&i#m fyU* •Idant d'Extenslon President d'Honiwur Paul-Henri Speak S p y r o i P. S k o u r a s President General President Arthur H. C o m p t o n E v e r e t t R. C l i n d i y FONDEE PAR DES HOHMES ET DIES FEMHES QUI CBOIENI A I'lNTERPRETATION SPIRITUELLE OE L'UNIVERS DONT ILS S'INSPIRENT POUR PROMOUVOIR LA JUSTICE, L'AMITIE, LA COMPREHENSION ET LA COLLABORATION ENTRE OENS DE TOUTES NATIONS, RACES ET RELIGIONS COMITE INTERNATIONAL DE FINANCEMENT PaiaioENT Emmanuel Moniok, P a r k DIVISION EUROPEENNE W I L L A R D J O H N S O N . Director P I E R R E A. V I S 8 E D R , Secretaire Qiniral BUREAU DU COMITE INTERNATIONAL DE FINANCEMENT 173, BOULEVARD ST-GERMAIN, PARIS - 6Telephone: UT.88-40 VlCE-PnArtlDINT Rennol O. Moretti, London MONTE K A N D E L , Secretaire November 18, 195.5 MEKBBXS Herman J . Aba, Frankfurt a. H . Pierre Bonvowin, Bruxellca Baron Collot d'Eeoury, Amilerdam Ejnax GUahof, Kobei.havn Quill Konsbruok, Luxembourg F r s n s Landeshammer, Wion Six Robert Mayer, London T h . H. MoKittriok, N e w York Alfredo Pixxoni, Milano C berbardt Keinhardt, Zurioh .oger W. Strain, N e w York Jarcua Wallenberg, Stockholm PROMOTEURS Pierre Bonvoisin, Bruxellea Thomas E. Braniff, Dallaa N . Braunahausen, Luxembourg Samuel Bronfman, Montreal Giovanni Ciraolo, B o m a Baron Collot d'Eeoury, Amsterdam Sir Stanford Cooper, London William J . Donovan, N e w York James Q. Douglas, Dublin Allen W. Dulles, N e w York Lady Eaton, Toronto Enrioo Falok, Milano Angelo Fanelli, R o m a Paul Finet. Bruxelles Benson Ford, Detroit Ferdinand Priedensburg, Berlin Ejnar Qlashof, Kobenhavn J o h n D . H a y e s , Toronto Paul G. Hoffman, Pasadena Leon J o u h a u x , Paris Quill Konsbruck, Luxembourg "». Blair Laing, Toronto ranooU Lehideuz, Paris I H . Lehman, New York Patrick J . Little, Dublin Viotor Lesb, Bern Henry R. Luoe, New York H . N . HaoCraoken, Poughkeepsie Alfred Mayer, Wiesbaden Sir Robert Mayer, London George B . McKibbin, Chicago George Meany, Washington Emmanuel Moniok, Paris Oaiton Monnerville, Paris Ludovioo Montini, R o m a Rennell Q. Moretti. London Heins Nordboff, WoUsburg Basil O'Connor, N e w York Adriano Olivetti, Torino Oiulio Pastore, R o m a Alfredo Pixxoni, Milano Albert Plasman, D e n Haag Mgr. Maurisio Raffs, R o m a Paul Raynaud, Paris Carlos P . Romulo, Manila Eleanor Roosevelt, N e w York J a m e s N. Rosenberg, N e w York Robert A. Solborg, Paris Hilel Storeb, Stockholm Roger W . 8trau». N e w York Gaxton Teasier, Paris Norman Thomas, New York Cosme de la Torrionte, Hahana Vittorio Valletta, Torino Thomas J . Watson, N e w York Charles E . Wilson, N e w York Exieutif AIT. Ks I s Beckelman Director-General of the American J o i n t Distribution Committee 119, rue Saint-Dominique Pi>RIS 7e / ' Dear lir. Beckelman: • • ere pleat-ed to acknowledge, with thanks, r e c e i p t of contribution from the American Joint Distribution Committee in the amount of i r s . 55,000.- which you were kind enough to make available to -Yorld b r o t h e r hood, ft are p a r t i c u l a r l y cognizant of your increased gifts' for which we are deeply g r a t e f u l . Your f i n a n c i a l as well as moral support of our program w i l l enable us to continue our e f f o r t s in the f u r t h e r ance of t h i s basic cause*. "it-h sincere appreciation, we are Cordially yours, •acmanue 1 /Lo.i ick Chairman xnternutionul finance Committee Kobert •<•, Solborg Chairman .ninerican -advisory Committee «