
TOPOI – The Formation and Transformation of Space and Knowledge in Ancient Civilizations
B-2 XXL – Monumentalized Knowledge. Extra-large Projects in Ancient Civilizations
Freie Universität Berlin. Institut für Altorientalistik, 23-25 Fabeckstrasse, D-14195 Berlin
[email protected]
1/11/2014 – 31/08/2016
Humboldt Research Fellowship for Post-doctoral Researcher.
Research project: The Socio-political Production of Minoan and
Mycenaean Architecture. An Energetic Perspective.
Belgian member of the French School in Athens.
Post-doctoral Researcher of the National Fund for Scientific Research
(F.R.S.-FNRS), UCLouvain/INCAL/CEMA/AEGIS Research Group
(Aegean Interdisciplinary Studies). Funding of a post-doctoral
research project: Material Culture and Interactions Networks.
Analysis of Regional and Island-wide Dynamics in Neopalatial Crete
(1700-1450 BC).
Study grant of the French School in Athens, for a research on
Neopalatial funerary customs.
Research Fellow of the National Fund for Scientific Research (F.R.S.FNRS/UCLouvain). Funding of the PhD research projet: Social
Components and Interactions in Neopalatial Crete (1700-1450 BC).
An Investigation of the Archaeological Data.
1/10/2010 – 31/08/2014
1/10/2010 – 31/08/2014
1/02/2008 – 28/02/2008
1/10/2006 – 01/09/2010
Ph.D. Thesis in History, Art and Archaeology: Social Components and
Interactions in Neopalatial Crete (1700-1450 BC). An Investigation of the
Archaeological Data (in French), under the supervision of Prof. Jan
Driessen, at UCLouvain.
2003 – 2004
1999 – 2003
MA in Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology (KULeuven). Thesis on
Domestic Architecture and Social Distribution in Ras Shamra-Ugarit (in
English). Final grade: “Magna cum laude”.
BA in Art History and Archaeology (UCLouvain). Dissertation on Human
Energy Investment in Architecture. The Minoan Palace of Gournia (in
French). Final grade: “La plus grande distinction”.
09/2013 – 11/2013
09/2013 – 11/2013
03/2005 – 09/2006
11/2003 – 02/2004
Substitute teacher for the class of Technology of Antiquity, UCLouvain,
Department of Archaeology.
Substitute teacher for the class of Iconology of Antiquity, UCLouvain,
Department of Archaeology.
Teaching assistant in History of Art and Archaeology, option Antiquity,
UCLouvain, Department of Archaeology.
Teaching assistant in History of Art and Archaeology, option Antiquity,
UCLouvain, Department of Archaeology.
Devolder M., 2013. Construire en Crète minoenne. Une approche énergétique de l’architecture
néopalatiale (AEGAEUM, 35), Peeters, Leuven/Liège.
Driessen J., I. Schoep, F. Carpentier, I. Crevecœur, M. Devolder, F. Gaignerot-Driessen, V.
Isaakidou, S. Jusseret, C. Langohr, Q. Letesson, F. Liard, A. Schmitt, C. Tsoraki and R. Veropoulidou,
2012. Excavations at Sissi, III. Preliminary Report on the 2011 Campaign (AEGIS, 6), PUL, Louvainla-Neuve.
Driessen J., I. Schoep, F. Carpentier, I. Crevecœur, M. Devolder, F. Gaignerot-Driessen, P.
Hacigüzeller, V. Isaakidou, S. Jusseret, C. Langohr, Q. Letesson and A. Schmitt, 2011. Excavations at
Sissi, II. Preliminary Report on the 2009-2010 Campaigns (AEGIS, 4), PUL, Louvain-la-Neuve.
Driessen J., I. Schoep, F. Carpentier, I. Crevecœur, M. Devolder, F. Gaignerot-Driessen, P.
Hacigüzeller, S. Jusseret, C. Langohr, Q. Letesson and A. Schmitt, 2009. Excavations on the Kephali
at Sissi (Crete), 2007-2008 (AEGIS, 1), PUL, Louvain-la-Neuve.
Devolder M., I. Caloi and Th. Gomrée, forthcoming. "Le Bâtiment Dessenne à Malia. Étude et
nouveaux sondages", Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 139.2, 9 pages.
