

Bibliographie thématique des publications sur l’art autochtone chez Artexte (1960­2014)
Thematic Bibliography on Aboriginal Art at Artexte (1960­2014)
Cette bibliographie thématique et chronologique souligne la présence d’anthologies, de catalogues d’exposition,
de rapports ainsi que d’autres monographies dans la collection d’Artexte traitant de l’art autochtone – surtout
dans le contexte du Canada. Les citations proviennent d’une recherche à partir
d’e-artexte ( le catalogue en ligne d’Artexte, en utilisant les mots clés suivants :
« aborigène », « Amérindien », « autochtone » , « Indien », « indigène », « Inuit », « Métis » et « Premières
nations ».
Cette bibliographie comprend plus que 400 citations. La liste n’est pas exhaustive, mais elle recueille la grande
majorité de nos publications sur cette thématique. La bibliographie est interactive dans le sens que chaque titre
dans un citation possède un hyperlien vers sa notice correspondante dans e-artexte.
-This thematic and chronological bibliography highlights the presence of anthologies, exhibition catalogues,
reports and other monographic publications in the Artexte collection that look at aboriginal art – primarily within a
Canadian context. The citations are drawn from Artexte’s online catalogue e-artexte ( using search
terms such as:
“aboriginal”, “Amerindian”, “First Nations”, “Indian”, “indigenous”, “Inuit” and “Métis”.
This bibliography includes more than 400 citations. The list is not exhaustive, but it features a large majority of
our publications on the subject. The bibliography is also interactive in the sense that each title in a citation
serves as a hyperlink to its corresponding record in e-artexte.
Bear Hat, Brittney et al., eds. Deadly Lady Art Trimvirate. Calgary, New Gallery, 2014.
Johnson, Naomi. First Nations Art, 2014. Brandford, Woodland Cultural Centre, 2014.
Hill, Greg A., Candice Hopkins et Christine Lalonde. Sakahan : Art indigène international. Ottawa, Musée des
beaux-arts du Canada / National Gallery of Canada, 2013.
Hill, Greg A., Candice Hopkins and Christine Lalonde. Sakahan : International Indigenous Art. Ottawa, Musée
des beaux-arts du Canada / National Gallery of Canada, 2013.
McIntosh, David. Robert Houle : enuhmo anduhyaun = The Road Home. Winnipeg, School of Art Gallery,
University of Manitoba, 2012.
Brown, Lorna and Clint Burnham, eds. Digital Natives. Vancouver, BC: Other Sights for Artists Projects
Association; Vancouver, BC: City of Vancouver Public Art Program, 2011.
Chevalier, Geneviève. L'empreinte du chamane : le souffle de la pensée chamanique dans l'art contemporain
autochtone au Canada. Paris, Université Paris 3 - Sorbonne nouvelle, 2011.
Davidge, Michael. Condolence : Greg Staats. Kingston, Modern Fuel Artist Run Centre, 2011.
L'Hirondelle, Cheryl. Codetalkers of the Digital Divide : (Or Why We Didn't Become "Roadkill on the Information
Superhighway"). Saskatoon, Paved Arts, 2011.
McIntosh, David et al. Robert Houle's Paris / Ojibwa. Peterborough, Art Gallery of Peterborough, 2011.
Phillips, Ruth B. Museum Pieces : Toward the Indigenization of Canadian Museums. Montréal; Kingston, McGillQueen's University Press, 2011.
Racette, Sherry Farrel, ed. Close Encounters : The Next 500 Years. Winnipeg, Plug-In Editions, 2011.
Rensch, Evan and Eva Quintas. Eva Quintas : Rituals of Identity, Tactics of Resistance. Dawson City, ODD
Gallery, 2011.
Thomas, Jeff. Resistance is (Not) Futile. Saskatoon, Paved Arts, 2011.
Tougas, Colette et al. Nadia Myre : Encounters. Montréal, Art Mûr ; Saint Jérôme, Musée d art contemporain des
Laurentides; Ottawa, Carleton University Art Gallery, 2011.
Tremblay, Danielle. Keesic Douglas, José Àngel Rodríguez : Paysages sacrés = Sacred Landscapes. Sudbury,
Galerie du Nouvel Ontario, 2011.
Trépanier, France et Chris Creighton-Kelly. Comprendre les arts autochtones au Canada : un examen de la
connaissance et de la documentation. Ottawa, Conseil des arts du Canada, 2011.
Trépanier, France and Chris Creighton-Kelly. Understanding Aboriginal Arts in Canada Today : A Knowledge and
Literature Review. Ottawa, Conseil des arts du Canada, 2011.
Dyck, Sandra. Frank Shebageget : Light Industry. Ottawa, Carleton University Art Gallery, 2010.
Hill, Richard William. Arthur Renwick : Mask. Richmond, Richmond Art Gallery, 2010.
Jimmy, Elwood. Terrance Houle : Iinniiwahkiimah. Ottawa, Galerie 101 / Gallery 101, 2010.
L'Hirondelle, Cheryl. RE:counting Coup : KC Adams, Jordan Bennett, James Luna, Archer Pechawis, Lisa
Reihana. Toronto, A Space, 2010.
Watson, Petra. Lawrence Paul Yuxwelupton : Neo-Native Drawings and Other Works. Vancouver, Contemporary
Art Gallery, 2010.
Alteen, Glenn. Rebecca Belmore : Making Always War. Calgary Alta: Stride Gallery, 2009.
Bear, Margaret. Dean Drever's Bear Hunt. Toronto, Toronto Sculpture Garden, 2009.
Bose, Chris and Jordan Strom. Tania Willard : Claiming Space. Kamloops BC: Kamloops Art Gallery, 2009.
Dyck, Sandra, Ingo Hessel and Drew Armour. Sanattiaqsimajut : Inuit Art from the Carleton University Art Gallery
Collection. Ottawa, Carleton University Art Gallery, 2009.
Hara, Makiko and Daina Warren. Cosmologies : Anything that Exists Has a Beginning : Jason Baerg, Dana
Claxton, Lewis deSoto, Richard Tawhanga Kereopa. Vancouver, Centre A, 2009.
LaVallee, Michelle. Wally Dion. Regina, Mackenzie Art Gallery, 2009.
Rice, Ryan. Hochelaga : Revisité = Revisited. Montréal, MAI Montréal arts interculturels, 2009.
Rice, Ryan. Scout's Honour. London Ont: Museum London, 2009.
Turner, Michael and Jennifer Papararo. Landscape. Vancouver, Contemporary Art Gallery, 2009.
Willard, Tania et Skeena Reece. Beat Nation : Hip Hop as an Indigenous Culture = Le hip-hop en tant que
culture autochtone. Ottawa, SAW Gallery, 2009.
Augaitis, Daina, Kathleen Ritter and Robert Houle. Rebecca Belmore : Rising to the Occasion.Vancouver,
Vancouver Art Gallery, 2008.
Barreda, Rodrigo. Julieta Maria, Eduardo Menz, Lynn Murray : Awaiting your Return. Toronto, Gallery 44, 2008.
Beavis, Lynn, Sherry Farrell Racette and Catherine Mattes. Izhizkawe : To Leave Tracks to a Certain
Place. Montréal, FOFA Gallery Concordia University, 2008.
LaVallee, Michelle. Captured : A Look at Portraiture. Regina, Mackenzie Art Gallery, 2008.
Liss, David et al. Kent Monkman : the Triumph of Mischief. Hamilton, Art Gallery of Hamilton, 2008.
Martin, Lee-Ann et al. Bob Boyer : Le travail d'une vie = His Life's Work. Regina, Mackenzie Art Gallery, 2008.
Mattes, Cathy. Crème moitié moitié : les oeuvres de Marjorie Beaucage, Claire Marchand, Colette Jacques,
Sherry Farrell Racette = Crème moitié moitié :the Works of Marjorie Beaucage, Claire Marchand, Colette
Jacques, Sherry Farrell Racette. Winnipeg, La Maison des artistes visuels francophones, 2008.
Rice, Ryan. Anthem : Perspectives on Home and Native Land = Hymne : Points de vue sur la terre de nos
aieux. Ottawa, Carleton University Art Gallery, 2008
Rice, Ryan. How : Engagements with the Hollywood Indian. Toronto, A Space Gallery; Trinity Square Video;
ImagineNATIVE Media Arts Festival, 2008.
Rice, Ryan. Lore : Duane Linklater, Tania Willard, Jason Lujan. Lennoxville, Foreman Art Gallery, 2008.
Baker, Joe and Gerald McMaster, eds. Remix : New Modernities in a Post-Indian World. Washington, NMAI;
Smithsonian Institution; Phoenix, Heard Museum, 2007.
Dahle, Sigrid and Stephen Foster. Dominique Rey : Selling Venus // Cherie Stocken : Converge. Kelowna,
Alternator Gallery, 2007.
