140-46)
Blonsky, Marshall and Browne, Nick. “The rhetoric of the spectacular text” (Apr
1973) [student conference paper cited in Lesage #1760]
Blum, Peter (see under Ehrenstein, David)
Bory, Jean-Louis. “A la hauteur de nos tourments” Le nouvelle observateur (Mar 22,
1967), p. 46-7.
Branigan, Edward. “The articulation of color in a filmic system: ‘Deux ou trois
choses que je sais d’elle’“ Wide angle 1/3 (1976), p. 20-31
“Breves nouvelles du cinema” Cinema international (Mar-Apr 1967), p. 620.
Browne, Nick (see under Blonsky, Marshall)
Brunette, Peter. “Books: can a book capture a film? American film 6 (Mar 1981), p.
71-2. [book review]
Buchsbaum, Jonathan. “More than two or three things about Godard” Quarterly
review of film studies 7/2 (1982), p. 169-80. [book review]
Buckley, Peter. “Two or three things I know about her” Films and filming 17/4 (Jan
1971), p. 51-2.
Butcher, Maryvonne. “Cinema” Tablet 234 (Aug 2, 1980), p. 756.
Canby, Vincent. “The screen: Two or three things at the New Yorker” New York
times (May 1, 1970), p. 47.
Cardinal, Marie and Godard, Jean-Luc. Cet ete-la: suivi en annexe du scenario de
Jean-Luc Godard,’Deux ou trois choses que je sais d’elle Paris : Juillard, 1967.
[scenario and notes about shooting the film]
Carlin, Warren. “Two or three things I know about her” [Program notes, Godard
retrospective] (May 25, 1977). Chicago : Film Center, School of the Art
Institute. (p. 4-5)
Chatelet, Francois. “Godard, collectionneur de genie” L’Avant-scene du cinema 70
(May 1967), p. 43.
[Reprinted in Deux ou trois choses [script] (1971)]
Clement, Serge. [et al] “Dossier: cinema et societe de consommation” Cinema 77 227
(Nov 1977), p. 20-35.
Cluny, Claude Michel. “Le mort pris sur vif” Nouvelle revue francais 176 (Aug
1967), p. 312-16.
Cohen, Robert N. “Two or three things I know about her (Deux ou trois choses que
je sais d’elle)” Magill’s survey of cinema. Foreign language films Englewood
Cliffs, N.J. : Salem Press, 1986. (v. 7, p. 3188-92)
Collet, Jean. “Deux ou trois choses que je sais d’elle” Etudes 327 (Jul-Aug 1967), p.
Dauman, Anatole. Anatole Dauman: pictures of a producer London : BFI Pub.,
Dawson, Jan. “Deux ou trois choses que je sais d’elle” Monthly film bulletin 37/443
(Dec 1970), p. 244-45.
[Deux ou trois choses que je sais d’elle] Art et essai n. 21 (Mar 1, 1967), p. 18-20.
[Deux ou trois choses que je sais d’elle] Chaplin n. 72 (May 1967), p. 162.
[Deux ou trois choses que je sais d’elle] Jeune cinema n. 23 (May 1967), p. 39.
[Deux ou trois choses que je sais d’elle] Kine weekly n. 3291 (Nov 7, 1970), p. 19.
[Deux ou trois choses que je sais d’elle] Today’s cinema n. 9856 (Nov 13, 1970), p. 9.
“Directors: infuriating magician” Time 91 (Feb 16, 1968), p. 90-91.
“Due o tre cose che so di lei” in Cinque film (Gianni Rondolino, editor) Rome :
Einaudi, 1972. [script translated into Italian]
Ehrenstein, David and Blum, Peter. “Two or three things we know about Godard”
December 10/1 (1968), p. 164-73.
Gallagher, T. A. “Film” 2 or 3 things I know about her” Village voice (May 7, 1970),
p. 59, 63.
Gilliatt, Penelope. “Godard” New Yorker 46 (May 2, 1970), p. 102-9.
[Reprinted as “Two or three things I know about her” in Film 70/71 New
York : Simon and Schuster, 1971. (p. 205-8)]
Godard, Jean-Luc. “Lettre a mes amis pour apprendre a faire du cinema ensemble”
L’Avant-scene du cinema 70 (May 1967)
[Reprinted in Deux ou trois choses [script] (1971)]
______________. Godard: three films New York : Harper & Row, 1975. [English
translation of the screenplay]
______________. “Ma demarche en quatre mouvements” ibid.
______________. “On doit tout mettre dans un film” ibid.
______________. “Trois milles heures de cinema” Cahiers du cinema 184 (Nov
1966), p. 46-48. [diary excerpts]
______________. (see also under Cardinal, Marie)
Godet, Sylvain. “Chemin principal et chemins lateraux” Cahiers du cinema 190 (May
1967), p. 63-4.
