Title of the measure: FRA31 Zero-rated eco-loan “éco


Title of the measure: FRA31 Zero-rated eco-loan “éco
Last update: September 2015
Title of the measure:
FRA31 Zero-rated eco-loan
“éco-prêt à taux zéro”
General description
The zero-rated eco-loan scheme (eco-prêt à taux zéro) has been introduced by the “Finance law 2009”
(loi de finance 2009) to allow landlords to get a loan to fund energy efficiency works (insulation,
heating or water heating using renewable energies) for their main residence (if built before January, 1st
1990). The maximum amount of this loan is €30,000 refundable for 10 years (15 years in cases of heavy
works or “3-action bunches”). It is granted by banks which have concluded specific agreement with the
French State under conditions fixed in the General Taxes Code (Code Général des impôts). This scheme
is available until the end of 2015 but the project of Finance law 2016 (loi de finance 2016) has planned
its extension until December, 31st 2018.
Who can benefit from this scheme?
This loan is granted to landlords (occupiers or lessors) without any income condition. It could be also
used by co-owners in the limit of €10,000 per flat (or until €30,000 if the co-owners union launches 3
different works).
Refurbished dwellings located in mainland France have to be a main residence built before the 1st
January 1990. Houses located in French overseas territories and departments (Guadeloupe,
Martinique, Guyane and at La Réunion and Mayotte) have to be the main residence of owners who have
applied for a building permit before May, 1st 2010.
What kind of works can be eligible?
To benefit from the zero-rated eco-loan, households must either:
 implement a “bunch of work”;
 achieve a minimum level of “overall energy performance” through the implementation of
energy efficiency measures;
 or rehabilitate an individual sewerage system by a device which doesn’t consume energy.
Type and technical characteristics of works are described in decree (arrêté du 30 mars 2009 modified by
arrêté du 2 décembre 2014).
Nota Bene: only one loan can be granted per dwelling (there are some exceptions for co-owned flats).
What is a “bunch of work”
"A bunch of work" is the combination of at least two actions implemented to improve the energy
performance of a dwelling. These actions must belong to 2 different categories among the following
 Outdoor walls insulation;
 Roof insulation;
 Outdoor window and door insulation;
 installation or replacement of heating or hot water equipment;
 installation of heating or hot water equipment, relying on renewable energy sources.
These actions shall be implemented under a single year or over two consecutive years and made by
professionals certified « RGE» (Reconnu Garant de l’Environnement) from September, 1st 2014 (and
from December, 31st 2015 in French overseas departments).
Nota Bene: For certain types of works (that cannot be included in a “bunch of works”), requirement to
professionals certified « RGE» is not mandatory.
Last update: September 2015
What is the minimum level of energy performance required?
Rather than carrying out by themselves the bunch of works, households (whose house has been built after
January, 1st 1948) can benefit from a detailed thermal study performed by a consulting firm to better
identify refurbishment works to do in order to reduce the energy consumption to:
150 kWh / m² / year, for dwellings consuming over 180 kWh / m² / year1 before works;
80 kWh / m² / year, for dwellings consuming less than 180 kWh / m² / year1 before works.
Nota Bene: these values can vary in function of the climatic zones and altitude of the building.
Bunch of works
2 actions
Maximum amount of the loan
(in €)
3 actions or more
Overall energy
Table 1- Maximum amount of the zero-rated eco-loan
Only banks which have signed a convention with the French State are allowed to offer these types of loan.
About 20 banks have signed such a convention mid-2015.
Impact evaluation
The SGFGAS (Society of Management of Funds for Guarantee of home purchasing – Société de Gestion
des Financements et de la Garantie de l’Accession Sociale à la propriété) is the organism which manages
both 0% rate loans to support households in purchasing housings, and the zero-rated eco-loan from the
French State.
Since 2009, it has collected different types of data such as the type of works financed with the eco-loan,
the year of construction, the owner category (occupier or lessor), the amount of the loan, and the duration
of reimbursement.
Nota Bene: raw data for 2014 are available online (https://www2.sgfgas.fr/web/guest/eco-pret-a-tauxzero1) but graphs were not yet published when we updated this measure description.