Devine, Bonnie, Robert Houle et Duke Redbird. Les dessins et peintures de Daphne Odjig : une exposition
rétrospective. Ottawa, Musée des beaux-arts du Canada / National Gallery of Canada, 2007.
Devine, Bonnie, Robert Houle and Duke Redbird. The Drawings and Paintings of Daphne Odjig : A
Retrospective Exhibition. Ottawa, Musée des beaux-arts du Canada / National Gallery of Canada, 2007.
Drouin, Daniel. Inuit : une sélection d'oeuvres du Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec. Québec, Musée
national des beaux-arts du Québec, 2007.
Frasca, Elisabetta, Nancy Mithlo et Ryan Rice. Lori Blondeau, Shelley Niro : The Requickening Project. Venice,
Università di Venezia, [2007?].
Jimmy, Elwood. 21. Toronto, A Space Gallery, 2007.
Lakes, Erika, Ayla Joe and Julienne Ignace. Overstepped Boundaries : Powerful Statements by Arboriginal
Artists in the Permanent Collection. Kamloops, Kamloops Art Gallery, 2007.
Lambertson, Kristen. Undiscovered : New Art from the Thompson-Nicola Regional District. Kamloops, Kamloops
Art Gallery, 2007.
LaVallee, Michelle. Re/Translation. Toronto, A Space; Open Studio, 2007.
Augaitis, Daina, Lucille Bell and Nika Collison. Raven Travelling : Two Centuries of Haida Art. Vancouver,
Vancouver Art Gallery, 2006.
Brody, J.J. et al. Essays on Native Modernism : Complexity and Contradiction in American Indian Art.
Washington, National Museum of the American Indian; Smithsonian Institution, 2006.
Burnham, Clint, Jessica Morgan and Edgar Schmitz. Brian Jungen. Rotterdam, Witte de With, 2006.
Campbell, Nancy. Annie Pootoogook. Toronto, The Power Plant, 2006.
Gilley, Brian Joseph. Becoming Two-Spirit : Gay Identity and Social Acceptance in Indian Country. Lincoln,
University of Nebraska Press, 2006.
Grande, John K. and Ryan Rice. Glenna Matoush : Requicken. Ottawa, Carleton University Art Gallery, 2006.
Hill, Richard William. Wagon Burner, This! Princess Moonrider That! : Maria Hupfield, Terrance Houle. Toronto, A
Space, 2006.
McMaster, Gerald et al. Vision, Space, Desire : Global Perspectives and Cultural Hybridity. Washington, National
Museum of the American Indian; Smithsonian Institution, 2006.
Zepp, Norman. The Williamson Collection of Inuit Art. Regina, Mackenzie Art Gallery, 2006.
Augaitis, Daina et al. Brian Jungen. Vancouver, Vancouver Art Gallery; Douglas & McIntyre, 2005.
Bailey, Jann L.M. et al. Rebecca Belmore : Fountain. Kamloops, Kamloops Art Gallery, 2005.
Cardinal, Carolyn. We Do It For Our Children. Regina, Mackenzie Art Gallery, 2005.
Fisher, Jean, Mark Diaper and John Leslie, eds. The American West. Warwickshire, Compton Verney, 2005.
Fisher, Kyra Vladykov. Guide to Kimmirut Artists, 2005-2006. Kimmirut, Municipality of Kimmirut, 2005.
Lalonde, Christine and Natalie Ribkoff. ItuKiagâtta! : Inuit Sculpture from the Collection of the TD Bank Financial
Group. Ottawa, Musée des beaux-arts du Canada / National Gallery of Canada, 2005.
Lalonde, Christine et Natalie Ribkoff. ItuKiagâtta! : Sculptures inuites de la collection du Groupe Financier
Banque TD. Ottawa, Musée des beaux-arts du Canada / National Gallery of Canada, 2005.
Lowe, Truman T. and Paul Chaat Smith. James Luna : Emendatio. Washington, National Museum of the
American Indian, 2005.
Martin, Lee-Ann. Au fil de mes jours. Québec, Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec, 2005.
Townsend, Martha, Candice Hopkins and Dana Claxton. Transference, Tradition, Technology : Native New
Media Exploring Visual and Digital Culture. Banff, Walter Phillips Gallery, 2005.
Belmore, Michael. Frank Shebageget, Greg Staats : Remote Access. Toronto, A Space, 2004.
Bourgeois, Gail. Active Ground = Le fin fond. Ottawa, Ont., Galerie d’art de l’hôtel de ville d’Ottawa / Ottawa City
Hall Art Gallery, 2004.
Landry, Paul et al. Histoire des Amériques : "Nous venons en paix...". Montréal, Musée d'art contemporain de
Montréal, 2004.
Lemecha, Vera, ed. MAWA : Mentoring Artists for Women's Art : Culture of Community. Winnipeg, Mentoring
Artists for Women's Art, 2004.
Lupien, Jocelyne et Jean-Philippe Uzel. Willie Cole, Ron Noganosh, Richard Purdy : Double Jeu : Identité et
culture. Québec, Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec, 2004.
Martin, Lee-Ann. A History Lesson : Contemporary Art from the Collection of the MacKenzie Art Gallery. Toronto,
Museum of Contemporary Canadian Art, 2004.
Martin, Lee-Ann. Making a Noise! Aboriginal Perspectives on Art, Art History, Critical Writing and Community.
Banff, Banff International Curatorial Institute, 2004.
Martin, Lee-Ann. Divergences : Rebecca Belmore, Shelley Niro. Regina, Mackenzie Art Gallery, 2004.
Meier, Rhonda L. et. al. Nadia Myre : Contract. Montréal, Dark Horse Productions, 2004.
Ryan, Leslie Boyd, Darlene Coward Wight and Napachie Pootoogook. Napachie Pootoogook.Winnipeg,
Winnipeg Art Gallery, 2004.
Smith, Paul Chaat. Faye HeavyShield : Blood. Lethbridge, Southern Alberta Art Gallery, 2004.
Tesner, Linda Brady. Encounters : Contemporary Native American Art. Portland, Ronna and Eric Hoffman Gallery
of Contemporary Art, Lewis and Clark College, 2004.
Warren, Daina. Charlene Vickers, Judy Chartrand : Two/many Tribulations. Vancouver, Grunt Gallery, 2004.
Baert, Renee. Frank Shebageget. Ottawa, Galerie d'art d'Ottawa / Ottawa Art Gallery, 2003.
Dault, Gary Michael and Monika Kin Gagnon. Aiko Suzuki : Selected Works from 1973 to the Present. Toronto,
Gendai Gallery, 2003.
Forget, Normand, Lise Labrie et Christopher Varady-Szabo. Résidence : Terre à terre = Residency : Down to
Earth. L'Annonciation, Boréal Art/Nature, 2003.
Franklin, David, ed. Treasures of the National Gallery of Canada. Ottawa, Musée des beaux-arts du Canada /
National Gallery of Canada; New Haven, CT, Yale University Press, 2003.
Franklin, David, sous la dir. Trésors du Musée des beaux-arts du Canada. Ottawa Ottawa, Musée des beauxarts du Canada / National Gallery of Canada; New Haven, CT, Yale University Press, 2003.
Garneau, David. After the Grain Elevator : Re-imaging the Prairie Icon. Prince Albert, Art Gallery of Prince Albert,
Garneau, David. Transcendent Squares. Regina, Rosemont Art Gallery, 2003.
Garvey, Susan Gibson. Dualities : Contemporary Works from the Permanent Collection. Halifax, Dalhousie Art
Gallery, 2003.
Grassi, Valérie. Transmission Présences, 2003 : Glenna Matoursh, Margaret Orr, Sheila Orr, Jean-Pierre
Pelchat. Val-d'Or, Centre d'exposition de Val-d'Or, 2003.
Inuit Gallery of Vancouver : Spring 2003. Vancouver, Inuit Gallery of Vancouver, 2003.
Morin, Peter. Gord Hill, Tania Willard : 2400 An Indian Odyssey. Vancouver, Grunt Gallery, 2003.
Rendez-vous 2003 : 56e congrès annuel de l'AMC = Rendez-vous 2003 : CMA 56th Annual Conference.
Ottawa, Association des musées canadiens / Canadian Museums Association, 2003.
Robertson, Carmen. Other Space : 6 Degrees of Exploration. Regina, Rosemont Art Gallery, 2003.
Settler, Faye. Festival of Baker Lake Prints : 1970 - 1990. Winnipeg, Upstairs Gallery, 2003.
Townsend, Melanie, ed. Beyond the Box : Diverging Curatorial Practices. Banff, Banff Centre Press; International
Curatorial Institute; Walter Phillips Gallery, 2003.
Townsend-Gault, Charlotte and James Luna. Rebecca Belmore : The Named and the Unnamed. Vancouver,
Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery University of British Columbia, 2003.
The University of Lethbridge : The Art Collection. Lethbridge, University of Lethbridge Art Gallery, 2003.
