Histoire des arts : dernière partie


Histoire des arts : dernière partie
Histoire des arts : dernière partie
Histoire du son.
Webquest en Français et en Anglais :
Voici une chanson parmi d’autres, elle s’appelle « When I’m 64 »,
 en voici les paroles
 http://www.mp3lyrics.org/b/beatles/when-im-64/print.htm
 et l’histoire sur Wikipedia.
 Lisez ceci et racontez une de ces anecdotes en Français.
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Paul McCartney wrote the music for this when he was about 15, and used to play
it when The Beatles were still known as The Quarrymen. He put lyrics to it later
in honor of his father's 64th birthday.
McCartney wrote and sang the lead vocals on this song which asks if a woman
will still be with him when he got older, when he was 64 years old. On May 17,
2006, Paul and his then wife, Heather Mills, separated, finalizing the divorce in
2008. McCartney turned 64 on June 18, 2006, so the answer to his musical
question with regards to Mills, would be no.
John Lennon said of this: "I would never even dream of writing a song like that."
George Martin arranged this in the style of a 1920's big band, which came to be
known as "retro-rock." McCartney's vocal was sped-up a bit to add to the effect.
This was the first song recorded for Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.
Maintenant voici un clip réalisé en 2007, il illustre parfaitement le
sens de cette chanson.
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