Number of zero-rate eco-loans from 2009
Graph 1 – Number of zero-rate eco-loans between 2009 and 2014 (graph made from SGFGAS data)
In 2009 71,098 loans have been granted. The Grenelle objectives were 200,000 loans between the
beginning of 2009 and the end of 2010; 240,000 more in 2011; 320,000 more in 2012; and 400,000 more
each year from 2013.
in primary energy
Last update: September 2015
Type of works and average lent amount
In 2009, the average amount of loans was €16,500€ (€14,300 for a bunch of 2 types of works, €23,200
for a bunch of 3 types of works or more and €19,100 for the over-all energy works). The average
amount spent for works was €18,900.
Total number of zero-rate eco-loan: 70,933
Total number of zero-rate eco-loan: 78,484
Total number of zero-rate eco-loan: 40,755
Total number of zero-rate eco-loan: 33,861
Last update: September 2015
Total number of zero-rate eco-loan: 32,464
Total number of zero-rate eco-loan: 31,196
Graph 2 – Distribution of loans (at final stage) per type and average lent amount in 2009(graph made
from SGFGAS data)
Focus on 2009
Number of works
Distribution among all the
funded by the
Type of works
works funded by the zerozero-rate eco-loan
rate eco-loan
Boilers- Heat pumps
Renewable heating
Renewable hot water system
Table 2 – Number of works per type in 2009
Windows represented 75% of the works financed by the zero-rate eco-loan in 2009 even if it was one of
the less efficient type of works. This can be explained by the fact that window insulation requirements to
benefit from a zero-rate eco-loan were lower than the others.
The most common bunches were:
- for 2-work-bunches
Windows and space heating (or heat pump) (27%)
Windows and roof (22%)
Windows and renewable heating (13%)
- for 3 or more-work-bunches
Windows and roof and walls (31%)
Windows and roof and boiler (or heat pump) (13%)
Windows and roof and walls and heat pump (9%)
Type of works
Number of works with
funded by the zerorate eco-loan scheme
Total number of
works made in France
34,200 (21%)
19,300 (12%)
395,000 (11%)
1,088,000 (29.5%)
Percentage of works
benefiting from the
zero-rate eco-loan
scheme out of all other
Last update: September 2015
53,000 (33%)
1,285,000 (35%)
Heating + Renewables
53,800 (34%)
900,000 (24.5%)
Table 3 – Comparison between works benefiting from the 0% eco-loan and others (reference year: 2009)
Percentage of works
benefiting from the
Total amount invested
Type of works
zero-rate eco-loan
in works in France
scheme out of all other
€744M (7%)
€157M (13%)
€2,033M (20%)
€137M (12%)
€4,124M (40%)
€427M (36%)
Heating + Renewables
€3,371M (33%)
€466M (39%)
€10,273M (100%)
€1,187M (100%)
Table 4 – Comparison between amount funded by the 0% eco-loan and the total amount invested
(reference year: 2009)
Cost of works funded
by the zero-rate ecoloan
Zero-rate eco-loan has funded in 2009 around 4% of operations carried out in France and 12% in amount.
It has supported some works three times as expensive as the average works in France and mainly
more complex.
Who were the beneficiaries of those loans in 2009?
Those loans mainly concerned individual houses (94%) and owner occupiers (94%). Only 1% concern coownerships.
People benefiting from zero-rate eco-loan are mainly rather wealthy:
- 20% of the richest households benefit from 60% of those loans;
- 60% of the poorest households benefit from 20% of those loans.
Environmental impact & energy saved per type of operation (2009)
The impact of this measure has been estimated for 2009 using the standardized operation sheets
elaborated within the framework of the white certificate scheme (see FRA45 Energy Saving Certificates
for more information) for each type of works.
