GSM-Med - Observatoire Océanologique de Villefranche sur Mer
GSM-Med - Observatoire Océanologique de Villefranche sur Mer
Spatial-temporal dynamics of Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) and Colored Detrital Matter (CDM) light absorption coefficients in the Mediterranean Sea: from in situ data to a SeaWiFS climatology Emanuele Organellia*, Annick Bricauda, David Antoine ab, Bernard Gentilia, Atsushi Matsuokac, Melek Golbola and Vincenzo Velluccia a Laboratoire d’Océanographie de Villefranche, UMR 7093, CNRS and Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6), 06238 Villefranche sur Mer, FRANCE b Remote Sensing and Satellite Research Group, Curtin University, Perth, WA 6845, AUSTRALIA c Takuvik Joint International Laboratory, UMI 3376, CNRS and Université Laval, Québec City, Québec, CANADA *[email protected] Spatio-temporal variability of CDOM and CDM light absorption coefficients in the Mediterranean Sea is still poorly understood because of a limited number of field studies and not-validated bio-optical inversion models for Ocean Color applications…………… 1. CDOM PATTERNS AND DRIVERS AT THE BOUSSOLE SITE (NW Mediterranean Sea; see also posters 2015, 2019, 2084 & 2122 for other studies at this site) acdom(440) (m-1) CDOM Content Microbial (measured with a 2 m path length Ultrapath within 24 h from sampling) Vertical homogenization in Winter Subsurface maxima in Spring and Summer Production! at 30 m MLD CDOM-depleted surface layer in Summer Scdom (nm-1) Spectral Slope Photobleaching! (computed between 350 and 500 nm by a non-linear least-square fit) Similar values in 0-200 m during Winter High values at the surface in Summer and MLD 2. BIO-OPTICAL RELATIONSHIPS (for CDOM degradation) Autumn r2=0.60 n=34 Low values at the depth of CDOM maxima (at surface of the BOUSSOLE site) 3. INVERSION MODEL PERFORMANCES Morel & Gentili 2009 y=1.16x r2=0.84; n=30 RMSE=50% (using field Rrs measurements) GSM Ciotti & Bricaud 2006 QAA y=1.16x y=0.98x r2=0.94; n=27 r2=0.94; n=30 RMSE=33% RMSE=25% y=0.82x r2=0.90; n=30 RMSE=32% r2=0.29 n=34 GSM-Med A locally-tuned version of the GSM (called “GSM-Med”) is developed using in situ data collected at BOUSSOLE acdom(440) for a given chlorophyll concentration is between 2003 and 2012, and tested over the year 2013. higher than expected from Case I waters y=0.90x r2=0.93; n=9 RMSE=24% bio-optical models! 4. CDM TIME-SERIES AT BOUSSOLE (using field and SeaWiFS Rrs data) CDM time-series from field Rrs reproduces in situ CDM dynamics (2011-2013) QAA acdm(443) values (in m-1) derived from GSM-Med and SeaWiFS imagery (2003-2010) GSM-Med Agreement between CDM time-series from field and SeaWiFS Rrs (2003-2010) QAA 5. CLIMATOLOGY OF CDM IN THE MEDITERRANEAN SEA GSM-Med Winter Spring Summer Autumn Similar time-series but GSM-Med generally returns lower CDM values than QAA You can read more about CDOM and CDM in: Organelli E., Bricaud A., Antoine D. & A. Matsuoka (2014). Seasonal dynamics of light absorption by Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) in the NW Mediterranean Sea (BOUSSOLE site). Deep-Sea Research I, 91, 72-85. Acknowledgements Organelli E., Bricaud A., Gentili B., Antoine D. & V. Vellucci. Evaluation of bio-optical inversion models for the retrieval of Colored This study is a contribution to the BIOCAREX (funded by ANR) and Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) and Colored Detrital Matter (CDM) light absorption coefficients in the Mediterranean Sea BOUSSOLE (funded by ESA, NASA, CNES, CNRS, INSU, UPMC, OOV) projects. using field and satellite ocean color radiometry. Submitted to Remote Sensing of Environment.
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Affiliation 1: Takuvik Joint International Laboratory, Département de Biologie, Université Laval,