Wight, Darlene Coward. The Jerry Twomey Collection at the Winnipeg Art Gallery : Inuit Sculpture from the
Canadian Arctic. Winnipeg, Winnipeg Art Gallery, 2003.
Aceves, Gabriela, ed. Power to the People : Contemporary Art Forum Kitchener .02. Kitchener, Contemporary
Art Forum Kitchener, 2002.
Alteen, Glenn. Dana Claxton, Robert Kozinuk, Tim Lee : Vancouver Video. Vancouver; Venice, Grunt Gallery,
Arnold, Grant et al. Liz Magor. Vancouver, Vancouver Art Gallery; Toronto, s.n., 2002.
Arratia, Euridice, Jen Budney and Franklin Sirmans. Americas Remixed. Milan, Artshow Edizioni; Silvana
Editoriale, 2002.
Aw, Eugénie R. et al. Carole Simard-Laflamme : Habit Habitat Habitus. Trois-Rivières, Éditions d'art Le Sabord,
Brass, Reona. Sâkêwêwak : Animate Objects : The Grammar of Craft... Regina, Sâkêwêwak Artists’ Collective,
Brousseau, Raymond et al. Inuit : Quand la parole prend forme. Grenoble, Glénat; Lyon, s.n., 2002
Brousseau, Raymond et al. Inuit : When Words Take Shape. Grenoble, Glénat; Lyon, s.n., 2002.
Butler, Sheila et al. The Language Hotel. St. Norbert, St. Norbert Arts Centre, 2002.
Charbonneau, Chantal, sous la dir. Définition de la culture visuelle V : Mondialisation et postcolonialisme.
Montréal, Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal, 2002.
Deadman, Patricia and Debra Prince. Between You and Me. London, Museum London, 2002.
Eden, Xandra and Philip Monk. Brian Jungen, Myfanwy MacLeod, Damian Moppett : Bounce // David
Armstrong-Six, Germaine Koh, Nestor Krüger : In Through the Out Door. Toronto, The Power Plant, 2002.
Gagnon, Monika Kin and Richard Fung, eds. Thirteen Conversations About Art and Cultural Race Politics.
Montréal, Artextes Editions, 2002.
Giard, Guy et al. Guy Giard : Angélique 1734. Montréal, Guy Giard, 2002.
Gibson, Jennifer. Leanne L'Hirondelle : Utopia. Winnipeg, Gallery 1C03; University of Winnipeg, 2002
Guibert, Andreas and Catherine Phoenix. Fringe Dwellers : Electrons Outside the Vacuum. Halifax, Centre for Art
Tapes, 2002.
Jessup, Lynda and Shannon Bagg, eds. On Aboriginal Representation in the Gallery. Hull, Musée canadien des
civilisations / Canadian Museum of Civilization, 2002.
Kelly, George and Kathleen Bartels. Vancouver Art Gallery Annual Report 2002. Vancouver, Vancouver Art
Gallery, 2002.
L'Hirondelle, Leanne. No X Plain Nation. Winnipeg, Winnipeg Art Gallery, 2002.
Leach, Kate. Kingait Currents : Leading Sculptors of Cape Dorset. Vancouver, Inuit Gallery of Vancouver, 2002.
Lopez, Barry and Ann Thomas. Mark Ruwedel : Written on the Land. North Vancouver, Presentation House
Gallery, 2002.
Maab, David et al. Critical Home Video. Peterborough, Artspace, 2002.
Margo, Deborah and Ryan Rice. Karen Henderson // Frank Shebageget. Ottawa, Galerie 101 / Gallery 101,
Martin, Lee-Ann. Mapping Our Territories. Banff, Banff Centre Press, 2002.
Martin, Lee-Ann. Sherry Farrell Racette : Illustrative Images. Regina, Mackenzie Art Gallery, 2002.
Mattes, Catherine. Gatherings : Aboriginal Art from the Collection of the Winnipeg Art Gallery. Winnipeg,
Winnipeg Art Gallery, 2002.
Murray, Joan and Carl Beam. Carl Beam : The Whale of Our Being. Oshawa, Robert McLaughlin Gallery, 2002.
Musiol, Marie-Jeanne. Denis Lessard : Diptyques. Québec, Vu, 2002.
Niro, Shelley et al. ImagineNATIVE. Toronto, V Tape; ImagineNATIVE Media Arts Festival, 2002.
Podedworny, Carol, Simon Frank and Dave Hind. Dave Hind, Simon Frank : Entitled. Burlington, Burlington Art
Centre, 2002.
Reid, Chris and Melanie Townsend. Quoting Commercialism. Banff, Banff Centre Press; Brandon, s.n., 2002.
Reid, Stuart et al. Tom Benner : Cruising the Margins. London, McIntosh Gallery, University of Western Ontario,
Thomas, Catherine, ed. The Edge of Everything : Reflections on Curatorial Practice. Banff, Banff Centre Press,
Thorne, Kika et al. Video Ground Zero. Toronto, V Tape, 2002.
A Viewer's Guide : The Winnipeg Art Gallery Collects. Winnipeg, Winnipeg Art Gallery, 2002.
Warren, Daina and Robert Burke. Robert Burke : Aboriginal Immersion : Obscuring the Lines. Vancouver, Grunt
Gallery, 2002.
Watson, Scott and Lindsay Brown. Brian Jungen. Vancouver, Contemporary Art Gallery, 2002.
Wong, Paul. Leaks : Beneath the Surface : Video Art from British Columbia. Halifax, Centre for Art Tapes, 2002.
Acland, Joan Reid. Artistes des premières nations au Canada : Un guide biographique/bibliographique : 1960 à
1999 = First Nations Artists in Canada : A Biographical/Bibliographical Guide : 1960 to 1999. Montréal, Institut de
recherche en art canadien Gail et Stephen A. Jarislowsky / Gail and Stephen A. Jarislowsky Institute for Studies
in Canadian Art, 2001.
Alteen, Glenn and Brice Canyon. Live : Biennial of Performance Art. Vancouver, Live, Biennial of Performance
Art, 2001.
Armstrong, Janet C. et al. Valley 2000 : A Photographic Record of Life in the Okanagan. Kelowna, Kelowna Art
Gallery, 2001.
Bell, Michael. Robert Houle's Palisade. Ottawa, Carleton University Art Gallery, 2001.
Billings, Terry, Charles Fox and Bart Gazzola. Writing for Electronic Media. Saskatoon, Video Vérité Artist
Centre, 2001.
Brown, Lorna et al. Oboro 2001-2002. Montréal, Oboro, 2001.
Dion, François et al. Bearings : Four Photographic Essays = Bearings : Quatre essais photographiques. Ottawa,
Galerie 101 / Gallery 101, 2001.
Fischer, Barbara, Dot Tuer and Jessie Caryl. Rebecca Belmore : 33 Pieces. Mississauga, Blackwood Gallery,
Fortin, Jocelyne. Youri Blanchet, Danielle Boutet, Lise Labrie : De l'étrange à l'énigmatique. Rimouski,
Musée régional de Rimouski, 2001.
Garvey, Susan Gibson. Dalhousie Art Gallery : Annual Report 2000 - 2001. Halifax, Dalhousie Art Gallery, 2001.
Garvey, Susan Gibson. Stories of the Spirit : The Films of Catherine Martin. Halifax, Dalhousie Art Gallery, 2001.
Genest, Suzie et Lise Bonenfant. Vidéo Femmes : Répertoire. Québec, Vidéo Femmes, 2001.
Grande, John K. Jouer avec le feu : Armand Vaillancourt : Sculpteur engagé. Outremont, Lanctôt, 2001.
Griffiths, Nan et al. Prix du Gouverneur général en arts visuels et en arts médiatiques 2001 = Governor
General's Awards in Visual and Media Arts 2001. Ottawa, Canada Council / Conseil des Arts du Canada, 2001.
Hill, Tom, Lucy R. Lippard and Ron Noganosh. Ron Noganosh : It Takes Time. Ottawa, Galerie d'art d'Ottawa /
Ottawa Art Gallery; Brantford, s.n., 2001.
Holubizky, Ihor and Jim Kalnin. Jim Kalnin : Stream. Kelowna, Kelowna Art Gallery, 2001.
House Guests : Contemporary Artists in the Grange. Toronto, Art Gallery of Ontario / Musée des beaux-arts de
l'Ontario, 2001.
Marriott, John, Scott Pittendrigh and Timothy Long. A Better Place. Regina, Mackenzie Art Gallery, 2001.
McMaster, Gerald, Daniel David Moses and Shelley Niro. Shelley Niro : Unbury My Heart. Hamilton, McMaster
Museum of Art, 2001.
Medecine, Dr. Bea and Glenn Alteen. Ablakela : A Performance Work by Dana Claxton. Vancouver, Grunt
Gallery, 2001.
Morose, Edward. Henri Robideau : Big Stories. Saskatoon, Photographers Gallery, 2001.
Oko, Andrew. Exploring the Collection : Prevalent Concerns. Kamloops, Kamloops Art Gallery, 2001.
