Report 2009
Report 2009
EGMUS OSLO, 2010 FRANCE MUSEUM SURVEYS 2009 JACQUELINE EIDELMAN DÉPARTEMENT DE LA POLITIQUE DES PUBLICS DIRECTION GÉNÉRALE DES PATRIMOINES MINISTÈRE DE LA CULTURE ET DE LA COMMUNICATION / 28 10 0 01 2 / JACQUELINE EIDELMAN (DGP-PUB) 1 2 9 0 0 I T A T ’S S C I T S MUSEOSTAT ANNUAL SURVEY - 2009 Total fréq. Plus d’1 M 24 324 520 vis/an 100.000 à 1 M 14 635 601 de vis/an Moins de 100.000 17 234 122 vis/an TOTAL (musées 56 194 243 ouverts) 2009 Ratio Nbre de Freq. MdF Moyenne Total fréq. 2008 2009‐2008 Ratio Nbre de Fréq. Différentie MdF moyenne l moyen 43% 7 3 474 931 23 573 856 42% 7 3 367 694 + 3 % 26% 66 221 752 14 921 496 27% 63 236 849 ‐ 6 % 31% 961 17 933 17 171 477 31% 983 17 468 + 3 % 100% 1 034 54 346 55 666 829 100% 1053 52 865 + 3 % Musées Fermés et sans aucune activité 145 144 Total répondants MuséoStat 1 179 1197 1214 « Musées de France », 97% respondants, 1034 open to visit 56 194 243 visits / 28 10 0 01 2 / JACQUELINE EIDELMAN (DGP-PUB) 3 PARIS AND ITS REGION : CROSS COMPENSATION OTHER REGIONS : +2% Ensemble MdF 2009 2008 56 194 243 55 666 829 Diff (eff.) 527 414 Diff (%) 1% 33 058 785 33 019 284 39 501 0% 784 974 106 949 45 755 ‐34 207 ‐3 152 ‐44 385 ‐105 270 29% 8% 1% 0% 0% ‐4% ‐10% ‐45 543 ‐92 975 ‐13% ‐27% ‐113 180 487 913 ‐31% 2% dont MdF en Ile de France dont MNAM ‐ Centre Pompidou 3 533 858 2 748 884 Quai Branly 1 496 439 1 389 490 Versailles 5 659 606 5 613 851 Louvre 8 388 000 8 422 207 Orsay 3 022 012 3 025 164 Musée de l'Armée 1 221 796 1 266 181 Musée Carnavalet, 1 002 809 1 108 079 Catacombes et Crypte Notre‐ Dame Musée du Moyen‐Age 314 557 360 100 Musée Picasso (fermé à 249 775 342 750 partir d'août) Musée Guimet 246 836 360 016 MdF dans les autres Régions 23 135 458 22 647 545 / 28 10 0 01 2 / JACQUELINE EIDELMAN (DGP-PUB) 4 EVOLUTION 2008-2009: FOCUS ON FRENCH REGIONS SAINT PIERRE ET MIQUELON : +1% / 28 10 0 01 2 / JACQUELINE EIDELMAN (DGP-PUB) 5 2005-2009: +20% AVERAGE VISIT 2005 2006 2007 2008 Nbre de visites 45 239 964 50 119 087 52 499 188 55 666 829 Nbre musées ouverts 999 1 012 1 038 1 053 Nbre moyen visites 45 285 49 525 50 577 52 865 Évol. Nbre moyen v. _ 9% 2% 5% / 28 10 0 01 2 / 2009 56 194 243 1 034 54 346 3% Diff 2005‐2009 10 954 279 35 9 061 20% JACQUELINE EIDELMAN (DGP-PUB) 6 C A P M N I L IO A I S C S I O S M AD / 28 10 0 01 2 / F O T E E FR JACQUELINE EIDELMAN (DGP-PUB) 7 1. FREE ENTRY AS MUSEUM POLICY / 28 10 Since about 10 years several decisions taken to broad audience by ministère de la Culture : • Free entry in national museums: under 18 years old, low incomes, desabilities visitors and their help, students. • 2000 : Free entry each month first Sunday • 2004 : Free entry on « Museum’ night » and « Heritage european day » • 2008 : Expérimentation of free entry in 14 national museums and monuments during 6 months • 2009 : • free entry dedicated to under 18 is extend