Devolder M., forthcoming. « Les murs en blocage protopalatiaux des Magasins Ouest du palais de
Malia », Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 138(2).
Devolder M., I. Caloi and Th. Claeys, forthcoming. « Études complémentaires aux ‘Magasins
Dessenne’ à Malia », Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 138(2).
Devolder M., 2012-2013 (published in 2014). "Le Quartier Nu (Malia, Crète). L’occupation
néopalatiale", Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 136-137(1), p. 1-82.
Devolder M., S. Déderix and L. Fadin, forthcoming. "Recherches aux ‘Magasins Dessenne’ à Malia",
Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 136-137(2), 4 pages.
Zographaki V., F. Gaignerot-Driessen et M. Devolder, forthcoming. "Recherches sur le site de
l’Anavlochos", Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 138(1), 18 pages.
Devolder M., 2012. "The Excavation of the Open Area North of Building E in Zone 5", In Driessen J.
et alii, 2013. Excavations at Sissi, III. Preliminary Report on the 2011 Campaign (AEGIS, 6),
Louvain-la-Neuve, p. 119-135.
Devolder M., 2012. "Labour Costs and Neopalatial Architecture. A Study of the Buildings at
Klimataria-Manares and Achladia and the Palace at Gournia", In Panagiotopoulos D. and U. GünkelMaschek (éds), Minoan Realities. Theory-based Approaches to Images and Built Spaces as Indicators
of Minoan Social Structures (AEGIS, 5), Heidelberg, p. 165-179.
Devolder M., 2011 (BCH 2010). "Étude des coutumes funéraires en Crète néopalatiale", Bulletin de
Correspondance Hellénique 134(1), p. 31-70.
Devolder M., 2011. "Sissi. Excavation in Zone 5 (2009-2010)", In Driessen J. et alii, Excavations at
Sissi, II. Preliminary Report on the 2009-2010 Campaigns (AEGIS 4), Louvain-la-Neuve, p. 143-162.
Devolder M., 2009. "Sissi. Excavation in Zone 5 (2007-2008)", In Driessen J. et alii, Excavations on
the Kephali at Sissi (Crete), 2007-2008 (AEGIS, 4), Louvain-la-Neuve, p. 125-142.
Devolder M., 2009 (AEA 2005-2006). "From the Ground Up. Earth in Minoan Construction
Techniques. The Case of Building 5 at Palaikastro", Aegean Archaeology 8, p. 65-80.
J. Driessen, H. Fiasse, M. Devolder, P. Hacigüzeller and Q. Letesson 2008. "Analyse spatiale au
Quartier Nu à Malia (MR III)", Creta Antica IX, p. 93-110.
Devolder M., 2005. "Hâte-toi de bâtir la demeure, hâte-toi de bâtir le palais", Creta Antica VI, p. 165186.
Devolder M., 2005. "Distribution sociale de l’architecture domestique à Ougarit", Res Antiquae II, p.
Devolder M., 2004. "Analyse de l'investissement d'énergie dans l'architecture monumentale.
Application au Palais minoen de Gournia", Revue des archéologues, historiens de l'art et
musicologues de l'UCL, p. 163.
Devolder M., forthcoming. "Νέα έρευνα στα Magasins Dessenne στα Μάλια", In Proceedings of the Γ΄
Παγκρήτια Επιστημονική Συνάντηση "Αρχαιολογικό 'Εργο στην Κρήτη", Réthymnon, 5th-8th December
Sarris A., N. Papadopoulos, G. Cantoro, A. Agapiou, S. Déderix, Chr. Tsigonaki and M. Devolder,
forthcoming. "New Technologies for Capturing the Dynamics of Cultural Landscapes", In Proceedings
of the Γ΄ Παγκρήτια Επιστημονική Συνάντηση "Αρχαιολογικό 'Εργο στην Κρήτη", Réthymnon, 5th-8th
December 2013.
Devolder M., forthcoming. "Manpower and Neopalatial Architecture. The Architectural Project as a
Meaningful Experience", In Panagiotopoulos D., U. Günkel-Maschek and S. Cappel (ed.),
Proceedings of the conference ‘Minoan Archaeology. Challenges and Perspectives for the 21st
Century’ held in Heidelberg, 23-27 March 2011, Heidelberg, p. 165-179.
