Saturday / samedi November 5 novembre 16h00 LAN Pro Populo 17h30 GW Thérèse Boulerice par Roger & Huguette Charlebois Sunday / dimanche November 6 novembre 9h00 GW Jack Levy by Echlin & Blais families 11h00 LAN Joseph, Muriel and JoAnn Chisholm by Gareau family Tuesday / mardi 18h00 GW November 8 novembre Les Ames du Purgatoire par Florian & Irène Lalonde Wednesday / mercredi 9h00 Lucien Labelle par Père Jacques Labelle LAN Thursday / jeudi 9h00 November 9 novembre November 10 novembre Aux intentions d’Odette par Tony & Micheline Dostie GW Friday / vendredi November 11 novembre 9h00 LAN Eucharistic Adoration 9h30 LAN Lorraine Plue by Marcel & Paulette Hébert Saturday / samedi November 12 novembre 16h00 LAN Aux intentions de Ben Lock par La chorale 17h30 GW Pro Populo Sunday / dimanche November 13 novembre 9h00 GW Nicole Roy by Faby & Gage Cyr 11h00 LAN Béatrice Labelle by Laurette & Robert McDonald Parish web site…. http://preciousbloodparish.ca and http://www.stjosephparish.ca Precious Blood Parish in Glen Walter will be holding regular BINGO nights starting in September. Our next bingo will be on Wednesday November 9, 2011 in the church hall starting at 7:00p.m. We will be starting the Bonanza Game! Tell your family and friends. Hope to see you there. La Paroisse Précieux-Sang, de Glen Walter, planifie des soirées de BINGO qui débute au mois de septembre. La prochaine soirée aura lieu mercredi le 9 novembre à 19h00. Nous débuterons le «Bonanza» aussi! Dites-le à vos parents et amis. Nous espérons vous voir des nôtres. Catholic Women’s League – St. Francis de Sales: GLITTER TEA AND DRAW, Saturday, November 12th, in the parish hall, from 1:00 to 3:00 pm. Admission: Adults $6.00, children 12 & over $3.00, children under 12 – free. Draw to be held same day with 4 great prizes to be won. Plan to join us for the festivities. “WEEKLY TOOLS FOR SPIRITUAL GROWTH” Treasure sexual purity (Hebrews 13:4) (Please read the following passage to help you grow in your spiritual life) Please note: Because of the Parish Harvest Supper at Blessed Sacrament Church, there will NOT BE A 7:00 pm MASS on Sunday, November 6th. Thank you for your understanding. Veuillez noter: À cause du Souper paroissial à l’église Blessed Sacrament, il n’y aura PAS DE MESSE de 19h le dimanche 6 novembre. Merçi de votre compréhension. Mgr Réjean Lebrun et les paroissien(ne)s de Ste-Croix, 108 rue Anthony, Cornwall, vous invitent à leur «Souper annuel», le dimanche 13 novembre, 2011, de 16h à 19h30 à leur salle paroissiale. Au menu : Rôti de bœuf, jambon, patates, légumes, salades, petits pains, désserts, breuvages… Prix : Adultes- 12$, enfants de 6 à 13 ans - 6$, enfants moins de 6 ans – gratuit. Commandes à ramasser disponibles. « CANDY CANE LUNCHEON – BAZAAR & BAKE SALE » November 26 , 2011 from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm at Our Lady of Grace Church hall, Ingleside. White elephant table, books, crafts, baking. Raffle tickets $2.00 each or 3 for $5.00. Luncheon $6.00: delicious assortment of sandwiches, soup and dessert. Sponsored by: The Catholic Women’s League, Our Lady of Grace / St.Pius X, Ingleside / Long Sault. th Mess’AJE an English Bible Study: The first threshold of Mess’AJE, a catechesis for adults, is being offered beginning Monday, January 9, 2012. Extending over a total of 10 consecutive Mondays, this course entitled Exodus: God’s Covenant with His People will be held at Shalom House in Alexandria at 7:00pm. Cost is $40.00. For more information or to register, please contact Sr. Alice Laurin at 613-525-1704 or Mary MacDonald at 613-347-3966. Mess’AJE une étude biblique en Français: Le premier seuil de Mess’AJE, une catéchèse pour adultes s’offrira commençant le lundi, 9 janvier 2012. Ce cours a une durée de 10 lundis consécutifs. Ce seuil intitulé Exodus: Dieu fait alliance avec son peuple, sera donné dans la salle paroissiale de St-Félix-de-Valois, 620 Blvd Glengarry, Cornwall, de 13h à 16h. Le coût est de 40$. Pour toutes informations et inscription s.v.p. contacter Sœur Alice Laurin au 613-525-1704 ou le 613-525-1107. S.D.G. Highlanders Assoc. presents Canadian Author MARK ZUEHLKE, who will introduce his latest book “Breakout from Juno”. This is the latest in his Canadian Battlefield Series that covers The Glens, from D-Day to VE Day. Presentation, book signing and reception at the Cornwall Armoury – Everyone welcome. th Saturday, November 19 from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm. ab- IF YOU ARE SICK OR NOT FEELING WELL PLEASE… AVOID SHAKING HANDS AT THE SIGN OF PEACE. PLEASE USE THE HAND SANITIZER AT THE ENTRANCES OF THE CHURCH WHEN YOU ARRIVE AND WHEN YOU LEAVE THE CHURCH. ab- SI VOUS ÊTES MALADES OU NE SE SENTANT PAS BIEN S.V.P… ÉVITER DE SE DONNER UNE POIGNÉE DE MAINS AU SIGNE DE LA PAIX. S.V.P. UTILISER L’ASSAINISSEUR POUR LES MAINS DÈS VOTRE ENTRÉ ET AVANT VOTRE SORTIE DE L’ÉGLISE Bake & Craft