Goldmann, Annie. Cinema et societe moderne: le cinema de 1968 a 1968: Godard,
Antonioni, Resnais, Robbe-Grillet Paris : Editions Anthropos, 1971. (p. 1638)
Green, James Ronald. “Political evolution in five films of Jean-Luc Godard” Thesis
(Ph.D.)--State University of New York at Buffalo (1972).
“Guerra et Godard a Sarcelles” Cinema 67 117 (Jun 1967), p. 108-9. [announcement
of film showing and appearance by Godard]
Hamilton, R. S. “‘Two or three things I know about her’: analysis of a film by
Godard” Camera obscura 8-10 (fall 1982), p. 216-23. [book review]
Haskell, Molly. “Omegaville” Film heritage 3/3 (spring 1968), p. 23-6, 30.
Hughes, John. “Godard’s ville mysterieuse” Thousand eyes 2 (Jan 1977), p. 12-13.
[Interview with Godard on Deux ou trois choses] Combat (Sep 5, 1967)
Kauffmann, Stanley. “Stanley Kauffmann on films” New republic 162 (May 9, 1970),
p. 24.
[Reprinted in his Figures of light New York : Harper, 1971. (p. 258-60)]
Kleinhans, Charles. “Two or three things I know about her” Women and film 1/2-4
(1973), p. 66-71.
[Reprinted in Sexual strategems : the world of women in film (edited by
Patricia Erens) New York : Horizon Press, 1979. (p. 72-81)
Kolker, Robert Philip. “Angle and reality: Godard and Gorin in America” Sight and
sound 42/3 (summer 1973), p. 129-33.
Koller, Michael (see under Bergroth, Trevor)
Kustow, Michael. “Without and within: thoughts on politics, society, and the self in
recent films” Sight and sound 36/3 (summer 1967), p. 113-17.
Lachize, Samuel. “Dommage qu’elle soit une prostitute: ‘Deux ou trois choses que je
sais d’elle’ de Jean-Luc Godard” L’Humanite (Mar 22, 1967), p. 8.
Latil-Le Dantec, Mireille. “Jean-Luc Godard ou l’innocence perdue” in Jean-Luc
Godard - au dela du recit: Etudes cinematographiques [no. 57-61] Paris :
Lettres Modernes-Minard, 1967.
Lefevre, Raymond. “Deux ou trois choses que je sais d’elle” Image et son: revue de
cinema n. 207 (Jun 1967), p. 128-30.
Lesage, Julia. The films of Jean-Luc Godard and their use of Brechtian dramatic
theory Thesis (Ph.D)--Indiana University (1976)
__________. Jean-Luc Godard: a guide to references and resources Boston : G.K.
Hall, 1979.
Levitin, Jacqueline Doreen. Jean-Luc Godard: aesthetics as revolution Thesis
(Ph.D.)--State University of New York at Buffalo (1975).
Lord, Stuart. “Two or three things I know about her” Metro magazine n. 119 (1999),
p. 102.
MacBean, James Roy. “Politics and poetry in two recent films by Godard” Film
quarterly 21/4 (summer 1968), p. 14-20.
[Reprinted in his Film and revolution Bloomington : Indiana Univ. Press,
1975. (p. 13-27)]
MacCabe, Colin. “The politics of separation (on ‘Deux ou trois choses que je sais
d’elle’ and ‘Tout va bien’)” Screen 16/4 (winter 1975/76), p. 46-61.
Macciocchi, Maria A. “Due o tre cose che so di li” L’unita (Oct 18, 1966)
________________. “Incontro con Jean-Luc Godard” Filmcritica 172 (Nov 1966),
p. 535-37.
Marcorelles, Louis. “Deux ou trois choses” Cinema 67 116 (May 1967), p. 114-15.
Mayne, Judith S. “Female narration, women’s cinema: Heike Sander’s ‘The all-round
reduced personality/redupers’“ New German critique 24-25 (fall/winter
1981/82), p. 155-71.
_____________. The ideologies of metacinema Thesis (Ph.D)--State University of
New York at Buffalo (1975)
McCabe, Colin. “The politics of separation” Screen 16/4 (1975), p. 46-61.
Mekas, Jonas. “Movie journal” Village voice (Apr 30, 1970), p. 55.
Mellen, Joan. “Film and style: the fictional documentary” Antioch review 32/3
(1973), p. 403-25.
[Reprinted in Latin American cinema: film and history (E. Bradford Burns,
editor) Los Angeles : UCLA Film Center, 1975. (p. 67-92)
Milner, Max. “Godard ambigu” Esprit 35/5 (May 1967), p. 931-5.
Morgenstern, Joseph. “Paris when she sizzles” Newsweek 75/20 (May 18, 1970), p.
