Comment faire un bilan au présent d`expériences passées ?


Comment faire un bilan au présent d`expériences passées ?
Comment faire un bilan au présent d'expériences
passées ?
Guess what ! I'm taking a trip to Hawaii with CJ next month.
Really ? That's so cool ! I've never been there ? Have you Mai ?
Mai : Yeah, I went once with my parents but I've never been by myself. I've always wanted to go
Mai, did you go to Honolulu when you went with your parents ?
Mai : No, I went to Maui. I've never been to Honolulu but I've heard it's great. Kumiko, have you
ever been out of the country ?
Kumiko : No but I've traveled a lot within Japan.
Now, that's something I haven't done yet.
This document is a dialogue between three characters, three japanese teenage girls
who are friends. They are talking about travels. Their names are Kim, Mai and Kumiko.
Kim is going to Hawaii the following month with CJ and she asks her friends if they
have already been there.
On the one hand, Mai has already been to Hawaii but she only went to Maui, she has
never visited Honolulu.
On the other hand, Kumiko has never left Japan but she has traveled a lot within the
Pour faire un bilan au présent d'expériences passées ou pour parler d'un événement
passé ayant des conséquences visibles dans le présent, on utilise le PRESENT
PERFECT. Son auxiliaire est HAVE conjugué au présent, il apparaît à TOUTES LES
FORMES. Il est suivi du verbe au PARTICIPE PASSÉ.
a) Verbes irréguliers
3ème colonne du tableau des VI
to give/gave/given
b) Verbes réguliers
Attention pour les verbes réguliers monosyllabiques, il faut doubler
la consonne finale avant d'ajouter la terminaison -ed.
Attention les verbes réguliers finissant par un /y/sonore, celui-ci se
transforme en /i/ avant d'ajouter la terminaison -ed.
S+ Aux HAVE au présent + PARTICIPE PASSÉ +Ct
Ex : Kim and Kumiko have always stayed in Japan.
She has been to Hawaii.
S+ Aux HAVE au présent + NOT + PARTICIPE PASSÉ + Ct
Ex : Kim and Kumiko have never visited Hawaii yet.
She has never been to Honolulu.
A l'écrit, il vaut mieux utiliser les formes pleines ( HAS NOT / HAVE NOT )
A l'oral, on peut utiliser les formes contractées ( HASN'T / HAVEN'T )
(Wh-) + Aux HAVE au présent + S + PARTICIPE PASSÉ + Ct
Ex : Have you already been to Hawaii ?
Where has Mai already traveled ?
Attention, il ne peut y avoir qu'une seule marque de temps
par phrase simple ! (S + GV)