Pottle, Barry et Ryan Rice. Transitions 2 : L'art contemporain des Indiens et des Inuits du Canada.
Ottawa, Affaires indiennes et du Nord Canada / Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, 2001.
Poulin, Daniel et al. Forêt-Frontière : Une action art/nature = Forêt-Frontière : An Art/Nature Action.
L'Annonciation, Boréal Art / Nature, 2001.
Regier, Edith, ed. Passing Pictures with Prisoners. Winnipeg, Mentoring Artists for Women's Art, 2001.
Reid, Stuart and Carol Podedworny. Land Mark : The Paintings of Robert Houle and John Abrams. Waterloo,
University of Waterloo, 2001.
Ruben, Abraham Anghik and Darlene Coward Wight. Abraham Anghik Ruben. Winnipeg, Winnipeg Art Gallery,
Sewid-Smith, Daisy et al. Land, Relationship and Community : A Symposium. North Vancouver, Presentation
House Gallery, 2001.
Singer, Beverly R. Wiping the War Paint Off the Lens : Native American Film and Video. Minneapolis, University
of Minnesota Press, 2001.
Thomas, Jeffery. Jeffery Thomas : Scouting for Indians. Peterborough, Artspace, 2001.
Vancouver Art Gallery : Art Auction 2001 : Catalogue of Works. Vancouver, Vancouver Art Gallery, 2001.
Verna, Gaëtane et al. In Situ. Lennoxville, Galerie d'art de l'Université Bishop's / Art Gallery of Bishop's
University, 2001.
Warren, Daina. Barbara Marchand & Kevin McKenzie : Elements of Tradition. Vancouver, Grunt Gallery, 2001.
Warren, Dains. Peter Morin : "These are my creations," says Crow... Vancouver, Grunt Gallery, 2001.
Watson, Petra. Lawrence Paul Yuxweluptun : Colour Zone. Toronto, Mercer Union, 2001.
Wherry, Cathi Charles. Earthly Gestures. Victoria, Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, 2001.
Yaffe, Richard L. et al. The Winnipeg Art Gallery Annual Report 2000-2001. Winnipeg, Winnipeg Art Gallery,
Anand, Anita, Daphne Sabanes Plou et Meena M. Shivdas. Femmes et médias à travers le monde pour le
changement social. Montréal, Les éditions du remue-ménage; New York?, s.n., 2000.
Anderson, Jack. Generation Next (1). Regina, Rosemont Art Gallery, 2000.
Les cahiers de la Galerie B-312 : Édition 1999-2000 : Coffret no 4. Montréal, Galerie B-312, 2000.
Couillard, Lucie et al. Traversée du siècle. s.l., Mouvement Desjardins, 2000.
Keeper, Debby and Debra Prince. The Iskwew Festival : The Feminine Indigenous Film & Video : October 10 15, 2000. Winnipeg, Urban Shaman Inc., 2000.
Canyon, Brice, ed. Live at the End of the Century : Aspects of Performance Art in Vancouver. Vancouver, Grunt
Gallery; Visible Arts Society, 2000.
Lion, Jenny, ed. Magnetic North : Canadian Experimental Video. Minneapolis, Walker Art Center, 2000.
Martin, Lee-Ann. Sheila Orr. Regina, Mackenzie Art Gallery, 2000.
Martin, Lee-Ann, Bob Boyer and Edward Goodbird. The Powwow : An Art History. Regina, Mackenzie Art
Gallery, 2000.
Martin, Lee-Ann and Morgan Wood. Exposes : Æsthetics of Aboriginal Erotic Art = Risqué : Esthétique de l'art
érotique autochtone. Ottawa, Galerie d'art d'Ottawa / Ottawa Art Gallery, 2000.
Racette, Sherry Farrell. Sherry Farrell Racette : Dolls for Big Girls. Regina, Rosemont Art Gallery, 2000.
Reading, Nigel. Amulets to Art II : An Exhibition of Arctic Jewellery. Vancouver, Spirit Wrestler Gallery, 2000.
Sioui Durand, Guy. Arboretum : Biennale d'art actuel : Édition 2000. Sainte-Foy, Maison Hamel-Bruneau, 2000.
Smith, Paul Chatt and Richard Ray Whitman. Richard Ray Whitman : The Presence of our Absence. Banff,
Walter Phillips Gallery, 2000.
Stallabrass, Julian et al. Locus Solus : Site, Identity, Technology in Contemporary Art. London, Black Dog
Publishing, 2000.
Todd, Loretta. The Travelling Alter Native Medecine Show. Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay Art Gallery, 2000.
Wyatt, Gary. Tim Paul : New Moon : Celebrating the Cycles of the Nuu-chah-nulth Moon. Vancouver, Spirit
Wrestler Gallery, 2000.
Anderson, Jack. Bob Boyer : Timelessness. Regina, Rosemont Art Gallery, 1999.
Bédard, Catherine et al. Jane Ash Poitras, Rick Rivet : Osopikahikiwak. Paris, France, Les Services culturels de
l'Ambassade du Canada à Paris, 1999.
Clair, Jean, sous la dir. Cosmos : Du romantisme à l'avant-garde. Montréal, Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal /
The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, 1999.
Clair, Jean, ed. Cosmos : From Romanticism to the Avant-garde. Montréal, Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal /
The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, 1999.
Forgues, Julie. Gerry Collins : Cacophonie / Potlach 99. Moncton, Galerie Sans Nom, 1999.
Fortin, Sylvie. Ron Noganosh : It Takes Time. Ottawa, Galerie d'art d'Ottawa / Ottawa Art Gallery, 1999.
Fragnito, Skawennati Tricia. Blanket Statements. Banff, Walter Phillips Gallery, 1999.
Heon, Laura Stewart, Peggy Diggs and Joseph Thompson. Billboard : Art on the Road : A Retrospective
Exhibition of Artists' Billboards of the Last 30 Years. Cambridge, MIT Press; North Adams, s.n., 1999.
Hill, Lynn. The Traveling Alter Native Medicine Show : An Exhibition by Janice Toulouse-Shingwaak and Leonard
Beam. Vancouver, Grunt Gallery, 1999.
Hill, Lynn, Patricia Deadman and Marrie Mumford. Staking Land Claims. Banff, Banff Centre Press, 1999.
Hill, Lynn and Shelley Niro. Celebrate a Vision. Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay Art Gallery, 1999.
Ignace, Marianne, Ron Ignace and Gerald Etienne. Re tsúwet.s re Secwepemc : The Things We Do. Kamloops,
Kamloops Art Gallery; Secwepemc Cultural Education Society, 1999.
Langford, Martha. Richard Billingham, Anna Fox : Interior Britannia. Montréal, Saidye Bronfman Centre for
the Arts / Centre des Arts Saidye Bronfman, 1999.
Madill, Shirley et al. Robert Houle : Sovereignty Over Subjectivity. Winnipeg, Winnipeg Art Gallery, 1999.
Manning, Harvey. Concrete Warriors. Toronto, Art Metropole, 1999.
Norton, Derek. Fusion : Tradition & Discovery : A Celebration of Shared and Cross-Cultural Experiences.
Vancouver, Spirit Wrestler Gallery, 1999.
O'Neill, Mora Dianne. At the Great Harbour : 250 Years on the Halifax Waterfront. Halifax, Art Gallery of Nova
Scotia, 1999.
Oko, Andrew. Spiritual Landscapes : Recent Paintings by Bob Boyer. Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay Art Gallery,
Reading, Nigel. Lukta : Master Artist of Cape Dorset : A Rare Exhibition of Sculpture. Vancouver, Spirit Wrestler
Gallery, 1999.
Ryan, Allan J. and Peter Blue Cloud. The Trickster Shift : Humour and Irony in Contemporary Native Art.
Vancouver, University of British Columbia Press; Seattle, WA, s.n., 1999.
Spahan, Rose M. et al. Embrace the Visionaries : Salish Art Exhibition. Richmond, Richmond Art Gallery, 1999.
Watt, Virginia. Art inuit : Un patrimoine pour le futur = Inuit Art : A Heritage for the Future. Montréal, Guilde
canadienne des métiers d'art Québec / Canadian Guild of Crafts Quebec, 1999.
Wyatt, Gary. Mythic Beings : Spirit Art of the Northwest Coast. Vancouver, Spirit Wrestler Gallery; Douglas &
McIntyre, 1999.
Zavediuk, Melanie. Inuit Gallery of Vancouver : Horizons. Vancouver, Inuit Gallery of Vancouver, 1999.
Bradley, Jessica et Lesley Johnstone, sous la dir. Réfractions : Trajets de l'art contemporain au
Canada. Montréal, Éditions Artextes; Bruxelles, La Lettre volée, 1998.
Cartwright, Jennifer. The Arctic Lithograph : Inuit Prints from the Collection of Carleton University Art
Gallery. Ottawa, Carleton University Art Gallery, 1998.