to european residents under 26; • free entry to primary and secondary school teachers (Pass Education by some cities for their own museums : Paris, Bordeaux, Dijon, 0 Grenoble, Nice… 01 2 / JACQUELINE EIDELMAN (DGP-PUB) 8 2009 : 42% OF VISITS ARE FREE IN « MUSÉES DE FRANCE » 42% or 23 850 924 visits o o Since 2005 : o Global audience increase of 20% o free visits: + 60%, o paying visits : +7% / 28 10 0 01 2 / JACQUELINE EIDELMAN (DGP-PUB) 9 FOCUS ON NATIONAL MUSEUMS (MINISTERE DE LA CULTURE) / 28 10 0 01 2 / JACQUELINE EIDELMAN (DGP-PUB) 10 % GRATUITS 2009Evol 2005 28 MNAM – Pompidou + expositions Nissim de Camondo Musée de la Musique Maison Bonaparte (Ajaccio) Delacroix Orangerie Domaine de Versailles Louvre Marc Chagall (Nice) Rodin + Annexe Meudon Porcelaine (Limoges) ¤ Céramique (Sèvres) Picasso (Vallauris) 21% 24% 24% 27% 29% 30% 30% 31% 33% 38% 39% 39% 40% Picasso Henner Fontainebleau (g&p app.) F. Léger (Biot) Préhistoire (Les Eyzies) 40% 41% 42% 42% 42% Musées Arts Déco., Mode & Tex, Publicité 0 Malmaison‐Bois‐Préau 01 2 0/ /1 Orsay ‐1% 6% ‐6% ‐21% 11% ‐2% ‐9% ‐5% ‐5% ‐15% 16% 1% 9% 2% 43% 22% 44% 2% JACQUELINE 44% EIDELMAN (DGP-PUB) 6% 11 % GRATUITS Guimet ¤ Napoléonien & Africain (Ile d'Aix) Quai Branly G. Moreau Moyen‐Age‐Cluny ¤ Pau ¤ Compiègne Granges Port‐royal C.A.P.A. ‐ Musée des Monuments Français Magnin (Dijon) ¤ Renaissance (Ecouen) ¤ Deux victoires (Mouilleron) Antiquités nat. (St Germain) ¤ CNHI 2009Evol 2005 46% 47% 47% 49% 49% 50% 54% 60% 64% 65% 67% 73% 79% 80% 6% ‐3% 13% 8% 12% ‐3% 5% 8% 3% 38% 11% 2. FREE ADMISSION IN MUSEUM : BROADENING THE AUDIENCE, CONSTRUCTING MUSEUM FAMILIARITY / 28 10 0 01 2 / JACQUELINE EIDELMAN (DGP-PUB) 13 a) Six months testing free admission within 14 French museums and monuments January to June 2008 Survey commissioned by the Direction des Musées de France (ministère de la Culture) A standing and simultaneous observation across the period Number of visits Sociological survey: Représentative sample (n=6546) / 28 10 0 01 2 / JACQUELINE EIDELMAN (DGP-PUB) 14 MOBILIZATION: ONE VISITOR IN TWO 3 types of visitors « mobilized » got the information of free admission and this had an influence on their decision to come: 47% « not motivated » got the information and they would have come anyway: 17% « not informed » came without knowing that there was free admission: 36% / 28 10 0 01 2 / JACQUELINE EIDELMAN (DGP-PUB) 15 THE 3 INDICATORS OF DEMOCRATIZATION Social group complex variable : job situation, job history, diploma & age group, income (in case the information was given) « Classe Populaire » (working classes), « Classes moyennes: inférieure et supérieure » (middle lower and upper classes), « Classe Sup’ » (upper classes), « Les Étudiants » (students). Link to culture Score variable : museum & monument going, Internet, theatre, concert, cinema, reading, artistic amateur activities, having