The Pat Burns Award - Coalition Priorité Cancer au Québec


The Pat Burns Award - Coalition Priorité Cancer au Québec
The Pat Burns Award:
We all know an exceptional person!
What is the Pat Burns Award?
Inspired by Mr Jason Burns, Conference patron of the 3rd National Conference to defeat
cancer, chairman of the Pat Burns Foundation and son of the National Hockey League’s former
head coach who died of lung cancer last November, the Pat Burns Award, which was officially
launched in Montreal on April 14 and 15 of this year during the 3 rd National Conference to
Defeat Cancer, is designed to pay tribute to an individual who, in his or her capacity as an
informal caregiver, will have done an outstanding job of supporting a person with cancer.
The Jury
Aside from being the president of the Pat Burns Award, Jason Burns will preside over a jury
committee whose members include the following elite members:
Marika Audet-Lapointe, Ph. D., Oncology Psychologist, Clinique d’onco-psychologie
PSYmedicis and president, Regroupement des Onco-Psychologues du Québec ;
Dr. Normand Blais, M.Sc., FRCP(c), hematologist and medical oncologist, associate
clinical professor – University of Montreal, manager of the thoracic oncology
interdisciplinary team, Centre de Lutte Contre le Cancer du CHUM ;
Me Paul Brunet, president of the Conseil de la protection des malades ;
Marie-Hélène Dubé, cancer patient and self-employed worker, member of the cancer
patients and survivors committee of the Coalition Priorité Cancer au Québec;
Nicole Giroux, kidney cancer patient and manager of the Quebec chapter of Kidney
Cancer Canada, vice-president of the cancer patients and survivors committee of the
Coalition Priorité Cancer au Québec;
Mélanie Jolicoeur, informal caregiver, owner and artistic director, Projection Danse ,
manager, Visalus;
Maître Johanne Lavoie, pro bono lawyer, Organisation multiressources pour les
personnes atteintes de cancer (OMPAC) and Cancer info droits, senior advisor, Solutions en
ressources humaines et paie, CGI Inc.;
Pam Orzeck, MSW, Care Giver support Center, Professionals Networking for Caregivers
(PNC), CSSS Cavendish ;
Danis Prud’homme, general manager - Réseau FADOQ ;
Johanne Robitaille Manouvrier, breast cancer survivor, author of Notre pouvoir de
guérison, designer of the Guérir sa vie workshops, and speaker, member of the cancer
patients and survivors committee of the Coalition Priorité Cancer au Québec;
A Grand winner and two finalists will be receiving respective amounts of $ 5,000, $3,000 and
$2,000 dollars and additional surprises to be announced in the coming months.
The prizes will be given in Montreal on March 29, 2012, during the 4th National Conference to
defeat cancer.
Eligibility criterias
A list of specific eligibility criterias can be found on the Coalition’s website but in
general :
Participants must be registered as a supporter of Coalition Priorité Cancer au Québec
Be at least 18 years of age
Using the appropriate on-line form, you may register the name of an informal caregiver
who has done an outstanding job of supporting a person with cancer during the year
To register and find out about the elegibility criterias, visit the Coalition’s website at
The general population can nominate an informal caregiver until December 31, 2011 at