English test – INVENTIONS Savoir parler des inventions et du passé
English test – INVENTIONS Savoir parler des inventions et du passé
English test – INVENTIONS Savoir parler des inventions et du passé en utilisant used to. /5 Before the light-bulb was invented, people used candlelight or gas in cities. Before the gasoline-powered automobile was invented, people didn’t use to travel so much and went more slowly from one place to another. Before the microwave oven was invented, people used to spend more time cooking or in the kitchen. But since this type of oven was invented, they have had more time to do other things. Before the internet was invented, people couldn’t surf the web and they had to go to libraries to do research. Inventions et le passé. Traduis 1. et 2. en utilisant des formes de used to/didn’t use to. 1. Avant, les gens ne passaient pas autant de temps devant les écrans. /6 People didn’t use to spend SO MUCH TIME before screens. People did not use to be so long in front of screens. 2. Avant que l’ampoule soit inventée, les gens utilisaient des bougies ou le gaz. Before the light bulb was invented, people used to use candles or gas. 3. Les journalistes ont dit qu’un homme a été arrêté. The journalists HAVE SAID a man HAS BEEN ARRESTED. (present perfectle résultat) The journalists said that a man has been arrested. 4. There didn’t used to be any blocks of flats (=immeubles) opposite the school, there only used to be meadows (=prés). Avant il n’y avait pas autant d’immeubles en face du college, il n’y avait que des prés. Vocabulary. /10 Ecran plat: flat screen imprimante : printer Avion : plane, aircraft, airplane rasoir : razor haut-parleurs : loud-speakers sèche-cheveux : hair-drier douche : shower brosse à dents électrique : electric toothbrush NB : 1 tooth, 2 teeth comme 1 foot, 2 feet ordinateur : computer Avant de m’interrompre, écoutez au-moins ce que j’ai à vous dire. PREPOSITION+-ING : Before interruptING me, at least listen to what I have to tell you. On m’a dit qu’on ne peut pas vivre longtemps sans manger et boire. I’ve been told (tell, told, told: dire, raconter) you can’t live long without eatING and drinkING. Keyboard : clavier (key=touche) lift/elevator : ascenseur the wheel : la roue A dishwasher: un lave-vaisselle (a dish= un plat) ; faire la vaisselle : do the dishes, do the washing up Une machine à laver : a washing machine ; faire une machine : do a wash ; a fridge: un frigo Five new skyscrapers will be built in New York City at the place where the Twin Towers used to stand. Cinq nouveaux gratte-ciel seront construit à New York à l’endroit où se trouvaient les Tours Jumelles. The reinvented rain makes you thinner! La pluie réinventée vous fait maigrir! (= vous rend plus mince) You must stop complaining, this is easy! Tu dois arrêter de te plaindre, c’est facile ! She kept repeating it wasn’t her fault. !!! temps. Elle ne cessait de répéter que ce n’était pas sa faute. Somebody will tell her the truth sooner or later: Quelqu’un lui dira la vérité tôt ou tard. Ton camarade a pris des notes sur des inventions et tu dois rédiger un exposé à partir de celles-ci. Lis ses notes et écris des phrases complètes en anglais à partir de ses notes. Utilise la voie passive. /4 Now I’m going to talk about inventions: The first automobile was built about 150 years ago by Benz, who was German. The first piano was made in Italy, the word “piano” is of Italian origin and it means “softly” (doucement). A cure for aids HAS not BEEN invented yet (n’a pas encore été inventé) but I hope a cure for cancer will be invented soon. The five towers of the World Trade Center in New York WILL BE finished in the 2010s. Savoir poser des questions sur un objet. /7 Complète la devinette suivante par les questions correspondantes et découvre l’objet mystère. What is it made of / What is this device made of ? It is made of plastic and electronic components. Is it very big ? / How big is it ? It isn’t very big, you can take it in your hand. When was it invented ? It was invented in the 1980s. What shape is it ? It is rectangular. What is it used for ? (à quoi ça sert ?) It is used for finding the best way when you’re going somewhere. Where is it used ? Most often, it is used in a car. Who was it invented by? It was invented by NASA. Have you found what it is ? Of course, it is a GPS (it means global positioning system). Avoir des connaissances sur les Chindogus. A chindogu is a useless invention and it means strange or bizarre object. /2