Claiming Ourselves : iyiniwak anohc : Educator's Resource Guide. Rev. ed. Saskatoon, Mendel Art Gallery,
Clark, Janet. The Helen E. Band Collection of First Nations Art : From the Permanent Collection of the Thunder
Bay Art Gallery. Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay Art Gallery, 1998.
Clark, Janet and Jerry Evans. Jerry Evans : Msit No'kmaq : All my Relations. Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay Art
Gallery, 1998.
Coyote, Ivan Elizabeth et al. Halfbred. Vancouver, Grunt Gallery, 1998.
Gibson, Jennifer and Bradley Hunter. Creation and Continuity : Inuit Art from the Shumiatcher
Collection. Regina, Mackenzie Art Gallery, 1998.
Graff, Terry et John K. Grande. Armand Vaillancourt : Le Chant des peuples = Armand Vaillancourt : Song of the
Nations. Charlottetown, Confederation Centre Art Gallery and Museum, 1998.
Joseph, Robert, Peter L. Macnair and Bruce Grenville. Down from the Shimmering Sky : Masks of the Northwest
Coast. Vancouver, Douglas & McIntyre; Vancouver Art Gallery, 1998.
Kenny, Lorraine and Louis Ogemah. Louis Ogemah : Regeneration. Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay Art Gallery,
Lickers, Cynthia and Lisa Steele. Imagine Native : Aboriginally produced Film and Video. Toronto, Aboriginal Film
and Video Art Alliance of Ontario; V Tape, 1998.
Mastai, Judith and Glen E. Cumming. Christos Dikeakos : Sites and Place Names & Recent Works. North York,
Art Gallery of North York, 1998.
Mathew Saviadjuk. Vancouver, Spirit Wrestler Gallery, 1998.
McMaster, Gerald, ed. Reservation X : The Power of Place in Aboriginal Contemporary Art. Fredericton, Goose
Lane; Hull, Canadian Museum of Civilization / Musée canadien des civilisations, 1998.
Metcalfe, Robin. Dressing Down. Oakville, Oakville Galleries, 1998.
Neel, David and Andrew Hunter. David Neel : Living Traditions. Kamloops, Kamloops Art Gallery, 1998.
Rushing III, W. Jackson. Teresa Marshall : A Bed to the Bones. Vancouver, Contemporary Art Gallery, 1998.
Stebbins, Joan, et al. Gwen MacGregor : Fold it up and put it away : Fernie's Curse. Lethbridge, Southern
Alberta Art Gallery, 1998.
Wyatt, Gary. Premonitions : Artists Exploring the Possibilities. Vancouver, Spirit Wrestler Gallery, 1998.
Young Man, Alfred. North American Indian Art : It's a Question of Integrity. Kamloops, Kamloops Art Gallery,
Ace, Barry et July Papatsie. Transitions : L'art contemporain des Indiens et des Inuits du Canada = Transitions :
Contemporary Canadian Indian and Inuit Art. Ottawa, Ministre de Travaux publics et Services gouvernementaux
Canada, 1997.
Bagg, Shannon. Making Art Work in Cape Dorset. Ottawa, Carleton University Art Gallery, 1997.
Berens, Keith. Greg Staats : Portraiture : a Personal View. Winnipeg, Floating Gallery, 1997.
Bois, Yve-Alain Rosalind E. Krauss. Formless : A User's Guide. New York, Zone Books, 1997.
Cardinal-Schubert, Joane and Kathryn Burns. Joane Cardinal-Schubert : Two Decades. Calgary, Muttart Public
Art Gallery, 1997.
Clark, Janet. Teresa Marshall : Band Stands. Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay Art Gallery, 1997.
Crosby, Marcia and Paul Chaat Smith. Faye HeavyShield, Shelley Niro, Eric Robertson : Nations In Urban
Landscapes. Vancouver, Contemporary Art Gallery, 1997.
Enduring Vision : An Exhibition of Northwest Coast Native Art. Vancouver, Inuit Gallery of Vancouver, 1997.
Grande, John K. Art, nature et société. Montréal, Écosociété, 1997.
Halfe, Louise B. James Luna : Surreal, Post-Indian, Subterranean Blues Experience. Saskatoon, AKA Artist's
Centre, 1997.
Madill, Shirley and Gordon Bennett. Breaking Borders. St. Norbert, St. Norbert Arts and Cultural Centre, 1997.
Sioui Durand, Guy. L'art comme alternative : Réseaux et pratiques d'art parallèle au Québec 1976-1996.
Québec, Éditions Intervention, 1997.
Weston, Wendy. First Nations : Fine Weavers. Burlington, Burlington Art Centre, 1997.
1996 Video Reference Guide Catalogued by V/Tape. Toronto, V Tape, 1996.
Alibhai, Amir Ali et al. George Littlechild. Surrey, Surrey Art Gallery, 1996.
Arnold, Grant et al. Topographies : Aspects of Recent B.C. Art. Vancouver, Vancouver Art Gallery, 1996.
Clifford, James. Malaise dans la culture : L'ethnographie, la littérature et l'art au XXe siècle. Paris, École
nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts, 1996.
Kaine, Élisabeth et Guy Sioui Durand. Sonia Robertson : Arbre sacré. Chicoutimi, Galerie Séquence, 1996.
Lickers, Cynthia and Warren Arcan. Sharing the Cultural Experience : A Comprehensive Guide of First Nations
Film and Video. Toronto, V Tape; Aboriginal Film and Video Art Alliance of Ontario, 1996.
McMaster, Gerald. Portraits from the Dancing Grounds. Ottawa, Galerie d'art d'Ottawa / Ottawa Art Gallery,
McMaster, Gerald and Mary Longman. Mary Longman : Traces. Kamloops, Kamloops Art Gallery, 1996.
Mooney, Pat Roy and Jeannette Armstrong. The Commodification of Life. London, McIntosh Gallery, University
of Western Ontario, 1996.
Sioui Durand, Guy et al. Métissages. Saint-Jean-Port-Joli, Centre de sculpture Est-Nord-Est, 1996.
Belanger, Lance et Lucy R. Lippard. Lance Belanger : Tango. Ottawa, Galerie d'art d'Ottawa / Ottawa Art Gallery,
Hill, Lynn A. AlterNative : Contemporary Photo Compositions. Kleinburg, McMichael Canadian Collection / La
Collection McMichael d'art canadien, 1995.
Joseph Muscat : Indigene, Drawings & Paintings, 1995. [Toronto?], Joseph Muscat, 1995.
Neumaier, Diane, ed. Reframings : New American Feminist Photographies. Philadelphia, Temple University
Press, 1995.
Payne, Carol. Histoires déplacées. Ottawa, Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography / Musée canadien
de la photographie contemporaine, 1995.
Payne, Carol. Displaced Histories. Ottawa, Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography / Musée canadien
de la photographie contemporaine, 1995.
Skol : Livret de programmation, 1994-1995. Montréal, Centre des arts actuels Skol, 1995.
Townsend-Gault, Charlotte, Scott Watson and Lawrence Paul Yuxweluptun, eds. Lawrence Paul Yuxweluptun :
Born to Live and Die on Your Colonialist Reservations. Vancouver, Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery,
University of British Columbia, 1995.
Valaskakis, Gail Guthrie and Marilyn Burgess. Princesses indiennes et Cow-Girls : Stéréotypes de la frontière =
Indian Princesses and Cowgirls : Stereotypes from the Frontier. Montréal, Oboro, 1995.
Vitart, Anne, Beaulieu, sous la dir. Les Indiens Montagnais du Québec : Entre deux mondes. Paris, Musée de
l'Homme ; Québec, Éditions Sépia, 1995.
Augaitis, Daina and Dan Lander, eds. Radio Rethink : Art, Sound and Transmission : Selected Survey of Radio
Art in Canada, 1967-1992. Banff, Walter Phillips Gallery, 1994.
Beaucage, Marjorie. ...Here Are Your Instructions : Aboriginal Film and Video. Saskatoon, Mendel Art Gallery,
Belmore, Florene and Lee-Ann Martin. Rebecca Belmore : Wana-na-wang-ong. Vancouver, Contemporary Art
Gallery, 1994.
Boyer, Bob and Alfred Young Man. Allen Sapp : Kiskayetum : A Retrospective = Allen Sapp : Kiskayetum : Une
rétrospective. Regina, MacKenzie Art Gallery, 1994.
Bradley, Jessica and Lesley Johnstone, eds. Sight Lines : Reading Contemporary Canadian Art. Montréal,
Éditions Artextes, 1994.
Clark, Janet. Faye HeavyShield : She : A Room Full of Women. Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay Art Gallery, 1994.
Dunlap, Carol. The Culture Vulture : A Guide to Style, Period, and Ism. Washington, Preservation Press, 1994.
Durham, Jimmie. Marginal Recession : An Installation by Edward Poitras. Regina, Dunlop Art Gallery, 1994.
