Les effets secondaires du vaccin anti-poliomyélite - Info


Les effets secondaires du vaccin anti-poliomyélite - Info
Les effets secondaires du vaccin anti-poliomyélite
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Les effets secondaires du
vaccin anti-poliomyélite
- Documentation - Les différents effets secondaires des vaccins - Le vaccin antipoliomyélite -
Date de mise en ligne : mardi 1er juin 2010
Description :
Quels sont les effets secondaires du vaccin poliomyélite ?
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Les effets secondaires du vaccin anti-poliomyélite
Il existe deux principaux vaccins antipoliomyélite : un vaccin injectable (SALK) et un vaccin oral (SABIN), du nom des
deux principaux concepteurs de ces vaccins.
Les complications peuvent être d'ordre :
complications neurologiques [1]
convulsions (EHRENGUT W. et al 1979) [2]
encéphalomyélopolyradiculonévrites (BOJINOV S. 1964) [3]
myélite transverse (WHITTLE E. et al. 1977) [4]
paralysies faciales
syndrome de GUILLAIN-BARRE (SGB) (KINNUNEN E. et al 1989) [5]
certaines scléroses en plaque ? (MORRIS P.J. et al. 1973) [6]
panencéphalite sclérosante subaigüe (PESS) (BAGULEY D.M. et al 1973) [7]
dermatites généralisées
douleurs articulaires sur les sites d'injection
réactions anaphylactiques
contamination du vaccin avec du SV40 (simian virus 40) : avec le risque certain d'une cancérisation (le SV 40
est oncogène pour l'homme et inoffensif pour le singe).
[1] Les majeures complications de ce vaccin sont neurologiques.
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Les effets secondaires du vaccin anti-poliomyélite
Ehrengut, W., & Ehrengut, J. (1979). Convulsions following oral polio immunisation. Dev Biol Stand, 43, 165-171.
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Abstract: Since the introduction of oral polio vaccine in 1962, 30 cases of convulsions were registered within 30
days after the immunisation in Hamburg. 29 further cases from the surroundings came also to our attention. The
majority of these cases occurred within 8 days after the vaccination (44 cases), afterwards only single cases were
recorded. 33 patients were males, 24 females (2 cases sex unknown). The majority of the patients had the
postvaccinal convulsions between 7 to 36 months of age, a characteristic period for febrile convulsions. 28 patients
showed a course typical for febrile convulsions. In some cases intercurrent infections (pneumonia, otitis media
purulenta) could also explain the nerval reactions. In 11 cases encephalopathy or encephalitis (1 case due to
mumps) had been diagnoses. 8 patients suffered later from a convulsive disorder. Between 1964 and 1974
165,000 children born in Hamburg, were immunised thrice with OPV. In this period 19 convulsions and 3
permanent convulsive disorders were observed (1 case per 8,600 vaccinees; 1 convulsive disorder per 55,000
Keywords: Age Factors; Child; Child, Preschool; Female; Humans; Infant; Male; Poliomyelitis/*prevention &
control; Poliovirus Vaccine, Oral/*adverse effects; Seizures/*etiology; Time Factors; Vaccination/*adverse effects
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[3] BOJINOV S. et al. Encéphalomyélopolyradiculonévrites suite au vaccin polio oral, La presse médicale, 1964, tome 72(2), pp. 75-79.
Whittle, E., & Robertson, N. R. (1977). Transverse myelitis after diphtheria, tetanus, and polio
immunisation. Br Med J, 1(6074), 1450.
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Abstract: Transverse myelitis from any cause is rare in infancy. We report here
a case which developed in a 7-month-old girl six to seven days after
her first immunisation with diphtheria and tetanus toxoid and oral
poliomyelitis vaccine.
Keywords: Diphtheria Toxoid/*adverse effects; Female; Humans; Immunization; Infant;
Myelitis/*etiology; Myelitis, Transverse/*etiology; Poliovirus Vaccine, Oral/*adverse effects;
Tetanus Toxoid/*adverse effects
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[5] KINNUNEN E. et al, Incidence of Guillain-Barre syndrome during a nationwide oral poliovirus vaccine campaign, Neurology, 1989, tome 39(8),
pp. 1034-1036.
Morris, P. J., & Pietsch, M. C. (1973). Letter: A possible association between paralytic
poliomyelitis and multiple sclerosis. Lancet, 2(7833), 847-848.
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Keywords: Antibody Formation; Binding Sites; Genes; Histocompatibility Antigens;
Humans; Measles virus; Multiple Sclerosis/*immunology; Poliomyelitis/*immunology;
Poliovirus; Sensory Receptor Cells
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[7] BAGULEY D.M., GLASGOW G., Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis and Salk vaccine, The Lancet, 1990, tome 2, pp. 763-765.
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