Devolder M., 2008. "Investment and Prestige at Neopalatial Knossos", In Menozzi O., M.L. Di
Marzio and D. Fossataro (ed.), SOMA 2005: Proceedings of the IX Symposium on Mediterranean
Archaeology, Chieti (Italy), 24-26 February 2005 (BAR - IS), Oxford, p. 351-355.
Letesson Q., H. Fiasse, P. Hacigüzeller, M. Devolder and J. Driessen 2007. "Recherches spatiales au
Quartier Nu à Malia (MR III) : résumé", In Pomadère M. and J. Zurbach (ed.), Journées maliotes :
Malia, ville et territoire, Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 131(2), p. 850-852.
Malia palace project, Crete, Greece (French School in Athens)
Director: M. Devolder (Humboldt Research Fellow)
In charge of the publication and architectural study of the Minoan palace at Malia [1-29 March
2013; 17 Feb.-30 March 2014].
Le ‘Bâtiment Dessenne’, Malia, Crete, Greece (French School in Athens)
Director: M. Devolder (Humboldt Research Fellow)
In charge of the publication and architectural study of the Building Dessenne, excavated in
1960 on the southwestern fringe of the palace at Malia [30 April - 25 May 2012 ; 13 May - 14 June
2013 ; 2-10 September 2013; 7-31 May 2014; 29 June - 12 July 2014].
Sissi project, Crete, Greece (Belgian School at Athens)
Director: J. Driessen (UCLouvain)
In charge of the excavations, study and publication of Zone 5 on the Kephali hill at Sissi, northeastern Crete [1 - 27 July 2007; 14 July - 22 August 2008; 6 July - 19 August 2009; 15 June - 23 July
2010; 19 June - 29 July 2011; 1 July - 15 August 2012; 29 July - 3 August 2013].
Anavlochos project, Crete, Greece (ΚΔ Eforia)
Director: V. Zografaki (Eforia ΚΔ)
In charge of the excavation of zone B in the area of the Geometric and Archaic site of the
Anavlochos, and in charge of the study and publication of the architecture discovered during the 2012
excavation campaign [2 - 27 July 2012].
Quartier Nu project, Malia, Crete, Greece (French School in Athens)
Directors: A. Farnoux (Paris IV), J. Driessen (UCLouvain)
In charge of the publication of the soundings in the Neopalatial layers of Quartier Nu, at Malia
[21 - 28 November 2010; 28 April - 18 May 2011; 15 October - 5 November 2011].
Palaikastro Project, Crete, Greece (British School at Athens)
Directors: H. Sackett (BSA), A. MacGillivray (BSA), Prof. J. Driessen (UCLouvain), S.
Hemingway (MetMuseum), Prof. C. Knappett (UToronto)
Participation to the excavations of Building 7 [1 July - 15 August 2003]. Study of ceramic material
from Building 4, under the direction of Sean Hemingway and Hugh Sackett [8 July - 24 August 2004].
Study campaigns of architectural material (earthen features) from Buildings 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 under
the direction of Prof. J. Driessen [28 June - 21 August 2005; 22 July - 5 August 2006]. Collaboration
to the study of the ceramic material from Building 5, with H. Sackett and A. MacGillivray [3 June - 10
July 2008; 3 - 24 April 2009; 2 - 19 April 2010; 4 - 28 April 2011; 1 - 10 August 2011; 29 March - 1
April 2013].
Thorikos project, Laurion, Attica, Greece (Belgian School at Athens)
Director: R. Laffineur (ULg)
Participation to the excavations in the Mycenaean cemetery of Thorikos, Attica [7 - 26 July
Myrtos-Pyrgos project, Crete, Greece (British School at Athens)
Directors: G. Cadogan (BSA), Prof. J. Driessen (UCLouvain)
Collaboration, with J. Driessen, Q. Letesson, P. Hacigüzeller and F. Carpentier, to the
publication of the architectural remains of Myrtos-Pyrgos, Crete, under the supervision of J. Driessen
and G. Cadogan. Study campaign [1 - 10 August 2007].