104, 107A.
Moskowitz, Gene (Mosk). “Deux ou trois que je sais d’elle” Variety (Apr 5, 1967), p.
Narboni, Jean. “Notes sur Deux ou trois choses” Cahiers du cinema n. 186 (Jan
1967), p. 32-3.
[Reprinted in Cahiers du cinema in English 10 (May 1967), p. 32-7]
“New film” Times (London) (Jan 23, 1967), p. 14.
“The New movie: Godard film at New Yorker” New York post (May 1, 1970), p. 40.
Pennec, Claude. “L’Evangile selon Saint-Luc” Arts-loisirs (Mar 22, 1967), p. 24-5.
Petley, Julian. “Two or three things I know about her. Analysis of a film by Godard”
Films and filming 325 (Oct 1981), p. 49. [book review]
Pieters, John. “Post-structuralist ‘reading’ and the post-modernist text: Godard’s
‘Two or three things I know about her’“ Soundings 67/1 (1984), p. 103-21.
Prokosch, Mike. “Two or three films of Jean-Luc Godard” On film 1/0 [sic]
(undated), p. 91-4.
[Review of Deux ou trois choses] Times (London) (Apr 5, 1967), p. 10.
[Review of Deux ou trois choses and La Chinoise] Times (London) (Nov 25, 1967),
p. 19.
Rondolino, Gianni. “I festival dell’autunno-Bergamo: si al film di ricera” Bianco e
nero 29/1-2 (Jan-Feb 1968), p. 91-3.
Rosenbaum, Jon. “Cities and carwrecks: Godard” Film society review 4/2 (Oct
1968), p. 38-44.
Roud, Richard. “The films of Jean-Luc Godard” (Jan 31, 1968) [Transcript of a
lecture given at the Museum of Modern Art, N.Y.]
___________. Jean-Luc Godard (2d ed.) London : Secker and Warburg ;
Bloomington : Indiana Univ. Press, 1970.
Sadoul, Georges. “Deux ou trois choses d’un grand ensemble” Les lettres francais
1175 (Mar 23-29, 1967), p. 20, 22.
[Reprinted as “Two or three things about an apartment complex” in Focus
on Godard (edited by Royal S. Brown) Engelwood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice Hall,
Segal, Abraham. “Biofilmographie de Jean-Luc Godard” L’Avant-scene du cinema
70 (May 1967)
[Reprinted in Deux ou trois choses [script] (1971)]
Seguin, Louis. “Deux ou trois choses que je sais d’elle” Positif 85 (Jun 1967), p. 62-3.
Steele, L. “2 or 3 things I know about Godard” Los Angeles free press 7/30 (Jul 24,
1970), p. 19.
Techine, Andre. “L’unique et le pluriel” Cahiers du cinema 190 (May 1967), p. 64.
Thiher, Allen. “Postmodern dilemmas: Godard’s Alphaville and Deux ou trois
choses que je sais d’elle” in his The cinematic muse : critical studies in the
history of the French cinema Columbia : University of Missouri Press, 1979.
Truffaut, Francois. “La Savate et le finance ou deux ou trois choses que je sais de lui”
L’Avant-scene du cinema 70 (May 1967), p. 45.
[Reprinted in Les lettres francais 1174 (Mar 16, 1967) p. 21; and in Deux ou
trois choses [script] (1971)]
“Two or three things I know about her” American Film Institute catalog [GB]
[Two or three things review] Cineaste 5/3 (summer 1972), p. 47.
[Two or three things review] Cue 43/37 (Sep 30, 1973), p. 37.
“Two or three things I know about her” Motion picture guide (edited by Jay Robert
Nash and Stanley Ralph Ross) Chicago : Cinebooks, 1985. (v. 8, p. 3597)
[Two or three things review] Sightlines 5/2 (Nov-Dec 1970), p. 29.
Vialle, Gabriel “Deux ou trois choses que nous savons d’elles, elles, les femmes,
depuis qu’il, Jean-Luc Godard nous en parle--” Image et son: revue du
cinema 211 (Dec 1967), p. 39-49.
Vlady, Marina. “Du Nouvel observateur - a Godard” Nouvelle observator (n.d.,
1966), p. 46
[Reprinted in L’Avant-scene du cinema 70 (May 1967); and in Deux ou trois
choses [script] (1971)]
Westerbeck, Colin, Jr. “A terrible duty is born” Sight and sound 40/2 (summer
1971), p. 81-3.
Whyte, Alistair. “Introduction” and “Interview with Anna Karina (1973)” in JeanLuc Godard: three films New York : Harper, 1975. (p. 7-15 and 191-92)
Zimmer, Christian. “Totalisation du vrac” Les temps modernes 252 (May 1967), p.