Grande, John K. Balance : Art and Nature. Montréal, Black Rose Books, 1994.
Gustavison, Susan. Arctic Expressions : Inuit Art and the Canadian Eskimo Arts Council, 1961-1989. Kleinburg,
McMichael Canadian Collection / La Collection McMichael d'art Canadien, 1994.
Haydon, Mary et al. Patiently I Sing : Selections from the Tyler/Brooks Collection of Inuit Art. Ottawa, Carleton
University Art Gallery, 1994.
Henry, Victoria, Shelley Niro and Greg Staats. From Iceberg to Iced Tea. Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay Art Gallery;
Ottawa, Carleton University, 1994.
Hickey, Gloria A., ed. Making and Metaphor : A Discussion of Meaning in Contemporary Craft. Hull, Musée
canadien des civilisations / Canadian Museum of Civilization; Institute for Contemporary Canadian Craft, 1994.
Leroux, Odette, Minnie Aodla Freeman et Marion E. Jackson, sous la dir. Femmes artistes inuit : Échos de Cape
Dorset. Hull, Musée canadien des civilisations / Canadian Museum of Civilization, 1994.
Leroux, Odette, Minnie Aodla Freeman and Marion E. Jackson, eds. Inuit Women Artists : Voices from Cape
Dorset. Hull, Musée canadien des civilisations / Canadian Museum of Civilization, 1994.
Martin, Lee-Ann. Alex Janvier : Negotiating the Land. Saskatoon, Mendel Art Gallery, 1994.
Renwick, Arthur. Faye HeavyShield : Into the Garden of Angels. Toronto, The Power Plant, 1994.
Sioui Durand, Guy et al. Sur les traces de Diane Robertson, 1960-1993. Montréal, Paje Éditeur, 1994.
Baert, Renee, ed. Territories of Difference. Banff, Walter Phillips Gallery, 1993.
Balz, Suzan Dionne et al. La constitution d'une nation = The Constitution of a Nation. Montréal, Articule, 1993.
Bell, Michael. Kanata : Robert Houle's Histories. Ottawa, Carleton University Art Gallery, 1993.
Blache, Pierre et Louis Jacob. Du fait d'appartenir : Aspects de la photographie québécoise et canadienne.
Montréal, Vox Populi, 1993.
Canadian Inuit Sculpture. Ottawa, Affaires indiennes et du Nord Canada / Indian and Northern Affairs Canada,
Canadian Museum of Civilization, ed. In the Shadow of the Sun : Perspectives on Contemporary Native Art. Hull,
Musée canadien des civilisations / Canadian Museum of Civilization, 1993.
Cardinal-Schubert, Joane and Sylvie Gilbert. Margo Kane : Memories Springing : Waters Singing. Banff, Walter
Phillips Gallery, 1993.
Cardinal-Schubert, Joane, Kerri Sakamoto and Larissa Lai. As Public As Race : Margo Kane, James Luna, Paul
Wong. Banff, Walter Phillips Gallery, 1993.
Doxtater, Deborah et al. Revisions. Banff, Walter Phillips Gallery, 1992.
Durham, Jimmie. A Certain Lack of Coherence : Writings on Art and Cultural Politics. London, Kala Press, 1993.
Greenfield, Valerie and Tom Mill. Portraits of Thayendanegea, Joseph Brant. Burlington, Burlington Cultural
Centre, 1993.
Hallas, Nancy and Kevin Lynn. 1992 Video Annual. Guelph, Ed Video Media Arts Centre, 1993.
Marsden, Scott. Beyond 1992 : Experiments in Cross-Cultural Collaboration. Toronto, A Space, 1993.
Martin, Lee-Ann. Domingo Cisneros : Sky Bones. Saskatoon, Mendel Art Gallery, 1993.
Martin, Lee-Ann, Robert Houle and Alex Janvier. The Art of Alex Janvier : His First Thirty Years, 1960-1990.
Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay Art Gallery, 1993.
Metcalfe, Robin, Tom Smart and Terry Graff. Terry Graff : Ecotopia : Season of Return. Sackville, Struts Gallery,
Petty, Sheila. Inventions of Nation. Regina, MacKenzie Art Gallery, 1993.
Point, Susan. Building a New Partnership : International Year of the World's Indigenous People = Vers un
nouveau partenariat : Année internationale des populations autochtones. Ottawa, Affaires indiennes et du Nord
Canada / Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, 1993.
Roy, Francine, Félix Atencio-Gonzales et Vincent Carelli. Regards Amérindiens : Dossier d'accompagnement :
Tournée pan-canadienne de vidéos des Premières Nations. S.l., Vidéo Tiers-Monde, 1993.
La sculpture inuit canadienne. Ottawa, Affaires indiennes et du Nord Canada / Indian and Northern Affairs
Canada, 1993.
Clark, Janet and Jane Ash Poitras. Who Discovered the Americas : Recent Work by Jane Ash Poitras. Thunder
Bay, Thunder Bay Art Gallery, 1992.
Goodes, Donald and Alfred Young Man. Jeff Funnell : Notes from the Inquest. Lethbridge, Southern Alberta Art
Gallery, 1992.
Groupe de travail sur les musées et les Premières nations. Tourner la page : Forger de nouveaux partenariats
entre les musées et les Premières Nations : Rapport du Groupe de travail sur les musées et les Premières
Nations = Turning the Page : Forging New Partnerships Between Museums and First Peoples : Task Force
Report on Museums and First Peoples. Ottawa, Association des musées canadiens / Canadian Museums
Association; Assemblée des Premières Nations / Assembly of First Nations, 1992.
Grynsztejn, Madeleine. Deborah Small : Our Bodice, Our Selves. Cambridge, MIT List Visual Arts Center, 1992.
Houle, Robert and Curtis J. Collins. Hochelaga : Installation multi-média de Robert Houle = Hochelaga : A MultiMedia Installation by Robert Houle. Montréal, Articule, 1992.
Linsley, Robert and Verena Auffermann. Jeff Wall : The Storyteller. Frankfurt am Main, Museum für Moderne
Kunst, 1992.
Loring, Stephen. Esprits du Nord : Choix d'oeuvres d'art inuit, Collection du National Museum of Natural History,
Smithsonian Institution = Northern Spirits : Selected Works of Inuit Art, from the Collection of The National
Museum of natural History, Smithsonian Institution. Washington, Art Gallery of the Canadian Embassy / La
Galerie d'art de l'Ambassade du Canada, 1992.
Maracle, Dennis et al. First Nations Performance Series. Vancouver, Grunt Gallery, 1992.
McMaster, Gerald et Lee-Ann Martin, sous la dir. Indigena : Perspectives autochtones contemporaines. Hull,
Musée canadien des civilisations / Canadian Museum of Civilization, 1992.
McMaster, Gerald and Lee-Ann Martin, eds. Indigena : Contemporary Native Perspectives. Hull, Musée
canadien des civilisations / Canadian Museum of Civilization, 1992.
Moray, Gerta, Mary Laronde and David Kilgour. Suzy Lake : Authority is an Attribute, Part II. Guelph, MacDonald
Stewart Art Centre, 1992.
Nemiroff, Diana, Robert Houle et Charlotte Townsend-Gault. Terre, esprit, pouvoir : Les Premières Nations au
Musée des beaux-arts du Canada. Ottawa, Musée des beaux-arts du Canada / National Gallery of Canada,
Nemiroff, Diana, Robert Houle and Charlotte Townsend-Gault. Land, Spirit, Power : First Nations at the National
Gallery of Canada. Ottawa, Musée des beaux-arts du Canada / National Gallery of Canada, 1992.
Podedworny, Carol, Greg Staats and Jeffrey Thomas. Greg Staats, Jeffrey Thomas : Perspectives from Iroquoia.
Toronto, Gallery 44, 1992.
Rhodes, Richard. Carl Beam : The Columbus Boat. Toronto, The Power Plant, 1992.
Scoates, Christopher et al. Green Acres : Neo-Colonialism in the U.S. St. Louis, Washington University Gallery
of Art, 1992.
Tétreault, Pierre-Léon et al. Nouveaux Territoires : 350/500 ans après : Une exposition d'art aborigène
contemporain au Canada. Montréal, Ateliers Vision planétaire, 1992.
Tétreault, Pierre-Léon et al. New Territories : 350/500 Years After : An Exhibition of Contemporary Aboriginal Art
of Canada. Montréal, Ateliers Vision planétaire, 1992.
Turnauer, Christine Frank Horvat. Portraits. Calgary, APas Publishing, 1992.
Wallace, Keith, Christos Dikeakos and Patricia A. Berringer. Christos Dikeakos : Sites and Place Names.
Vancouver, Contemporary Art Gallery, 1992.
Wight, Darlene Coward. Drawings and Sculpture from Baker Lake : Inuit Art on the Mezzanine. Winnipeg,
Winnipeg Art Gallery, 1992.