Tournai Cathedral project, Belgium (CRAN)
Director: Prof. R. Brulet (UCLouvain)
Participation to the excavation of the so-called ‘Quadrilatère’ area, on the site of the cathedral
at Tournai, Belgium [1 - 21 August 2001].
Toronto, 6th January 2015. M. Devolder, Architectural Energetics and Cretan Bronze Age
Architecture. Measuring the Scale of Minoan Building Projects, communication to the International
Workshop “From Static Data to Dynamic Processes. New Perspectives on Minoan Architecture and
Urbanism”, organized by Q. Letesson and C. Knappett, University of Toronto, 5-6 January 2015.
Berlin, 24th April 2014. M. Devolder, Measuring the Scale of a Minoan Building Project.
Methodological and Interpretive Issues, communication to the Workshop ‘Organisation großer
Bauvorhaben in altorientalischen Gesellschaften’, organisé par TOPOI - (B-2) XXL – Monumentalized
Knowledge: Extra-Large Projects in Ancient Civilizations, Berlin, 24-25 April 2014.
Chicago, 5th January 2014. M. Devolder, The ‘Magasins Dessenne’ at Malia (Crete) Reconsidered,
communication to the Annual Meeting of the American Institute of Archaeology, to be held in
Chicago, 2nd-5th January 2014.
Athens, 10th December 2013. S. Déderix and M. Devolder, In the Shadow of the Palaces. Honoring
the Dead during the Neopalatial period, communication to the conference Popular Religion and
Ritual in the East Mediterranean from the 3rd Millennium BC to the 5th Century AD, Athens, 10th-11th
December 2013.
Rethymno (Crete), 6th. December 2013. M. Devolder, Νέα έρευνα στα Magasins Dessenne στα
Μάλια, communication to the Γ΄ Παγκρήτια Επιστημονική Συνάντηση "Αρχαιολογικό 'Εργο στην
Κρήτη", to be held in Rethymno, 5th-8th December 2013.
Rethymno (Crete), 5th December 2013. A. Sarris, N. Papadopoulos, G. Cantoro, A. Agapiou, S.
Déderix, Chr. Tsigonaki and M. Devolder, New Technologies for Capturing the Dynamics of Cultural
Landscapes, communication to the Γ΄ Παγκρήτια Επιστημονική Συνάντηση "Αρχαιολογικό 'Εργο στην
Κρήτη", to be held in Rethymno, 5th-8th December 2013.
Delphi, April 2013. Devolder M., Construire en Crète minoenne. Une approche énergétique de
l’architecture néopalatiale, communication to the doctoral seminar L’architecture grecque :
matériaux et techniques, held in Delphi 14th-27th April 2013.
Heidelberg, March 2011. Devolder M., Manpower and Neopalatial Architecture. The Architectural
Project as a Meaningful Experience, communication to the conference Minoan Archaeology.
Challenges and Perspectives for 21st Century, 23rd-27th March 2011, Heidelberg (Germany).
Anaheim (California), January 2010. Carpentier F. and M. Devolder, Sissi, Crete. Preliminary
Reports on the 2007-2009 Campaigns, communication to the Archaeological Institute of America
Meeting, 6th-10th January 2010, Anaheim (California).
Dublin, June-July 2008. Jusseret S., J. Driessen, Q. Letesson, P. Hacıgüzeller and M. Devolder,
2008. Topos: Socialising the Land, communication to the World Archaeology Conference (WAC), 29th
June- 4th July 2008, Dublin (Ireland).
Athens, November 2007. Letesson Q., H. Fiasse, P. Hacigüzeller, M. Devolder et J. Driessen.
Recherches spatiales au Quartier Nu à Malia (MR III), communication to the round table organised by
the French School at Athens, Journées maliotes : Malia, ville et territoire, 2nd-3rd November 2007.
Mariemont, March 2006. Devolder M., Sir Arthur Evans, gentleman archéologue. Reconstitution
colorée des cités minoennes, conference at the Royal Museum of Mariemont (Belgium), 18th March
Mariemont, November 2004. Devolder M., Peintres et artisans au pays du Labyrinthe, des dauphins
et des acrobates : voyage architectural au fil du dédale des palais minoens de l’Âge du Bronze,
conference at the Royal Museum of Mariemont (Belgium), 7th November 2004.