MAF Fashion Battle Sapeurs Edition Information: MAF Fashion


MAF Fashion Battle Sapeurs Edition Information: MAF Fashion
MAF Fashion Battle Sapeurs Edition
On 15 July 2010 during spectacular Fashion Battle, Sapeurs competed against each other to
see who had the best wardrobe and presentation. ?The Fashion battle was part of the
International Art Programme in Amsterdam of the Prince Claus Fund and the Amsterdam
Fund for the Arts.
Yannick Landu was the most original Sapeur.
According to the jury
Information: MAF Fashion Battle Sapeurs Edition
International Sapeurs with roots in Congo, Suriname, the Antilles and Morocco presented and elaborated on their unique wardrobes. There were three
different catwalk shows, directed by Felix de Rooy. A professional jury decided who of the competing Sapeurs deserved a beautiful fashion prize. ?A mix of
music from the countries of origin of the Sapeurs, Parisian dance hits and European dance hits made the show even more interesting. The Jury consisted of:
Willa Stoutenbeek (International fashion pr- and marketing manager), Daniele Tamagni (Italian photographer, published'Gentlemen of Bacongo'), Drs.
Anneke Beerkens (Antropologist University of Amsterdam), Aziz Bekkaoui (Artist /Fashion designer and winner of the Amsterdam Award for the Arts in
2007). The jury decided that Yannick Landu was the most original Sapeur.
Information: Background information
As a follow-up of the exhibition 'Gentlemen or Bacongo' that can be seen in the Prince Claus Fund Gallery till August 20, and as part of Downtown
Amsterdam International Fashion Week, Music Fashion Battle (MAFB) had been commissioned by the Prince Claus Fund and the Amsterdam Fund for the
Arts to organize the Sapeurs Fashion Battle on Thursday, July 15, 2010 in the MC Theater in the Westerpark in Amsterdam. ??MAF Fashion Battle - Sapeurs
Edition DOWNTOWN @ Fashion Week provided a platform for 8 to 12 international Sapeurs. The Sapeurs, men and women originally from Congo,
Suriname and other countries during three catwalk rounds presented their own authentic and unique wardrobe. In addition, 5 to 7 fashion labels exhibited and
sold their collections at MAFB's One Day Shop. ??There were three different catwalk shows, directed by Felix de Rooy. The catwalk shows were inspired by
the following themes: the Sapeur in Africa, the Sapeur in Paris and the return to Africa.??A professional jury decides who of the competing Sapeurs will
bring a beautiful fashion prize back home. ?There was a mix of music from the countries of origin of the Sapeurs, Parisian dance hits and European dance
hits by DJ L'Afrique Som Systeme (Daily Paper) and images by the VJ Aineko (SEEN).
Calendar: MAF Fashion Battle Sapeurs Edition
On 15 July 2010 during spectacular Fashion Battle, Sapeurs competed against each other to see who had the best wardrobe and presentation. ?The Fashion
battle was part of the International Art Programme in Amsterdam of the Prince Claus Fund and the Amsterdam Fund for the Arts.
date: 2010-07-15
location: Theatre MC
time start:
address: Polonceaukade 6, Amsterdam (Westerpark)
time end:
Website MAF Fashion Battle
Website MAF Fashion Battle
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Programme: Collaborations
La Fondation collabore régulièrement avec d'autres organisations afin notamment de créer un plus grand soutien en faveur de la culture et du dév
eloppement, d'accroître son expertise et son réseau, et d'élargir ses possibilités de financement. La Fondation fait ainsi cause commune avec de nombreuses orga
nisations tant aux Pays-Bas que dans le reste du monde. Vous trouverez ci-dessous de plus amples informations sur quelques liens de partenariat plus
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