Wood, Morgan, Ingrid Jenkner and Bob Boyer. Works from the Bob Boyer Children's Collaborative Project.
Regina, Dunlop Art Gallery, 1992.
Wyman, Max, ed. Vancouver Forum 1 : Old Powers, New Forces. Vancouver, Douglas & McIntyre, 1992.
Augaitis, Daina et al. Between Views. Banff, Walter Phillips Gallery, 1991.
Bouchard, Jacqueline. Manifestations of Ethnicity in Contemporary Amerindian Art. Toronto, Toronto Semiotic
Circle, Victoria College in the University of Toronto, 1991.
Clark, Janet and Robert Houle. Benjamin Chee Chee : The Black Geese Portfolio and Other Works. Thunder
Bay, Thunder Bay Art Gallery, 1991.
Debassige, Blake et al. Political Landscapes #2 : Sacred and Secular Sites : An Exhibition of Work by Thirteen
Artists from Two Communities. Owen Sound, Tom Thomson Memorial Art Gallery, 1991.
Dempsey, Hugh A. Treasures of the Glenbow Museum. Calgary, Glenbow-Alberta Institute, 1991.
Douglas, Stan, ed. Vancouver Anthology : The Institutional Politics of Art (A Project of the Or Gallery).
Vancouver, Talonbooks, 1991.
Gagnon, Louis. Espaces inuit : Dessins et Sculptures. Sainte-Foy, Maison Hamel-Bruneau, 1991.
Hessel, Ingo et al. Visions of Power : Contemporary Art by First Nations, Inuit and Japanese Canadians. Toronto,
The Earth Spirit Festival, 1991.
Kidd, Elizabeth et al. Constructing Cultural Identity : Jin-me Yoon, Bob Boyer, Liz Magor. Edmonton, Edmonton
Art Gallery, 1991.
Ryan, Allan J. and Gerald McMaster. The Cowboy/Indian Show : Recent Work by Gerald McMaster = Le
spectacle cowboy/indien : Oeuvre récente de Gerald McMaster. Kleinburg, McMichael Canadian Collection / La
Collection McMichael d'art canadien, 1991.
Wight, Darlene Coward et al. Le premier collectionneur passionné : La Collection d'art inuit Ian Lindsay = The
First Passionate Collector : The Ian Lindsay Collection of Inuit Art. Winnipeg, Winnipeg Art Gallery, 1991.
Colo, Papo et al. Hachivi Edgar Heap of Birds : Claim Your Color. New York, Exit Art, 1990.
Fischer, Barbara. Re-Enactment : Between Self and Other : Carl Beam, Panya Clark, Stan Douglas, Janice
Gurney, Barbara Lounder, Lani Maestro. Toronto, The Power Plant, 1990.
Halpin, Marjorie M. Our Chiefs and Elders : Photographs by David Neel, Kwagiutl. Vancouver, University of
British Columbia Museum of Anthropology, 1990.
Itter, Carole. Carole Itter : Western Blue Rampage. Vancouver, Contemporary Art Gallery, 1990.
MacDonald, George F., Stephen Alsford and Douglas Cardinal. The Canadian Museum of Civilization :
Photographs by Malak = Le Musée canadien des civilisations : Photographies par Malak. Hull, Musée canadien
des civilisations / Canadian Museum of Civilization, 1990.
Madill, Shirley et al. Robert Houle : Indians From A to Z. Winnipeg, Winnipeg Art Gallery, 1990.
Paquet, Claire et al. Perdre de vue : Album. Montréal, Éditions Trois ; Contaminations ; Galerie Skol, 1990.
Trevelyan, Amelia et al. Why do you call us Indians? Gettysburg, Gettysburg College Art Gallery, 1990.
Video Out 1990 Distribution. Vancouver, Satellite Video Exchange Society, 1990.
Wight, Darlene. Manasie : The Art of Manasie Akpaliapik. Winnipeg, Winnipeg Art Gallery, 1990.
Blodgett, Jean et al. La collection McMichael d'art canadien. Kleinburg, McMichael Canadian Collection / La
Collection McMichael d'art canadien, 1989.
Blodgett, Jean et al. The McMichael Canadian Art Collection. Kleinburg, McMichael Canadian Collection/La
Collection McMichael d'art canadien, 1989.
Danford, Joanne P. From Periphery to Centre : The Art of Susan and Krista Point. Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay Art
Gallery, 1989.
DeMott, Barbara and Maureen Milburn. Beyond the Revival : Contemporary North West Native Art. Vancouver,
Charles H. Scott Gallery, 1989.
Duffek, Karen and Tom Hill. Beyond History. Vancouver, Vancouver Art Gallery, 1989.
Duffek, Karen and Lyle Wilson. Lyle Wilson : When Worlds Collide. Vancouver, University of British Columbia
Museum of Anthropology, 1989.
Lipsett, Katherine. Spoken in Stone : An Exhibition of Inuit Art. Banff, Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies,
Maracle, Brian and Jacqueline Fry. Decelebration : Bear, Belanger, Cisneros, Clair, Noganosh. Ottawa, Om niiak
Native Arts Group, 1989.
Nasby, Judith M. Contemporary Inuit Drawings = Dessins Inuit contemporains. Guelph, Macdonald Stewart Art
Centre, 1989.
Podedworny, Carol. Woodlands : Contemporary Art of the Anishnabe. Calgary, Alan Dunning, 1989.
Teitelbaum, Matthew. Edward Poitras : Indian Territory. Saskatoon, Mendel Art Gallery, 1989.
Brody, Anne and Vivien Johnson. Clifford Possum Tjapaltjarri : Paintings 1973-1986. London, Institute of
Contemporary Arts, 1988.
Charlie Kittusuk (Kittosuk) : Sanikiluaq. Winnipeg, Upstairs Gallery, 1988.
Christian Assiniwi : Promotion d'art autochtone = Christian Assiniwi : Native Art Promotion. Hull, s.n., 1988.
Cook, Cynthia Waye. Inuit Sculpture in the Collection of the Art Gallery of York University. Toronto, Art Gallery of
York University, 1988.
Duffek, Karen. Bob Boyer : A Blanket Statement. Vancouver, University of British Columbia Museum of
Anthropology, 1988.
Jackson, Marion E. and Drew Armour. Parr : His Drawings. Halifax, Art Gallery, Mount Saint Vincent University,
Krueger, Pamela and Yvonne Maracle ODE'MIN : Contemporary Native Art, Crafts and Photography. Sudbury,
Laurentian University Museum and Arts Centre / Le Musée et Centre des Arts de l'Université Laurentienne,
McAlear, Donna and Mary-Beth Laviolette. Drawing Out the Form : Lynda Gammon, Walter May, Louise
Noguchi, Edward Poitras. Calgary, Nickle Arts Museum, 1988.
Moore, William and Charles McCrea Peacock. The Northwest : A Collector's Vision : An Exhibition of Native Art
of the Pacific Northwest Coast from the Peacock Collection. Barrie, Barrie Art Gallery, 1988.
Nungak, Zebedee et Arima, Eugene. Inuit Stories : Povungnituk = Légendes inuit : Povungnituk. Hull, Musée
canadien des civilisations / Canadian Museum of Civilization, 1988.
Podedworny, Carol and Anne-Marie Blouin. Domingo Cisneros : Le bestiaire laurentien = Domingo Cisneros :
Laurentian Bestiary. Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay Art Gallery, 1988.
Saucier, Céline. Image inuit du Nouveau-Québec. Montréal, Fides; Québec, s.n., 1988.
La sculpture inuit canadienne = Canadian Inuit Sculpture. Ottawa, Affaires indiennes et du Nord Canada / Indian
and Northern Affairs Canada, 1988
Walsh, Meeka. Elizabeth Angrnaqquaq : Wall Hangings. Winnipeg, Upstairs Gallery, 1988.
Walsh, Meeka. Luke Anguhadluq : Baker Lake Prints and Drawings, 1970-1982. Winnipeg, Upstairs Gallery,
Cinader, Bernhard. Manitoulin Island : The Third Layer. Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay Art Gallery, 1987.
Donaldson, Marjory. Inuit Art in the UNB Collection. Fredericton, The Art Centre, The University of New
Brunswick, 1987.
Fetherling, Doublas, ed. Documents in Canadian Art. Peterborough, Broadview Press, 1987.
Ness, Kim G. The Art Collection of McMaster University : European, Canadian and American Paintings, Prints,
Drawings and Sculpture. Hamilton, McMaster University Press, 1987.
Podedworny, Carol and Allen Angeconeb. Allen Angeconeb : Ahneesheenahpay Still Life. Thunder Bay, Thunder
Bay Art Gallery, 1987.
Podedworny, Carol and Helen Wassegijig. Helen Wassegijig : To Catch a Vision. Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay Art
Gallery, 1987.
Podedworny, Carol. Eight from the Prairies, Part One. Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay Art Gallery, 1987.