Energy savings during the year 2009
950 GWh
CO2 savings during the year 2009
0.18 MtCO2
CO2 savings during the whole life span of the works
5.8 MtCO2
(27 years in average, depending on the works)
Table 5 – Environmental impact and energy saved in 2009
Kind of operation
Bunches of works
Number of
CO2 savings
during the
whole life
span of the
savings per
year (MWh)
Last update: September 2015
Energy efficient heat system
- condensing boiler
367 862
- low temperature boiler
28 683
- heat pump
580 913
Renewable heat system
- wood boiler
- stove, fireplace insert
Renewable hot water system
Over-all energy works
Water purification system with low energy
consumption ( for housings which are not
connected to the public network)
Table 6 – Environmental impact in 2009
Economical impact in 2009
Kind of operation
Bunches of works
Energy efficient heat system
- condensing boiler
- low temperature boiler
- heat pump
Renewable heat system
- wood boiler
- stove, fireplace insert
Renewable hot water system
Over-all energy works
Water purification system with low
energy consumption ( for housings which
are not connected to the public network)
Total lent
public cost
(M€) (*)
public cost
per tCO2
Net cost
per tCO2
(M€) (**)
(*) The gross public cost is the money given by the government to the banks (thanks to tax credit): it is
the difference between a zero-rate eco-loan and a classic loan.
(**) The net cost is the investment corresponds to the money lent deduced from the cost of the energy
savings during its whole expected lifetime. A negative net public cost means that the operation is
profitable (the cost of energy savings is higher than the investment).
Table 7– Economical impact in 2009
Last update: September 2015
Opinion polls (2013)
Since 2013, the opinion poll institute TNS SOFRES used to conduct yearly for ADEME a study
analysing the behaviours of 10,000 households regarding energy efficiency within their dwellings.
Graph 3- Have you heard of the Zero-rated eco-loan?
Graph 4- Do you expect to benefit from the Zero-rated eco-loan within the next 2 years?
Graph 5- Why do you expect not to take advantage of the Zero-rated eco-loan within the 2 next years?
Last update: September 2015
Potential and effective energy savings (2013)
In September 2013, since the beginning of the measure 235,000 loans had been granted for an average
works cost of €19,200.
Energy saved and potentially saved thanks to this scheme within 2020 has been assessed from the
SceGES2 tool from the French General Direction for Energy and Climate (DGEC) thanks to a bottom-up
approach describing the physical determinants of this credit tax measure.
Energy savings (Mtoe)
(ex post)
According to ADEME3, the final energy consumption of the residential sector was around 39.6 Mtoe in
2013. By assuming that 0.18 Mtoe (0.45%) was saved in the residential sector thanks to this scheme, this
measure can be assumed to have a medium impact on the residential sector energy consumption.
Measure Impact Level
 low
 medium
 high
Definition of impact:
Low: energy savings < 0.1% of the overall residential sector energy consumption
Medium: between 0.1 and 0.5%
High: > 0.5%
Interaction of measures
FRA16 Local energy information centres
FRA34 Energy performance audits
FRA 7 Tax credit for works on energy efficiency, energy efficiency materials and renewable energies
FRA5 VAT Reduction on energy efficiency investments
Historical data
This measure launched in 2009 through the “Finance law 2009” (loi de finance) has been adjusted in
December 2014 (see decree n° 2014-1437 from December 2nd, 2014) in order to, from January, 1st 2015:
 Transfer the responsibility of works certification to companies which perform works;
Ensure that documentary invoices given by the borrower include induced works;
Modify the administrative penalties for companies that do not respect their duties.
Another legislative text has been put into forced at the end of 2014 (arrêté du 2 décembre 2014
modifying the arrêté du 30 mars 2009) to converge technical eligibility criterion of the eco-loan on those
of the tax credit scheme for building energy performances.
In addition, the arrêté from December 2014 modifying the arrêté from May 2011 has updated conditions
to apply for zero-rate eco-lane in French overseas territories and departments.
