Fiche de programmation
Fiche de programmation
Collège des Soeurs des Saints-Coeurs -Tripoli Email :[email protected] Site : Année scolaire : 2012/2013 Fiche de programmation Matière : Anglais Classe : EB7 Nom du professeur : Antoine Sarkis Mois October November December Thème / Domaine Our world Neighbours Life stories - Transverse skill Trimestre : 1er Notion - Talk about your friends and things you like. - Read about friends and Ireland. - listen to a dialogue in a shop. - Write about your country. - learn about the present simple and the present continuous. -Talk about neighbours, computer games, food. - Read about The Sims 2 computer game. - Listen to phone calls to a takeaway. - Write an email about your class. - Learn about the past simple. - Talk about the past and describe photos. - Read about Nicole Kidmand and Papillon. - Listen to an audio guide. - Write about a person you know. - Learn about the past simple and the present perfect. - To link information to explain something. Durée 10p 10p 9p Signature du professeur Collège des Soeurs des Saints-Coeurs -Tripoli Email :[email protected] Site : Année scolaire : 2012/2013 Fiche de programmation Matière :Anglais Classe : EB7 Nom du professeur : Antoine Sarkis Mois January Thème / Domaine Life stories (cont’d) Mysteries February Looks - Transverse skill March Looks (cont’d) Holidays Trimestre : 2eme Notion - Talk about mysteries. - Read about special powers and strange creatures. - Listen to a conversation. - Write a ghost story. - Launch school project. - learn about the past continuous. - Talk about appearance, fashion and clothes. - Reflexive-emphatic pronouns. - School project (cont’d). - Launch reading competition. - Recap for exam. - To analyse and interpret different documents. - Read about special effects in films and traditional costumes. - Listen to dialogues in shops. - Write questions for a survey. - School project (cont’d). - Talk about holidays and travel. - Both-neither-possessives. Durée 10p 6p 9p Signature du professeur Collège des Soeurs des Saints-Coeurs -Tripoli Email :[email protected] Site : Année scolaire : 2012/2013 Fiche de programmation Matière : Anglais Classe : EB7 Nom du professeur : Antoine Sarkis Mois April May June Thème / Domaine Holidays (cont’d) Performers Technology - Transverse skill Trimestre : 3eme Notion - Read about a sea adventure and winter holidays. - Listen to train announcements. - Write a postcard. - Indefinite pronouns - Questions-question words-question tags - School project/reading competition (cont’d). - Talk about performers, make suggestions. - Read about a circus and traditional dances. - Listen to recorded cinema messages. - Write about a national dance. - Prepositions. - Finalise school project and reading competition. - Talk about the future. - Read a science fiction story. - Listen to phone messages. - Conditionals (first type) - Recap for final exam. - To pose a problem and formulate assumptions. Durée 9p 9p 6p Signature du professeur
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Fiche de programmation
Collège des Soeurs des Saints-Coeurs -Tripoli
Email : [email protected]
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