Ritchie, Lou and Suzette L'Abbé. The Sculpture of Henry Evaluardjuk. Montréal, Eskimo Art Gallery, 1987.
Wight, Darlene and George Swinton. The Swinton Collection of Inuit Art. Winnipeg, Winnipeg Art Gallery, 1987.
Wight, Darlene. Winnipeg Collects : Inuit Art from Private Collections. Winnipeg, Winnipeg Art Gallery, 1987.
Williamson, Robert G. and Norman Zepp. The Williamson Collection of Inuit Sculpture. Regina, Mackenzie Art
Gallery, 1987.
Bick, John and Carol Podedworny. Thunder Bay Art Gallery : The Permanent Collection. Thunder Bay, Thunder
Bay Art Gallery, 1986.
Une culture en plein essor : Une exposition de nouvelles acquisitions = Ascending Culture : An
Exhibition of Recent Acquisitions. Ottawa, Affaires indiennes et du Nord Canada / Indian and Northern Affairs
Canada, 1986.
Duffek, Karen. Bill Reid : Beyond the Essential Form. Vancouver, University of British Columbia Museum of
Anthropology, 1986.
Halpin, Marjorie M. and Jack Shadbolt. Jack Shadbolt and the Coastal Indian Image. Vancouver, University of
British Columbia Press; University of British Columbia Museum of Anthropology, 1986.
Inuit Art Bibliography : Inuit Art Section. Ottawa, Indian Affairs and Northern Development Canada, 1986.
Mainprize, Garry. Stardusters : Oeuvres récentes de Jane Ash Poitras, Pierre Sioui, Joane Cardinal-Schubert,
Edward Poitras = Stardusters : New Works by Jane Ash Poitras, Pierre Sioui, Joane Cardinal-Schubert, Edward
Poitras. Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay Art Gallery, 1986.
Moore, Charles H. and K.J. Butler. Keeveeok, Awake! : Mamnguqsualuk and the Rebirth of Legend at Baker
Lake = Keeveeok, Réveillez-vous! : Mamnguqsualuk et la renaissance de la légende à Baker Lake. Edmonton,
Boreal Institute for Northern Studies, University of Alberta / Institut boréal des études du nord, Université de
l'Alberta, 1986.
Podedworny, Carol. Arthur Schilling. Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay Art Gallery, 1986.
Podedworny, Carol and Rick Hill. Portraits : Paintings and Photographs by Rick Hill. Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay
Art Gallery, 1986.
Webb, Marshall. The Spirit of the Land. North York, Koffler Gallery, 1986.
Zepp, Norman. Une vision pure : L'esprit du Keewatin = Pure Vision : The Keewatin Spirit. Regina, Mackenzie
Art Gallery, 1986.
Bedford, June et al. Mohawk Micmac Maliseet and Other Indian Souvenir Art from Victorian Canada. London,
Canada House Cultural Centre Gallery, 1985.
Cinader, B. The Birch Bark Sings. Oakville, Oakville Galleries, 1985.
Driscoll, Bernadette, Robert McGee, and George Swinton. Uumajut : Animal Imagery in Inuit Art. Winnipeg,
Winnipeg Art Gallery, 1985.
Hill, Richard and Tom Hill. Pow Wow Images : An Exhibition of Photographs by Jeffrey Thomas. Thunder Bay,
Thunder Bay Art Gallery, 1985.
2e Salon national des galeries d'art. Montréal, Salon national des galeries d'art, 1984.
Gray, Viviane et al. Aboriginal Realities = Réalités amérindiennes. S.l., s.n., 1984.
Lipton, Barbara, Helga Goetz and Marybelle Myers. Arctic Vision : Art of the Canadian Inuit. Ottawa, Canadian
Arctic Producers Ltd / Les Producteurs de l'Arctique canadien Limitée, 1984.
McLuhan, Elizabeth and Mary Zoccole. Waabanda - Iwewin : Northwestern Ontario Juried Indian Art Show.
Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay Art Gallery, 1984.
1er Salon national des galeries d'art. Montréal, Salon national des galeries d'art, 1983.
Aarons, Anita et al. From Our Hands : An Exhibition of Native Hand Crafts. Toronto, Ontario Crafts Council,
Blodgett, Jean. Grasp Tight the Old Ways: Selections from the Klamer Family Collection of Inuit Art. Toronto, Art
Gallery of Ontario / Musée des beaux-arts de l'Ontario, 1983.
Cinader, Bernhard et al. The McMichael Canadian Collection. Kleinburg, McMichael Canadian Collection / La
Collection McMichael d'art canadien, 1983.
Farrell-Ward, Lorna et al. Vancouver : Art and Artists, 1931-1983. Vancouver, Vancouver Art Gallery, 1983.
Hodgson, Julie et al. Rapport sur la conférence sur l'art inuit à l'intention des conservateurs et des spécialistes,
tenue au Centre des conférences du gouvernement à Ottawa les 15 et 16 septembre 1982. Ottawa, Affaires
indiennes et du Nord Canada / Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, 1983.
Latocki, Barbara, ed. Baffin Island. Winnipeg, Winnipeg Art Gallery, 1983.
McLuhan, Elizabeth and Mary Zoccole. Wigwas : Bark Biting by Angelique Merasty. Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay
Art Gallery, 1983.
Zepp, Norman. The Rose Collection of Inuit Sculpture. Regina, Norman Mackenzie Art Gallery, 1983.
Bebbington, Julia M. Quillworks of the Plains = Le "travail aux piquants" des Indiens des Plaines. Calgary,
Glenbow-Alberta Institute, 1982.
Driscoll, Bernadette et al. Inuit Myths, Legends and Songs. Winnipeg, Winnipeg Art Gallery, 1982.
Houle, Robert et al. New Work by a New Generation. Regina, Norman Mackenzie Art Gallery, 1982.
Hall, Edwin S. Junior, Margaret B. Blackman and Vincent Rickard. Northwest Coast Indian Graphics : An
Introduction to Silk Screen Prints. Vancouver, Douglas & McIntyre, 1981.
Hawley, Carolyn. Wood Transformed : A Travelling Exhibition. Toronto, Ontario Crafts Council, 1981.
Ho, Rosa. The Inuit Sea Goddess. Surrey, Surrey Art Gallery, 1981.
Lumsden, Ian G. Inuit Print Collection = Collection d'estampes inuit. Fredericton, Beaverbrook Art Gallery,
Dominique, Richard et Jean-Guy Deschenes. Bibliographie thématique sur les Montagnais-Naskapi. Québec,
Direction générale du Patrimoine, Ministère des Affaires culturelles, 1980.
Swinton, Nelda. La déesse inuite de la mer = The Inuit Sea Goddess. Montréal, Musée des beaux-arts de
Montréal / The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, 1980.
Watt, Virginia J., Helga Goetz et Marybelle Myers. Collection permanente d'art et d'artisanat inuit, circa 19001980. Montréal, Guilde canadienne des métiers d'art Québec / Canadian Guild of Crafts Quebec, 1980.
Young, David R. Northwest Renaissance. Burnaby, Burnaby Art Gallery, 1980.
Arnheim, Rudolf et al. Canadian Perspectives : A National Conference on Canadian Photography. S.l., s.n.,
Halpin, Marjorie M. Cycles : The Graphic Art of Robert Davidson, Haida. Vancouver, University of British
Columbia Museum of Anthropology, 1979.
Lord, Barry. La Survie : Région de l'Atlantique : Oeuvres de 16 artistes des provinces de l'Atlantique = Survival
Atlantic Style : Works by 16 Artists from the Atlantic Provinces. Halifax, Art Gallery, Mount Saint Vincent
University, 1979.
Routledge, Marie. Inuit Art in the 1970's = L'art inuit actuel : 1970-1979. Kingston, Agnes Etherington Art Centre,
Macfarlane, Nathalie and Stephen Inglis. Norman Tait : Nishga Carver. Vancouver, University of British Columbia
Museum of Anthropology, 1977.
Taylor, William E. et Helga Goetz. The Inuit Print = L'estampe inuit. Ottawa, National Museums of Canada /
Musées nationaux du Canada, 1977.
Carter, David Giles and Léo Rosshandler. Cultures du soleil et de la neige : L'art des Indiens et des Esquimaux
du continent américain = Cultures of the Sun and the Snow : Indian and Eskimo Art of the Americas. Montréal,
Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal / The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, 1973.
Deyell, Daniel. Eskimo Prints and Sculpture. Regina, Norman Mackenzie Art Gallery, 1972.
Swinton, George. Eskimo Fantastic Art. Winnipeg, Gallery 1.1.1., University of Manitoba, 1972.
Brochu, Michel. Esquimaux, peuple du Québec. Québec, Musée du Québec, 1966.
Cooke, Edwy F. and Douglass Burns Clarke. Sir George Williams University Collection of Art. Montréal, Sir
George Williams University, 1960.
Préparée par / Prepared by : John Latour, Jessica Hébert, Hui­yi Chan Montréal, Artexte, 2014