SceGES comes from « GHG emissions scenarios» (Scénarisation des Emissions de Gaz à Effet de
Chiffres Clés Climat Air Energie 2014 (data source : CEREN, Parcs et consommations d’énergie du
résidentiel, décembre 2013)
Last update: September 2015
Legislative and administrative acts
Loi de Finance 2009 et 2015
Article 244 quater U du code général des impôts
Arrêté du 2 décembre 2014 modifiant l’arrêté du 30 mars 2009 relatif aux conditions d’application de
dispositions concernant les avances remboursables sans intérêt destinées au financement de travaux de
rénovation afin d’améliorer la performance énergétique des logements anciens
Arrêté du 2 décembre 2014 modifiant l’arrêté du 25 mai 2011 relatif à l’application en outre-mer de
dispositions concernant les avances remboursables sans intérêts destinées au financement de travaux de
rénovation afin d’améliorer la performance énergétique des logements anciens
Arrêté du 22 décembre 2014 modifiant l’arrêté du 25 mai 2011 relatif à l’application en outre-mer de
dispositions concernant les avances remboursables sans intérêts destinées au financement de travaux de
rénovation afin d’améliorer la performance énergétique des logements anciens
Décret n° 2014-1437 du 2 décembre 2014 relatif aux avances remboursables sans intérêt destinées au
financement de travaux de rénovation afin d’améliorer la performance énergétique des logements anciens
Décret n° 2014-1438 du 2 décembre 2014 relatif aux avances remboursables sans intérêt destinées au
financement de travaux de rénovation afin d’améliorer la performance énergétique des logements anciens
Arrêté du 16 juillet 2014 relatif aux critères de qualifications requis pour le bénéfice du crédit d’impôt
développement durable et des avances remboursables sans intérêts destinées au financement de travaux de
rénovation afin d’améliorer la performance énergétique des logements anciens
Arrêté du 16 juillet 2014 modifiant l’arrêté du 30 mars 2009 relatif aux conditions d’application de
dispositions concernant les avances remboursables sans intérêts destinées au financement de travaux de
rénovation afin d’améliorer la performance énergétique des logements anciens et modifiant l’arrêté du 25
mai 2011 relatif à l’application en outre-mer de dispositions concernant les avances remboursables sans
intérêts destinées au financement de travaux de rénovation afin d’améliorer la performance énergétique
des logements anciens
Décret n°2014-812 du 16 juillet 2014 pris pour l’application du second alinéa du 2 de l’article 200 quater
du code général des impôts et du dernier alinéa du 2 de I de l’article 244 quater U du code général es
Arrêté du 27 décembre 2013 modifiant l’arrêté du 30 mars 2009 relatif aux conditions d’application de
dispositions concernant les avances remboursables sans intérêt destinées au financement de travaux de
rénovation afin d’améliorer la performance énergétique des logements anciens
Décret n° 2013-1297 du 27 décembre 2013 relatif aux dispositions particulières à l'octroi aux syndicats de
copropriétaires d'avances remboursables sans intérêt destinées au financement de travaux de rénovation
afin d'améliorer la performance énergétique des logements anciens
Décret n° 2013-205 du 11 mars 2013 relatif à l'emprunt collectif de copropriété
Arrêté du 25 mai 2011 relatif à l’application en outre-mer de dispositions concernant les avances
remboursables sans intérêts destinées au financement de travaux de rénovation afin d’améliorer la
performance énergétique des logements anciens
Last update: September 2015
Arrêté du 30 mars 2009 relatif aux conditions d’application de dispositions concernant les avances
remboursables sans intérêt destinées au financement de travaux de rénovation afin d’améliorer la
performance énergétique des logements anciens
Décret n° 2009-344 du 30 mars 2009 relatif aux avances remboursables sans intérêt destinées au
financement de travaux de rénovation afin d’améliorer la performance énergétique des logements anciens
Décret n° 2009-346 du 30 mars 2009 relatif aux avances remboursables sans intérêt destinées au
financement de travaux de rénovation afin d’améliorer la performance énergétique des logements anciens
Décret n° 2009-347 du 30 mars 2009 relatif aux obligations déclaratives et aux modalités de
détermination et d’imputation du crédit d’impôt en faveur des établissements de crédit qui accordent des
avances remboursables ne portant pas intérêt pour le financement de travaux d’amélioration de la
performance énergétique des logements anciens
For further information
Governmental websites:
- www.economie.gouv.fr/cedef/eco-pret-a-taux-zero
- www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/L-eco-pret-a-taux-zero-en-14.html
- www.territoires.gouv.fr/l-eco-pret-a-taux-zero-coproprietes
- www.territoires.gouv.fr/l-eco-pret-a-taux-zero-eco-ptz
SGFGAS (Society of Management of Funds for Guarantee of home purchasing – Société de Gestion des
Financements et de la Garantie de l’Accession Sociale à la propriété)
website: https://www2.sgfgas.fr/web/guest/eco-pret-a-taux-zero1