poids et centrage da 20/100 katana
poids et centrage da 20/100 katana
MEET YOUR AIRCRAFT ___________________________________________________________________________________________ AICRAFT TYPE : _____________ NAME : ______________ DATE : ___________ ☞ 1. What is the nornal climb-out speed ? 2. What is the best rate of climb speed (Vy), and his definition ? 3. What is the best angle of climb speed (Vx), and his definition ? 4. What is the maximum flap-down speed (VFE) ? ☞ 5. What is the maximum gear-down speed (VLE) ? ☞ 6. What is the stall speed in a normal landing configuration ? ☞ 7. What is the clean-stall speed ☞ 8. What is the approach-to-landing speed ? ☞ 9. What is maneuvering speed (VA) ? ☞ 10. What is the red-line speed (VNE) ? ☞ 11. What speed will give you the best glide ratio ? ☞ 12. Why must we check the fuel pressure when we put the electrical fuel pump off ? ☞ 13. What is the TAS given in the AFM at 5000 ft and 65% of power ? (T° standard) 14. What RPM or combination of RPM and Manifold Pressure yields 65% power at 5000 ft MSL ? (T° standard) 15. How many gallons of fuel are used per hour at 65% at 5000 ft MSL ? 16. How many usable gallons of fuel can you carry ? ☞ ☞ ☞ ☞ ☞ ☞ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ MEETAIR7__Eng_V3 Page 1 25.04.2010 / LS MEET YOUR AIRCRAFT ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 17. What is (are) the capacity of the fuel tanks ? ☞ 18. With full fuel load at 65% power, at 5000 ft, allowing 45 min. reserve, what is the maximum duration (in hours) ? ☞ 19. What is the maximum take-off weight for the aircraft ? ☞ 20. What is the octane rating of the fuel by his aircraft ? ☞ 21. From which altitude do you begin to mix in cllmb ? ☞ 22. What is the maximum allowable crosswind component for the aircraft ? ☞ 23. What is the maximum allowable weight the aircraft can carry in the baggage compartment ? ☞ 24. What take-off distance is required to clear a 50ft. obstacle at maximum gross weight at a pressure altitude of 5000 ft. and 20° C (assume 25° flaps, no wind and a hard surface runway) ? 25. What would the answer to question 24 be if the take-off were made from a sea level pressure altitude ? 26. When do you change to 1013.2 hPa the altimeter setting ? ☞ 27. How do find pressure altitude ? ☞ 28. You fly with a MT of 185°, which FL can you cho ose ? ☞ 29. What is the emergency frequency ? ☞ 30. What is the transponder code for a radio failure ? ☞ ☞ ☞ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ MEETAIR7__Eng_V3 Page 2 25.04.2010 / LS MEET YOUR AIRCRAFT ___________________________________________________________________________________________ POIDS ET CENTRAGE DA 20/100 KATANA PILOT : PASSENGER : 1 USG = 3,785 L = 6 LBS = 2,65 KG CALLSIGN : 1 LB WEIGHT (lbs) ARM AFT DATUM (INCHES) = 0,4536 KG MOMENT (IN-LBS) BASIC EMPTY WEIGHT PILOT AND PASSENGER BAGAGE 5.63 (................LBS. MAX.) 32.44 TOTAL WEIGHT WITH EMPTY FUEL TANK USABLE FUEL (............... USG. MAX.) 32.44 TOTAL WEIGHT WITH FUEL ======= ========= ============== ENVELOPPE OK ??? IL INCOMBE AU PILOTE DE S’ ASSURER QUE L’AVION EST CORRECTEMENT CHARGE _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ MEETAIR7__Eng_V3 Page 3 25.04.2010 / LS MEET YOUR AIRCRAFT ___________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ MEETAIR7__Eng_V3 Page 4 25.04.2010 / LS MEET YOUR AIRCRAFT ___________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ MEETAIR7__Eng_V3 Page 5 25.04.2010 / LS MEET YOUR AIRCRAFT ___________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ MEETAIR7__Eng_V3 Page 6 25.04.2010 / LS A LA RENCONTRE DE VOTRE AVION ____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 7 MEETAIR7__Eng_V3 25.04.2010 / LS A LA RENCONTRE DE VOTRE AVION ____________________________________________________________________________________________ POIDS ET CENTRAGE PA28- ……… PILOT : FRONT PASSENGER : REAR PASSENGERS : 1 USG = 3,785 L = 6 LBS = 2,65 KG CALLSIGN : 1 LB WEIGHT (lbs) ARM AFT DATUM (INCHES) = 0,4536 KG MOMENT (IN-LBS) /100 BASIC EMPTY WEIGHT PILOT AND FRONT PASSENGER 80.5 PASSENGERS (REAR SEATS) FUEL (................USG. MAX.) 95.0 BAGAGE (............... LBS. MAX.) 142.8 RAMP WEIGHT (............... LBS. MAX.) FUEL ALLOWANCE (START, TAXI, RUN-UP) MTOW 118.1 -7 95.0 - 665 (............... LBS. MAX.) ======= ========= =============== ENVELOPPE OK ??? IL INCOMBE AU PILOTE DE S’ ASSURER QUE L’AVION EST CORRECTEMENT CHARGE _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 8 MEETAIR7__Eng_V3 25.04.2010 / LS A LA RENCONTRE DE VOTRE AVION ____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 9 MEETAIR7__Eng_V3 25.04.2010 / LS A LA RENCONTRE DE VOTRE AVION ____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ MEETAIR7__Eng_V3 10 25.04.2010 / LS Page A LA RENCONTRE DE VOTRE AVION ____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ MEETAIR7__Eng_V3 11 25.04.2010 / LS Page A LA RENCONTRE DE VOTRE AVION ____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ MEETAIR7__Eng_V3 12 25.04.2010 / LS Page A LA RENCONTRE DE VOTRE AVION ____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ MEETAIR7__Eng_V3 13 25.04.2010 / LS Page