sale at Château Gardens (Activity Room), 105 Military Rd, Lancaster, on Saturday, November 12, from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm. ALL ARE WELCOME! Il y a des changements dans les heures de mess cet année Les messes de Noël 2011 samedi le 24 décembre 18h00 Précieux-Sang, Glen Walter 20h00 Saint-Joseph, Lancaster dimanche le 25 décembre 10h00 Saint-Joseph, Lancaster 10h00 Précieux-Sang, Glen Walter There are changes in this year masses Christmas Masses for 2011 Saturday December 24th 6:00pm Precious Blood, Glen Walter 8:00pm Saint Joseph, Lancaster Sunday December 25th 10:00am Saint Joseph, Lancaster 10:00am Precious Blood, Glen Walter Les Soeurs Salésiennes de Saint John Bosco vous invite cordialement à venir les visiter, dimanche le 13 novembre. La résidence du 300 chemin Montréal à Cornwall sera ouverte à tous et à toutes de 11h00 à 17h00. Au programme, rencontre avec les quatre sœurs, visite de la maison, diaporama sur la communauté et sa mission auprès des jeunes, un bon goûter, des petits cadeaux salésiens, et bien sûr, de nouvelles amitiés! Venez nombreux, nous vous attendons les bras grand ouverts! The Salesian Sisters of St. John Bosco invite you to come and visit them on Sunday, November 13th. The residence situated at 300 Montreal Road in Cornwall, will be opened from 11 am to 5 pm. You will enjoy meeting with each sister, visit the house, watch a slide show on our community and its mission among youth, take a delicious snack, receive some Salesian gifts, and make new friends! We are waiting for you with open arms and open hearts! A Few Things about OUR New Roman Missal Father Sean Shallow will be presenting a talk on the New Roman Missal that the English parishes will officially begin using the first Sunday of Advent. Father Sean, who has been spearheading the implementation for our diocese, will talk about some of the why and how of the changes. The talk will take place at St. Peter’s parish on Wednesday, November 9, 2011 beginning at 7:00 p.m. The talk will be followed by some social time. Everyone is welcome! MEAT PIES / TOURTIÈRES Vente de tourtières : Veuillez commander avant le 21 novembre ’11 en remplissant l’enveloppe mise à votre disposition au prix de 10.00$ chacune. Pour toute information communiquer avec S. Jeannine Bissonnette au 613-347-1589. Merçi pour votre appui! Sale of meat pies : Please order your meat pies before Nov.21st,’11 by completing the order envelope . Price per meat pie is $10.00. For more information please contact Sr. Jeannine Bissonnette at 613-347-1589. Thank you for your support. November Perspective For Catholics, the month of November has long been a time to put things into perspective. It’s the month when the liturgy reminds us that our Lord will come again, and that this life is not all that there is. The wisdom and peace of mind that come from reflecting on these truths, in the light of Christ’s love, are incalculable. But we have to put forth the effort to make that reflection. We have to take time to contemplate the changing natural season, or visit the graves of loved ones, or spend more time with the sick and the dying, or read about the past history of salvation and God’s plan for the future. In this Mass, Christ will come once again to offer himself to each one of us, pledging his faithfulness and the glory to come our way if we stay faithful to him. As he does, let’s make a promise. Let’s promise our Lord that we will do something concrete to make this month different, to put our personal life in harmony with the Church’s deep meditation on the Last Things. And let’s not leave this building until we’ve decided what that “something” will be. God and the Lottery A man was once in financial trouble. He could barely support himself and his family. Then he got an idea. He would go back to Church and ask for God’s help. He was a little nervous at first, but he finally made it through the doors. He knelt down in the back pew and prayed: “God, if you’re up there, please help me win the lottery so I can support my family.” He came back day after day and made the same prayer. But nothing seemed to happen. Weeks passed, then months. Finally, on a Friday, he was making his regular visit and praying his regular prayer: “God, if you’re up there, please help me win the lottery.” And much to his astonishment, the ceiling opened and a thunderous voice from heaven answered him: “OK, fine. But will you at least please buy a ticket?!” How often we are like that! We want all that God promises he will give us, but we refuse to do our part; we are too lazy or fearful to take the little risk of learning to pray, or going to confession, or studying the faith with as much interest as we study the sports page.
Documents pareils
Precious Blood Parish in Glen Walter will be holding regular BINGO
available at both Hospital Gift Shops and at the Legion bar. EVERYONE WELCOME!