a job in cultural area… 5 levels scale : « very weak », « weak », « medium », « strong », « very strong ». / 28 10 0 01 2 / Museum familiarity Score variable : new/ancient visitor, visiting habits, virtual visit over the Internet, membership, donator 4 levels scale : « weak », « medium », « strong », « very strong ». JACQUELINE EIDELMAN (DGP-PUB) 16 Mobilized public and social impact of free admission / 28 10 0 01 2 / JACQUELINE EIDELMAN (DGP-PUB) 17 Age group and culture of free stuff • Generation is one of the key determinants of the results / 28 10 0 01 2 / JACQUELINE EIDELMAN (DGP-PUB) 18 b) 4 AVRIL 2009 - DECEMBER 2010 : « 18-25 » AND FREE ENTRY / 28 10 0 01 2 / JACQUELINE EIDELMAN (DGP-PUB) 19 COUNTING YOUNG VISITORS 1 280 155 free visits made by 18-25 years old european residents Young people are more found of : 7,5 % of permanent museum galleries global audience Musée de la musique But this contribution increase : 5,5% : avril to june Musée du quai Branly Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine Musée du Moyen-age 8 %: july to september 11% : october à décember. / 28 10 0 01 2 / JACQUELINE EIDELMAN (DGP-PUB) 20 SOCIOLOGICAL SURVEY • from october 2009 until september 2010 in fifteen national museums. • 3000 questionnaires had been collected • An opportunity to test a new questionnaire 28/10/2010 JACQUELINE EIDELMAN (DGP-PUB) 21 28/10/2010 JACQUELINE EIDELMAN (DGP-PUB) 22 WHO ARE THE « 18-25 ANS » ? (1) 28/10/2010 JACQUELINE EIDELMAN (DGP-PUB) 23 WHO ARE « THE 18-25 ANS » ? (2) 28/10/2010 JACQUELINE EIDELMAN (DGP-PUB) 24 7 IN 10 18-25 YEARS OLD SAID THAT FREE ADMISSION PLAYS A ROLE IN THEIR DECISION TO VISIT THE MUSEUM Free entry had an implication on 2 levels: an individual level: it creates a new opportunity, it boosts a personnal project ; a collectiv level: it involves in a project concieved by other In 1 in 10 cases the project would occure, free entry or not In 1 in 5 cases, young visitor discovered free entrance when he or she were about to pay. 28/10/2010 JACQUELINE EIDELMAN (DGP-PUB) 25 DID THEY TAKE BENEFICIT OF « FREE ENTRY » BEFORE? 28/10/2010 JACQUELINE EIDELMAN (DGP-PUB) 26 A GENDER IMPACT, A DEMOCRATISING IMPACT More often than with young women, free entry initiates or boost the project of visit for young men: the gap between girls and boys is slightly reduced Young people with a popular background are more mobilized than the others Young people who visits doesn’t generally visit art museum are the most mobilized 28/10/2010 JACQUELINE EIDELMAN (DGP-PUB) 27 28/10/2010 JACQUELINE EIDELMAN (DGP-PUB) 28 28/10/2010 JACQUELINE EIDELMAN (DGP-PUB) 29 WILL THEY PRESCRIPT THE VISIT TO SOMEONE OF THEIR AGE ? AND HOW FAR? 28/10/2010 JACQUELINE EIDELMAN (DGP-PUB) 30 AFTER THE VISIT, HOW DO THEY FEEL? 28/10/2010 JACQUELINE EIDELMAN (DGP-PUB) 31 28/10/2010 JACQUELINE EIDELMAN (DGP-PUB) 32 THANK YOU FOR ATTENTION